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Fandom Marvel: Earth-617 (Character Sheets)



The God-Emperor of Mankind
A like means it's accepted.

: (True name.)
Aliases: (Other names, titles, nicknames, and aliases.)
Age: (Biological age. How long have you been there?)
Gender: (Straightforward.)
Race: (Human, Mutant, Mutate, Alien, etc.)

: (Ships gotta sail, then sink each other.)
Organizations\Affiliations: (Organizations, or people the character is affiliated with.)
Personality: (Make sure the character has its strengths and flaws.)
Backstory: (At least a solid paragraph. Keep it relevant.)

Energy Projection:
Fighting Ability:

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket.)
Superpowers & Magic: (Superpowered or magical abilities the character has.)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)
Theme: (Musical theme.)
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Reserved Characters:
Hulk - Birdsie Birdsie
Doctor Doom - Birdsie Birdsie
Quicksilver - Birdsie Birdsie
Iron Man - BackSet BackSet
Star-Lord - BackSet BackSet
Doctor Strange - Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
OC - Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Punisher - Safety Hammer Safety Hammer
Spider-Man - Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Thor - Mion Mion
Ant-Man - A Common Man A Common Man
Director Nick Fury - A Common Man A Common Man
Ultron - A Common Man A Common Man
Vision - A Common Man A Common Man
Scarlet Witch - Coldpopz Coldpopz
Wolverine ("Logan") - Coldpopz Coldpopz
Captain America - E Earos
Charles Xavier - Andrita Andrita
OC - Andrita Andrita
Mr. Fantastic - fin fin
Deadpool - fin fin
OC - FireMaiden FireMaiden
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Birdsie Birdsie I'm going to be making a OC that is going to be accompany Malloy during the Avengers vs X-Men Arc . Also, May I have Charles Xavier ?
SHIELD Superhuman Files #3891

Name: Green, Doreen

Aliases: Squirrel Girl, the Anti-Life, Slayer of all that Breathes, the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Age: somewhere around 20.

Gender: female

Race: Unsure. It’s… complicated. The only thing we know is that she is medically and legally distinct from being a mutant.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Organizations\Affiliations: Great Lakes Avengers (formerly), SHIELD (temporary allies), Empire State University (student)

Personality: Doreen Green has often been described as fun personified. She is almost always chipper and upbeat. Her confidence is unrivaled and she has a habit of referring to herself as unbeatable (a fair description considering her previous defeat of doctor doom and giganto (and also galactus but she didn’t actually beat him so muxh as found him another planet.)). If she has any faults it’s that she often bites off more than she can chew, always going with brute strength before choosing other options. After these first attempts she either uses her intelligence to come up with a plan or attempts to emphasize with the villain.

Backstory: Doreen Green was born with squirrel powers and a squirrel tail. Our guys have no idea how she got them. Something about cosmic rays, squirrel bites, and experimental nut serums. We’ve decided to take it with a grain of salt. What we do know is her life after this. At 13 she took down a super villain who aspired to be a hydra agent and had a friend named Ana Sofia (currently participating in SHIELD entrance exams). At 14 she had an adventure with Iron Man where she defeated Doctor Doom. At 15 she had a chance encounter with the Hulk. At 18 she was a member of the Great Lakes Avengers and her squirrel partner, Monkey Joe, died. Currently she attends Empire State University as a 2nd year computer science student. She fights crime with her friends Chipmunk Hunk, Koi Boi, Nancy Whitehead, Her new squirrel partner, Tippy Toe, and Nancy’s pet cat, Mew. She operates under the pretense that her identity is secret (it’s not. She’s really bad at hiding it.).

Intelligence: 3 ½ (are we even allowed to use fractions here?)

Strength: 4

Speed: 3

Durability: 3

Energy Projection: 1

Fighting Ability: 3 ½ (the tail makes for a weird factor here)

Appearance: 03704519-6710-4380-AAC9-81E476219D10.jpeg

Weapons & Armor: none

Items & Personal Belongings:

Utility Belt: contains nuts. Really, that’s it. What do you mean that can’t be it? Wait, are you writing down everything I say? You should probably edit this part out then. Anyway, yeah, nuts.

School bag: contains Text Books, laptop, and Nuts.

Deadpool’s Guide to Supervillains Cards: a set of 4522 collectible cards made by Deadpool that give information of questionable accuracy on supervillains.

Skills & Abilities:

Computer Science: Doreen knows College Level Computer Science (2nd year) and has a very logical brain as a result.

College level science knowledge: as demonstrated when she teamed up with Ant-Man (Scott Lang) she has a relatively good knowledge of science, utilizing galileo's square cube law against enigmo.


Squirrel Tail: does this technically count? I mean, it’s a large part of her fighting style so I guess.

Fluent in Squirrel: Believe it or not, squirrel girl can actually talk to squirrels. We’ve been trying to convince her to help us figure out the secret knowledge squirrels might have but she’s denied our requests.

