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Atreus fiddles with the dandelion in his grasp."Don't they have the plastic armor, you can wear that don't try to force yourself to wear some real armor." He points out."We could ask him later, he is still here." He tells her.
"how fast d'you guys think i can run the course" john says stretching his legs. he cracks his neck before getting in position.
"I hope for your sake you're gonna do it like a normal person, since the teachers are already keeping an eye on you." Alex points out.

"We'll ask when we have club again." Victoria says, remembering Loki saying he wanted a break "And if we had plastic armor we'd already use it. At least you don't have to wear armor."
john groans but stands up from the runner position " alright , ill go easy , jeez " john pulls himself back and then sprints foreward. he finishes the course not using his power . he reaches near alex "i did it faster" he says smiling.
Atreus shrugged."Not for the play I don't but I do have armor meanwhile in the play I have to wear some stupid prince outfit." He pokes his tongue out."There a reason you don't want to talk to him here?"

Thalia sighed."Or you could just ignore me." She mumbled about John and goes off to the side.
john runs back stopping next to thalia " sorry , runnings kinda my thing , but training isnt always that bad"
Thalia takes her jacket off, due to her tank top there was a scar noticeable on her shoulder."No, training makes sure you can protect yourself but having fun is good too." She tells him.
Thalia rubs at it."Not so cool when someone obsessed with my dad tried to off me as a child." She mumbled."You can set it on a picnic table." She might as well try the coarse.
"i didnt say the story behind it was cool , scars look cool , its just a fact" john walks over putting the jacket on the table before walking back to watch thalia.
Thalia shrugged."Make me seem tough does it?" She goes to do the coarse by herself and making quick work of it but she needed to work on being a little more agile, doesn't have to be Remy's and Kurt'slevel of acrobatics but practicing could give her more flexible."Where would you take me on a date anyway?" She asks him.
"alright , i'll tell you where i would take you , and you tell me the story of that scar" john says getting ready to run with thalia
Thalia nears the finish line and gets there."I did give you the short summary of who gave it to me, what else would you want to know?" She asks him.
"i dont know , details , talking about things helps you get over them , btw how does a scandanovian restorant sound " john says
Thalia shrugged."Can't say I've been to one but surprise me, there's still lots for me to learn here." She explains."Just an Aasgardian woman who got jealous my dad was with someone else and not her then attacked me, I have nightmares sometimes but I'm okay." She tells him.
"neither have i but i though scandanovian would be something you would be fimiliour with , i dont wanna go too fansy , what about pizza ... wow , someone would accually do that , should i cancel my trip there" john asks
Thalia goes over to sit ontop of that picnic table."So you can just take me out in town, doesn't mean we have to go somewhere fancy but I suppose it would've been familiar but you can't go wrong with pizza." She points out."She lives in the forest outside of Asgard so you don't have to worry about running into her." She tells him.
john takes a sigh of releave "thank god , for both of those things , so pizza it is , when are you free?"
Thalia shrugged."I live on the campus so anytime we don't have school stuff to do." She ready to do that prank she and the other three were planning.
"dont we all basically live on campus , running back across the country is a bit hard on the body " john says sitting on the other side of the table to relax for a second.
Thalia lifts a finger."Not everyone, just those who's homes are far away." She explains."So I usually have freetime when you have freetime." She tells him.
"yeah, imagine going to a school like ours and not knowing its a place for recruting superhumans , i mean i definetly made some people realise that some people here have powers " john says laying down on the picnic table bench.
Thalia pulls her jacket into her lap."I'm sure people know from fhe heroes and the mutants, just don't get why we can't use our powers infront of them unless they'd think we're freaks and yet Victoria thought she could beat up the karate club kids." She tells him.
"thats what i said , but atleast we can use them outside of school time , and in those camping trips" says john "i think even the teachers cant use their powers , not all of them atleast , kurt told me they put a mutant collar on his when i was cleaning the school"

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