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The bronze she-cat slowed to a halt as Holly approached, turning her head to meet her gaze.

”Mirage.” The agent meowed instantly after Holly first addressed her. Filling the brief break in Holly’s speech to inform the sheline of her monicker. Once Holly was beside her she began walking again.

”Indeed you were Ms. Holly... I would be charmed to. Master Trinity retired to a villa a leisure stroll from here in the Purridise residence district. He confided that he was suffering from an intense headache. He requested a soda and medication for the pain.” The bronze sheline, now known to be Mirage, explained as she walked alongside Holly.

Now outside of the cafe, you could see Funworld as a whole. Large roller coasters and rides could be seen in every direction, stretching off into the horizon. You could probably ride a new ride every day for a year. The streets were clean, pothole free, and bustling. But not packed. There was always space as Holly and Mirage walked, never needing to squeeze through a crowd or be shoulder to shoulder with any other animals.

Kits, cubs, pups, and all manners scurried about. A she-cat dressed in stereotypical western wear waved at them as they passed. Animals wore merchandise, food stands selling basic fair snacks like popcorn were dotted along their route, groups queued to take pictures, and screams filled the air. Carried aloft from riders of any of the number of rides and attractions surrounding them. The park itself, or at least this section of it, was not flat. It seemed the grounds were designed so that you could never see too far ahead of you. Obviously the coasters and towers were constantly in view, but down on ground level it almost felt like you were strolling through a cozy orchard or garden. Trees and other vegetation kept what was over the next hill or ridge a secret as you went along the winding paths. If you didn’t think about the illusion you could feel as though you were just at some local fairground in a small town.

Except the paths always had several animals on them or in sight, even with their winding nature. Cueing anyone who thought about it in that the grounds must be absolutely brimming with animals for every single road to have somebody on it. Animals raced past Holly on their way to another ride, couples or families rested on benches, or there were those engaging with one of the vending booths that were never grouped up but always in sight. And no visual trickery could change the fact that there were no open spaces that weren't in the shadow of a coaster or dedicated to another quaint strip-mall like area. For all it’s make-up this section of Funworld had no ponds or grass fields to add to the illusion that you weren’t in a city of roller coasters, drop towers, and theme park shops. As the Haven agent took her around another curve, a small residence area came into sight. Five stilt houses were built into a hill, the cobblestone path up to them closed off with a gate. A quick scan of her card and Mirage pulled it open and ushered Holly onto the estate.

“Thrills Escape 1113, this is the villa.” Mirage meowed, pointing to a 1950s modern aesthetic house. The home had large glass windows for natural light and to show off the view. But they were all currently opaque so that you couldn’t peer inside. The “Thrills Escape” residences as they were called were not substantially higher than the main path used to get to them. But they were just high enough that you could now see over the tops of the trees and marvel at the scale of the park. You wouldn’t have known it before but you could see that they were only miles from a coastline. With rides and attractions stretching all the way to it. You could also tell that the ground gently sloped downward as it went to the sea, keeping the view of the ocean clear from obstruction. Since by the time the coasters in the distance were big enough and tall enough to get in the way; the land had sloped down far enough that they were beneath your sight line. The lay of the land felt magical in the sense that, while walking the grounds you never felt like you were going up or down. Yet now that you could see more, you could see that the entire park was sloped. You could even see a bit of the cafe that the group was in, lower in elevation to where Holly was now.

Mirage lead Holly up the small pebbled path to the villa’s door. As they got close to it, the dark wood swung open for them. Pebbles gave way to hardwood flooring and the light of outside was traded for a dark interior. A modicum of light filtered through the shades but the villa’s interior remained dim. Especially since the colors within were dark browns and blacks. Trin neglected to turn on any lights either.

”If you need anything Ms. Holly, there is a phone in the kitchen directly connected to us. Enjoy any food you can find in the fridge or pantry, courtesy of the Haven agency. I will give you your privacy now.” Mirage merowed, coming to a stop just as the floor plan opened up. The villa was simple, only three rooms. A short hallway if you could call it that from the door into one large living space. The kitchen was to the left and connected to the sunken in living room with couch and hovering fireplace. To the right were frosted glass doors, with one leading to a grand bathroom and the other to a master bedroom. The villa was clearly designed with a couple in mind. The agent pointed out the fridge and pantry door before giving Holly a quick bow and making her leave.

The living room couch and kitchen were abandoned. That could be gleamed from a single look. Light flickered in the glass door leading to the bedroom, and the muffled sound of a tv could be heard from inside. Giving away where Trin was. That combined with the fact that no sound of water could be heard from the bathroom confirmed the only room he could be in was the bedroom.

Inside the master bedroom the white tom-cat could be seen lying on the bed with his eyes closed, facing away from the entrance. The bedroom’s decor was even blacker than the outer room’s. And just as with everything else, this room was simple and clean. No dressers, or shelves, or anything besides a lone chair existed to clutter the space. Just black flooring, black walls, and a black bed that made Trin stand out on it. The ”tv” wasn’t your standard hologram but rather was literally apart of the glass windows that made up two of the walls in the room. With a news cast being played on the “screen” that went from the floor to the ceiling. The volume wasn’t very loud though so you could only really hear a vague gist of what was being said. Something about Trin and something about God-ring. The scale of the tv made the newscaster almost feel like a giant with the way their face and body took up so much of the wall.

On the nightstand there was a half empty glass of some red soda. The red ones evidently Trin’s favorite flavor. And upon closer inspection you could see that the white tom was wearing a white t-shirt. Beyond that, the room was placid as a lake. The only sounds were the nearly muted tv and the soft popping of the soda’s carbonation. Nothing else was there to make anymore noise.


Penny and PIM scrunched their noses in reaction to Lizeth’s plea.

”We know. It‘s fine. This is all new to you.” Keesipip said, placing a paw on her shoulder.

”We’re not going to, do anything, to you.” The ashlander added on when it really set in that Lizeth’s behavior was as if she’d committed a cardinal sin.

”Yeah. Is’okay.” Penny meowed, lowering her face down so that the southern accented sheline would see her positive expression. The beginnings of a toothy smile showing on her muzzle.

Stalker looked at Lizeth with a raised brow but otherwise didn’t move from her position.

”Uh…” Hunter paused for a while, “The currency they use are these silver sticks with separate pieces. Kind of like a chocolate bar. There’s a microchip in each that marks them as real currency.” Hunter said, to answer Lizeth’s question.


Speed was shaken from her focus on her communication device when Streak began to wail. Her ears sought the source of the noise and for a second or two her face soured into a look of annoyance. It faded away a moment later and the acrobat slowly stood to her paws and carefully leaned off and dropped from her bed.

”Streak, we don’t do that.” Speed said in a bored tone as she padded over to the split-colored tom and sat down next to him.

”Use your words young tom. Why are you crying?” She asked, lowering and tilting her head to look at his eyes.


Deciet didn’t move an inch from Luther. Her eyes glinting playfully when he mentioned her tooth. She twitched her whiskers before dramatically biting the air just in front of him with a loud “clack.” Grinning toothily at him.

”I’d love to let you try. Once we’re off this ship.” Deciet purred back, her eyes narrowing a little. She held his gaze for a couple seconds before turning around and walking away.

”I’m going to see if they’ll let me shower.” Deciet purred over her shoulder as she padded back towards the main portion of the medical bay.


While Hal was speaking his incognito compatriot seemed to ignore him and was busy watching the news. Once he’d finished talking the animal looked at him and stared silently for a long time. Their head shifted downward a degree to examine the blood for a bit before going back to Hal.

”Second most valuable thing in the multiverse. Information… We’re getting off planet in that thing once you stop sneezing. I’m sick of this place too.” The unknown animal said, flicking their head to gesture to the race ship parked behind them.
Holly freezes for a moment, assuming that the tom is asleep. It appears to her that he is asleep from his closed eyes, which she can only see from the reflection in the telewindow. Carefully, she pads forward, creeping quietly across the floor before hopping up onto the opposite end of the bed. Even with her artificial limb, the motion is fluid and doesn't do much to move the bed, were it to move at all. Slowly she pads over to him, resting a paw on his side. "You, okay, Trin?" She'd ask, eyes flicking towards the tv for a moment before she noticed her paw wasn't moving with the tom's breaths at all.

"Trin?" The she-cat would ask, voice quiet but more urgent now as she lifts her paw and stares hard at his chest before realizing that the tom wasn't breathing. Her heartbeat picks up and her pupils widen as a surge of adrenaline hits her. Shakily she rolls him onto his back, keeping him in that position with her hindlegs on his. Quickly she pulls his t-shirt off and lowers her ear to his chest, listening for a heartbeat. It takes her a few seconds but she can just barely hear a faint and accelerated heartbeat.

"Trinity!" The she-cat yells, climbing on top of him and using her forepaws to bring his face closer to hers. Her chest expands and deflates rapidly before she quickly comes to her senses.

"Home, call for emergency services, we've got a Haven-subscriber who isn't breathing!" She'd yowl, hoping to god this place had some form of automated home assistant.

Quickly she lifts his head off the bed with her artificial limb to open up his airways and brings her muzzle to his. Quickly she begins to administer rescue breaths. She continues to do so but every now and again she'll scream for help or specifically for Mirage.

"You're not dying on us, you asshole." She hisses before moving her muzzle to his again, frantically breathing for him and intermittently listening for him to breath on his own or for his heart beat to steady.

Lizeth lifts her head and smiles back at Keesipip. "People aren't so forgiving where I'm from." She apologizes before sitting up straighter and looking at her demolished plate. "I'll be sure to tell Trin thank you for the meal." The calico would add, giving another smile before her attention is brought back to Hunter, her smile shifts ever so subtly as her heart-rate picks up a bit. "That seems like a really easy way to counterfeit." The words are moreso to herself but her eyelids lower a bit in acknowledgement and thanks to his information.

When his mom comes over to him, his muzzle frowns even more. She looks mad and he shrinks back a bit as she sits besides him and attempts to correct his behavior. "I'm scared, mom." The tom sniffles out, forcing himself to lean on her if only because nobody else is around who would hold him. "I want to go back to the big ship. I don't like it here." The tom wails again, his coat still matted with blood that isn't his own.

"Why are you mad, I don't understand."

When Deceit snaps her teeth in front of his muzzle he feels a thrill of excitement and he doesn't flinch at all. His eager ears listen to her words and he nods his head. "Let me try....? I like the sound of that." He'd trill, following shortly behind her if only to make sure she makes it past Thrush safely.

"I'll escort you there and wait outside." The tom informs, keeping behind and slightly to the left of her.

Hal sucks in another breath and sinks further into the couch. "Okay." He mews, closing his eyes for a little while, accepting his situation.
A ”bleep-bloop” chime sounded from the front of the home but otherwise no other noise was made in reaction or response to Holly’s yelling. While Trin’s body remained unresponsive.

“…It seems the common trend here is to just assume Trinity is some diabolical villain controlling the world from the shadows. But what I don’t get is why everyone is so quick to accept the narrative given to us by a DEMON. If you’re just tuning in, I want you to come with me and let‘s read in between the lines. Historians agree that a tom matching his description named Entrinity formed God-ring, and that there is ancient texts expressing that he was already really old at the time. So well assume this is the same exact tom, no clones, no body freezing, just him. So this Trinity forms God-ring, sets the foundations for it to be the most powerful collective in the multiverse and then…vanishes. Never comes back, never makes himself king, never even uses his founding status to get a free drink at a bar. Not a single record of him acting opportunistically whatsoever. Does that sound like the behavior of a control freak? Ask yourself, why found something like God-ring for power and control only to avoid it like the plague just twenty years after?... I don’t think he did it for power. I think he made God-ring for the good of us all and I’m going to show you. Over the next half hour me and my team have some juicy things to show you that we’ve been hard at working digging…”

The white tom’s lungs refused to kick back into gear in spite of Holly’s action. The pink of his ears and nose had lost a bit of their vibrancy. And his heartbeat remained faint. The feline’s body remained paradoxically easy and difficult to manipulate at the same time. Easy in the sense that there were no active muscles to impede any repositioning or moving of his body, but hard for the same exact reason. He was dead weight. A lump of fur and flesh. He was however still warm and limp. There was no stiffness to get in the way nor did he feel like a corpse.

After an unclear, relatively long, amount of time the sound of the front door opening broke the silence of the villa.