Proportional speed and strength of a squirrel: think spiderman but with squirrels instead. It actually makes more sense than spiderman because she uses her tail to balance her out.

Knuckle Spike: has a weird spike thing that comes out of her knuckle. Never uses it. Not exactly wolverine material


Overly Confident: is self described as unbeatable which can lead to her biting off more than she can chew.

Overly protective: she puts the safety of her friends and allies before her own. This could be an easy thing for villains to take advantage of.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Computer Science, Knitting, talking to squirrels

Quote\s: “I eat nuts and kick butts!” “Let’s get nuts.”

Other: apparently wolverine stole a cab from her once. They agreed never to see each other again. She currently has a standing offer from galactus to be his herald. Once teamed up with howard the duck. Rumors of her planning a road trip with magneto are totally false. Personality overview suggests she might be worthy of Mjolnir. Pending further investigation.

Hope you don’t mind if I take care of the ones I don’t have dibs on first.
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( This is heavily based on an OC of mine from a verse called "Jessie's World" . I'm also unsure of if this character is Accepted... Considering the nature of her abilities. Oh well... Better to try and fail, then to try and not know if it could've been. )



: Jessica Anderson
Aliases: Jessie , Monarch of "Jessie's World" , The "Creepy Girl" , "The One Who Creates" , "The Freak" , Creator of the "Omni-Marvel Nexus"
Age: 13 years biologically speaking.
Gender: Female
Race: Mutant
Mutant Power Level Classification: Unknown

A bit too Young to be thinking of these type of things... However she is showing signs of being attracted to Woman + Men , so she is very much on her way to becoming a Pansexual .
Organizations/Affiliation: She is affiliated to Earth-617's version of Charles Xavier, as she's met him recently a bit before he met Matthew Malloy .
Personality: Dear sweet little Jessica is seen as sort of a quiet and meek individual. It usually takes her quite a deal of time to even utter out a stutter in her constant fear of rejection . She is almost seen stuttering quite a bit, and apologizes quite a bit even if it seems a bit excessive . She can be seen as the one girl who is always alone in a cafeteria, or the one person who almost always is seen alone in a library reading . She is that special someone who wants to help others but fears making it worse, especially due to the nature of her own abilities, which dramatically increases her hesitancy to assist. She is almost always seen as a daydreamer of sorts, daydreaming about stuff that basically comes out of nowhere. This can make her seen as such a klutz at times .
Backstory: Her backstory isn't that much to know about. She lived in Fayetteville Georgia and was seen as a bit of a social outcast. This was because she was always in her own little world. However, people had no idea that her world was created by her and was in-fact sentient and very much sentient. So, for the most part, she didn't believe she need friends because she had her sentient imaginary friends to play around with all the time. However, one day she realized her world was a lot more important than she originally thought. While at night, she discovered that her world was in fact very much alive, and connected to other worlds she has never seen prior . She saw a world where this man named Doctor Doom acquired someone called the Beyonders' powers, a variation of her world where Omniverse meant all of fiction and reality, and many other parallels of the world she lived in . At first she was overwhelmed, but then a calm voice soothed her. It seemed to be all around, and was the very world she created. The Sentient Omniverse explained that each of these were essentially retcons/"what-ifs" of their world, and that this world was also a retcon of the Original variation of the Marvel Universe. It also explained that her world was in-fact a world that connected all of the possibilities together and she could call upon these very possibilities at will because she was the creator of the dubbed Omni-Marvel Nexus . She was able to understand to a certain extent, but was still very much confused .

A bully basically messed with her at the wrong time. She was in a bad mood. So, she summoned a Unicorn from a golden and white portal from her own little world and out came a very powerful looking creature. It had purple skin and wore armor, but for some reason looked very mean. This was in-fact a What-If variation of Thanos who was wielding the God Quarry powers . The bully looked in horror at the version of Thanos, uncertain of what to do. Before anyone could blink o react to such a threat , Thanos speed-blitzed the Bully and rammed his head into the ground, destroying any aspect of him being alive. Then, he vanished into a golden shimmering light , not to be seen again . She wanted them to forget what happened, so apparently the world sent a mutant with vast telepathic powers, mind-wipping the entire school of such an incident before they can even blink .

