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Fandom Mass Effect: Contagion Eclipse {Character Sheets}



Two Thousand Club

  • Character Sheet for Tech players
    Race: (Human, Turian, Quarian, Geth, Asari, Korgan, etc.)
    Class: (Vanguard, Sentinel, Infiltrator, etc.)
    Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)
    Sexuality: (What gender does your character find attractive?)
    Height: (How tall is your character)
    Weight: (How much does your character weigh?)
    [TD]Melee Combat[/TD]
    [TD]Defensive Capability[/TD]
    [TD]Tech Aptitude[/TD]
    [TD]Firearms Proficiency[/TD]
    [TD][Sub-class skill: Biotic/Tactical Awareness/NA][/TD]
    Weapon(s): (3 Max.)
    Power(s): (Depending on your class/sub-class, pick appropriate abilities that would fit. For example, if your class or sub-class is a biotic, then you may use warp, if you are not a biotic in any sense, then you may not use said power. 6 Max. So, 3 for one class and 3 for your sub-class if you have one.)

    Character Sheet for Biotic Characters
    Race: (Human, Turian, Quarian, Geth, Asari, Korgan, etc.)
    Class: (Vanguard, Sentinel, Infiltrator, etc.)
    Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)
    Sexuality: (What gender does your character find attractive?)
    Height: (How tall is your character)
    Weight: (How much does your character weigh?)
    [TD]Melee Combat[/TD]
    [TD]Defensive Capability[/TD]
    [TD]Firearms Proficiency[/TD]
    [TD][Sub-class skill: Tech/Tactical Awareness/NA][/TD]
    Weapon(s): (3 Max.)
    Power(s): (Depending on your class/sub-class, pick appropriate abilities that would fit. For example, if your class or sub-class is a biotic, then you may use warp, if you are not a biotic in any sense, then you may not use said power. 6 Max. So, 3 for one class and 3 for your sub-class if you have one.)

    Character Sheet for Combat Players
    Race: (Human, Turian, Quarian, Geth, Asari, Korgan, etc.)
    Class: (Vanguard, Sentinel, Infiltrator, etc.)
    Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)
    Sexuality: (What gender does your character find attractive?)
    Height: (How tall is your character)
    Weight: (How much does your character weigh?)
    [TD]Melee Combat[/TD]
    [TD]Defensive Capability[/TD]
    [TD]Tactical Awareness[/TD]
    [TD]Firearms Proficiency[/TD]
    [TD][Sub-class skill: Biotic/Tech/NA][/TD]
    Weapon(s): (3 Max.)
    Power(s): (Depending on your class/sub-class, pick appropriate abilities that would fit. For example, if your class or sub-class is a biotic, then you may use warp, if you are not a biotic in any sense, then you may not use said power. 6 Max. So, 3 for one class and 3 for your sub-class if you have one.)

  • 1000001141.jpg
    Eve Hollin
    Female, Cis-Gender
    Biotic - Vanguard

    Distinguishing Features:
    Eve has some pretty standard looking scars, the mot notable of which being the straight scar that crosses over her right cheek bone, over the temple, and to a chunk of missing ear.
    Strength3 Endurance3 Melee Combat3
    Dexterity3 Defensive Capability4 Biotic6
    Intelligence2 Firearms Proficiency4 Tactical Awareness2
    Shotgun - Avalanche
    Heavy pistol - M77 Paladin
    Assault Rifle - Crossfire Assault Rifle

    Incendiary Ammo
    Cryo Ammo
    Assault Mastery

    Eve has had an... interesting life. She was born on the human military vessel, the S.S. Cairo shortly before it was attacked by Batrian raiders. It was small, research ship, not much in the terms of defense, so an "unexpected" attack left them in bad shape. Her father was killed in the initial attack, her mother managed to survive until they boarded. She, the baby Eve, and some other survivors were all held hostage in the ship for a few weeks until a surprise visit from a mercenary ship. Some crazy krogan came looking for his only child and somehow managed to liberate the hostages. His daughter and Eve's mother were very close, and this is just a long explanation as to why Eve has a krogan grandpa. Her life really starts on the citadel, where Tamara, Eve's mother, was taken in by the krogan. They weren't rich, but they were decently comfortable. She was a pretty average kid with an annoying sense of justice that got her in more trouble than it was really worth. It was no surprise she joined the military at 18.

