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"the hell do you want me to do with that information alex , thank you ?, and for your info , i get faster by the seconds , im only 500 km of speed away from creating litteral fire when i move , and what do you got , an arrow , a couple of knifes, good luck killing me" john says "and dont give me shit about attitude , and can i just have one friend without you guys telling them that i'm a shithead of a human"
Irys links arms with John. "You are a wonderful person. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?" She was smiling.
Thalia shrugged."If you want a rude ass friend go for it, don't come crying to me when he upsets you somehow." She points her finger at the girl."As for you John, maybe when you start acting like a team member and quit bullying my cousin, maybe then I'll take your flirts seriously when you do."
"John, hate to tell you this, but there are more ways to kill someone then with arrows and knifes." Alex deadpans and he gives Irys a smile "Now, do you want to go first?" he asks "And welcome to the team Irys." he adds.

Victoria nods slightly "Yeah, no obnoxious speedster to bother us or annoy us." she says and lays on the grass to cloudgaze ""Or you know, insult us cause we use magic."
john is flusterred for a scond but is snapped back to reality by thalia's comment , he jokingly slaps her hand away when she points at irys " see , thats why you dont get it , you dont take the flirts seriously "
Atreus gets down to lay in the grass like before and he rolled onto his side to face her."Yeah, feel bad for the others being left behind with them thoufh." He says quietly."But not so much cause I've got you to myself." He chuckled.

Thalia puts her hands on her hips."What do you mean I don't take flirts seriously?" She questioned.
"its suposed to be fun , its not a challange " says john "its complimenting , so its kinda serious but its not something you take seriously"
Irys nodded. "I just like making people happy whenever I can. I absolutely HATE it when people fight and argue..." She trails off, remembering her parents used to argue constantly.
Thalia raises a brow."Flirting you take seriously but don't take seriously...what." He was confusing her there."Yeah I preferred fhe John I first met, where did he go? Then he had a chance." She tells him.
"still here , just waiting for a person he can talk to that wont argue with him " says john " but i do miss the old thalia too"
"Thalia hasn't changed though." Alex says and he nods at Irys "Sure." he says and he hands his jacket to Thalia before going to the start and he takes a running start, easily doing the obstacle course, while not using too flashy moves.

Victoria laughs "Well I do have time to spend with you, but I can't all my free time with just you Atreus." she says and puts her hands behind her head "That one looks a like a bear." he points at the cloud.
Atreus sighed."Well obviously Vi, I wouldn't expect you to and we all would like our own personal space sometimes." He shrugged."I just find it nice to be with you..." He says quietly.

Thalia held out her hand."Then work with me to be that John again and then I'll take your offer for that date and besides I haven't changed either." She explains before taking Alexander's coat for him.
"i'll think about that , maybe he was a better person " john says frowning a little , " im not sure about the date " he slowly walk next to her and whispers "maybe you and alex should get together , you two have chemistry " he then continues walking.
"Alright your turn Irys." Alex says and he grins "It's easier then it looks." he adds. He frowns at John, what was the John they first met even like?

"And that's fine, but I can't be the only one you enjoy spending time with." Victoria says and she sighs, looking at the clouds "Besides... until Loki gets whatever he needs I'm still mortal." she mumbles.
Atreus shrugged."I don't know you're the only one I care about spending time with besides my family..." He says quietly."We'll figure it out don't worry." He assures her.

Thalia grabs the back of John's shirt."Not happening, I'm like a sister to the dude." She let's go of him after she says that.
Irys nods shyly before taking a running start just had Alex had done. But the first move she makes otherwise, she slips and falls right on her back. "Ow..."
"or maybe you just want the speedster baby" john says giggling a little . he speeds over to irys failing to catch her , "shshhs , you good there?"
Thalia laughed."Yeah there you go, the old John." She pats him on the back."That's if you can handle this." She gestured to herself before doing stretches."I've not use to having much fun, I'm usually always thrown in training..." She says quietly.
"Please don't even joke about that John." Alex deadpans as he holds out a hand to help Irys up "Don't worry, practice makes perfect, Cap has us running plenty of courses during PE if you need to practice." he explains to her.

"Well what do you think of the drama club students besides me?" Victoria asks and she laughs at the memories of practicing for the play "I have no clue how we're going to pull off that play though, we keep messing up and laughing too much."
Irys takes Alex's hand. "Thanks," she nods, dusting herself off. "That's very good to know, about PE. I would very much like the practice."
Atreus sighed."I don't know...guess they're okay, I'm starting to feel more welcomed lately if that counts as anything to you." He put on a smile and grabs a dandelion that was next to him."When do we have to perform that for the school anyway?" He asks her.
"Well for now you can practice here, starting slowly next time," Alex advices and he adds "it's not the end of the world if you fail the first time, practice makes perfect after all."

"We need to ask Loki next time during club hours, I mean, we all know our lines, but if they'd make a bloopers video it's be at least ten minutes." Victoria says "The armor's too heavy for me to use normally and we haven't found a lighter version yet."

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