Ever since that day, she has been refusing to use her powers for any reason. Since it was a mindwipe , no one was aware of what happened. However, she wanted to find out how to handle her powers. After researching on the internet, she managed to get a hold of Charles Xavier and asked him to meet her at his institute. As soon as Proffessor X agreed with her, she set out after school the next day to meet him. After meeting him and explaining her powers, Charles Xavier was heavily concerned with her. He promised to personally visit her in a stral projection everyday to check up on her mental sanity. Ever since then, life wasn't the same for the young mutant... To Be Continued

Intelligence: 4-5/7
Strength: 1/7
Speed: 1/7
Durability: 1/7
Energy Projection: 7/7
Combat Skill Efficiency: 1/7

Weapons & Armor:
Nothing Available. Can change dramatically depending on her powers.
Skills & Abilities :
Quick Witted and a Gifted Individual, she at least knows a thing or two about how to act under pressure. She is a hard worker and is ridiculously creative .
Spells/Powers/Magic: She has the ability to tap into her imaginary world in order to summon /control beings that either come from the alternate What-If Variations of the Marvel Universes , by intuitively thinking about what she needs before activating her powers. She can also summon and control beings that originate from her imaginary reality as well. She subconsciously creates infinite number of Level Infinity Multiverses [beyond Levels 1-4 Multiverses on Max Tendemark's Scale by an unfathomable amount ] every second to add to her own Imaginary World, albeit this cannot be used for combative purposes . She can also temporarily connect her own worlds for defensive purposes such as summoning a brick wall from her world to have a defensive barrier. This can also be done for armors and sets llike Mjolnir and stuff. She can also teleport herself into her Imaginary World to isolate herself from others, and telepathically speak to the people within the variations of the world even when not there herself. This is used mainly for self supportive purposes. She can warp her Omni-Marvel Nexus and have complete control over every facet of it, but can only reality warp while she's in there.
Weaknesses: These beings from either the What-If variations of the MU or from her World can only be controlled for 30 minutes before they are sent away . She is not battle hardened whatsoever and be defeated by enemies who are fodder even by average hero standards . She is physically weak for a person of her age range and can be easily oneshotted by most average adults . Her powers heavily depend on her emotional state, so if she's stressed or nervous she cannot utilize her powers at all. She is heavily influenced by psychic powers or mental influence of any kind due to her submissive and unstable nature. She is not skilled at using a weapon, so even if one comes through her portals she won't be skilled at using it [ Important Examples: Mjolnir , Ultimate Nullifier , or Infinty Gauntlet ] . She can generally be speed-blitzed by almost everyone who is superhuman in terms of speed category and cannot apply reality warping outside her own Imaginary World .

: Cleaning, Cooking [She at least assists her mother doing it whenever she's home, as she's usually with Xavier],Reading,Observing others.
" I don't want to have this power... But I hope to do something pretty good with it "
" I hope the other Mutants will be... Accept who I am "
Theme Song: Kokoro No Hane

*Faceclaim: Chris Evans

Birth Name: Steve Rogers
Hero Alias: Captain America
Race: Enhanced Human
Age: 99
Gender: Male
Affiliations: Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D.
Steve Rogers is a very introspective individual with a strong moral compass and sense of duty. He fights for the weak and the freedom of people. Though he is clearly out of place in nearly every social situation with his way of speech, choice of slang, and constant questioning,he doesn't understand. Throughout everything, he maintains his courage and humility against all odds. With the loss of nearly everyone he knew from before being frozen, he would go to great lengths to protect those who remain. Those few individuals that remained he would go to great lengths to protect. But one thing can’t abide by is those who abuse their power.
Born on July 4, 1918 to a poor family in Brooklyn. His father instilled in him the value of hard work, protecting the weak, and duty to his country that lasted throughout his life. But all further life lessons ended with his death in WWI. His mother died of consumption shortly after, but not before she taught him empathy, to always be true to his beliefs and always stand up to bullies. That dark time in his life was made bearable with the help of his life-long friend Bucky Barnes, standing together against the people that Steve ended up picking a fight with and offering him a place to stay after his mother passed. Rogers and Barnes attended George Washington High School in Brooklyn from 1932 to 1936, and later Auburndale Art School, also in Brooklyn, from 1937 to 1938. But America’s entry to WWII changed everything. Bucky enlisted, but Steve was labelled 4F and rejected multiple times. Until the day he met Doctor Erskine at the Stark Expo when he skipped away from a double date with Bucky and make another attempt to enlist, but unlike the others that examined Steve. The doctor seen something in Steve and recruited him for Project Rebirth. A secret program that turned the frail man into the world’s first superhero. Shame he was used by the US as a publicity figure until Steve went without permission behind enemy lines and rescued the soldiers that would later be known as the Howling Commandos. Their campaign against HYDRA and Red Skull culminated with a final battle for the Tesseract, and Cap crashing a bomber in the arctic ocean.