    If you know anything about the Alliance, you may recognize Eve. Her service record is fairly standard, she's often been stationed on her mom's research ship as protection, she was on a peace keeper task force there for a while, she's even been on a few teams digging up alien artifacts. She's been in more than her fair share of skirmishes, most notable helping commandos on Thessia deal with a large vorcha problem. Nothing has been as fame gathering as being the face of the Alliance. PR wise anyway, Even has been featured in many training and recruiting posters, videos, and other recruiting tactics in recent years. She's been distracted as of late though, waiting for her next assignment on the citadel when she got word that her mom's research vessel which has last been at Eden Prime, had lost contact with command. Any attempts Eve has made to get information is being stonewalled and she's at the end of her patience. If something doesn't change soon, she and Sarbok were going hunting.

    Making & Smoking Cigars
    Watching military movies and pointing out mistakes

    Voice Claim - Motoko from Ghost in The Shell Stand Alone Complex (Second clip with the blond voice actor)

    Eve is actively in the N7 mentorship program, and has almost completed it
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This is what her face looks like, of course she has the normal Asari fringes, however, they do gradually turn a darker blue as you go towards the back with indigo steaks that line the edges of her tendrils. She has naturally occurring dark blue face patterns and icy blue eyes.

As for her clothes, she wears the suit below
This is her helmet.
This is her armor
Formal Wear
s-l1200 (4).jpg
Name: Ve’Nalia Nyx’Mala (Just call her V)


Age: 100
Gender: Mono-Gender
Race: Asari
Class: Sentinel
Distinguishing Features:
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’4
Weight: 110 lbs

Strength2 Endurance3 Melee Combat2
Dexterity4 Defensive Capability3 Biotic6
Intelligence6 Firearms Proficiency4 [Sub-class skill: Tech/Tactical Awareness/NA]

(Disciple) Shotgun
(Phalanx Heavy) Pistol
(Hurricane) SMG

Power Armor
Lift Grenade

Backstory: Ve’Nalia was born not long after the Reaper War, but she was far too young to really remember the aftermath in any real detail and what she could remember feels like a fever dream as nearly all restoration had been completed by 2190. Ve’Nalia’s father was a Quarian named Jasin’Soto vas Sheera, not that she had a lot of time to spend with him given their short life-spans, as compared to Asari at least. Her mother was an Asari commando in her youth and actually fought in the reaper war alongside her father, it’s how they met. Sometimes she can't believe the stories her mother tells her are real but the Reapers are a matter of historical fact.s

Ve'Nalia seems to take more after her father being very intelligent and technologically savvy, but she does seem to be taking after her mother in biotic ability and talent. While she isn’t ignorant to combat, she isn’t the most physically imposing, preferring to use her wit to get her through the day. Being an Asari maiden she is driven to adventure and discovery…she just has no interest in being a stripper or a merc. On her travels, she learned to survive, to be quick and clever so of course fighting was not unknown to her, nor was she all that bad at it. However, she’d felt things were…off lately. She was in the middle of a call with a friend of her when suddenly something went wrong, the call cut out and she hadn’t heard from them since. This friend of hers had chosen to adopt the life of a merc for her maiden years so she could have been anywhere honestly, but then the distress call from the Citadel came and she had a bad and maybe superstitious feeling that they might be related so she went to enlist, after all it wouldn’t hurt to have council support if she was going to find her friend for better or worse.
Hobbies: Cooking, Learning about other cultures, Exploring, Video Games
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"Sigh... Dragged into saving the galaxy shit again? Well... If I truly wanted a quiet life, I shouldn't have become a cop."

