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Fandom Marvel Universe: Civil War

Captain Kit




Soft-looking white clouds swam through the bright blue sky as it radiated over the large, loud city. The tall grey skyscrapers of the downtown area towered over the bustling commuters making their way in the crisp morning air. Cafés had their doors propped open, letting the tantalizing scent of coffee mingle with the smoke coming out of cars.

Speaking of cars, a jet black SUV with tinted windows pulled in close to the sidewalk, quickly depositing two figures in dark trench coats. Their coats flapped in the slight breeze, as the SUV pulled away as quietly as it came. The two glanced at one another and nodded, then slowly made their through the crowd to an open café. The taller of the two reached into their trench coat, their hand slipping around the cool metal of a gun. Swiftly, they pulled it out, suddenly firing an array of bullets at the tall windows of the café. Gunshots appeared in the glass, some bits of it flying everywhere, as people screamed and scrambled for cover. The other figure in the trench coat, formerly standing beside his partner, now stood in the middle of the café, pointing another gun around at the terrified mortals.

"Cooperate, and we will not kill." He growled.

"Who do ya think you are, walkin' in like that?" Both figures whipped their head around to the voice, staring down a man standing from behind a table. The man collapsed as he got shot in the head, blood spurting out of the wound and flowing onto the floor. Behind a chair near the table, a woman covered her face with her hands as she began to sob.​
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"I said chimmichangas!" Deadpool told the girl behind the counter he was totally gone score with, if it weren't for the fact this RP would make it impossible. Damn rules!
On no particularly interesting day of the week, Carter Perkins sat in a cafe reading a newspaper. The Daily Bugle spread out in front of him, with a steaming cup of black coffee on the table, the young man scanned through the publication, searching. Carter had arrived in New York a few weeks ago, and since then, at the risk of understating things, his life had changed a bit. He had found himself in the ICU of New York's Hospital for Emergency Aid and Recuperative Therapy after a seemingly very successful attempt on his life and reflected upon his memories when suddenly a creature latched itself on to him. He had no problem subduing the creature once it opened up a link with his mind, but the event gave the young man a pleasant surprised as he quickly recovered from the poison within his body.

Now, he sat in this quaint little cafe, nursing a coffee and looking through the newspaper for a particular individual that he suspected might point him in the right direction of the bastards that tried to kill him, and perhaps even a hint of who his parents were. Are. The young man took a sip of the coffee, being careful not to spill any on his weathered jacket. Beneath the surface of his clothing, the symbiote sensed the heat of the beverage and stirred slightly, before being stilled by a passing thought of Carter. A few days ago, while wandering the streets of Hell's Kitchen during a particularly late trip home, the young man overheard a conversation, and that conversation had an interesting name attached to it. After acquiring a confirmation from the now very dead and very eaten gentlemen/street pharmacists, Carter had a lead to go on.

That lead was Wilson Fisk.

Carter's eyes narrowed over a story about a green monster named the Hulk rampaging through Vegas, killing several and injuring numerous others, before the

Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division, or the organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. shot him off earth and into space somewhere. Carter wondered at why humanity continued to linger on Earth when it clearly has the technological minds and prowess to expand into the void. Just look at the works of Tony Stark and Dr. Reed Richards, not to mention others like Dr. Bruce Banner. Just then two men approached the cafe with trench coats, hiding their faces.

The symbiote stirred again.

The tall one opened up a hail of gunfire at the cafe, causing people to scatter left and right for cover. Carter merely placed his hand, with a thin layer of the symbiote over it, over his coffee to prevent any glass or other debris ending up in his beverage, but otherwise ignored the incident. No one noticed this in the erupting chaos. He flipped through to another page in the Bugle as the men demanded something as the other one pulled out a weapon as well. Some fool confront them, only to be rewarded with an extra hole in his skull courtesy of a bullet. Somewhere behind Carter a woman began crying. The young man gave a yawn and looked over the business section, looking over any relevant news to the company which he held stocks in. There weren't anything he didn't know already, but confirmation was always nice. He continued to ignore the scene around him, occasionally taking a sip of coffee even as the symbiote that longed for another meal withdrew into the darkness of his clothing.
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Ken was in New York for a job, he was supposed to link up with a recruiter to SHIELD to discuss a possible position as one of their agents. He was supposed to do so at a cafe as the recruiter wanted to discuss it over coffee. The recruiter hadn't even arrived yet when two men in black arrived shooting, one of those bullets obliterated Ken's coffee mug which Shin had bought him. Though Ken was supposed to use his blade to help other and he was still doing so that fell second to his primary irritation. He reached down into a long bag he carried with him removing a japanese katana.