Power Class: Gamma
Intelligence: 4/7
Strength: 4/7

Speed: 3/7
Durability: 4/7
Energy Projection: 1/7
Combat Skill Efficiency: 7/7

Acquired from MCU Wiki, will update further
Major Spoiler Warning on that link
Artificially Enhanced Physiology: As a Super Soldier, Steve Rogers possesses enhanced human abilities, such as formidable intelligence, strength, speed, senses, durability, agility, stamina, dexterity and reflexes, as well as an accelerated healing factor. The SSS healed all of his ailments, and physical and genetic imperfections instantly, giving him the body of a man in his physical prime. It also prevents him from getting intoxicated by alcohol. The serum metabolized and enhanced all of Steve's natural anatomical abilities beyond the peak of human potential, pushing into the early levels of superhuman condition. It permanently transformed a frail and sickly Steve into the "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. The SSS is definite, even without training Rogers' physiology surpasses that of any human being trained to their physical and mental peaks. Rogers maintains an overall very healthy lifestyle including a regular extensive and intense exercise regimen and a strictly balanced nutrition diet. This appears to have increased his capabilities further, much like how it increases strength, physical performance and muscle control in non-enhanced humans.
Enhanced Intelligence: Steve's mental performance has been greatly enhanced to the very peak of human potential and beyond, thus allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. Some manifestation of this is his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Rogers has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to any changing tactical situations, by creating perfect winning strategies rapidly. He possesses perfect memory as demonstrated when he was able to perfectly replicate the locations of all HYDRA bases on a map, despite "only getting a glance." He is able to learn anything- he can memorize, understand and recall all kinds of information and skills in extraordinary capacity and in limited time. Even though he was unconscious, he was able to recall the conversation S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had while they were deforesting him. Even with his limited knowledge of modern technology, he was still able to help Tony repair a Helicarrier and prevent it from crashing, or when he quickly gave the Avengers and the first responders an efficient plan to minimize and contain damage from the Chitauri invasion. Since the Super-Soldier serum amplifies personality aspects as well, Rogers' brain chemistry is also altered. Though he was brave, determined, and compassionate before, the SSS has also amplified those character traits.
Enhanced Strength: Rogers' strength is immensely enhanced beyond the peak of human potential. His immense strength allows him to physically overpower combatants, including elite-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. He can effortlessly bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors. In combat, his strength allows for him to send enemies flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. He can even generate enough force to have his shield pierce the metal frame of a Quinjet. However, his strength is no match against the likes of Hulk and beings from other realms, such as Loki and Thor, who possesses god-like strength, even when he was able to briefly hold Loki at bay when the latter only trying to get him to submit. Nonetheless, his combination of strength, extremely effective muscle control and highly refined combat skills makes him an incredibly formidable opponent to those that would try to attack him.
Enhanced Durability: Steve's bones and muscles are vastly denser and harder than a human's, above the highest level of human potential, which makes him much incredibly more durable than any human being. Though he is not bulletproof, he can survive extreme blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield, or contact with superhuman opponents like Loki, the Winter Soldier, and the Red Skull. With his vibranium shield, he is capable of surviving falls from immense heights that would absolutely kill a human.
Enhanced Speed: Steve can run and move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. He can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time.
Enhanced Stamina: Steve's musculature produces fewer fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human and his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He can function at peak capacity for several hours before showing fatigue.
Enhanced Agility: His immensely enhanced agility is greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist and leagues above even the world's greatest acrobats. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. He can reach very high places with great ease. Steve uses his supremely enhanced agility to perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be impossible for a normal human to accomplish.
Enhanced Reflexes: Steve's reflexes are superior to those of the finest athlete. They are beyond the peak of human potential, which allows him to dodge rapid gunfire at close range. Rogers was once able to evade a gatling gun's gunfire from a Quinjet as he was accelerating towards the airship on his motorcycle. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and respond quickly to fast pace combat. Soldiers are subdued by Captain America before they can even align their weapons on him. His immense reflexes can also be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes, allowing him to punish attacks with devastating counters when fighting extraordinary quick opponents.
Enhanced Senses: Steve's five natural senses have been enhanced. He can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste things imperceptible to humans. This allows him to see further, hear with amazing clarity, detect specific persons, objects, substances with his smell, etc. He was able to notice little things such as sweat coming to a man face to cue him off on danger.
Regenerative Healing Factor: The super-soldier serum caused Steve Rogers' physiology possesses accelerated healing and regeneration. He is immune to all infections, diseases, and disorders; also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. This annoys him as he can't get drunk like his friends. However, it would appear that Asgardian liquor might work on him, as Thor shared some from a flask during an party with the Avengers. For Rogers, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within an hour or less. Rogers was able to regenerate from being shot by a Chitauri Gun directly to the abdomen in a matter of minutes. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury. Steve regained consciousness in a short amount of time after nearly dying. His accelerated healing powers also helped him to rapidly rejuvenate to his prime conditioning and capabilities after he was defrosted, as well as it kept him alive when he was in cryo-stasis. It also seems to be rapidly regenerating already perfectly healthy slow-decaying cells. Thus Rogers has a form of ageless immortality.
Master Martial Artist: Rogers is an extremely accomplished and experienced warrior. He has extensive levels of knowledge of melee combat. Rogers' combat style has the foundation of WWII Army training become a mixture of American Boxing, Krav Maga, Jiu-jitsu and Wrestling, but refined his fighting techniques, applying characteristics of Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, and Wing Chun. Captain America's combat skills are considered legendary, making him one of the greatest fighters in the world.
Shield Mastery: Over time of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Aside from bashing foes and blocking incoming attacks, he is able to throw it with a nearly perfect aim. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from.
Expert Marksman: Rogers can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms like the military-issued Colt 1911 or the Tommy Gun during World War II and eventually modern firearms, picking up an assault rifle and using with ease. While he knew how to use the modern assault rifle, he was not used to it and missed his targets each time he fires and even slipped from the platform he was and grabbed a wire to stay on the ship when caught in a hail of gunfire from the men that he was fighting on the Helicarrier. Rogers also shows expertise in knife throwing.
Master Tactician: Rogers is a masterful strategist. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.
Master Acrobat: Rogers' years of training and experience have made him an extraordinary master acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Combined with his extremely enhanced agility, Rogers has shown expertise in utilizing flips in his attacks and takedowns.
Multilingualism: Rogers speaks his native English, as well as fluent French.
Pilot: Rogers has at least basic knowledge of aircraft piloting. In the 1940s, he crash-landed Red Skull's plane on the Arctic. After returning, he is able to fly a Quinjet.
Weapons & Armor:
Vibranium Shield: A concave disk about 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds painted in its familiar red-white-and-blue pattern with a five-pointed star design in its center. Constructed by Howard Stark and made from Vibranium. The Vibranium alloy can absorb and reflect kinetic energy from impacts, therefore, making it nigh-indestructible. Nearly every kind of human weaponry cannot even dent it, as bullets normally bounce off it. The shield is also strong enough to combat magic and mystical weapons, such as Thor's hammer Mjølnir. It also withstood Iron Man's repulsors, deflecting them in a coordinated team attack. The shield's shape makes it a superb throwing weapon. It can cut through the air with minimal wind resistance. It is also able to bounce off solid objects, such as walls and floors, when struck on its edge and can be ricocheted off of multiple surfaces. It also makes a formidable and devastating hand-held weapon. Combined with Rogers' strength and combat skills, it enables him to plow through virtually any opponent. The Vibranium in the shield also enables Rogers to withstand great falls and devastating blows that he couldn't otherwise.
Uniform: Upon his reawakening and him joining the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., along with input from Phil Coulson, designed his new upgraded suit. It has more flexibility and mobility than his previous suit. The new suit carries a wireless communicator. The uniform is composed of a Nomex and Kevlar fiber. While it doesn't allow for him carrying a sidearm, nonetheless, it is bulletproof and fireproof. It could also withstand blunt force trauma and energy blasts from alien weapons.
Utility Belt: Captain America wears a utility belt containing tactical devices and equipment for battle.
Grapple Gun: A line cable firing device that automatically entangles a limb of a flying or fleeing culprit, thus preventing their escape. It is kept in Captain America's utility belt.