”Hello? I saw the assistance light on your door was flashing.” A voice called into the building. Hurried pawsteps signaled the approach of a lone animal. As the paw-falls reached the master bedroom door a bronze she-cat poked her head in. Their brown eyes grew larger and they immediately rushed over to the other side of the bed.

”Did he take-“ the Haven agent yanked open the nightstand drawer, ”-all of them?” She gasped in sync with the rattle of a plastic bottle, her ears perking and brows raising incredulously. She reached into the drawer with her mouth and placed the empty medicine bottle on the nightstand. Squinting to quickly read the label.

”Recommended-dosage-1-capsule-bottle-contains-21-doses. These were already the strongest we could offer too.” Mirage speed-read the bottle’s label before hopping onto the bed.

“I can take over Ms. Holly. You go get help. He’s overdosed on Distroxo-lumenol. Got that? Distroxo-lumenol, made on um, um—made on Mother Bastion.” She meowed in an urgent, but calm and confident tone of voice. Already kneeling down and inspecting Trin’s chest to see if he was breathing.
"Why would he... That sword is his most precious one, the one that heals wounds and revives him." Thistle whispers, brows pinched in confusion.

"I said nothing about giving the sword back to him, I said recover. So Mother, your polar opposite of policy and morality, would not have it anymore. That is, if she has not already thrown it into a pit on some desolate moon." Nyx says. "And to go off of what Thistle said, perhaps he meant to ask if you are actually going to help us in any way."

Thrush finally lets go of the Ashlander kittens. She looks away and wipes her face with the back of a paw. "I'm sorry." It's unclear whether she's apologizing for their sister's death or for the sudden outburst of emotion. "I'm, uh... I'm gonna go check up on Lilla." She walks over to where Purple, Malevo sit before the body of Crimson. "Hi Lilla." She begins with a sniffle, settling down next to the violet sheline. "My deepest condolences for your aunt." Thrush brushes her shoulder against Purple's, unsure of what sort of physical contact she would be comfortable with. "When I returned from that mission with your dad, your aunt was furious. I think she was about a whisker's breadth away from killing me when she found out you were sick. I was mad at her, at first. But now, I understand. I don't blame her for screaming at me. All she wanted is for you to be safe and healthy and I couldn't even do that." Thrush sighs. "I know that wherever her spirit is, it's better than here. I hope she's at peace."

Lethe's heart breaks, listening to Streak. He steps forward, in the process of lifting an arm to invite the young tom in for a hug, when Speed approaches. Lethe steps away, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Holly struggles to push down her panic as the minutes drag on with no response from the enigmatic white tom. Her heart is hammering in her chest and she feels a bit dizzy from all of the breathing she's doing for him. When Mirage renters the room, her eyes widen in shock but she doesn't say anything at first while she gathers herself mentally. She finishes the rescue breathing for a moment. "I don't know, he's like this when I got here. Gods..." The molly would trail off, getting out of the way as the bronze she-cat takes over her position. Her mind is reeling and she jumps off the bed, slipping on the sheets and falling a bit awkwardly. Not deterred she sprints into the kitchen and grabs the phone with a trembling paw.

She remembers that once, it was Speed or maybe even PIM herself who had told her that they could reach PIM by just asking for her on the phone and so she does.

"PIM," She splutters, her lip trembling as she does. "PIM, Trin's overdosign on uhh, shit, Distroxo-Lumenol in the Thrills Escape area, just up the hill. Villa one-one-one-three. Bring the lipstick and Thistle!" She stammers out, her breaths coming fast and harsh as the panic begins to overwhelm her.

Even as Lethe moves his arm down, Streak leans against the lanky tom, shaking beside him while tears and snot run down his muzzle pitifully while he looks to his mother for guidance and comfort. Neither of which having been provided yet.
”…Ms. Holly help is on the way. An agent is being sent to inform PIM and Thistle now.” A male voice that was decidedly not PIM responded after Holly finished speaking.

”An agent named Mirage was sent to your location earlier, she is a metallic brown she-cat. She is a trained first responder. Is she there? Is she helping you or do you need my assistance to render aid?” The voice on the other end of the call asked in a calm manner.


Penny gave Lizeth a sympathetic pout when she said the animals from her home weren’t as tolerable. And Lexi waved her paw in dismissal at the wastelander’s apology, in effort to show that it wasn’t necessary.

Hunter smiled back at Lizeth, glad to see her peeking back up. He had to quickly, and awkwardly gulp his mouth full beforehand though. Or else he would have smiled with a bunch of food in his maw.

Anya and Aceline were chatting back and forth, stealing glances at Stalker as they did so.

PIM nodded to Lizeth. Like she was agreeing with her. “Animals certainly try to all the time.” The AI said. She looked at Filament to check how he was doing and nuzzled against him.


Jezebel hummed as though she were ruminating on what Thistle and Nyx said. After a bit of silence from her she grew a knowing smirk.

”I’ve helped plenty.” Jezebel said confidently. Almost cockily.

”Why would he indeed…” The eldritch horror purred enigmatically. As she spoke she gazed at the main entrance to the cafe with a smirk still on her face. Even as a race yellow colored tom-cat with a Haven agent lanyard rushed through the doors and started to frantically look about.

”Excuse me, waiter, could you wait right here? There’s something you’re going to want to know soon.” Jezebel said, stopping one of the maids that had been working their table. Specifically the one that Holly spoke to. They gave her a quick look of confusion but otherwise cheerfully stopped and was content to stand near the table.

”PIM if wanted to do something and wanted to guarantee you wouldn’t catch wind of if when and where would I do that?” She asked, handing the AI‘s attention while giving her a serious “really think about it” look. All the while, the yellow tom that had come in had spotted them and was rushing towards them in that awkward pace between a jog and a walk.

”Iiiii’d wait until I wasn’t at full capability, disconnected from my network, and go tooo fuuunwooorld where I couldn’t have a pod stashed. Jezebel what are you tryi-“ PIM both cut herself off and was cut off when a bright yellow tom came up to their table and flashed his Haven card to get their attention. They were overall more frazzled than Mirage. For a moment the ai thought the agency had begun lowering it’s standards, but what came out of his mouth froze her processors.

”Master Trin has overdosed. Ms. Holly requested you, Thistle, and lipstick.” The Haven tom reported, slightly out of breath.

WHAT!?” The waiter Jezebel had asked to stay gasp-yowled. Their head craned forward and eyes wide from horror. PIM had frozen completely. Everything about her body froze, from her artificial lungs, to even the passive systems that made her feel warm or produced moisture for her eyes. She’d frozen figuratively and literally.
The ears of everyone from Lexi to Hunter to Aceline all shot up at the information as well. Except for Jezebel.

”Thrills Escape residence 1113.” The agent said and as they did so the maid pulled a park map out of their apron and smacked it down onto the table. Pushing away any plates needed to make space for it to unfold.

”There.” Jezebel immediately tapped a claw to the correct location on the map. The Purridise residence district, Thrills Escape villas. The map showed how sprawling the park was as well as how twisting the path layouts were. Kitty Cat Cape was not a hyperbolic name. They were literally positioned on one massive cape, around the size of Florida back on earth. It was so big in fact that the map the maid had pulled out indicated that it was just one of 34 zoomed in sections of Kitty cat cape. The top of it reading, “Vintage real paper map like in the olden days! 39.99”

The maid’s eyes scanned over the route required to get from their cafe to the residence like a hawk, unblinking. They let out a hitched but relived breath, probably signifying that the route wasn’t long

”Got it! Let’s go!” The maid chirped before hopping over the table and sprinting out of the cafe. To the confusion of the Haven agent. PIM wasn’t anymore than a second behind them though. Standing up and charging after, croaking out ”Son of b***h.” on the edge of tears.

Hunter was next, followed by Lexi and Keesipip on his heels. With their haste gaining the attention of the other customers now that there was a bunch of cats randomly standing up and sprinting off. Stalker stood up to chase too but stubbed her paw on a table leg, letting out a pained hiss.

Keesipip naturally was able to catch up with PIM and the waiter, who’d abandoned their uniform and was now sprinting through the curves and crowds of the park pathways.

”He’s too smart for his own good sometimes!” PIM yowled to no one in particular in anger, frustration, fear, and sadness all mixed into one voice. Running besides Keesipip.


“I’m not-“ The gray acrobat cut herself off when her voice came out far too harsh for the situation and the tom. Speed chewed her cheek in guilt at seeing Streak like this. A guilt that only grew when he leaned against Lethe during her silence as she tried to think of a response that wasn’t terrible.

”I don’t like it here either kitto. And mom’s not mad.” Speed meowed, rubbing the top of her head against Streak’s midsection. Lightly pushing him into Lethe more.

”I-” Her mouth opened like she was going to keep talking but whatever it was got caught in her throat. Instead she scooched closed to Streak, pseudo pinning him between her and Lethe.

”Mom loves you Streak.” Speed meowed. There was a genuineness to her words and also a strain. Speed felt like an imposter and already knew she was doing a horrible job.


Purple broke from her nightmarish reverie to look at Thrush when she started to talk. Soaked eyes looked at her while the she-cat they belonged to listened to what she was saying. Sniffles of varying sizes coming from her. As Thrush finished more tears flowed from the youngling’s eyes and her lip quivered like that single part of her body was being electrocuted by a lightning bolt’s worth of volts.

”It’sss-” Purple chocked and sucked in a shaky breath, “-all my fault,” She whimpered, staring at and through Thrush with blurry vision and reddened corners.
Holly's paw shakes violently as it holds the phone, having heard the words but her mind is having trouble keeping up with what is said to her and for a moment she's silent. "She's here..." She trails off, her head craning to peer into the bedroom. Wordlessly she drops the handset and rushes back over to the bed, looking over Trin's unconscious form.

"Is it working?" The she-cat whispers to Mirage, feeling like she might have a heart attack. As much stress as the tom was under, she cannot understand how the tom could do this to Purple and Thrush. "Please don't die, Trin." She pleads, not crying but sounding very forlorn.

Filament was mid sip when the agent approaches with news that causes him to spit out his mouthful of rootbeer in surprise. "What?" The question is stupid and rhetorical but he's too shocked to say anything else. When Pim springs to her paws, he follows deftly after, his paws racing across the cobblestone to stay close to his partner. His confidence shaken already by his mother's murder declines even further as he runs beside her. What would they do without Trin, how could they hope to- He stops himself, shaking his head, tears streaming down his muzzle as he keeps pace with Pim.

Streak continues to cry while she speaks to him and he very subtly leans a little bit away from Lethe when she nuzzles at him but her words don't sound confident. Like she doesn't quite understand what she's saying. "It doesn't feel like it." He whimpers, "You barely even touched the food I made." The tom adds, keeping his eyes on the floor again.


Lizeth stares dumbstruck as most of the clowder charges out of the building leaving her alone with two orange cats neither of which she's really met before. "It just don't make sense, why'd he wanna go and die?" The she-cat wonders out-loud, her gaze deeply troubled as she tries to think of any reason the alabaster mystery would want to do that.

"He has kids don't he?"
Mirage had moved Trin off of the bed and onto the floor. Continuing to give him rescue breaths.

”His condition has not deteriorated Ms. Holly.” The agent replied after pulling away from the limp tom, her whiskers next to his mouth to check for airflow. She moved her head down to his chest and listened to his heartbeat. Her eyes meeting Holly’s while she did so. Said eyes then flicked over to the drink on the nightstand and returned to her.

”Ms. Holly I may need to force him to vomit. Could you retrieve a—“ Mirage silenced herself suddenly and the ear she had pressed against Trin straightened. Her brows furrowed and she pressed her ear against him harder, raising a paw at Holly to indicate she wanted her to be quiet.

”He‘s gone into cardiac arrest.” She reported in a neutral tone as she stood to her paws. The agent swiftly moved so she was at Trin’s back and placed one rear leg over his body to keep him in place. After that she placed one forepaw atop the other on his side and pushed down hard, compressing his ribcage. Then she pushed down again, and again, in a speedy pace.

”19, 18, 17, 16…“ Mirage counted to herself quietly, exertion evident in her voice. The numbers she was saying didn’t match what she was doing though. Made even clearer when she stopped the compressions to perform maw to maw resuscitation, but continued to count.

