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Fandom Marvel Avengers Academy OOC

hmm i have found a silver surfer animated series it even have Nova in it really neat
Yeah i think so it is rather nice deals with his search for his home world after galactus let him lose. Though Nova is something of a 90s kid she calls him silverado and Glalactis big G
So the bulletin board will have assignments on it and these will involve your characters performing actions to complete them. These actions will be chosen by me from your studies/ hangouts depending on the assignment and you can choose what you want to do to fulfil the assignment. I'll give an example; lets say there's an assignment called Hit the Books and it asks Pepper to do an action at the Timeless Archives so she goes there to perform a suitable action like Polish Resume or such like.
Once I've done that (with more explanation to make it a suitable post so people get it and the like.) I would then report it to the assignment giver in this case Nick Fury (but this is another post so an assignment should be up to two posts please unless of course others have done their parts and you've been gone a week then feel free to end it in one). Saying that I can also choose to end an assignment myself if people are absent for ages and haven't done their parts just to keep the flow going.
Once all the assignments are done then we'll count that as a day over and everyone goes to bed or hangouts and then I'll put up some more assignments the next day and so on. This will allow me to do events more regularly as time is actually passing. Also players will also be able to post their own assignments for players to participate in but these will not count towards moving the day along and have to approved by me through PMs.
I think that's everything so any questions post here.

Jessy753 Jessy753 , @slachance6 , NerdyBirdy NerdyBirdy , FarFlungDreamer FarFlungDreamer , Karcen Karcen , Hammy Hammy , Shadow Shadow , Battle-Sister May Battle-Sister May , Hope Youngblood Hope Youngblood , Lord Potato Lord Potato , @Dirty Dan , Winter Saint Winter Saint , fanaticalferret fanaticalferret , myvalentina myvalentina
Sorry I've been quiet. I'm playing the actual Avengers Academy and trying to power through Adam Warlock's unlock so I can get Comrade Bork Bork Doggo.

I'll post tomorrow.
Just so people know, even though the faculty are predominately my characters, they should be considered as NPC's as well so when it comes to assignments you decide what your doing with the teacher (places like Pym's Lad, Arena of War etc.) rather than possibly wait for me to say what we're doing and don't feel you need to tag me in all the time.
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angelbim10 angelbim10 think you could give a little more to work with maybe some of storms thoughts a flash back ect. Not picking on you but one liners are frowned upon.

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