Weaknesses: When it comes right down to it, Steve Rogers is still a man and suffers from many of those same flaws. But his primary weakness is the fact he doesn't understand the modern world, missing the people and places that feel familiar. While holding the lives of civilians is truly admirable quality. Tactically speaking, that limits the offensive potential of his plans in populated areas, along with being willing to sacrifice his own life, if the outcome will save innocents.

Name: T'Challa
Aliases: Black Panther
Age: 31
Gender: Masculine
Race: Human
: Heterosexual
Organizations\Affiliations: Avengers, Taifa Ngao
Personality: T'Challa is extremely poised, intelligent, loyal, and possessing a strong moral code. He is a powerful and ruthless warrior giving him a particular niche. Royal and intellectual, T'Challa is an respectful being who cares for his people and nation.
Backstory: T'Challa was the first biological son of T'Chaka, king of the African nation of Wakanda, a secluded technologically advanced country that contained the only source of the rare ultra-durable metal known as Vibranium. His mother, N'Yami, died a week after giving birth to her son as a consequence of a rare autoimmune disease she had contracted during pregnancy.

T'Challa was taught the properties of Vibranium when he was still a kid, and his lessons in royal duty began at age five. When he accompanied his father on border inspection for the first time, T'Challa got lost, but was found by outsider explorer Ramonda. After meeting T'Chaka, Ramonda remained in Wakanda and became a mother to T'Challa. He became the reason why Ramonda decided to stay in the country, and she ended up marrying T'Chaka.

Years later, a ceremony was held in the border of Wakanda. T'Chaka was approached by arms dealer Ulysses Klaue, who attempted to petition for the mining rights of the nation's rare metal called Vibranium. Klaue was backed up by a group of mercenaries, who opened fire as soon as T'Chaka refused. When Klaw's sonic weapon overwhelmed his father, T'Challa ran to his aid. Klaw prepared to kill the young prince instead, but T'Chaka shielded him, and died. During his escape, Klaue also caused an explosion that cost the lives of Chief of Wakandan security W'Kabi's parents.