”3, 2, 1. Ms. Holly please stand clear.” Mirage meowed, her voice taking on the most commanding and order-like tone it had. In contrast to her prior perfectly cordial manner of speaking. A second after the bronze sheline’s countdown the front door of the villa was opened and three sets of pawsteps echoed off the walls. Three tom-cats rushed into the bedroom with saddlebags on.

”Here.” Mirage said to one of them, pointing to Trin’s nose. He nodded and pulled a thin syringe-like object out of his bag. Kneeling down, he pushed the tip of it into Trin’s nose and activated it by bitting down. A couple seconds later, he pulled it out and stepped aside.

”No response. Not breathing or beating.” Mirage meowed, leaning down to listen for a heartbeat. The toms nodded and pulled some supplies out. A mask was fitted over Trin’s muzzle and then connected to a ventilator in one of their bags. While the other two defibrillator onto his chest, making Mirage step back.


”Clear.” The two said. A moment later Trin’s body lurched slightly.

”Clear.” Another lurch.

”Clear. Resetting.” One more lurch. Mirage moved back to Trin and pressed her ear against his chest. She listened intently before standing back to her paws. Her eyes flicked to Holly’s, then to the medics’. All four of them sharing a look and remaining silent.


A new set of thrumming paw steps sounds before PIM, the maid, and Keesipip came sliding into the room. Their mouths open as their eyes rapidly took in the scene before them.

”Trin!” The maid yelped, their eyes glued to the white body on the floor.

”Wh-what happened? Is he going to be okay?” They asked, their eyes never leaving the tom. Mirage and the medics shared another look before the bronze sheline walked around them and padded a bit closer to the bedroom’s entrance.

”Master Trinity has been given an opioid antagonist solution. But his heart has stopped beating. These agents will continue their efforts to resuscitate him. However…” Mirage walked even closer to the gathered animals, “As his friends and family…it is unlikely he will survive. He’s not looking good.” The Haven agent confided in a low voice and less formal tone. Her eyes watched as Hunter and Lexi jogged to a halt with the group before those same eyes jumped to the maid and looked them up and down. Mirage had a good poker face and bedside, but she didn’t need to emote for you to see that she recognized the waiter but had no idea why they were here.


Penny looked up and to the left at Lizeth’s question.

”Yes and no. He’s certainly got a kid. But I’ve only heard vague talk about others. So I don’t know if they’re… still in the picture.” Penny meowed, half explaining and half pondering herself.

”Maybe he just accidentally took too many drugs?” Anya offered innocently.

”Want to split Holly’s plate?” Penny queried the table. Though her attention and the impetus for the question was on Lizeth.


Speed looked at Streak, blinking and recoiling her head back a centimeter in surprise.

”I… I didn’t know you made food Streak. I’m sorry.“ She said, giving him a quick pout and licking between his ears.

”I’ll eat whatever you make next time. But this isn’t something to cry over.” Speed meowed, wiping the little tom’s eyes with her paw.


Deciet padded over to the velveteen medical animal, receiving a blink in greeting.

”Is there anyway I can take a shower? Or preferably just leave?” Deciet asked with a strained smile.

”We can probably open the door in a short bit if Trinity was correct. There are some showers on board.” The medic said with a shrug. The answer didn’t delight Deciet but it was better than a flat no.


The masked animal with Hal stood up off the couch and stretched. A soft groan coming through their headset as they did so.

”Time to go... What’s the last thing that happened with you and your friends?” They asked as they started walking towards the ship.
Having heard the devastating news, Thistle grabs the lipstick case in his jaws and sprints out of the cafe, following PIM and the rest of their troupe. He just hopes that Deceit wasn't lying about this relic because if Trin dies, they all might as well be dead, too. The oldest, perhaps smartest tom that is their official-unofficial leader is what keeps most of these animals in the fight. He has the plans and without him, Thistle wouldn't know how to continue this war against Undertaker. Plus, Purple and Thrush would be devastated.

"Holly!" Thistle cries, voice muffled slightly. He drops the lipstick at her paws. "Here- Quickly! I don't know how this works, but I hope it does." He looks down at Trin with a frown. What would make Trin want to crawl off to this place and kill himself? Jezebel knew this was happening. She had to. She said that Trin would prefer that his sword was not recovered. And she did nothing. She sat and chatted with them like nothing was the matter. Thistle growls.

"No, no. It is not your fault, kaere." Thrush wraps an arm around Purple and brings her in close, "The only one at fault here is whoever planted that bomb. You, and everyone in that apartment just happened to be in the right place at the wrong time."

Nyx tagged along with the first responder crew. At this point it's just to get away from Jezebel. She has only known the creature for maybe a whole day, and already she finds her insufferable. The demoness lingers near the door, far away from Trin's unresponsive body. "Don't you dare quit, you bastard..."
Holly is frozen at the news. Trin is dying. She doesn't cry though, she just stares until she's broken from her stupor by the others arriving. When Thistle utters her name she feels her heart skip a beat and looks down at the lipstick canister on the ground before grabbing it with her organic paw and twiddling it between her toes.

"I guess we should have asked Deceit how to use the thing." She murmers, considering what to do next. She doesn't know what if any connection is needed for this to work but she is sure of the unpleasant truth that somebody here is going to have to kiss him. "Thistle, I think it's one of those fairy-tale rules. Somebody's going to have to kiss him and probably going to have to mean it." She lets out a quiet curse, wishing Thrush was here and already having an idea of what she had to do and how it would cause his sister to perceive her.

It only takes her a moment to realize that she doesn't care what Thrush thinks. This might be their only chance to save Trin and if he dies, she is already certain that nobody else will fill his position and the group will disintegrate like it did in Hell, but this time permanently.

With a very anxious sigh, she unrolls the stick from the tube and applies it to her lips. "Call for Mother, in case this doesn't work. She's got one of his swords, we just have to pray it's Petilla." She'd offer, standing over the alabaster tom and gritting her teeth. She didn't want to do this, at least she doesn't think so. It's true that she already has the title of 'whore' in the group, even though it's undeserved, her having only dated Thistle before and all they'd done was kiss.

That thought reminds her of what Red did to her and her belly churns a bit as she moves the Haven agents aside, lifting Trin's head with her tennis-ball like prosthetic and bringing his muzzle towards her own. "If you're faking this, I'll make sure you really die." She whispers into his ear, suddenly realizing just how gross the thought of kissing a dead cat is but she does her best to push that aside.

Slowly, she opens her maw and moves forward to kiss him and unless interrupted will do so. If she's not interrupted, the she-cat offers a passionate, albeit awkward kiss that isn't a make-out session but her tongue does probe into his mouth while her eyes are shut tight and she prays.

Aslan please don't let him die.

Lizeth listens to what Penny has to say attentively, her gaze never leaving the other she-cat's as she speaks of his offspring and her fluffy muzzle scrunches in surprise. She surpresses a shudder at the news but is interrupted by a figure that she doesn't know the name of and tries to nod along in agreement. The idea of suicide completely unfathomable to her. It was hard enough to stay alive in the wasteland that the thought of giving up is completely alien to her and her eyes widen involuntarily until Penny chimes in again.

She eyes the burritos on Holly's plate before giving a nod, moving the plate between them and tentatively taking a bite of the burrito. The expression on her muzzle, having been bordering on a frown perks up in delight as the spicy flavor of the food hits her palette. "Finally, somethin' with a kick." She'd purr, before taking a larger bite out of one of the two burritos, using her right forepaw like a hand. Her toes are slightly longer than an average cat's and she's able to manipulate the food item with ease, holding it in front of her face and looking around the cafe, taking it all in.

Luther follows shortly behind Deceit, his eyes every so often drifting over to Thrush and the kittens before returning to the ebony she-cat. "Thank you." the tom would respond curtly to the medic, not showing any sign that he was going to abandon his charge.

Wearily, he lights up another cigarette and takes a deep drag, letting out a sigh as he notices that he only has a few left. "Shit." He'd murmur around the cancer-stick in his mouth.

Streak looks at her in bewilderment. "It's not just that, Dad left too, he didn't even say goodbye." The tom-kit sniffles, leaning against Lethe again but keeping his eyes on his mother as he waits for a response. "I'm scared too, really scared." The tom mews, tears still flowing from his eyes although he is no longer wailing or crying outloud.

Hal groans, opening his eye and looking at the tom, depth perception still lacking from his burnt out optic. Slowly he sits up, having trouble balancing with his useless artificial limb and it takes him a moment to understand what the mysterious cat had said.

"Some god-ring prick, Nastiel got into a fight with me and I left, minutes before the explosion." The tom answers shortly, limping behind the other but keeping a good pace.

"And they're not my friends."

“Uh-huh. How convenient.” The helmeted being with Hal said as they looked around the surface of the race ship for a hatch to get it open. Upon finding an access panel they reached a paw up into it.

”Anything weird Mr. ‘I just happened to leave before a bomb went off?’ Who was—“ They grunted and a solid ’clunk’ came from the ship! ”—got it. Who was there? These not-friends.” The suited animal asked as they padded out from under the ship while the entrance to is came down.

”Should be a suit in there for you.” They added on, pointing up the race ship’s steps.


Purple cried into Thrush’s fur, shaking her head against the she-cat.

”If I wasn’t for me C-Crimson wu-wouldn’t be here.” The young sheline sobbed out, rubbing her muzzle against Thrush in both a nuzzling and a “no” gesture way.

Bailey was blinking sleep out of his eyes and looking around drowsily.


”Dad’ll be back. Sometimes we need to split up but we’ll always come back.” Speed meowed to Streak.

”There is nothing to be afraid of. We’re on a big fancy god-ring ship filled a ton of god-ring soldiers who won’t let anything touch even a follicle of fur on your face.…” Speed continued. She trailed off as she looked around the room for something she wasn’t quite sure of. Only to look back at Streak suddenly with an excited gleam.

”Would laying with me in bed help? You could even watch a movie using my race helmet. Come on.” Speed said, nodding her head towards the medical bed she’d been on with a small smile on her face.


Penny panted and used a paw to fan her tongue after taking a couple bites from Holly’s plate.

”If you were born in a hot box, why would you want you food to burn too?” The studious she-cat asked rhetorically, while Anya looked on in amusement.

”Australia wasn’t hot?” Anya queried the brown she-cat.

”It was. It’s why I stayed inside.“ Penny meowed after sipping from Hunter’s abandoned drink.

”Ooo, let me try that pie of his.” Anya said, pointing to the plate. Penny’s eyes flicked to the desert with only a bite taken out of it and slid it to the mid-point between her, Anya-melodyn, and Lizeth. So they could share.

”Would he mind?” Anya asked Jezebel while already leaning down to take a bite.

”Only a tad. You can always order more.” Jezebel answered mirthfully.


Mirage, the maid, and everyone else watched Thistle, and more importantly the
lipstick case with a mix of emotions. Confusion came from those who didn’t have any clue what was going on, while the animals in the know watched with bated breath and tension. Their attention switched from Thistle to Holly when the orange sheline took up the proverbial mantle and approached Trin. The agents standing over him parting for her while they looked to Mirage for how to respond.

”What? What‘s that gonna do?” The waiter asked frantically, looking at PIM then Thistle. The AI gave them no response. PIM was far too busy staring anxiously at the scene before her. Leaning forward a little bit as Holly moved to kiss Trin.


The moment a seal was made between the two cat’s lips one of the agents standing looked at his wrist. His ears and tail reacting in shock at whatever he saw on his monitor.

White furred brows flexed and pink nostrils flared, bringing in a heap of air. Flooding the senses of the cat they belonged to. Lungs inflated, swelling the chest cavity. Two white ears pivoted to take in the noises of their surroundings. And lastly a pair of red eyes opened, slowly at first, then rapidly until they were wide. Eons of experiences, emotions, plans, tragedies, joys, pains, boredoms, adrenalines; memories of all sorts. Came rushing back, zooming over every synapse and sending Trin’s nervous system ablaze. Subconscious and instinctive physiological responses slammed and clashed into conscious thought and context like two runaway freight trains. Merging back into a fully fleshed out being in less time than a mockingbird’s wing beat. Sights and smells, already acquired were now given meaning, attached to memories, fully contextualized in the brain. Trin could smell air, soda, light perfume, food, wood, Holly. He could see the blue-light of a digital screen, the dimness of the room he was in, the vague silhouettes of animals on the edge of his vision, medical tubing and orange fur. He could feel the chill of the floor, the gaps between the wood planks, the suctions of the defibrillator attached to his chest, the telltale light pressure of whiskers being pushed, the light flow of air through the room by a.c, and the compression on his lips; accompanied by the gap of air in his lungs from his mouth being obstructed. Why could he smell Holly? His subconscious and conscious mind put all the pieces together a moment later and Trin’s eyes regained their sapience and awareness. And no less than a nanosecond later, Trin recoiled away violently as if he’d been electrocuted. A loud gasp following suit as he sucked in the air his lungs required.

