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Master and slaves(me and kittycat and woodenzebra and tragic dragon eyes )

Alison just looked down as she sighed" I'm fine" she say as she hugged her master she wanted to go back home Monica family hates her as she just was playing with her fingers she saw the scar she had she didn't tell her what was really wrong she lied" I'm fine there nothing wrong with me" she lied to her master
Monica didn't pay a second thought to Alison's answer but she did feel a little different like something was messing with her thinking process Monica shook the thought away she got up and went to the balcony and opened its doors " it was getting a little clammy in here" Monica said (sorry My wifi crashed)
Alison got up from the bed something different was different from Monica she was worried" master are you ok" she asked" I want to help" she told her afraid what will happen next she was ready to leave she left the room bumping into the mom" hello ma'am" she faking to be nice she hated her Monica was acting strange she was scared to go to the dungeon where she went with Monica" what did you do to my master" she asked (it's okay)
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She just smiled and continued to walk away as she walked away she whispered " by midnight tonight they'll all be changed" Monica went down stairs to the kitchen and got a bowl of cereal " hey how bout we go to the beach" Damon yelled as he came do the stairs Monica smiled " sure" she yell back in response she look at him and noticed his eyes were changing colors from his normal grey to the color electric blue " that's the color of lust why would his eyes be changing like that" she whispered to herself as she looked down in the spoons reflection and noticed her eyes were doing the same thing
Alison looked down as she felt danger she ran to where Emma and mason" master and her family is in trouble her mother said they will be changed by midnight we need to do something " she say worried" I don't want to go back to the acution house" she say scared" I want to help I may be 13 but I want to help please" she say as she flipped her hair from her shirt
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" don't worry Alison we'd never let anything bad happen to Monica we love her just as much as you do" Mason said while cuffing your face in his hands Emma came over and gave you a hug " you worry too much leave this to us your still a kid go to the beach with them and have fun" Emma added
Alison looked at them as she sighed a little" okay it feels like my fault I can't save anyone not even my big sister" she told them her big sister was missing ever since she became a slave at a young age " fine I go to the beach I'm not a kid I'm 13 how old are you Emma are you older than mason" she asked as she remembered something about Emma she looked like her older sister " you sure you don't know me you look like my big sister I don't know why though " she cried as she saw a birth mark like hers
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Emma froze she slowly looked at Mason " I'm just a year younger then Mason im 17 and I don't recall ever meeting you until the day Monica brought you to the manor" she lied she does remember in fact she remembers everything this caused the unbearable pain to return to her body her body started shaking and she started crying " Monica" she yelled at the top of her lungs over and over again
Alison didn't know what to do" I don't remember anything before Monica someone erased my memory so I don't remember we save Monica we will save her please let me help yea I'm a kid but I can't live without her or you or mason your my family now" she told her tearing up too" if you don't want me to help than fine I go to beach but Monica mom hates me I don't understand why though" she told her she didn't catch that Emma lied to her she only knew when Monica lie for some weird reason
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Monica rushed into the room not knowing what was wrong she looked at the floor and saw Emma shaking in Mason's arms yelling Monica crouched down next to them " hey hey I'm here shhhhh it's ok" Monica whispered gently into her ear stroking her hair " make it stop the pain please make it stop" Emma cried Monica looked at Mason and nodded Mason placed his hand over her eyes his eyes turned a bright golden color " sleep my child" he whispered Emma's breathing slowed down and mason put her in the bed tucking her in
(Love your pic)

Alison just left the room as she went to the bathroom as she slide down the door she didn't know what she was at all she just wanted to leave" who am I" she asked herself as her eyes turned red from thirst but ignored it" Monica" she say sighing as she was hiding from everyone monica mom hated her like a lot she passed out she hadn't had blood for the past week
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Monica rushed in the bathroom and pick you up " hey Alison wake up" she whispered. Monica lifted you eye lid and saw that they were red from hunger I put you down on the bed next to Emma I picked up a knife and slit my hand and opened your mouth I placed my hand over your mouth and let my blood drop into you mouth "please be ok" I whispered
Alison swallow the blood as her head wa hurting after a while she woke up" owie what happened my head hurts" she say
" nothing you just feel asleep" Monica lied " I think I'm gonna have to make you a full vampire how do you feel about that" Monica asked not really wanted to do it
alison was was shocked" i don't know master i like being human too what if i remember all about my past i don't want to "she told her as she looked at her master" do you want me full vamp" she asked her as she was blushing like crazy" will it hurt" she asked" i'm scared master i wanna go home i miss home" she say scared she just lay on her lap as she felt safe with her master" don't leave me i feel safe with you my master makes me feel good like i'm loved" she told her as she just yawned
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