A Freckled Encounter
Rachel smiled at Ash as he gave her his name, not reacting to Crazy D at all. Since yeah she couldn't see him. Her mouth opened to say something but then had to turn around to hear just about the worst speech in the world.
She looked at him and just raised a brow. Was he serious? Did he really just give her that speech? Was he like insecure or something? Upstage Atx how? be antagonistic how? Revolve things around her how? Did she look like some damsel in distress? Literally just fucking tried to keep it calm and agreed with Atx. His words started to make her blood boil. Half of what he was talking about were just assumptions on how she felt. He was trying to read into her and frankly got it wrong. She was about to just slap him across the face as he tried to turn away.
Then he started talking about himself. Granted just to try to bash on her more but she blinked. Was he alright? She took a step towards him, taking a lot of effort to be the bigger person here and stuff her pride away as his swaggered on out of him. She didn't like not having him own up to his words and actions, Maybe he was compensating for something, but hey keep the peace. Don't loose her cool. There must be a person under all that. "Hey." her voice was a little soft, "We've got a long walk I assume, you can get your answer in a second after I get one from you." She paused. "Are you ok? For real like. All of us just got dropped kicked out our real lives and into this hell hole. Are you alright? Do you need to talk to some one. I don't like you. I'll tell you that but still, I mean. We're probably the only 4 people around that can relate to well allll this." She gestured around. "I can let you call me a bitch all you want if that'll make you feel better. but really, are you ok? It's alright to be scared and its alright to be freaked out but don't take it out on us. I'll try not to take it out on you alright? Truce?" She held her hand out to him.
She looked at him and just raised a brow. Was he serious? Did he really just give her that speech? Was he like insecure or something? Upstage Atx how? be antagonistic how? Revolve things around her how? Did she look like some damsel in distress? Literally just fucking tried to keep it calm and agreed with Atx. His words started to make her blood boil. Half of what he was talking about were just assumptions on how she felt. He was trying to read into her and frankly got it wrong. She was about to just slap him across the face as he tried to turn away.
Then he started talking about himself. Granted just to try to bash on her more but she blinked. Was he alright? She took a step towards him, taking a lot of effort to be the bigger person here and stuff her pride away as his swaggered on out of him. She didn't like not having him own up to his words and actions, Maybe he was compensating for something, but hey keep the peace. Don't loose her cool. There must be a person under all that. "Hey." her voice was a little soft, "We've got a long walk I assume, you can get your answer in a second after I get one from you." She paused. "Are you ok? For real like. All of us just got dropped kicked out our real lives and into this hell hole. Are you alright? Do you need to talk to some one. I don't like you. I'll tell you that but still, I mean. We're probably the only 4 people around that can relate to well allll this." She gestured around. "I can let you call me a bitch all you want if that'll make you feel better. but really, are you ok? It's alright to be scared and its alright to be freaked out but don't take it out on us. I'll try not to take it out on you alright? Truce?" She held her hand out to him.