”Trin!” The maid yowled in joy upon seeing the tom move.

PIM let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and put a paw over her muzzle as tears began to flow from her eyes.

Hunter blew out a soft “whew” while Lexi only reacted with her eyes. Keesipip on the other paw panted through a smile. Her hyperventilation turning into relieved excitement.

Trin remained silent. His eyes were wider than they’d ever been as his mind took in every detail and connected every dot from his last memory to now. And the gleam in his eyes was anything but positive. There was no relief, or lighthearted surprise, not even content. The emotions pulsing through the spider veins and fibers in his red oculars was horror. Fear. Dread. Terror and guilt battled behind his eyes. His lungs that had just begun working again were sent into overdrive as they inflated and delayed rapidly. Ears that had only now regained their color were pinned back and against the skull. White fur along his entire body stiffened and went virtually rigid. The tom was petrified. And it was no mere instinctHal reaction or a result of being awoken abruptly. The focus of his gaze made that clear. He was fully aware where he was, who was in the room with him, and what was going on. And that is what was scaring him. Trin did not speak or make and noise aside from breathing, appearing afraid to. His fear somehow doubling when the waiter from the cafe began taking steps towards him.
Hal steadies himself a bit awkwardly and follows after the other animal, examining the ship as the door opens for them. A million thoughts race through his mind as he looks at the inside of the ship, making his body tremble slightly as he register's the other animal's question.
"Holly, Trinity, Thistle, Thrush, Hunter's kits, Milky Cucumber." He lets out an irritated sigh and brings a paw to his forehead.
"Pretty much everyone that was in the group before. They were all there." He brings a forepaw to his bandaged face and lets out another deep breath.

"It's not like I knew they were going to get bombed, for the record. They treated me like shit and Nastiel's little pro God-ring spiel was the final straw. I guess I'm just lucky." The tom would respond at last, getting a little fed up with this character's attitude. He steps into the ship, slipping on the suit over his uniform fatigues.

"What's it matter anyway? They're just going to get more animals killed. Should've left when Undertaker offered us a pardon and lived out the remainders of our lives on some fuckin' tropical island with some mermaid babes, or something." The tom finishes, examining the interior of the ship which is far different from any vehicle he's been in before.

Streak sniffles at her words and fresh salty tears run down his muzzle but he nods his head weakly at her suggestion. The young-tom crouches and makes a very sloppy jump onto the bed, waiting for Speed to join him. He's still sniffling but he's no longer actively tearing up or whimpering anymore.

"What's a movie?" The hatchling would ask, suddenly aware that he had no idea what his mother had offered him at all.

"A hotbox?" Lizeth queries, her mouth still full of burrito innards as she looks at Penny questioningly. Her head cocks to the side a little bit as she understands what the other she-cat is meaning.

"Don't you like your food to have some flavor?" The calico would ask incredulously before taking another bite of the tortilla'd masterpiece, holding it with one forepaw easily as she chews and savors the flavor. "It's good for you, it helps stop you from getting sick and it keeps your gut clean." She'd mew, after swallowing a huge bite of the burrito, her attention now focused on the pie.

"What kind of pie is it?" She'd ask, her brows raised as she sniffs at it tentatively. For a few moments she appears to be thinking, as though she'd smelled something similar a long time ago and needs to remember from where. "Is it lime?" The words are slightly daft and she moves her head forward, burrito still in her other paw and tastes a small nibble of the baked good, her maw curling into a smile. "It's yummy and tart." She'd mrrow in pleasure, her mouth still full. "There used to be this girl at the Schragg area that would always be cooking things but I haven't had lime in a long time. They're getting kind of scarce." The words are mewed through a small bite of pie, the she-cat in question letting out small pleasured noises as she savors the flavor of the confection.

Holly pulls away immediately as the tom comes back, her breath hitching in her throat as she looks anywhere in the room but at anyone's eyes. Her pelt burns with shame and guilt and she gives a gentle look at Trin, her heart thundering in her chest as he rejoins them alive. "Trin, are you okay?" She'd ask, using a forepaw to wipe her face of their shared saliva, another wave of shame washing over her as she realizes what she'd done and the consequences it will likely have.

She has to remind herself that the opinions of the Crater Twins are no longer her concern as she grapples with what she's been made to do and the fact that she probably acted more than needed to or had intended to do. She follows the alabaster tom's gaze to the waiter and takes up a slightly defensive stance beside the tom in question.

Filament recognizes the look in Trin's gaze immediately and steps between him and the waiter, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Stay right there, not another step." He'd hiss, his cheeks still tear-stained as he flattens his ears against his head and looks over his shoulder at Trin. "What's wrong, why are you looking at him like that?" He'd ask, his body trembling as he stands beside Pim, unconsciously bracing himself beside her.
The waiter, a white calico with black and yellow spots, stopped, flicked their head back in shock, and then gave Filament a venomous glare.

”I’m Mute you idiot.“ The tom hissed with immense annoyance. Said venom faded quickly though and he refocused his attention behind Filament on to Trin.

“Trin, I’m here. Your best friend‘s here.” The calico said over Filament’s shoulder, trying their best to give the white tom an uneasy smile.

Trin looked at each animal as they addressed him, but didn't react to any of them beyond eye contact. Guilt and sorrow beginning to overpower and overtake the other emotions in his eyes.

”…Why am I alive?” He asked after a long silence. Endeavoring to answer his own question his eyes looked at Holly’s lips, then spotted the silver case. Once the two dots were connected, he looked down at the floor dejectedly.

”Trin…?” PIM whispered in a worried tone. The red eyed tom did not reply.

”You meant to overdose?” The waiter, now Mute, asked in a heartbroken and empathetic tone. Once again the tom didn’t respond. But after a dozen seconds he nodded his head subtly.
“Yeah.“ Trin meowed simply just above a mumble. His eyes remaining pointed at the ground now.


Penny waggled her paw In a ‘nu-uh’ gesture. Sipping from another gulp and swallowing so she could speak.

”That’s where I disagree Liz. Spice isn’t a flavor, it’s a temperature. You can have spicy fish, or spicy nachos, or even spicy chocolate. But something being spicy isn’t the flavor, and who wants their food so hot that they can’t even taste it?“ As Penny meowed her attention transferred to the pie. She lightly nodded in response to Lizeth’s question and correct guess on the flavor.

”Did you ever try growing stuff yourself? By the way, what is the Schragg?” Anya asked while she cut a small slice of the pie with a claw and pushed it to her lips.


Speed made an ‘o’ shape with her maw after she hopped up onto bed with Streak. Stifling a groan as she laid down around him.

”A movie is like those images you’ve seen on the tv. Only the story in movies are made up, they’re not real. It’s for entertainment.” The acrob explained as she batted at and rolled her helmet over to them. She put it on herself and mumbled a few things before taking it off and placing it atop Streak.

”You can watch this kit‘s movie and I’ll stay right here so nothing comes to get ya. You”ll love it.” Speed trilled in a happy tone of voice.


The purple suited animal leaned against one of the ship’s walls.

”Anyone else? Nothing extraordinary was going on in the apartment before you left? Nastiel was the only one who made you angry? You need to put your tail through the hole in the back of the suit by the way.” The masked figure queried, observing Hal like he was an experiment or a target. While they waited for Hal to answer, they jerked off the wall only to then lean back on the same wall. Only this time their shoulder pressed against a pad and the door to the ship began to close.
Holly stands frozen in shock as the tom speaks up, not defending himself, not angry. Just stating what is and confirming that he had intended to end his life. She shivers, emotions running through her gaze as she stares at him, hard. Anger, fear, sorrow, something else as she stares at the tom, absolutely flabbergasted as she tries to find the words but her muzzle just hangs open as she gawks at him. He wasn't going to say goodbye to any of them, not even Thrush. The realization strikes her harder than the one that shortly follows. Trin was going to leave them with this fight he'd started and her eyes are quickly burning with grief and anger as she glowers at him, her lips peeled back in a snarl.

"You were just going to leave us? Are you fucking serious?" The words fall out of her mouth and she cringes at them but cannot stop herself. "You were going to abandon us, now, really? Serious-fucking-ly?" Her words are dripping with red-hot anger and her stance changes although she's going to attack him.

"You were going to leave us with no leader, to continue the fight you started...?" Those words are more subdued and her voice trembles but again she doesn't cry.

"You fucking prick, what about Speed? What about Thrush? OR Mute? You fucker." The she-cat whimpers, struggling to hold it together but she succeeds and no tears stain her cheeks.

Filament recoils at Holly's harsh words, his pelt standing on end as he stands beside his girlfriend. Shock blinding him for a few moments as he tries to collect his scattered thoughts. He has a pretty good idea of what Trin and Pim's relationship is like and he tries to tread carefully, even in his wounded state. He's been in Trin's position and Pim's and he's suddenly frozen, unable to know how to proceed. As Holly's rant continues though, his eyes narrow into a harsh look on the orange she-cat.

"That's enough out of you." He growls, his ears pinned back against his skull as he stares daggers at the ginger she-cat, who is berating Trinity when he is at his weakest.

"Shut the hell up already, it's always about you, every single thing. Like you think the goddamn universe moves around you." His words are unusually harsh and cold, a stark contrast to the usual friendly demeanor he has as he stalks toward Holly, stopping a few inches from her muzzle. "This isn't about us, or you, or the stupid goddamn war, kit." His voice is hoarse and harsher sounding than normal. "Do you have any conceptual clue as to what he's been dealing with at all, Did you even think to ask?" He'd bark at her, spittle hitting her muzzle.

Without any warning the tom draws back a paw and smacks her across the face, hard enough that it sends her muzzle to the side. "Let him talk and shut the fuck up." He orders.

Lizeth stares at Penny like she's crazy. "Spice is a flavor though." She argues, mouth still full of pie. She swallows, a large lump in her throat disappearing as she looks at the burrito pointedly. "It's not actual temperature, sister. 's like a metaphor. It burns in the same way road-rash do." She'd move the burrito around a bit with her paw.

"It's not actual heat and really I must disagree, it is flavor. Take another bite." She'd offer, extending the burrito in front of Penny's muzzle so that she can take a bite before focusing her attention on the strange looking she-cat.
"Heaven's no, my family ain't farmers. We're scavengers." She'd almost giggle, shaking her head in a non-condescending way, her smile pleasant.

"Schragg's a small village in Wah." She'd add.

Streak sniffles again and nods his head. Nuzzling into his mom while she set up this 'movie' thing. When she places the helmet onto him, his entire body relaxes and no longer seems as stiff. A small purr emits from his throat and he grins as the screen plays, feeling safe and comfortable. Just like when he was in his egg. "Thank you, mom." He'd purr, unsure if she can hear him.

Hal metaphorically facepalms at the animal's next question, only just now realizing he'd left out a very important detail. He slips his tail through the hole in the suit and peers out the door of the ship as it closes, feeling that he's no reached the point of now return in his desertion. If he'd had a way to go back, it was long gone now.

"There were a lot of Trin's from the multiverse. They were assholes." The tom would growl a bit, adjusting the bandages on his muzzle as he tries to get comfortable.

"You know how to fly this thing?"
With a speed that is surprising for an animal like her, Nyx is between Filament and Holly a second after the slap registers in any onlooker's minds, using her size to force the tom back a few steps. She lowers her head so she is face-to-face with the electrician cat, ruby irises locking with his own. "You are to not touch her ever again." Nyx tells Filament, an icy edge to her lovely voice. "Understand?"

Having seen Filament slap Holly, Thistle's muscles tense, ready to jump to defend her. But before he can move, Nyx is already on it. The tom gives her a nod, trusting her to take care of that.