After the tragic events caused by Klaue, the death of T'Chaka led to T'Challa being the new king of Wakanda. T'Challa would have priorities as a Monarch and the mantle of the Black Panther. He would be advised by the Taifa Ngao, a council tribe of elders, assisting the decisions of day to day operations in the nation. As for the Black Panther, Shuri, sister of T'Challa, would build technological designs for T'Challa's suit and Okoye, leader of the Dora Milaje would protect the Black Panther if required.

Without Heart Shaped Herb
Intelligence: 5/7
Strength: 3/7
Speed: 2/7
Durability: 3/7
Energy Projection: 1/7
Fighting Ability: 5/7

With Heart Shaped Herb
Intelligence: 5/7
Strength: 4/7
Speed: 3/7
Durability: 3/7
Energy Projection: 1/7
Fighting Ability: 6/7

: (Written, or a picture. If written, then at least a detailed paragraph of text.)
Weapons & Armor: (Anything that the character uses for protection, or attack during combat.)
Items & Personal Belongings: (Any other items that the character has, or belong to them.)
Skills & Abilities: (Not magical. Include things like bartering, or the ability to pickpocket.)
Superpowers & Magic: (Superpowered or magical abilities the character has.)
Weaknesses: (Weak sides of a character. Fears, inabilities, inexperience, emotional issues, mental issues, etc. Only ones that could be said to negatively affect the character.)

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: (What does the dark lord do in his free time, when not vying for supremacy over the world?)
Quote\s: (Notable things that the character has said, that may show off their personality or speech type.)


  • GENERAL NAME: Wanda Maximoff

    ALIAS: Scarlet Witch

    AGE: 21

    SEX: Female

    RACE: Mutant

    • 5f06f3c9102ae356a70b48147f342c8a.jpg

Template By ElectricPizza, Modified By Coldpopz
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: Hank Pym
Aliases: Ant-Man, Shorty
Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: Causcasian

: Heterosexual
Organizations\Affiliations: The Avengers, SHIELD
Personality: Hank is a very analytical person. He studies people, to fibd out more about them. He is a heavy workaholic, aiming to advance science and to help others from threats that they can't handle. He usually cares a lighthearted attitude, and tries to also be practical. He also wants to rehabilitate criminals, which is why he created The Vision. He finds his work very important.
Backstory: Hank was born in Nebraska to Brad and Doris Pym. From a early age, he was a prodigy and came up with many wild ideas. As he got older, he became a but more serious but still continued his work. Even when he got into college, his ideas never stopped.

He eventually found a woman named Maria Trovaya. She eventually got killed, which led Hank to discover Pym Patricles and also lead him to become Ant-Man to stop criminals and many others from hurting people like how Maria got hurt. Hank debuted as Ant-Man when he was 25, and has been working ever since. Recently, he has focused on rehabiliting criminals.

He also helped in the creation of The Vision, which he considers his greatest porject yet.
Intelligence: 5/7
Strength: 2/7
Speed: 2/7
Durability: 2/7
Energy Projection: 0/7
Fighting Ability: 3/7



Weapons & Armor: Ant-Man Helmet- His helmet allows him to speak to different kinds of ants. It's how he gets ants to fight with him. It is also used to help control the Pym Patricles. It also allows him to so radio communication.

Items & Personal Belongings: Phone- Hank keeps his phone by him nearly all times.
Ant-Man Helmet- The helmet is also very important to Hank. He keeps it near himself nearly all the time.
Skills & Abilities: Genius- Hank is excellent in the works of robotics and many forms of the sciences. He is one of the smartest people on the planet, along the likes of people like Tony Stark and Reed Richards.

Fighting Skill- Hank has some experience in fighting. He knows pressure points in the body, and knows how to make someone injured or unconscious. He has been trained a lot before by multiple people.
Superpowers & Magic: Hank doesn't have any powers himself, but the helmet alloes him to do many things.
Communication- The helmet allows Hank to be able to communicate with many different kinds of ants. He can give orders, order for the ants to defend themselves and most things.
Size- The helmet also lets Hank control Pym Particles. This can allow him to shrink or grow. He can get so short that he can go to the size of a atom.
Weaknesses: Human- Hank is only human. He can get shot, burned, hit by a bus or anything that can kill a human really.
No Armor- Hank only has his helmet. But other than that he does not have much protection for his while body.
Mental Issues- Hank has a few mental issues. He has bi polar disorder. He is not good under very stressful situations, and has depression.
FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Working, Talking about science, building things, being a hero
Quote\s: "No matter how smart I am, or how much I think I know, there's only one thing I can say for certain. Hank Pym is not always right."
"I believe in the Avengers We came together to face threats no single individual could withstand. To make the world a safer place. Perhaps it was a simpler time. Perhaps we were naive. Jocasta just asked me were I'd be without the Avengers. I've thought long and hard about that. And I know, without question... I'd dead. Or insane. Or in prison. Or just not doing anyone much good. The Avengers have saved the world countless times. But they have also saved me. Have I faced hard times as a result of being an Avenger? Definitely. But I've also experienced some of the greatest moments of my life. Seen and done thing no other scientist can ever imagine. I've had the privilege of fighting beside some of the greatest heroes--and best friends--the world's ever seen. And I've found happiness. More than I probably deserve. If I'd never become an Avenger, I might have lived a quiet, contented, productive life as a researcher. But it's just as likely I'd have struggled with the same demons---depression, mental illness, suicidal thoughts--and not make it out the other side. And I wouldn't have had the great honor of teaching you.What I take issue with is the idea that the Avengers are an outdated concept. The Avengers made me a far better man than I would have been without them. And I have yet to meet a person involved with the Avengers who is not better for that association. [...] Yes, we save the world. Yes we fight enemies no other force could battle... Certainly not a corporation. But beyond that... The Avengers inspire people. To preserve when every fiber of their being says, "give up." We are a symbol of people of different races, nations, even different species working together for the common good. We make the world a better place. We make those who join us better people. I will believe that until the day I die."