He leapt from chair now infusing his blade and himself with tachyons. He was in front of one the men before they knew it. First he slashed their gun in two then aimed to slash all the muscles in his arm. Then henwould proceed to the next one slashing his gun and arm muscles with his tachyon infused blade.

@Captain Kit
Both the men in trench coats let a scream wrestle its way out of their lips in sync with one another. Their guns... Or what was left of them, loudly clattered onto the floor. One has paled, whimpering and clutching the wounded arm with his hand, his blood pouring out of the gash, dripping onto the freshly polished hardwood floor of the café. The other doubled over, hitting the floor with a loud thump, eyes squeezed shut, his facial features distorted in pain.

The man who still stood suddenly froze, becoming silent for a few seconds, then stiffly turned around, facing the entrance to the café. He stiffly began making his way towards the glass doors, leaving his partner to continue writhing in agony.

@Raikou Kaminari
Carter had just finished the ads page when he sensed movement from one of the other patrons. Using his peripherals he watched as a man of Asiatic descent grabbed a katana out of his bag and made quick work of the two gunmen. Carter flipped a page and continued reading. Perhaps he worked for the Yakuza branch here in New York. As one of the men dropped to the floor screaming in pain, the other began to walk out, abandoning his partner. No, if the guy was Yakuza the guy would've been cut in half or decapitated, or at the very least lost a limb or two, instead of just having a few gashes on his arm. The newcomer was probably law enforcement, one of the many vigilantes in the city. He may know where Fisk was, but the low chances of both that and of him telling Carter where Kingpin might did nothing to encourage an all out fight here and now. The symbiote, knowing better now, didn't react.

So the young man simply took another sip of the coffee, finishing it. Feeling up for another cup, he got up calmly, folded his paper and tucked it under his arm, picked up the saucer and walked to the shot up counter. The young man took no notice of the shattered glass he walked on and the carnage around drew no reaction from him even as he crossed the landscape. There, facing the cowering employees still taking cover behind it, Carter pulled out his wallet and politely asked, "This was excellent, may I trouble you for another cup please? Black again, if you will." He then waited for a response, giving them the time and knowing that the employees might need a moment to collect themselves.

@Captain Kit
Ah New York, the city of heroes and villains, the big apple of boiling cauldron of everything. It never ceases to give Carter wonder, even if he doesn't externally shows it.

The symbiote stirred a bit this time, but only slightly enough to alert Carter, not draw attention from a careful observer. Carter calmed it down, stood at the counter and raised his eyebrows at the tight red suited guy next to him. Looking at the red suited man, the young man simply replies, "just grabbing another cup of joe to start the day. How are you?" He then gave a nod to the guy screaming the ground still and the other guy walking out after a clearly failed robbery/hostage taking attempt. "Aren't you going to do something about those guys? You are a hero right? Sorry, I'm new in town and not quite familiarized myself with who's who around here." He stuck a hand out to the red suited man, "Perkins, Carter Perkins."

Wade shook Carter's hand warmly. "Wilson. Wade Wilson. But you can call me," Deadpool pulled out a gun, and shot the man who was walking away in the leg, causing him to collapse, "Deadpool." Deadpool twirled the gun about, only for it fly off. "Dammit," he muttered, retrieving his gun. "What's your superhero identity?"

Carter completed the handshake. "A pleasure Mr. Wilson." He watched Deadpool shot at the other guy then twirled the gun around before losing control of it and muttering as he retrieved it. Carter looked at Deadpool with an amused look on his face. "You always go for a limb? Why not the head or chest?" When Wilson asked him of his secret identity, Carter looked even more amused. "What makes you think I'm a superhero?" He asked with a laugh.