Holly makes an excellent point, though. Trin took everyone from Earth from their doomed planet and drug everyone into this mess and he planned to just leave them? What else could they do but follow in his pawsteps or surrender and let Undertaker carry on with his reign of terror? They don't have infinite money, or even well-connected friends, infinite copies of themselves, or even the knowledge of just how to continue on without Trin. And he was just going to abandon life without so much as a goodbye to his best friends, his mate, or his daughter? If PIM had to beg him, beg Trin to go to therapy then he clearly needed the help. But who will Trin even listen to? The yelling certainly isn't helping, Thistle looks to the waiter, who has revealed themself to be Mute, to see how they respond.

"What pushed you to this point, Trin?" Thistle questions quietly. He can't believe they missed the signs. But, Trin has been around long enough to know how to hide them from even his closest friends. "Is there anything we can do to ease your burden? We only wish to help you."

Lethe cracks a small smile, seeing Streak interact with Speed. The kit seems to be feeling a bit better now. The brown tom retreats to the healing pod, sitting down in front of it and peering through the small glass window. Saraphina looks so peaceful in there for being quite literally on the brink of death when they placed her inside.

Thrush doesn't exactly know how to respond to that. Crimson was at the mansion trying to rescue Purple, as was the group when they caught word of the situation. There is an unnatural gravitational pull to this band of heroes. Civilians get incorporated in, as if being with the roving band of heroes is safer than being on the other side of the universe. But where is safe anymore? Purple could have been returning home from school, or just relaxing in her own home when she was held hostage by the demons. Words failing her, Thrush begins purring. She hopes that the frequency is successful in comforting for the young sheline as she cries into her fur.
Penny shook her head at the offered burrito. Content to finish what was now her drink instead.

Anya gave Lizeth a saccharine smile, not wanting to further question the sheline. Fact was, she had no clue what Wah was either.

“Is Wah some kind of nati—…oh god.” Penny started to query the wastelander but stopped like a car hitting a mountain. Her face scrunched up from some sour realization and her eyes zoned out for a second. Anya and Jezebel looked at her in confusion while Stalker took the chance to yank Hunter’s drink away from her and sip from it herself with a pout.

It wasn’t an accident. I’m quite certain Trin just killed himself.” Penny said dumbly, her voice indicative of some having a deep realization. Anya cocked her head with a “hmm?” while Stalker affixed her gaze onto the brown she-cat.

“I…found that book Trin had. The one he got at Eden’s funeral. And the pages were covered in ink. He’d been writing “I‘m sorry“ over and over again in the pages.” Penny retold, envisioning the pages again.

”What?” Anya ask-gasped and Stalker cocked a brow. Vasteye stared at her both intently and vacantly. All the while Aceline put a paw to her muzzle in mild, mostly theatrical, shock.

”It was those words over and over again, neat at first and the basically kitten scratch by the end… And I didn’t tell anybody… I didn’t think... it was that important…” Penny trailed off, her ears and head drooping towards the table. Jezebel viewed Penny down her muzzle for a little while before returning to her animal watching.


Mute’s ire bubbling just beneath the surface had been focused on Filament. Evidenced by their eagerness to keep him in the corner of their eyesight and lashing tail. But after Holly’s succinct tirade, said ire smoothly transferred to the orange sheline. A low growl omitting from their maw. The steady noise was halted when Filament slapped her, making their ears perk in surprise. Only to then lower back down when Nyx rushed between them.

”Or what? She deserved it!“ The shapeshifter practically barked. The vestiges of a breathy laugh leaking out of their muzzle as they stepped in line beside Filament and PIM. “I’m not afraid of puppies. What are you gonna do, nibble on me?” They added on in comedic cadence, but their tone, demeanor, and acrid glare showed that they were anything and everything but in a joking mood. Feline eyes switching between Nyx and Holly.

”I don’t care what you think she deserved, you don’t hit her.” Hunter growled lowly. Glowering at Filament and Mute from his spot across from them, somewhat in line with Nyx. Teeth bared ever so slightly.

”G’wha–You shot me you f***er!” Keesipip yelled in retort to the brown tom, her voice both incredulous and angry. The ashlander didn’t step in line with Fil or Mute but did affix Hunter with a nasty stare she clearly intended on holding. Whether her refusal to stand was because of personal feelings on the matter beyond Hunter or because she simply didn’t wish to get in front of such a large animal like Nyx was unknown.

“All of you relax.” PIM said calmly, urging with her eyes for the animals present to let the tension subside.

Lexi watched the animals in silence next to Keesipip by the doorway. Her expression unamused and annoyed. Her coat lay flat, tail at rest, nor did she show any signs of wishing to further antagonize anyone. With a similar disposi but standing opposite to her in the room was Mirage, standing stoically with a poker face. Observing the growing commotion with that characteristic Haven suaveness.

All the while Trin laid dejected on the floor, his eyes never having left the ground. Leaving his twitching ears to show that he was still hearing and taking in everything. His visage was like that of a wilted flower. Depression and guilt coming off him in never ending waves. While his gaze was nigh otherworldly; reflecting a million thoughts running through his head while at the same time none at all. He looked like he wanted to disappear. More accurately, he looked like he believed he deserved to disappear.

…ever this cat is, he’s not a leader. He shows up and look what’s happened? The Mia’moray are under attack, no one‘s even heard from the angels– did he warn us about the virus? No. He or any of his band of misfit Boy Scouts stop the council attack? No. He led a demon spy right into the room. And that’s nothing! Folks that’s nothing! He’s got, look at this, murder case, murder case, theft, vigilantism, the list goes on! Trin, Trinity, E-N prefix call him whatever you want, here at K9ISS you know what we call him? Cancer. He’s an animal the multiverse would be better off without. Some languages say son of a b***h, how about mother of a…” the tv was playing in the background.

Trin’s ears showed that he heard Thistle’s question. But the tom didn’t answer. His eyes flicked to the ground in front of the twin, and his mouth opened a microscopic amount. But nothing came out. The red eyed feline closed his mouth and pinched his eyes shut. The first major reaction since he’d “awoken.”The energy the action gave off was one of mistrust. Like he didn’t believe Thistle‘s words were genuine. As if they were an attack and he needed to put the proverbial shields down and sequester himself in his own mindscape. A place that was, given the circumstances, clear and presently a very dark and dangerous.


Speed ran her paw down Streak’s back a few times when he thanked her. Her eyes, now out of sight of the tom, rolled in mild humor. You could almost read her thoughts even without the aid of Vasteye. The word, “kittens amiright” was virtually written on her forehead.

Purple continued to wail into Thrush’s fur but the purring was slowly calming her and bringing the youngling back down.


One of the staff, feeling awkward in doing so, scooted over to Deciet and Luther.

”We can um, open the door now.” He half whispered, unsure if this information would make the mood in the room better or worse. Deciet perked up at this news. And sure enough, the metal and plastic door slowly began to open. Deciet didn’t dilly dally in heading towards it only to stop in her tracks abruptly. Enough that Luther might have even run into her if he was close enough. And that might have been part of the purpose in such a sudden brake too given the context. On quiet paw the demoness turned and stormed over to Purple, Thistle, and Malevo.

”Quit that!“ She hissed, loud and harsh. Her voice directed square at Purple. The young she-cat in question lifted her head up from Thrush‘s pelt with a hurt expression.

”What are you crying for? She died protecting you. Loving you. That’s everything a mother could ever wish for in this situation. Don’t think for one second that she would EVER want the roles to be reversed. She could get a million chances and every time she’d do the same. Every time she’d trade her life for yours.“ Deciet spoke halfway between a meow and hiss, her voice stern and chiding.

”…She’s not my mom.” Purple mumbled with a sniffle.

“No ma’am. The moment I saw her, the way she looked at you. I could tell she‘s your mom. She didn’t need to give birth to you for that title. You were her world. Every moment you keep breathing is heaven for her. I promise you that. So cut the waterworks. If you want to cry then at least cry for the right reason but do Not think this is your fault. This right here, is love. No truer love exists. Listen to Thrush. Your mother loved you to the stars.” Deciet finished with a “hmph” head nod but left out the audible ”hmph.” Without another word of giving Purple the chance to respond she turned and walked away.

”You said you wanted a shower? There should be at least two open.” Deciet said to Luther as she walked by. Two soldiers by the exit watched her closely, most likely there as escorts.


The masked figure was silent as the grave. They just stared at Hal. Un-answering. As the pause grew to an unbearable length they finally reacted. They lowered down into a sitting position and raised their forelegs up to their helmet. A moment later and a loud hiss sounded as the proverbial veil was beginning to be lifted. An ejection of smoke shot from their neck from the helm depressurizing, showing that the suit was indeed air tight. In one swift motion they yanked the helmet off their head and flung it at Hal’s face.

“You son of a b***h! What part of secret didn’t you understand?!” The animal roared at Hal, their voice shrill and full of emotion.

The vocalist and attacker glowered at Hal with their chest pumping in and out as if they were in a sprint. The air pushing out of their nostrils almost visible and certainly audible. They were certainly a cat like him, but… bigger. Not muscular or height wise per se, just straight up all around bigger. As if you took a cat and sized every part of them up equally by 4-5% on a computer. You couldn’t tell with the helmet on but now you could see this left them about two inches and some change taller than Hal. They had lavender fur that went with the purple color of their suit. Their fur was stiff like hay from unkempt and disregard. And their face, was severely scarred. Particularly their left side. It wasn’t just a single slash through the eye like you’d see on some movie villain. It was two layers. The first being some kind of fire or maybe gas damage. There was still purple fur struggling to grow over it but it was nothing more than peach fuzz that didn’t hide the scar, only kept a semblance of symmetry to their face. Over that scar tissue were a bevy of slashes. One here, one there, one that showed one of the nostrils were split at one point, and another that looked like a bite mark on the jaw. Their left ear was still in tact, but had multiple tiny holes, and if you glanced at their neck you could see the tops of bandaging for some recent wound obscured by their suit. Lastly were their purple eyes that matched their fur, looking at Hal with fury, rage, and sadness.

There was no mistaking them. They were different, bruised, and definitely older… but this was Purple. Battered and beaten and in what looked like her early thirties or late twenties, but Purple nonetheless.
Contacted Civilizations Multiverse Citizen’s Census(Translated)


Name: Carga Tallitica

Species(anything but human, preferably non-bipedal): Non Earth Feline

Age: 8 Earth years old.

Physical description(pictures are allowed):
A fluffy, silver torbie Sheline with a light but muscular build. She has round cheeks in spite of this and angular ears. She distincly possesses odd fur markings resembling eyebrows upon her forehead. Her maw contains an extra set of teeth that are mostly useless as they are akin to human baby teeth behind her usual teeth. Her pelt has a variety of nicks and scars, and a small but visible scar above her groin but closer to her stomach. Illegal (in demon space) Class 3 toe implants, extending her toes with pneumatic exterior extensions with grippy and rough pads, allowing her to be more dexterous and use non-quadrupedal weapons with limitations on caliber without a harness. Also being able to very capably use standard Ex God-ring and current and older Demonic firearms.
Has a large deep scar on her back left leg that seems to have been caused by a large blade or possibly shrapnel. The toe extensions of said leg are visibly rejected by her body and she sometimes cannot use that leg as a result of the injury and subsequent cybernetic rejection on that one leg.
Athough often invisible, she does have a tattoo on her hindquarters, just above and to the right of her tail of a dove. Both of her ears are pierced thrice with gold colored ringlets.
She often wears t-shirts of varying colors, typically with occultist or bands she likes and almost always wears cargo shorts. Also typically wears a pentagram necklace underneath her shirt.
She carries a side bag made of ripstop fabric that usually contains a small caliber concealable pistol, three spare magazines, perfume, cologne, a first-aid kit and a burner PCD.
Her voice carries what would on Earth be defined as a Alabamian accent with a mid range pitch and a laugh that tends to come more from her chest than her throat.

Background: Carga's story is one as old as the multiverse itself. Born to a lower-class family on some nightmarish Demon out-world, she grew up swiftly and quickly, aging well beyond her years as soon as she could talk. Her family were poor and had to recycle scrap to get by as well as other more illicit things. She has six other siblings, and a son that she hasn't seen in three years. She is an expert smuggler and mercenary for hire although she will not kill or kidnap for coin typically.

Ex: Home planet, family, occupation, anything like that will work.