Theme: None


: Wade Winston Wilson
Aliases: Deadpool, Merc with a Mouth,
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: Homo-Magi

: Heterosexual
Organizations\Affiliations: Sanctum Z
Personality: Deadpool is very comedic, although this appears to be caused in part by his mental illness. He is quick to act without thinking and is very impulsive. Wade is known to overreact and has on countless occasions stabbed his comrades for stealing his cheetos. In spite of this, Wade is very loyal to his friends and family, and albeit he might not be the most trustworthy individual, he is good to go to advice for. He's a huge jokester, and has an overwhelmingly charismatic personality. Wade always has his friends' back no matter the cause (maybe because of his deranged personality) and is the literal meaning of ride or die (but he can't die). His personality is also greatly twisted as a cause of his fourth wall breaking ability, and commonly talks with his RpN roleplayers as if it were the norm.
Backstory: Wade is very much known for having constant variations of his backstory, from an abusive father who left when he was young, to a single dad where his mother died when he'd been giving birth to. Nothing is known of his actual backstory, and whether or not he's constantly convincing the writer to change and manipulate it.

What is known though are the events leading up to him becoming Deadpool. Wade Wilson had never been an academic student, or someone known to be important or impactful to society. He didn't have many friends and was much of a loner throughout his school career. Constantly looked down on and doubted, Wade dropped out of high school in his junior year to join the U.S. Special Forces. He was praised for his skill and prowess, training for a year before ultimately being dropped for not having the want to kill. Wade had moral codes the military wasn't going to offer him. Instead, Wade was invited to join a CIA-supported mercenary group, and was promised the victims were people who really didn't deserve their lives.

After years of success in the mercenary group, Wade was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was destined to die. His current love interest at the time, Copy Cat struggled to prescribe any good doctors back in Canada where he'd returned to. Instead, Wade fell victim to a cult dubbed "Sanctum Z" that brought in troubled young adults like him. Blessed by the "Almighty," a fraudster magician who'd come across a pool of the dead. Wade ventured into it once it came his time to be baptized. Due to the cowls worn on each member, Wade had never noticed it on those who'd been "baptized," but once entered, his body was cured of all its imperfections, but his outwards appearance cursed with disgust. Wade was cursed with knowing of the writers who'd created him, the "Dead pool" also responsible for his fourth wall breaking powers. In a nervous breakdown at the realization, Wade killed every last one of the cult's members and the "Almighty" himself, and has kept the location of the "Dead pool" a secret. He returned to New York where he spent a short time at the School for Gifted Mutants before a harsh dismissal.

Now, Wade wonders around for mercenary deals, and has on certain occasions taken up the role of a "hero."
Intelligence: 2/7
Strength: 4/7
Speed: 3/7
Durability: 4/7
Energy Projection: 1/7
Fighting Ability: 6/7

