Enjoyer of fandom and King of Heroes
"Yes and no, while I technically have Ea there is no way Gil is going to let me use it. I could try bringing out some weapon like Merodach but using it on this wide of an area will put unnecessary strain on this body when we can just exterminate them a few at a time. What about you, do you have a way to kill them all in one fell swoop? I'm wdinatx by the way. You?"“They are Heartless, If we run from this, they are just going to attack again in bigger numbers and not just us, they’ll attack anybody, these things are like zombies, if we don’t cull their numbers then they are just going to attack others and keep growing. It would be wise to wipe out all of them.”
I suggest in favor of elimination. It was honestly better to wipe them all out, than to figuratively kick the can down the road.
“Besides if we just lure them away we might end up leading them to the nearest settlement on accident and that will mean we’ll have to travel a longer distance to reach civilization. I suppose you have a noble phantasm that could wipe them out?”
I state the facts as they are, I can't auto win here, it's not like we need to, and I'd like to learn everyone's names. I turn to the others. "I don't particularly care what plan we use as long as we have one. So do y'all plan on running, or fighting?"