Carga is a cynical, chaotic neutral opportunist with a survivalist mindset. She’s a highly devoted Satanist, highly aware of politics but disinterested. Carga won’t kill for money but values politeness in public, though she’s crass privately. Her main goal is to become a legendary smuggler, though reconciling with her estranged son is also important.

She’s resilient, loyal, and tactful, with high self-control but low self-esteem. Carga suffers from various traumas and afflictions, like insomnia and tremors, and has a severe addiction to an extremely realistic form of virtual reality known as Proxying in Demon space. She enjoys programming, origami, and bloodsports, and often indulges in sending anonymous gifts to strangers whom she frequently and incessantly inappropriately becomes obsessed with. Carga is plagued by worries of being caught, betrayed, or losing her health, but remains determined to succeed.

She suffers from severe incurable Post Traumatic Stress disorder and Bipolar Disorder, stemming from severe trauma from time spent incarcerated, where she was also sterilized (spayed) by the state and subjected to unspeakable mental and physical traumas for several years.

Are you capable of opening portals between universes? Yes [x] , No [ ] , Unsure [ ]
^^^ (Sorry, she's too cool. Not sure when I'll introduce her but probably after funworld since I couldn't think of a way to slide her in there given her background.)


Filament flinches as Nyx steps between him and Holly and he blinks a couple times before doubling down, his ears folding against his skull. A harsh snarl builds in his throat and he stares her down, almost muzzle to muzzle with the much larger canine. He opens his mouth to speak, his fangs dripping with saliva. "Fuck you, Nyx, why are you even here?" He growls lowly, his eyes burning with ferocity and he doesn't step back any further. His anger is only encouraged as Mute jumps in between them. His mid-length fur is puffed up and standing on end.

His head snaps to glare at Hunter but he doesn't say anything and soon his gaze is meeting Nyx's red irises, daring her to make the first move even though he has no intention of hitting Holly now that the aforementioned she-cat is silently glaring him, her eyes rounded in disbelief. "Why do you even care about her? Thistle has more of a justification than you and this isn't about us anyway." The tom rolls his eyes, still glaring up at Nyx.

"Funny how you only choose to defend her now when you wouldn't before. This is all her fault and she goddamn well knows it."

Holly brings a paw to her jaw, rubbing it in shock for a moment, casting a small thankful look to Hunter before recovering quickly, her lips curled back in anger as she stares at the umber tom who had struck her, whose attention is now on the wolf standing between them. She shoulders past Nyx, fury blazing in her expression as she closes the distance between Filament and Nyx, aiming a viscious slash at the bad side of the tom's face, raking her claws through scar tissue. Filament reels back before jumping onto her and the two roll across the floor of the room in a flurry of blood and fur, both letting out hate filled growls and snarls.

Streak curls closer beside his mother and is fairly shortly completely invested in the movie to the point where he no longer seems to pay any mind to the world outside of the slightly large helmet on top of his head. The occasional huh, or uh sound occassionally playing through the helmet's speakers.

Luther shrugs his shoulders in an awkward acknowledgement as he follows Deceit into the shower area, disappointed but respecting her request and stepping into her stall. "You really ought to get back to where they pulled you from." The tom mews absently over the sound of water pattering on the tile, his voice barely above a whisper. "If Undertaker finds out what happened to you and that they got you, it's game over for you and them." He'd say, the water flattening his gray pelt against his body as he stands under the water. "Unless you'd rather stay. You know UT better than me." He'd add silently, his vibrantly yellow gaze peering into her gaze.

Hal barely has time to react as the helmet is tossed at him. Deftly he swings his limp artificial limb and casts it to the side, letting out an audible gasp of pain as he does so. "Nobody ever said it was a secret." He growls, bandages obscuring most of his muzzle. "What're you going to do anyway? You're a friend, remember." He wheezes in annoyance, giving her a stern look before losing his resolve completely as his remaining functional eye takes in the state of her. She looks like hell, she makes him look relatively normal, even.

"Your dad didn't do much to prepare us for this. How the hell am I supposed to know what to do?" He mewls defensively, his gaze on the floor between them, unable to meet her gaze.

"Just get us out of here." He pleads, his voice edged with a high-pitched desperation that makes him sound more like a kitten than a fully adult tom.

Lizeth stares at Penny in shock. "I don't understand how he could do that." She murmurs, her gaze downtrodden as she takes a meek bite out of the burrito in her paw, which is now shaking, her eyes move to Jezebel before going immediately to the floor. Some strange and abnormal sensation of enormity washing over her as she met the she-cat's gaze for only a few seconds.

"You make me feel funny." She comments, food still in her mouth.
"As much as I hate to admit it," Thrush sighs, as soon as Deceit is out of earshot, "She's right. She may not have been your mother, but she cared for you like you were her own daughter. She would want you to mourn for her, but I'm sure she also would want you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and move on. Crimson gave you countless memories to cherish and remember her by as well as valuable lessons to help you grow and move through life."

Looking Crimson's body brings back vivid memories of another red sheline's tragic end. Thrush shuts her eyes. "You know, I had someone like your aunt in my life, too. Adrianna was her name. She was the only steady adult figure in mine and my brother's life. She was a complete stranger when we met her, but she treated us like we were more than just filthy rats that washed up on her doorstep. She always had her door open and a warm bed for us when we were in the area. She would always make sure we were well rested and had full bellies before we left for our next adventure... I think Thistle and I were the only reason she tagged along with us in the first place." Thrush's other paw slowly comes up to wrap around Purple. "Just know that you aren't alone in this. I understand what you're feeling right now and I will always have an open ear and a shoulder for you if you need them. Okay?"

Nyx only looks confused when Mute screams at her. She never expected the shapechanger to snap at her of all animals. It's becoming a chain reaction: one just riling up the other, riles up the next and so on. They're quickly losing the plot. They came here for Trin; to make sure he's safe and to get him the help he clearly needs. The demoness sighs, cursing under her breath when the two cats sink claws into each other in a blaze of fury. "Pim, Mute," she locks eyes with each of them in turn, "you know Trin the best out of all of us here. I trust you. May your words get through to him. Thistle, dear, if you wouldn't mind assisting me..." The demoness carefully eyes the writhing mass of fur, deciding when would be a good time to intercept without herself getting damaged too much. When she sees the opportunity, she lunges, jaws latching onto Filament's scruff.

"Don't-!" Thistle yelps when Holly steps past the demoness in her way, his protest overshadowed by the sounds of yowling. He nods to Nyx and rushes over. He grabs Holly around the waist with his forelegs and digs his rear paws into the floor as he tries to pull her off of Filament. "You two need to put your feelings for each other aside and be present. Trin needs us now more than ever and you guys are making things worse!"
(OCC: Carga Tallitica is accepted! )

Deciet let out a long quiet breath, with her head back. Her muzzle pointed at the shower head. Letting the hot water run down her body and relax her all her muscles. A small smile on her lips. Like before she remained silent for a few moments before speaking, her eyes staying closed.

“Undertaker is fully aware that I sometimes interact with you all. This would be no different. I was portal‘d here against my will because they believed I was to blame for a bombing. I convinced them otherwise and they let me go. That is the truth. And I get to tell him that the Haven agency tipped off God-ring. As for why Alec was seen on TV, I can once again tell the truth. The Alec I thought I killed must have been Mute in disguise. Mute who survived the red temple attack carried out by my task force. All true. All able to be corroborated. A neat little story with a nice pretty bow. He’ll want to know how his darling Holly and Bailey are doing too. It’s Truish that’s the pain in the—ugh, Trin was underselling her intelligence. She‘s usually focused on genetics and bio-whatever she does. But when she’s not she’s as sharp as a tack. She looks like she knows things. When you see her you can see she’s piecing things together.“ Deciet meowed under the fall of water.

“Or I’ve somehow already been found out and I’m already dead. It‘s a risk I’m aware of.” The demoness added on in a nonchalant tone.


Speed wrapped her tail around Streak and relaxed into her position for the long haul. She had nothing better to do. And no where to go. She could always jump somewhere but as the only practiced jumper with the group on the ship it would be irresponsible to leave them. Streak also seemed to finally be calmed and engrossed. Wouldn’t want to ruin that. And lastly with Vasteye gone she could think whatever she wanted for the first time in a while without worry of her thoughts being randomly shouted. That fact alone was enough to soothe her mind a bit.


Purple looked at Thrush with glassy eyes and a lip that would tremble every so often.

“O-okay.” The she-kit croaked out pitifully. She was trying to listen to the adults. But she just felt so bad. She wanted to see Crimson wake up, but she knew she wouldn’t. But that didn’t stop her from hoping for it and getting disappointed in a viscous cycle within her mind.

”Wh-…W-what did you feel like when Adrianna d-died? Her name is nice.” Purple whisper-talked after going practically comatose for a minute.


Purple‘s anger cooled a little big from raging to just simmering. Affixing Hal with a contained, frustrated glower.

”My dad didn’t prepare me either. He died today. My dad killed himself because his entire world blew up around him. Because someone blabbed. Somebody told someone they shouldn’t have about a room full of Trin’s…. Everyone’s dead Hal. Crimson, Trin, Triss, Jass, Bailey, Thistle, Hunter, Holly, Aceline, Lula, Pest…“ Purple blew air out of her mouth and back kicked the wall.

”You gave up information that could be used to inference my dad’s pincer maneuver, as well as the exact timespan it would happen in, to a complete stranger wearing a helmet with a voice modulator. Loose lips sink ship—that probably doesn’t even translate. It took just three questions for you to spill... What if I was Red? What I was literally the tom that they showed up to defeat hmm? I just can’t—Rah, I’ve been thinking what I’d say when I found out who messed up and now that I‘m here nothing sounds right.” Purple grumbled out, sliding down the wall into a sitting position. She raised her paw and like magic the helmet shot back towards her and landed by her side.

”…I’m looking at you and it’s reminisc—you ever looked at an animal when they’re talking to you; and they have no clue you saved their life? You can’t tell them how or when but you saved the world and now they’re talking to you completely oblivious to it... I’m looking at you and you’re like the exact opposite. My world’s been in ashes and you‘e just looking at me with that dumb face, completely unaware. Just asking to leave, get a change of scenery. Maybe pick some roses.“ The older Purple’s her talking showed she had some missing teeth as well.

”Mommy mommy, can we go to the park? No lil’ champ we can’t go to the park. Because it’s all blown up!” Purple voice-acted and charaded her words using her forepaws as mouths. Sheathing and unsheathing her artificial claws to signify their mouths opening and closing. At the end she made the “mommy” paw smack the “child” paw before staring at both for a couple seconds then returning them to the ground. Purple looked away and grumbled to herself before going silent. Making no moves to open the door or drive the ship. She’d just roll her eyes at some unheard discussion no doubt going on inside her head.


Hunter recoiled in shock at Holly attacked Filament, his mouth open a bit. He watched the two roll for a moment before joining in to attack Filament.

“Stop it!” Keesipip yowled as the scrapping escalated. Mute was poised to join in but stopped when Nyx addressed them. Their attention moving from the mass of fighting cats back to Trin. Still lying on his back.

As Thistle went to pull Holly away and Nyx acted to grab Filament, Mirage swiftly pulled Hunter out of the fight as well. Doing a half judo half supplex maneuver to throw the tom to the ground and pin him.

”Gah-ah! I was helping Holly.” Hunter hissed in complaint as the agent held one of his forelegs to the ground in a painful angle, while keeping his face pushed against the wooden floor.

”But none of you are helping Master Trin. If I may, might I suggest those of you wishing to fight retire to the living room? So you may vent your emotions in a constructive, civil way over a glass of wine. Master Trin has a very old bottle that would be perfect.“ Mirage meowed, at first down at Hunter but then casting her attention and voice to all three of the fighters.

While that was going on, Mute moved over to Trin. PIM seemed to be in a state of shock or overwhelmed. She hadn’t moved from her spot and was just silently observing everything.

”Hey Trin.” They said as they sat down next to him, looking at him with a worried expression.

”…Hey Mute.” The replied quietly. Still stared at the floor with lost eyes.

”You in any pain?” Mute asked, looking him over with a flick of the eyes. Trin slowly shook his head.

”That’s good...“ Mute mumbled, giving a lazy nod. ”That’s good.” They repeated in a lower voice.