Weapons & Armor:
  • Deadpool's Suit: Deadpool wears a full body black and red tactical, the reason for said color scheme, "so the bad guys don't see me bleed." The suit is made of a flexible, but durable fibre that moves freely on the wearer and was composed by Deadpool's friend, Weasel.
  • Arsenal: When they're not on him, Deadpool has an array of weapons at his dismissal. Assault rifles, pistols, swords, EMPs, you name it. Deadpool often only carries two pistols and a set of dual katanas on his back, as well as EMPs and smoke grenades in his pouches amongst other weapons. Whatever doesn't fit is usually stashed in a duffle bag near him.
  • Image Inducer: Very self-explanatory, the image inducer is a small device that forms a holographic mask around Wade's face, and has pre-programmed faces. More can also be downloaded onto it.
  • Deadpool's Katanas: Wade is known for his set of steel dual katanas, and frequently has them on him.
  • The Sorcerer's Weapons:
    • Quarterstaff of Darkwood: A small but potent tool that allows the user to telepathically communicate with animals, and persuade but not guarantee them to heed their instructions.
    • Book of Enchantments: Filled with various magical inscriptions. Deadpool is yet to use it as he doesn't understand what they mean.
Skills & Abilities:
  • Master Martial Artist: Deadpool is an extraordinary martial artist, hand-to-hand combatant, and is a master in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He has been shown fighting such amazingly skilled fighters as Wolverine and even defeating them in hand to hand combat
  • Master Assassin: He is a master of assassination techniques, espionage methods, covert operations, infiltration methods, escape artistry, marksmanship, and is highly skilled with many bladed weapons (frequently carrying two swords strapped to his back) and a number of other weapons including firearms.
  • Multilingual: He is fluent in Spanish, Japanese, German and French.
  • Medium Awareness: Deadpool is aware that he is a comic book character, and isn't a real person. He has shown on countless occasion the ability to break through the fourth wall and speak with writers and readers.
  • Unpredictability: It is difficult for anyone to know what Deadpool will do at any given moment, given that he himself barely knows what he'll do at any given moment. This makes it difficult for most opponents to predict what he will do.
Superpowers & Magic:
  • Regenerative Healing Factor:Deadpool possesses a superhuman healing factor derived from that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Deadpool is able to heal from injuries such as slashes, puncture wounds, bullet wounds, beheading, and severe burns within moments. His healing factor is significantly more powerful than Wolverine's as he can regrow missing limbs and organs. His head or any other limb can be reattached using this ability. Even though being beheaded, Deadpool can still move his body normally.
    • Foreign Chemical Resistance: Deadpool's body is highly resistant to most drugs and toxins. For example, it is extremely difficult, though not impossible, for him to become intoxicated. He can, momentarily, be affected by certain drugs (tranquilizers) if exposed to a large enough dosage.
    • Disease Immunity: The unique regenerative qualities of Deadpool's healing factor also extend to his immune system; he is immune to all diseases, infections, disorders, imperfection, and resistant to elemental extremes.
    • Immortality: Deadpool's healing factor provides him with an endless lifespan by halting the aging process.
    • Telepathic Immunity: The healing factor causes his brain to be in a constant state of flux and regeneration, rendering him immune to psychics. Deadpool can be looped into a telepathic psi-link to communicate with others mentally, but actually reading his mind can be confusing. This would not prevent him from being attacked psychically though.
    • Possession Resistance: Similar to the telepathic immunity, Deadpool is able to remain in control of himself while supernatural beings are trying to take control of him. No one can touch his soul.
  • Superhuman Strength: Deadpool is rated as having a superhuman level of strength, capable of lifting 2 tons.
  • Superhuman Speed: Deadpool can easily reach speeds of 80 mph, and attack faster than the eye can follow.
  • Superhuman Stamina: Deadpool's musculature generates considerably less fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human being, granting him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities. He can physically exert himself at peak capacity for several days before fatigue takes over.
  • Superhuman Agility: Deadpool's agility, flexibility, dexterity, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels that are beyond the natural physical limits of even the finest human athlete.
  • Superhuman Reflexes: His reflexes are far superior to those of even the finest human athlete. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and attacks even when not consciously aware of them.
  • Superhuman Durability: Deadpool's bone and muscle tissues are augmented to levels that are considerably stronger and harder than human and the tissues are impervious to injury to an extraordinary extent. He possesses golden-proportioned body, and even without training his muscles are brawny and his body shape doesn't change no matter how many calories he intakes.
Mental State: His healing abilities render his brain unreadable to telepaths, but its constant healing also makes him highly unstable and prone to violent outbursts without the slightest provocation, at least against those he knows could handle. Even with his healing factor, Deadpool can still feel pain from damage taken, although he has a notably high pain tolerance. While it has been shown that Deadpool's condition may not be the source of his instability, it only makes it worse. In several flashbacks to his childhood, he has shown signs of instability.

Annoyance: Wade's incessant talking has also proven to make him a very irritating person to be around. Many heroes often find themselves at wits' end around him; this makes for poor ability to cooperate with him in team efforts. He will blabber nonsense during the whole fight, distracting and maiming the opponent until the latter "surrenders or commits suicide."

Cure for Cancer: Wade's healing factor was specifically designed to replace his bodies cells as fast as they were being destroyed by his illness. Until recently when both his healing factor and illness were removed, should his cancer be cured then his healing factor would be rapidly producing redundant new cells, which, if left unchecked, would cause horrible growths over the body and would eventually explode.

Phobias: Deadpool has bovinophobia, which is the fear of cows. According to him, cows "scare the *#$% outta me", as he believes their stare to be chilling, like they're "waiting". He is also scared of chickens. His worst fear is being utterly alone.

FLUFF (Optional)
Hobbies: Drawing, doing the laundry, making jokes,
Quote\s: "You may be wondering, 'well why the red suit?' Well that's so the bad guys don't see me bleed."

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