Name: Nisanyzia "Nessa" T'Sorus
Age: 275
Gender: Monogendered
Race: Asari
Class: Engineer
Distinguishing Features: (Is there anything on your character that would help identify them?)
Sexuality: Attracted to Females mostly, would sleep with the odd male for fun though.
Height: 6ft 2in
Weight: 120ln
Strength2 Endurance2 Melee Combat1
Dexterity3 Defensive Capability4 Tech Aptitude 6
Intelligence6 Firearms Proficiency4 [Sub-class skill: Biotic] 2
  • M-12 Locust
  • Disciple
  • Serrice Council Savant omnitool
  • Overload
  • Sabotage
  • Incinerate
  • Warp
  • Push
  • Combat Drone

Nessa was born in Thessia, a pureblood child of two asari matriarchs of considerable influence, with one being on the board of directors of Armali Council and the other a consistent figure in Thessia politics. Due to the stigma behind pureblood relationship, they kept their relationship a secret even when Nessa was born, her mother claimed she was a child from a failed relationship with a Turian. Despite this the truth was revealed after a few years and it leads to controversy and the couple to split it. This caused a strained upbringing for Nessa who though it was wealthy there was always a coldness from her mother who focused on her work than her, leaving her in the care of babysitters. Worst still her mother put strict restriction to her child in attempt not embarrass her further or affect her mother's future prospect.

She was curious child growing up wanting to explore and learn but due to the limitations on her travel, she was forced to explore through the computers and the extra net. This encouraged her interest in tech, especially when it was the only means to bypass restrictions on her eventually becoming a capable hacker. It was not long before Nessa rebelled again this uprising, especially when she reached her Maiden years, fighting back against the control and demanding from her mother and caregivers. Especially as she began to feel curiosity about the galaxy outside Thessia. Eventually, just after 80th birthday, she finally struck out on her own. She used her mother's business and her tech to her advantage, sneaking into one of the companies spaceports and stowing on one of their trade ship. From there she jumped from ship to ship exploring where she may. However, soon the money she stole only went so far, and she did not have any other means but to steal more using her abilities. This eventually gained the attention of various gangs offered work for her. She enjoyed the challenge and excitement of the criminal life and thrived, earning a lot.

However, even they found herself under the thumb or others. Though initially working as hireling, jumping from gang to gang. She eventually fell fowl of a gang war forcing her to pick a side. She tried to remain neutral and as a result this was taken as being the enemy from one of the larger gang who came after her. Barely surviving an assassination attempt, she fled from the terminus system into citadel, where she was picked up by C-Sec. Already wanted for a few crimes, facing the prospect of jail. She cut a deal, offering her services at the time of rambing up tension regarding the Reaper threat. She went into training with asari commando, getting a better education on her biotics and developing her tech skill further. Eventually, when the war began, she became part of various mission throughout the galaxy and even was present in the battle of Thessia where she encountered her parents for one last time before it fell.

She survived the war despite some injuries and due to her service her criminal record was expunged. Not feeling the want to return to a life of crime, and was left unsure where to go. Not wanting to get into the business sector her combat and hacking experience give her only one option, law enforcement, she joined C-Sec and though there was some reluctance or both sides she eventually went up in the ranks eventually becoming a detective in the organized crime division where she used her experience such as relevant it was after the Repear War to help various investigations. Following the spirit than the letter of the law, she took risk and less than legal mean to get her criminal, which made her controversial but affective. Old habits die hard, and she was investigated various times for crimes of her own, but she had always found a way out so far. Despite these issues, she enjoyed what she did and finally found herself something of a settled life she did not realize she had craved. That was until a case of a smuggling gang potentially bringing in biological material crossed her desk.
Hobbies: Video games, writing, singing (very private about that), cooking
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Name: Butcher, or just Butch

Age: 38

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Solider

Distinguishing Features: An old scar running across the bridge of his nose.

Sexuality: Straight

Height: 6'3 ft

Weight: 243 lbs

Strength4 Endurance5 Melee Combat3
Dexterity3 Defensive Capability4 Tactical Awareness4
Intelligence2 Firearms Proficiency5 [Sub-class skill:

Lancer Assault Rifle
Avalanche Shotgun
Harpy Pistol

Adrenaline Burst
Combat Mastery
Concussive Shot
Incendiary Shot
Frag Grenade

Backstory: Butcher never knew exactly where he was born; he was just taken in at a young age by a group of pirates after discovering him as the only survivor on a ship floating through space that showed signs of battle. He had never thought too deeply into the matter, not caring where he was from or of any possible living family. Instead of being sold off the pirates took him in, using him as an errand boy to take on tasks or clean up around the ship. When he grew into his early teens though they gave him a chance to prove himself, showing him how to fight and use weapons. By the age of 14 he was already boarding his first ship and earning his keep. Living as a pirate was less than stellar for Butcher. Since he was still seen as the errand boy by most of the crew he earned much less than the rest and was treated less. Till the age of 26 he lived as a pirate before finally buying his way out of the crew and setting out on his own. Knowing nothing other than how to fight and use weapons, Butcher would go on to be a hired gun, offering his skills to the highest bidder. From private security to fighting on the battlefield, Butcher has jumped from job to job, conflict to conflict. Though it was much more dangerous on his own, he found a liking for the lifestyle, seeing it as carving his own paths through life. By age 35 he made a name for himself in his own corner of the galaxy, settling as a hired guard on a small colony world.

To his surprise, he found his new home to be a nice change. It was the first taste of peace he'd tasted his whole life. It took him some time to adjust properly, but after a few years, he enjoyed the simple things, the quiet days, smooth patrols around the colony, and the friendly faces. After 3 years though he received a message from an old 'friend' from his past life, calling in an old debt Butcher owed. Apparently other further out colony worlds have been having trouble and Butcher's old 'friend' had learned his son was answering the call of the Council that was looking for aid in the matter. Butcher could care less about what the Council was up to or what was plaguing other worlds, but due to his pride and sense of honor to his word, he reluctantly left his new home to take on the debt and protect the son, making sure he came back alive.

Hobbies: Reading, gun maintenance, shooting, training.

Extra: Butcher Armor
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Name: Seira (Say-ruh) Nereon aka "Ghost", she introduces herself to others and is known most commonly by Nere (Near-ee) or Ghost.
Age: 54 (typical max age is 150)
Gender: Female
Race: Turian
Class: Infiltrator
Distinguishing Features: Her carapace contains higher traces of thulium. This gives her face plate a more pronounced metallic appearance than that of other Turians. She accentuates this distinctive look with white face paint, which contrasts starkly with the metallic hues, adding to her spectral and unsettling presence.
Sexuality: Straight (though she avoids entanglements at all costs). She has no lingering attachments, keeping relationships and connections at a distance. This lack of long-term bonds is due to personal reasons that she keeps private, but it also suits her work, where being unattached allows her to operate with efficiency and clarity. Seira’s self-reliance and selective trust stem from her understanding that emotional ties can be a liability in her line of work.
Height: 5' 11" (slightly smaller than most Turians, usually over 6ft minimum)
Weight: 190
Strength3 Endurance3 Melee Combat4
Dexterity4 Defensive Capability3 Tech Aptitude 9
Intelligence1 Firearms Proficiency3 [Sub-class skill: N/A]
Weapon(s): M-29 Incisor (Sniper), M-11 Suppressor (Silenced Pistol), and Omni-blade (Melee).
Power(s): Tech Armor, Fitness, Sniper Rifles, Tactical Cloak, Sabotage, Electronics

Backstory: Seira grew up in Aroch Ward on the Citadel, amidst the vibrant lights of the Silversun Strip and the darker realities lurking beneath. Raised in a family entangled in both legitimate trade and underworld dealings, Seira learned early how to navigate between law and lawlessness. Surviving in this environment required a sharp mind and an understanding of how to use information and leverage to one’s advantage.

Seira developed a skill set focused on hacking and covert operations, and her reputation for handling delicate and dangerous jobs without leaving traces earned her the nickname “Ghost.” She became known for her ability to infiltrate secure systems, gather or manipulate data, and disappear as if she were never there. Her methods weren’t chaotic, but meticulously planned, making her a valuable asset to those needing subtle interventions.

Seira is driven by a practical understanding that sometimes maintaining stability in the galaxy requires making difficult and unacknowledged choices. She sees herself as someone willing to act where others hesitate, embracing the role of a silent operator to protect against greater threats. When the rise of the Nexus threatens the precarious balance of power, she takes on the mission out of necessity rather than idealism.

Her approach to life and her work is shaped by her belief that certain actions, while dark, are required to protect the broader good. Her motivations are rooted in her pragmatism rather than emotional attachment to causes, making her ideally suited to the hidden and often morally ambiguous tasks she undertakes.

Seira is calm, composed, and deliberate in her actions, often speaking with a dry, matter-of-fact tone. Her pragmatism makes her an effective operator in high-stakes situations, and her ability to compartmentalize emotions ensures that she remains focused on her mission. While she may seem detached, Seira values her role as a silent protector and takes her responsibilities seriously.