”Mind if I lie down?“ Mute asked, gesturing to the ground in front of Trin’s face. The tom didn’t respond for a while before very subtly shaking his head. When he did the calico tom smirked at him and laid down on the floor where they’d gestured. No further questions or speech came from Mute’s mouth. They just closed their eyes and rested.
"Alright then. Just didn't want you to think I was gonna keep you caged up. You do what you gotta do." The tom mews, stepping out of her stall and into his own. The ash colored tom lets out a small disgusted noise at the sight of blood and viscera running down and into the drain. He takes special care with his injured forepaw, making sure to carefully wash the open wounds where his claws had been. "What do you make of most of these guys anyway? You really think they got a chance as it stands now?" The tom asks, wincing as the water stings at some laceration on his shoulder.

Hal listens in shock to the she-cats rant, "Trin killed himself?" He asks, his voice full of surprise and disgust. "What about h-" The sound of his voice trails off as he realized he'd considered the same thing many times before and he shuts up quick. The information she's given him runs through his mind and he looks even more distraught as she does her little puppet show. Hal lets out a small sigh and sags against the wall, his expression grim. "Okay, I see you're point. What comes next?" The tom would ask, meeting her gaze with his own again. This was a lot to take in but he could tell that something strange was going on with Trin's kid and he didn't want to risk getting her angry again.

There had to be some reason that she'd taken all this time just to speak to him and he wants to know what the real reason is, not the bullshit she'd spewed about information. A small smile appears on his muzzle as he realizes just how well this she-cat would fit in with Flame's family, being a nutjob and all.

"Do you have a plan to stop Red?"

The second Nyx's jaw clamps around his scruff, he lets out a loud angry caterwhaul and flicks his artificial ear into her muzzle before twisting in her grip. He was no earthen feline, there was no off switch, or if there was it wasn't lying beneath some loose flesh on his neck. With another twist he wrenches free, leaving his medium length fur in her jaws as he slips from her grip.

Holly lets out a loud growl and looks over her shoulder at Thistle, the anger in them developing further as his grip tightens around her waist. His words go right over her head and she kicks him hard in the stomach with a hindpaw before twisting away from him, spinning on him and hissing. No words escape her muzzle but her eyes clearly communicate that he should stop what he's doing. That he shouldn't touch her again. She's already descending on Filament but Hunter is quicker.

The umber tom isn't prepared for two cats at once but he snarls as Hunter lands a few blows before being knocked down by the Haven Agent. Holly's quick to step past them, swiping at the other side of Filament's face this time with a viscious caterwaul before catching another hard smack to the side of her head but she doesn't back down. Blood runs from her lip and she braces like she's going to pounce on him again before Mirage interrupts with words that ring true.

Filament backs up, his breaths coming hard and fast as the ginger molly storms into the living room, letting out a loud swear in the process. Wordlessly, he catches his breath, bringing a trembling paw to his scarred face and it comes away bloody. The adrenaline ebbs and he feels the intense pain quickly causing him to sit on his hind paws.

"I'm sorry Trin." The tom mews quietly, before stepping into the living room, his tail dragging behind him.

When he enters the room, Holly's already poured a glass of wine, her nose wrinkling at the odor of it. His stomach churns again but he steps into the room, giving the she-cat a wide birth. The she-cat growls at him as he takes a seat on a chair, but downs the wine quickly, pouring another glass with a trembling hand. "You touch me again and I'll kill you." She growls at him, her eyes never leaving the bleeding tom cat as she shakily drinks from the glass in her paw.

"Shut up." Is all he says in response, moving over to the table and pouring himself a glass of wine but he makes no moves to drink it, just staring at it in front of him. While he does, Holly smacks his glass over, spilling it on the table and himself and he stares hard at her, considering his options. Even though Nyx cannot restrain him, he knows that in a fight he'd lose to her if only by sheer size difference.

"Fuck this." He snarls, knocking the emptied glass off the table and onto the floor and heading out the front door, fur covered in blood and wine. He stays stock still on the front porch.
"At first I felt.... Nothing. Utterly empty, like there was a gaping hole in my chest where my heart should've been. Her death was sudden, too. I didn't think she could die, Adrianna always seemed so strong, unwavering in the face of danger." Thrush murmurs, "For the longest time after she died, I thought it was all just a dream, or some sort of waking nightmare. That perhaps none of it was real and I'd wake up, or when we got back to base, she'd be there... waiting..." she lets out a wheezy sigh, her throat tightening again.

Thrush clears her throat, continuing, "But that passed and when the reality of it all set in... It came crashing down on me all at once. Gone was the numbness of shock, so where I felt nothing before, I felt everything now. I was furious; I cursed the Norns for their cruelty and that vile beast for taking her from me. I screamed, I begged the Gods to take me instead, if only it meant that Adrianna got to live again. I fell into a deep depression, not speaking or eating and rarely leaving bed."
"It's different for everyone, Lilla." She meows, rubbing slow, soothing circles on Purple's back, "How long we're sad for, how we cope, and when we begin to feel a bit of normalcy again. But I hope you know you have animals around here you can lean on if you need it. There's Thistle and I, Nyx is very nice and a good listener. And Lethe's a dad, so I'm sure he has a bunch of advice to share."

Nyx spits out the fur ripped from Filament's neck and walks with the others to the living room. The wine sounds tempting, but she's not in the mood. She can't bring herself to enjoy something she likes or have fun in general with the knowledge of Trin suffering a mental battle in the next room. In the meantime, she will wait and if Filament and Holly decide to for another round, she will break them up again.

Thistle quietly grabs the lipstick container and approaches the maid. "Hi, do you know what kinds of shops are here? I need something to keep this in that can't get damaged or broken into easily." He asks, making sure to keep the volume low. The tom taps the metallic case with one claw.
Deciet hummed aloud in thought, her eyes shut while water flowed over her entire body.

”They’ve gotten this far!“ Was all the demoness said in reply to Luther. The sound of water hitting the floor filling the air afterwards. She didn’t say or do anything for the next several minutes.

”Hey Luther!” Deciet called out suddenly. “Are you familiar with what a beast is? Had any run-ins with one?” She asked in an innocently curious tone of voice.


Purple nodded her head slowly. She’d listened to Thrush astutely and it seemed any hysterics were behind her now.

”Okay.” She meowed out, giving one last head nod. ”Thanks.“ The youngling added on before yawning. It had only just now caught up with her that is was night time on the planet. And all her grief sapped her energy even more so.

”I’m gonna go to’bed.” The large she-kit mumbled, padding towards an empty bed at the back of the medical bay.


Speed was laying in her bed drowsily. Her ears listening to the muffled sounds of the movie her son was watching. A stifled yawn making her body shiver.

As False Lamb started to lightly snore, the pod Saraphina was in opened. No loud ding, alarm, or any other audible alert went off. The pod just opened. The char colored sheline‘s eyes opened a smidge, only for her to pinch them shut and groan.


The older Purple pursed her lips and looked up in thought.

”The plan was to push you out an airlock and see how your species reacts to the vacuum of space. But that doesn’t feel right anymore. Maybe later.“ She said half to Hal and half to herself. With another animal you probably would have chalked up what she said as dark joke. And while her tone was nonchalant, given her prior behavior she was probably being dead honest.

“And I have no idea how to fight daddy dearest. I don’t even know where he is at this time. All I know is some of you are on the GRV Mercy gravity anchored at La Grange point victor echo mike. And the others went to Funworld. I don’t even think he sent the bomb. Dad’s crazy but he wouldn’t kill his sister and kid just because.“ Purple meowed, standing to her paws and waving one around as she spoke. Casually she pressed a few digital buttons on the console and the ship roared to life. One of her ears perking up at the sound.

”Atomatoy? Atamotay? Atam—stupid name. The engine sounds nice. Put that helmet on so you don’t go deaf!“ She yowled at Hal before putting her own helmet back on. She didn’t wait for him to follow her suggestion before she straddled the control bench and the ships began to move forward towards the launch tower.


Hunter, Keesipi, and Lexi came out of the bedroom and made themselves comfortable in the living. They were soon followed out by Mirage and PIM.

”No need to worry Ms. Holly. That is not the bottle I was referring to. By all means continue enjoying it though.” The bronze she-cat meowed as she took in the scene in the room.

Mirage paused in her step when Thistle asked for help.

”There are many shops that will suit your needs. Komäine has wonderful structured bags. If you wish to leave now, he can escort you or I could escort you later.” Mirage meowed as she padded into the kitchen. Deftly, placed six wine flutes onto a plate and carried the plate over to the living room. The animal she must have been referring to was the bright yellow tom that had warned them. He was standing near the front door.

As Mirage had finished preparing the wine glasses, Mute padded out of the bedroom. Closing the door behind them as they did so.

”What was that? Oh boy, my friend just tried to ice himself, better yell at him so he feels WORSE!” The calico tom whisper yelled in a mocking voice. PIM was too busy pacing back and forth near the windows. She still hadn’t said anything. The only sign she was still present in the moment was the fact she slightly adjusted her path to give Mirage room to de-activate the opacity on the windows. They gradually went from blocking all light to being totally see-through, making the room feel less dreary.

”He is barely responding. All the fighting did was make him feel bad.” Mute continued, still in a hushed tone. They blew a harsh jet of air out of their nose and grumbled with their head to the side for a few moments before looking back to the group.

”How do you do that? If you change bodies all the time, why is your behavior so accurate to how a feline would act in this situation?” Hunter asked, raising his paw up like a student.

”Shut up.” Mute snapped at him with a glare.

”I was just curious-”

“I’m curious if you’ll apologize for acting like a bunch of kits just now!“ Mute lashed out angrily.

”Trin didn’t abandon you Holly! He didn’t aband—why does it matter if he—Urrrrgh! Trin didn’t do any of that stuff you said! It wouldn’t matter even if he did, but he didn’t! And you made him feel like garbage for it after he…he…” Mute growled angrily at first, but their voice began to break and tears welled up around their eyes.

“I almost lost him. And now, thanks to you, I don’t know if we’ll get him back either. You probably just confirmed in his mind that him dying was the right thing to do. First thing he hears is how he was selfish to take away your STUFF. Not, oh Trin we would have missed you. Or oh Trin, we love you so much-no! Just yelled at him because him dying would have been an inconvenience.” Mute said, wiping a paw across one of their eyes. When that one wipe didn’t work, they used both paws and shook their head.
Luther lets out a small sound of surprise after the silence and he steps forward so that his head is out of the water so that he'll be more audible. "Turish's beasts?" The tom would ask in response, water running down his neck and after a moment of silence and the tom would sigh, finding himself already craving another cigarette. "Never encountered one in person, no. Read the reports about their deployment on Frenziland though." The tom would add, stepping back into the water and beginning to shampoo his fur casually, as though the concept of the monsters didn't bother him.

"Why, something I should know?" The tom would ask, voice slightly muffled by water.

Streak twitches a bit when his mom yawns but quickly goes back to watching the images on the helmet's visor. Occasionally laughing or letting out yelps of surprise, completely enthralled by whatever movie was playing on the display.

Hal chuckles at her comment. "You don't need to do that." He'd reply evenly, doing very well at keeping his discomfort subtle. "I'd die, as would any other cat." He responds, putting on a helmet as the ship starts to life. He doesn't correct her about the model of the engine, having no familiarity with the ship itself.

At her next comments he nods his head. "Probably Undertaker then, it tracks." he'd murmur, mostly to himself as he tries to find a way to secure himself in the body of the ship. "Stupid name, yeah, both big bad and the ship engine." The tom grumbles, adjusting the bandages on his chest self-consciously, the weight of his actions seeming to weigh on him now that he was alone with this very odd she-cat.

Holly snaps her head at Mirage but her expression softens immediately. "Thank you, Mirage. I was not worried." The she-cat would mew demurely through clenched teeth, struggling to contain her anger. She finishes the glass she'd already poured and knows immediately that she needs to begin pacing herself or she's going to risk becoming drunk. Her breath already smells vaguely of wine and she can feel her actions becoming easier without having to think about them.

when Mute speaks up, she lets out an angry hiss but she quickly puts a lid on it, allowing the wine to do its job and ease her into what is definitely going to be an extremely difficult conversation. "Look, Mute, I'm sorry- I-" she cuts herself off, swallowing hard and composing herself, keeping the steely exterior she's managed to uphold the whole time she'd been on Funworld. "I let my emotions take over, I shouldn't have done that. I just felt so betrayed and that doesn't make it right." She adds on the last part quickly and looks briefly to her empty glass of wine. "I've never had a friend do that to me, I was just so angry that he'd leave me. Not us, me." The she-cat admits honestly, her voice steady as she meets Mute's gaze.

