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Fandom Marvel vs. DC Universe

If you wish to play Joker, Kingpin, Daredevil or Batman, please let me know!
I am interested, but I need time to think of who I want to RP as. I am leaning towards Venom as of right now. Maybe Iron Man? I'm still on the wall and want to wait to see who others pick, or have someone say that it would be cool if i was one over the other. I am super indecisive.


Actually, if it is cool, can I be The Punisher?
Seeing that you call dibs, go on ahead. ^^ Thanks for asking!


I get that you're a fan of the Punisher and probably know him to the bone, but try not to go all God Mode.

I get that you're a fan of the Punisher and probably know him to the bone, but try not to go all God Mode.
If i wanted to God Mode I would be Barry Allen/The Flash and do time travel shenanigans. I know a general amount about comics, i had to do a refresher on the Punisher. I don't know him as well as you may think. I have just read a few of his first comics, and The Punisher Kills the Marvel universe. Haha. But yeah, i get your concern. In all reality, or, err, comic reality He is not more of a man than batman. I am never scared to kill my character off, sometimes it adds a lot to the story! Looking forward to playing! Getting pumped! Ill be as active as possible. I do work full time, so if i don't replay for an extending amount of time, that would be why. Don't worry! I will post as much as i can! I'm off all of tomorrow too, so ill be around every hour or so!
My only problem with deadpool is, that he is immortal. Just, cut some of his bull out, and i will love it. Deadpool as a character, i love him, his comics are funny. Marval Now did him very well! I would go with the Marval Now Deadpool, where he is, funny, but not 4th wall breaking bullshit, and can still die.

In the old comics, he not only had the god healing factor, but he was also cursed to not ever be with the one he loved, and he loved Death. So, his curse is that he could never die.

Just go with the new Deadpool who is friends with Benjamin Franklen's Ghost. That deadpool is fun, interesting, and not stupid over powered!
i havent seen the new one

but ill make it so a cut off head or stab through the heart can kill him
I highly suggest it. He fights with the old zombie presidents to save america. It is kinda funny.

Do what you think is fair. I think most of the ways he has "Died" in comic is, being torn apart and limbs being scattered, being eaten, and being disintegrated. Granted, some of those are harder to pull off than others, keep those in mind as well. Deadpool gets beheaded a lot.

Although, do what you want! Make it fun! I don't want to knock your creative freedom! As long as it is fun and makes for a good story, then i'm all in!
I'll probably be on the villain side. Reverse-Flash is one of the worst of the Flash's rogues gallery.
Oh boy! A Speedster! Professor Zoom is one of the more interesting incarnations of Reverse Flash, which, if you are going off the show's then that would be the same back story. The Flash is actually one of my favorite heroes. Reverse Flash is pretty cool too, the idea of him and the negative speed force and the fact that he exists in reverse time is kinda weird but interesting to think about! Just don't do time travel stuff, to confusing, and Reverse Flash is the only one (I think) who can mess with timelines and have little to no negative repercussions.

Hope we get some more people and start soon!
Hmm, giving it some thought and trying to find a sort of acceptable power level for a character before I make a choice.

Which reminds me...Which universes are we pulling from? Like, I understand of course that it's a crossover, but are there going to be multiples of the same hero? Or is it locked down to one when someone claims it?
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Well, as long as you're not going god mode, you can choose your favorite variation for all I care. You can play a Villain too if you want. For me, I am playing the Arkham Version of Red Hood...So...Yeah.
Great, that's all I needed to know. I'll be calling the Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man, then. Character sheet should be up before tomorrow.
Darksoul180 said:
Reverse Flash is the only one (I think) who can mess with timelines and have little to no negative repercussions.
Actually, late reply, but...

He actually had a MAJOR negative repercussion by changing the timeline and killing Barry's mother, such as Barry Allen's introduction happening many years before it did in his original timeline. However, a theory says it also prevented Flashpoint, so that's nice.
I'll go ahead and let one of you guys start. Thanks for being patient, but I haven't really found the time to make a good start.

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