Masquerade [Inactive]

"Well, now that we've got something sorted, I don't suppose there's any reason to hang aroud here, is there?" Umbra straightened up, stretched, and tried to catch a glance of the room he had left aflame. Strangely enough, he couldn't see or smell any smoke, though admitted the wind could have been blowing it away and the room was out of sight. "A hot date, hey? Is that how you see this potentially fatal confrontation?" He returned her smile. "Well then. Ladies first."
As the two walked towards back towards the ball room, most of the flames had died down enough to stop threatening the structural integrity of the room itself, though through the smolders, the burnt bodies of the Children were fairly well visible, most holding severe blisters from all the burns they had received, it seemed unlikely that any had survived, and the air was rife with the smell of burning bodies. The door to the room that the Baron resided in shudders momentarily, betraying the conflict going on inside. Both could feel the presence of Noah, though it would seem he was in combat with the Baron, Umbra would only feel a slight ebb and flow of blood in the presence of Noah, but Wexley found a much more intense reaction, her master was being attacked, and a sense of urgency filled her against her will.
"Very well." Wexley stepped forward. She surveyed the damage and the smoldering remains of anything that had previously occupied the room. Her only words were, "Wow." Suddenly, it felt as though a huge weight had been dropped on her shoulders and she stumbled a few steps. The pounding was back and pulsed in time to the shudders of the Baron's quarters. Her fingers grabbed urgently onto Umbra's shoulder, claws digging in. The urge to run into the room was quite strong but her mental state was as it was when she had arrived. She had a bit more fight than before.
Umbra was unsure if this gesture was an attack due to Noah's influence, or a nervous twitch. He secretly hoped that it was the latter, but better to be safe snatched himself away from her grasp, distancing himself from her a little. Standing in the smouldering remains of the room, Umbra felt a surge of power, that he had been the one to cause this. That, and a fresh headache from Noah. "He must be very close to here." Umbra listened for a second, and the occasional crash and perculiarly loud sound confirmed to him that the Baron and Noah were fighting. Turning back to Wexley, he said: "Are you ok to go on, or is the influence too strong?"
Once Umbra pulled away, Wexley became concerned. What if she had just made his infection worse? Stupid impulses! Her animalistic instincts to protect Noah at all costs were waging war with her common sense. Her head jerked shakily as she nodded in confirmation that she was indeed alright to go on. She slid her eyes closed and heaved a huge sigh. This temporarily calmed her and turned fully to her companion.

"I apologize for hurting you. I'm well enough to proceed." She practically declared this, as if she was saying something far more important than an apology.
"I don't believe you," Umbra curtly responded, "but I don't suppose you're going to stay here anyway if I suggest it, so onwards we go." With a cautious eye set on his companion, Umbra walked out of the doors into the hallway, his cable from earlier still present, lying limp at the centre of the hallway. His heads he was now throbbing almost unbareably, and he leant against the wall just outside the barons room, one hand on his forehead, the other reaching tentitavely for the doorway. Well, I wonder what'll happen now.
The door to the Baron's room opened slowly with a lengthy squeak as it revealed the events inside the room. Even though it may have sounded like a fight between the Baron and Noah was going on, it seemed as though the crashing sounds were simply the Baron being smashed around the room. Most of the room was trashed, though the contraption that he had been working on seemed completed and mostly untouched in a clutter near the door, but obviously the Baron never had a chance to use it. Noah holds the unfortunate man above the ground with a sickly grasp around his neck, sneering into his face as though deciding how best to gut him. The Baron himself remained stubborn as ever, scrabbling to release himself from Noah's grip with that looked like a broken hand, despite having a series of serious injuries that could easily be fatal, he was bleeding freely from his head and his shoulders looked as though they had been gnawed on by a wild animal. The door opening was enough to distract Noah from his prey, dropping the man and letting him crumble on the floor before stalking towards the door. Noah obviously didn't know the affect of the Baron's weapon, otherwise he would have made sure to destroy it or at least kick it away from the door as it hummed silently, waiting for use. "Oh, Umbra, I know you're there, for a man named after shadow you certainly aren't very sneaky. Me and Wexley have so much to discuss with you, don't we dear Wexley?"
Alarm ripped through Wexley when Noah stalking towards them, pressing herself close to the wall next to Umbra. Her breathing came in short gasps. She watched Umbra lean on the wall, one hand pressed to his forehead. Concern became her most prominent feeling as she stepped away from the wall. The power Noah held over her surged in an angry wave as he drew close, but she refused to let it control her. She tried to shake her head but could not find the will to do so. Finally, with as much defiance and force as she could muster she called out a single word.

Noah's eyes widen as the word escapes Wexley's mouth. At first, he was in disbelief, but his eyes narrow again as a sickening sneer replaces his playful demeanor. "So this is how its going to be, then. If you're going to choose death rather than ascension, then i'm not going to get in your way!" With that, he lunges and throws his fist with all his force into Wexley's stomach with a sickening thud as it connects before turning and snapping at Umbra with his jaws, he seemed much more animal than human by now, his bodily structure seemed to have changed, though Wexley was not that far into the infection... yet. "You... You're the cause of this betrayal, I have no doubt. I gave you a chance, and now you're going to watch as I rip out your intestines." He says menacingly before taking a swipe at him with his claws.
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Wexley wrapped her arms securely around her stomach as she crumpled to the ground. The blow left her muddled and barely able to move. She watched helplessly as Noah attacked Umbra. She pressed her palms flat to the floor and shakily pushed herself up scanning the nearby floor for something to throw. Her eyes landed on a smoldering beam of wood that had broken into several parts. Reaching out she wrapped her fingers around it and in one fluid motion, flung it at Noah's head.
Distracted by his bloodlust, Noah doesn't notice the projectile until it collides with his head and shatters into a million pieces. Noah turns back to Wexley in a rage, using his might to pick her up off the ground and toss try tossing her to the opposite wall before chasing her down again, leaving Umbra alone... for now.
Wexley didn't particularly enjoy being thrown about like a chew toy, it was quite the disheartening experience. But never the less, she had managed to detract Noah from he original goal of shredding Umbra. Even with her heightened abilities and tough exterior,, she could feel a dull throbbing pain. Noah was more experienced, stronger and was more animalistic than any human she ever seen act. But she needed to keep his attention, so she snarled,

"That was weak you over-grown puppydog! I'm not afraid of you! In fact I think I'll stuff you and use you as some decoration for Christmas!" At this point, her taunt had taken a turn towards threatening and she was starting to really mean it.
Everything happened so quickly that Umbra was left confused as to what was going on. Noah snapped at him, biting his neck, and he grimasced in pain. Thankfully, the grey infection had almost solidified his skin in that place, and he wasn't injured as badly as he would have been otherwise, but it was nevertheless painful. He watched as Wexley saved him, feeling the weird ellation of utter gratitude, and then horror as he watched he suffer. He was beginning to finally find his humanity, but nevertheless, logic stated that he would not be able to do anything to save her. In addition, his head and neck wound were causing him too much grief, and he slumped to his knees, shaking as he tried to focus and control himself.
Oblivious to the pain he had caused Umbra, Noah growls deeply at Wexley as he charges on all fours towards her, the carpet beneath him tears and crumples as he digs his feet in to increase his velocity before finally throwing a sickening punch aimed right at her jaw. He had completely given up on converting Wexley or Umbra, trying to use lethal force to take them both out as a vengeance for destroying the rest of the Children. "Such arrogance in the face of your demise. You could have been so much more, but now I'm going to enjoy tearing your limbs off!" He says as he shakes his fist from the impact of the blow.
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