"I'm sorry." She'd mutter, looking at her paws. "I'll apologize but I don't know if it can take away what I said." Her voice cracks on the last word but again she struggles and succeeds in maintaining her composure. "I didn't mean to say that to him, I was so angry that he'd leave m- us." The she-cat explains, standing to her paws and pouring another glass of the wrong wine again, although this time she fills it only half full.

"How do I make it right?"
Mute’s initial response was to stare at Holly like she was an idiot who‘d sprouted a second head. But that expression was wiped away when the calico tom rubbed their face with their paws. They took in a deep breath, held it, and then exhaled.

”…I don’t know... Knowing Trin part of the reason he did it was because he thinks he’s a terrible animal. He’s thinking that your outburst is proof of your true feelings, and thus is the truth. That he’s a prick who doesn’t care about those around him. Anything you say now to go back on it he’d take as a lie.” Mute half meowed, half muttered. Throwing their head back and rubbing their temples.

”Why would he think that?” Lexi asked in a voice that sounded colder than she probably intended it to.

”Because he thinks he’s objectively lesser than everyone else. So he like, thinks he’s gotta make up for it. And if he’s not making up for it, he‘s a detriment to everybody. Right PIM? ” Mute said while still rubbing their head. At the end they looked to the AI in question, who was still silently pacing with an unmoving expression.

”PIM?… PIM… PIM!” Mute called to her but still got no response. The shapeshifter‘s brows furrowed out of concern and they brought their paws back to the ground.

”Ahem. PIM, initiate protocol 69.” Mute said in a voice perfectly matching Trin’s. The rouse worked and the AI in question stopped and looked at them.

”There is no 69th protocol.” She answered cocking her head and squinting, ever so subtly annoyed.

”PIM what’s wrong?” The calico tom asked.

”Nothing. It’s just he’s never done this before. He‘s tried but, never like this and I should have been able to predict it but I didn’t and he timed it so perfectly and in the right place and it never even occurred to me that he was planning anything yet he was and I didn’t think about it until it was too late. But I should have because it makes perfect sense because he saw that I was out of my pods and I can’t monitor Funworld regardless and I thought he was just going to take a nap or ride a rollercoaster or go get some tea or something not this and even though I run constant predictions and simulations a second I didn’t piece the information together fast enough and if Holly hadn’t come I wouldn’t have even known! And if Holly hadn’t shown up he’d be dead and even with the lipstick we don’t know if there’s a time limit or what the rules are so I should have predicted this and if I didn’t Trin would be gone forever because I can’t find his swords and the lipstick might not have worked and we’re lucky Thistle brought the lipstick at all that is not acceptable. I can’t be relying on luck especially in this situation I’m supposed to be better and you’re relying on me to be and I couldn’t even predict this happening even though it’s so obvious now looking back if I had just thought to run some more simulations and factor in more variables then I could have prevented this but I didn’t so now we’re here and now I still can’t predict anything more because If I failed to accurately predict this event occurring then the accuracy rate of my further predictions for this scenario must be adjusted down to 15% which is not within the acceptable levels upon which to produce further predictions and executing diagnostic algorithms on the prior algorithms I ran to troubleshoot where my error was made surpasses the power and processing allocated to this unit therefore I cannot utilize my predictive algorithms as their results fall below the 75% minimums but I HAVE to execute and override such restrictions because the situation is so severe and a compounding failure in successful predictive algorithm operation would necessitate an adjustment of accuracy down to 0.00856% which is well below the standard I hold in order to—”

”PIM!” Mute lightly shouted, bringing a halt to PIM’s rapid rambling. The AI stopped pacing and was now panting, bordering on hyperventilation. Her eyes staring at Mute while they looked back at her with concern.

”Letsss…um, focus on something else? Yeah. Somethiiiing-“ Mute was cut off as they drew out the word.

”This right now is the most optimal usage of all my currently allocatable processing power, Trin is what I should be focused on because if-” The AI’s rate of speech began to accelerate back up to rambling speed only for Mute to wave a paw in a “stop” gesture.

”It’s about Trin! How about we focus on how he didn’t abandon us—Holly! Just Holly. You don’t need to think about any other variables, just Holly okay? Not me or Thrush, or anyone else. Just. Holly. Okay?-“ PIM rapidly nodded her head with a distressed look, “-Okay. Breath in, breath out. You don’t need to monitor the lungs programming just let it do its job…In… Out… it can run in the background.” Mute meowed, miming and breathing along with their own instructions. PIM followed suit and slowly the hyperventilating ceased.

”Now, how did Trin not abandon Holly?” Mute asked slowly.

”Trin did not abandon Holly because of three major factors... One. Trin‘s financial and physical resources and the data accompanying them are all known and accessible by me. Thus, Holly could continue to utilize said resources even after Trin’s demise... Two. Trin had by all current interpretations of his actions, purposely relocated Holly to Funworld for her security. As this is the only known dimension completely impregnable to foreign hostilities and impervious to clandestine interference by any unaccounted for actors. The risk of Holly being removed against her will or violently assaulted in any degree is, under the most extreme scenarios, a mere 2% assuming the sheline takes no action to secure herself via her own volition... Three. In case of an unprecedented and unexpected event that would render Funworld’s secure reputation null and void Trin, by 73% of current interpretations of his actions, was aware of and accounted for a precautionary safeguard both for actions taken by others that could render Holly insecure and actions taken by Holly that could render herself insecure. Trin executed the necessary action required to secure Mute’s yacht and was 99.7% likely to be aware that Mute would be here on Funworld and would directly interact with Holly. In the event that Funworld was rendered no longer secure or Holly by her own volition wished to leave Funworld her safety could be ensured by utilizing the stealth capabilities of Mute’s submarine capable yacht. By all calculations Holly could sequester herself aboard the vessel indefinitely without being detected from the outside in almost any universe her destination lied within. Trin was most likely aware that Holly knew of the location of said vessel and could request aid from one of several compatriots in transportation to said vessel. By all current interpretations except for 3, Trin accounted for and ensured Holly’s safety and standard of living would not deviate from normal congenial levels.” PIM spoke in a distinctly robotic voice, with only enough inflection as not to sound broken or like a text reader. Solely on the last three words did PIM finally sound like herself again and spoke in a voice you‘d recognize.

“Trin got my ship back?” Mute asked in very muted surprise. In any other situation they probably would have shown their excitement but currently they weren’t in the mood.

”Indeed.” PIM answered with a dip of her head.

”So we would all be safe... Guys, my ship can stay under any liquid for-well, ever. And can sustain itself for as long as I want. So you could hide from anyone.” Mute addressed the room as if a final puzzle piece had clicked into place.

”I can affirm. Even when given the exact planet upon which Mute’s ship was currently submerged on, I could not detect it whatsoever. No amount of technology has managed to combat the laws of fluid dynamics. And their yacht is capable of remaining submerged in magmas, methane, mercury, even liquid tungsten.“ PIM added on softly.

”Trin made sure you were all safe. Which means he didn’t expect you to keep fighting if you didn’t want to Holly.” Mute meowed, looking at the orange she-cat from the corner of their eye.

”How would he know we’d run in to you?” Hunter asked, raising his paw again.

”Funworld’s my favorite place in the multiverse. This is always where we meet up when I say I want to. Deciet told you I’d get in contact right?” The calico tom answered easily. Hunter nodded and started to rub his chin.

“Yeah… This isn’t how I expected today to go though. I was expecting to ride some rides and have a movie night.” Mute whimpered, their head and shoulders drooping.


The noise of hurried pawsteps sounded from down the stone pathway leading to the villa. The approaching animal was speed walking and in a reserved rush. Like that pace you go when you’re in a public place and don’t want to look weird by running but still want to get to where you are going faster. The sound of loose pebbles crunching underfoot signaled that the animal was now on the path dedicated to villa 1113. And a moment later a bovine-lion hybrid came from around the curve. As soon as she did her ears and head perked up upon spotting Filament on the porch.

”Monsieur Filament! Why are you out here, has something terrible happened no? I heard the news and have a very special bottle of Trin’s wine.” L’Anne meowed as she approached the porch. Stopping in front of the tom to give a curious and concerned look.


Jezebel looked at Lizeth and smirked. “I tend to have that effect. I apologize for any displeasure.” She purred sweetly to Lizeth.

Stalker laid her head on the table, staring vacantly at nothing.

”Anyone else wonder why the waiter ran off with them?” The cream sheline asked.

”That was Mute.” Vasteye answered swiftly and succinctly. This made Stalker’s eyes flick up to the tom, with large pupils.

”Who?” Aceline questioned, cocking her head a smidge. Eliciting a reaction from a party of bipedal lizards a little bit behind them. Apparently just them acting like themselves was cute to others.

”Mute’s … hard to explain. You don’t know them.“ Vasteye said, waving a casual dismissing paw. His response made Aceline scrunch her nose in confusion and look at Flame to see if he could explain any meaning behind such a vague answer. What was hard to explain, she’d just seen him?


Deciet let a small smirk split her muzzle at Luther’s response.

”No, nothing you should know. I was just curious!” The black sheline chirped innocently.


Saraphina let out a long, silent yawn before blinking several times.

”Lethe. What transpired while I was torpid?” The flame breather asked in both a confused and curious tone.


The older Purple wiggled her bum back and forth on the control bench as if she were dancing to some inaudible music.

”No, the guy the engine’s named after is stupid. The name of the engine is great. The guy’s name was stupid... or maybe it was a girl? I don’t actually remember. OH MY GOD!“ Purple talked again half to herself and half to Hal before screaming. And since she did so as the ship was being turned to face straight up, someone might have thought she was screaming because something was going wrong.

”I was thinking of an Atomatoy's class 3. This is a class fooour. Now that’s a nice name! Way better than Atomatoy class 3. Silly me.“ The she-cat said, face-palming her helmet. Without any further warning she activated the launch and the ship began hurtling skyward at breakneck speed.
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"Um. Yes, that would be nice. Also-" The tom follows Mirage to the living room, "might I inquire if this trip was fully funded? Because I... don't have any credits..." Thistle admits quietly, his ears falling back in shame. One ear swivels, catching Pim's anxiety-riddled rambling. His stomach twists, thinking of how Trin had this elaborate plan dedicated to killing himself as far under Pim's radar as he could get.

When the fighting is over and everything seems to have calmed for the time being, Nyx approaching the shapeshifter. "Mute, dear, I apologize that we had to meet again under such circumstances, but I am glad to see you nonetheless." She embraces the calico cat, giving a quick squeeze before letting go. "We all thought the worst when you didn't make the jump with us after the Red Temple. Trin thought you were dead, or being tortured for information. He screamed and ranted and blamed Lethe for your death. He was downright inconsolable. May I ask what happened?"

Thrush now realizes that Malevo, along with probably most everyone in the room, was witness to the entirety of her comforting Purple (including her deeply personal and emotional speech about Adrianna). She promptly makes herself presentable again with a clearing of her throat before rising and padding over to sit with Bailey. She doesn't speak to or touch him, preferring to just let the young tom get his rest undisturbed.

"Um...." Lethe pauses to think, trying to think of what all happened since the bombing. "Well. Little Italia, Crimson, Triss and I think all of the other variations of Trin that were present were killed in the blast. Cucumber Milk almost didn't make it but a skilled medic knows his species, so he remains with us, thankfully. Miss False Lamb, Callista and you are-or were in critical condition. We agreed to place you in the healing pod first. Trin portaled Deceit here. She revealed that Mute is actually alive - I'm still processing that news - then Trin, along with most of our friends, went to a place called Funworld. There was almost a fight (one can only assume a fight to the death) between Deceit and Thrush, but that was somehow quelled. Deceit left for a shower with that investigator tom. And the kits got some love and comfort after their close scrapes with death and losing a family member." The tom sums up to the best of his ability. "And, uh, I got new ears." He bows his head low enough for Saraphina to see his hearing aid implants.

He waves down another staff member, "Hey, the pod is available. Do you need help putting the next animal inside?" False Lamb, Callista and Milky should be the only ones in dire straits at this point.

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