Hobbies: People Watching from somewhere quiet, watching the bustle of the Silversun Strip from the maintenance pathways above was a favorite growing up. Also, collecting Blasto memorabilia.

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Art by Sh0d3










Voice claim: Samuel Roukin as Simon Riley
Name: Ali Abubakar/Ajani Ishtar
Age: 39
Gender: cismale
Race: geth that transferred into a synthetic human body, it's still a part of the hivemind but somehow has a personality of its own
Class: adept
Distinguishing Features: Ali has bright blue eyes, his tone is cold in a mechanical way, he's tall, he's huge, he walks illnaturally, he has a limp
Sexuality: asexual, panromantic
Height: 6'8
Weight: slightly overweight due to his muscles
Strength4 Endurance4 Melee Combat2
Dexterity4 Defensive Capability4 Biotic4
Intelligence4 Firearms Proficiency4 N/AN/A
Weapon(s): assault rifle, sniper rifle
Power(s): stasis, biotic charge, supernova, flare, barrier, singularity
Backstory: Ali was a part of the geth hivemind, made originally in the form of your typical geth. He was one of the smarter units, cold, calm, and calculating when he became sentient, he didn't join in the fight against the quarians even though he agreed with the hive mind about it being self defense. He was nearly killed.

54 years ago, the alliance decided to experiment, a few geths were willing, but Ali was volunteered by the hivemind. He wasn't willing.


Voice claim: Blake Roman as Angel Dust

Name: Alexander Xavier Xanderlia
Age: 24
Gender: trans-male, roseboy
Race: human
Class: soldier
Distinguishing Features: his albinism and how tiny he is
Sexuality: androsexual, panromantic
Height: 4'11
Weight: 68lbs
Strength4 Endurance4 Melee Combat2
Dexterity4 Defensive Capability4 Tactical Awareness3
Intelligence5 Firearms Proficiency4 [Sub-class skill: NA]N/A
Weapon(s): assault rifle, shotgun, (Cerberus) sword
Power(s): cryo ammo, disrupter ammo, combat mastery, frag grenades, adrenaline rush, marksman
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Name: Dexter Athans

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Class: Engineer

Distinguishing Features: NA

Sexuality: Bisexual

Height: 5'10 ft

Weight: 190 lbs
Strength1 Endurance1 Melee Combat1
Dexterity3 Defensive Capability2 Tech Aptitude 10
Intelligence10 Firearms Proficiency2 [Sub-class skill: NA]
M-3 Predator pistol
M-9 Tempest Submachine gun

Combat Drone
Sentry Turret

Born to a well-respected and successful doctor, Dexter has lived a very privileged life, never wanting more and being raised in a home of great knowledge. Even as a child Dexter was far ahead of his age, excelling in his studies and tinkering with technology. He was the pride of his household, many believing he would reach even greater heights than his father one day. However, due to his earnest want to learn more and grow his mind, Dexter found himself less socially aware than others, being very easily tricked by easy-to-see lies. Along with his less-than-stellar social skills, he was never the most physically fit since he found himself inside going about his studies. Though he had a great mind his father feared his son would be easily taken advantage of by others, so he would keep a close eye on him, having a constant hired watch on him.

Even though Dexter loved nothing more than to keep to his studies, he knew he was lacking in many other things in his life that no amount of studying could fix. He would obey his father's wishes, and the wishes of others and let himself be strung along, never growing outside from his studies. Dexter knew his father as a brilliant man who had saved hundreds if not thousands of lives and wanted to do just that. The urge to leave his home and put his knowledge and skills to use, to help others as his father has. At the age of 21 though he had learned of the Council's request from outside aid in a matter concerning a new danger. Such news reminded Dexter of the stories he had learned of his father when he went away to help others. For the first time in his life, Dexter made the choice himself and set off to the Citadel to answer the call.

Hobbies: Experiments, studying, tech analysis.
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Yuzu Takahashi
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Name Elesi Liat
She is mainly a pastel blue color with her bottom jaw and the sides of her mouth being a pastel pink. She has magenta markings on her body that are best described as tiger stripes and of her eyes are a kind of golden color like in the picture above.
She’s pretty much the color of the one on the left.
Her markings look like this.
This is her outfit.
This is her armor.


Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Drell
Class: Engineer (Medic)
Distinguishing Features: She has pink markings that look kinda like tiger stripes
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’2
Weight: 105 lbs

Strength1 Endurance2 Melee Combat1
Dexterity7 Defensive Capability2 Tech Aptitude 7
Intelligence7 Firearms Proficiency3 [Sub-class skill: NA]
Tempest SMG
Suppressor Heavy Pistol
Savant Omni-tool

Assault Turret
Overload (Neural Shock)
Tactical Cloak
Team Support

Backstory: Elesi grew up on the Hanar homeworld. However, she soon grew a distaste for it as it seemed to bring her nothing but trouble. Her father was never home as he was an assassin for the Hanar Illuminated Primacy and her mother developed Kepral's Syndrome due to the planet's environment. Because of this Elesi resolved herself to become a doctor to find a cure for her mother and move off world. She landed a job on the Citadel and living there has done wonders for her mother's health but no cure in sight, it's merely staving off the inevitable but the Council was offering an urgent job with a reward, maybe the money would help with her research.

Hobbies: Reading poetry, drawing, watching Blasto and bad Turian movies…it’s her guilty pleasure.
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Misha Makarov

#Veteran (N7)

#vanguard mercenary

#Bruce Wayne

♡coded by uxie♡

In the shadows, where silence reigns and memories whisper, I search for understanding, even as the past clings to my every step.


Full Name: Mikhail Misha Makarov
Gender + Pronouns: trans-male, he+him
Age: 36
Species + Ethnicity: human, Russian
Place of Origin: small town in eastern Europe
Affiliation and Rank: veteran (former n7), current mercenary, current pirate

Face Claim: Bruce Wayne
Description: Misha has a lean, muscular build, honed from years of physical training. Standing at 6 feet tall, Misha carries an air of authority. Misha’s sharp blue eyes seem to pierce through facades, betraying little emotion beneath a stoic exterior. With short, cropped dark hair and facial stubble, Misha's demeanor is always serious, and a subtle scar above the right eyebrow hints at past altercations.

Combat and Abilities
Class: Answer
Abilities: Answer
Weapon: Answer


Misha’s analytical mind allows for quick strategic thinking and problem-solving. A lover of puzzles and logic games, Misha thrives in high-pressure situations where critical thinking is required. Years of service have taught Misha to compartmentalize feelings. While this aids in performing under pressure, it also creates a barrier to forming personal connections. Misha often struggles to express emotions, leading others to perceive them as cold or detached.

The experiences of war have left Misha with deep-seated trauma, manifesting in insomnia and flashbacks. The emotional toll occasionally surfaces in quiet moments when the walls come crashing down, exposing a vulnerable side that Misha fights to keep hidden.

Well ruthless, Misha's loyalty is unwavering. Whether to comrades in arms or a few trusted friends, Misha would go to great lengths to protect those deemed worthy. This loyalty often results in a sense of responsibility that can become overwhelming.

Misha is an expert in hand-to-hand combat, weapons handling, and survival tactics, making Misha a formidable opponent in physical confrontations.

Transitioning to an intelligence analyst, Misha excels in gathering and interpreting data, identifying patterns, and forecasting potential outcomes.

Misha possesses skills in stealth operations, making them adept at gathering intelligence without detection.

In a quest for both physical and mental discipline, Misha practices martial arts, finding solace in the routine and physical exertion.

Misha maintains a distant relationship with family due to feelings of guilt and the perception that they cannot understand the pain and sacrifices made.

Misha keeps a small circle of friends from military days, feeling an unspoken bond with those who have shared similar experiences.

Misha was born in a small town in Eastern Europe, with a childhood marked by discipline and ambition. Raised in a military family, Misha was instilled with a strong sense of duty from a young age. Enlisting in the military straight out of high school, Misha quickly rose through the ranks due to exceptional intelligence and tactical acumen. Serving multiple tours in conflict zones, Misha became a highly decorated operative, specializing in reconnaissance and intelligence gathering. He was even a N7 when he was younger (25-32)

Image Credits: DC comics

Coded by AnemoVictorious
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