WanderingJester said:
Carter completed the handshake. "A pleasure Mr. Wilson." He watched Deadpool shot at the other guy then twirled the gun around before losing control of it and muttering as he retrieved it. Carter looked at Deadpool with an amused look on his face. "You always go for a limb? Why not the head or chest?" When Wilson asked him of his secret identity, Carter looked even more amused. "What makes you think I'm a superhero?" He asked with a laugh.
"Cause only a superhero wouldn't do thing when two robbers show up." Wade folded his arms across his chest in triumph. Then realisation hit him. "Wait, no. That ain't right." Deadpool began stretching his head.
Carter, still finding the red suit man humorous, lets Deadpool finished his sentence and have his realization before commenting himself. "Yeah." The young man simply said giving a chuckle, before looking over the scene in front of them. The baristas were still all too shocked and hiding behind the counter to offer him much service, and the katana guy didn't seemed to do much after the initial attack. So Carter continued to wait patiently for his drink, as though he didn't have a care in the world, while keeping a close observation of the surroundings himself.

A teen boy in the employee uniform shakily stood up from behind the counter. "S-su-sure, s-sir." He stammered, beginning to brew another cup of coffee for the brown haired man in front of him. His eyes warily glanced at the other man in a red suit similar to Spider-Man's, as he grabbed a cup and lid from under the counter. Gently putting down the cup on the counter, he quickly poured the coffee, then snapped on the lid.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion as he heard the word "superhero". He had heard about superheros saving the day in New York, but he thought it was just something journalists made up for a few extra bucks. He shrugged, then pushed the coffee cup across the counter to Carter. "That'll be two fifty."

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Carter smiled at the boy, and pulled out a fiver from his wallet. "Thank you, keep the change." He handed the boy the five dollar bill and began sipping on the coffee again, looking behind him. Given the situation, perhaps it wasn't surprising to see no one queued up behind the young man. So Carter just contented himself with standing at the counter, using it as a table to place his hot morning beverage, while continue to alternate look between the surrounding environment and one side of the newspaper, out again as he tried to finish today's issue of the Daily Bugle.

@Captain Kit
The teen boy gave Carter a nervous smile back. "Thanks." He turned to the cash register, tapping a few of the buttons, then deposited the five dollar bill. He blankly looked at the shattered windows and glass lying all over the floor, and the blood that was beginning to dry. "Hope you have a nice day."

People began peeking out from behind the places they hid, some stepping out and gawking at the destruction. A mother smoothed down her dress and pulled her crying toddler close to her, whispering soothingly in their ear. The body of the man shot through the skull earlier was still lying in the same exact place.

The distant sound of sirens could be heard in the distance.

"And to you." Carter replied to the boy as he looked over at the people recovering from the attack, after seeing that the threat's been dealt. At a distance, the sounds of sirens could be heard. The young man knew that law enforcement officials rushed to their current location even now, and decided that he had better things to do than to waste an hour or two giving statements where there were so many other witnesses that could do that. Wanting to depart, Carter realized that Deadpool could give him a possible lead.

So, turning to the Mr. Wilson, Carter raised a question. "Mr. Wilson, do you perchance know where I might find an individual named Wilson Fisk? I have... several questions I would like to ask him."

David had been walking back to his alley after getting a cheap one dollar breakfast from a near gas station. Across the street from the bookstore he treasured was a cafe, he would slowly eat his chicken and biscuit while watching the events unfold. He could go and trying to talk sense into the men, but fear overcame in as he sat himself up against a brick wall and finished his biscuit. It was too early in the morning for such things, in a surprising turn of events he watched as the two perpetrators were disposed of. He knew there were other 'heroes' but he wouldn't think they would be in town getting something from a cafe, maybe it was one of their strudels he had gotten for taking out their trash. Most days he would go over and take out the trash at the coffee shop for a coffee or a strudel but the police were on their way. He wasn't necessarily scared the police might try arresting him or attempt to hurt him but the thought of broad men asking him demeaning questions gave him a scared feeling. Standing from his spot against the wall he walked to the alley where his 'home' was and sat down right inside his spacious one bedroom zero bath home. A blanket and an old couch pillow were all that the box contained but he accommodated himself with the blanket, covering his body. Under his pillow was a large history book, with a slight smile he put it on his lap and began reading from page five hundred thirty seven.
Ken didn't pursue the fleeing one but instead sheathed his blade and turn around to get his bag. He figured with all the commotion the Shield Recruiter would be amongst the crowd outside. So he simply made his way outside. Some people clapped for him while others seemed to be confused at what expression they should be making. Ken checked his phone and it had a text saying the Recruiter is close.

@Captain Kit

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