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Fantasy Marvel At This World

""It", tinklebell?" He said a little offended but facinated at the same time."That is "he" if you must use a pronoun to refer to me... So you said this is Sylva."
Phoenix looked at the two elves. Her eyes flashed black. "Auras are more than just color on someone's body you know...they hold memories. They hold emotions collected from others. Auras are like a soul. They live and grow as we do...I know he has potential as well as his friend..I can see it through the aura'sand his language alone is proof enough is it not?" She then looked at jules and spoke her own language which she had formed when communicating with opallux privately. "Ělkïok...ltõnu?"

@Whale @Sakura Blossom @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki




"Your petty explanations of the stupidity of humans," she spat in reply, spinning a single strand on her gloved finger. "What do you know? An Aether fairy would know more of this than you, as I have so kindly demonstrated. I have greeted many humans in my time, in centuries I have grown weary of some who possess a disturbing aura." She turned to Phoenix with a risen eyebrow, "This one does not give off a nice vibe. But perhaps, I am wrong. Prove me wrong," she challenged.
Phoenix Bacamee angered at the elf and the tendrils blades from her alternate form stretched out from her body and wrapped around the elf squeezing her in a vice. "Typical I would be getting insults from you. All I did was state what I have learned and am still learning. Unlike you this is the firdt time I seen a human up close because of my pathetic family in sylva's castle. I stated only what I learned AND what I have observed. You put yourself in my position and try being locked up against your will for all your life. Until then don't talk to me about what is and what isnt. You may look down upon humans but maybe that's because you aren't human at all. And at least tadi has a better sense than you. At least she WANTS to learn about humans." Phoenix slammed latte onto the ground and then at a tree as hard as she could then ran off in a mixture of emotions while retracting the tendrils. Hoping only amara would follow. @sprouhtt @Sakura Blossom
bloodfire said:
Phoenix Bacamee angered at the elf and the tendrils blades from her alternate form stretched out from her body and wrapped around the elf squeezing her in a vice. "Typical I would be getting insults from you. All I did was state what I have learned and am still learning. Unlike you this is the firdt time I seen a human up close because of my pathetic family in sylva's castle. I stated only what I learned AND what I have observed. You put yourself in my position and try being locked up against your will for all your life. Until then don't talk to me about what is and what isnt. You may look down upon humans but maybe that's because you aren't human at all. And at least tadi has a better sense than you. At least she WANTS to learn about humans." Phoenix slammed latte onto the ground and then at a tree as hard as she could then ran off in a mixture of emotions while retracting the tendrils. Hoping only amara would follow. @sprouhtt @Sakura Blossom
"You have some nerves speaking to her that way," Amara said as she watched as she began to squeeze the elfs body. Amara watched as she ran off with all her emotions still pouring out. Amara held her dress from the bottom a bit so that when she started running after Phoenix she wouldn't trip. "Damn it, this girl sure can run." Amara said as the wind began blowing through her hair, making them dance around as she ran. @Summer Dotty
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bloodfire said:
Phoenix Bacamee angered at the elf and the tendrils blades from her alternate form stretched out from her body and wrapped around the elf squeezing her in a vice. "Typical I would be getting insults from you. All I did was state what I have learned and am still learning. Unlike you this is the firdt time I seen a human up close because of my pathetic family in sylva's castle. I stated only what I learned AND what I have observed. You put yourself in my position and try being locked up against your will for all your life. Until then don't talk to me about what is and what isnt. You may look down upon humans but maybe that's because you aren't human at all. And at least tadi has a better sense than you. At least she WANTS to learn about humans." Phoenix slammed latte onto the ground and then at a tree as hard as she could then ran off in a mixture of emotions while retracting the tendrils. Hoping only amara would follow. @sprouhtt @Sakura Blossom




Latte choked in his grip, screaming for breath, the fairy struggling from him. "I'm sorry," she breathed through her trapped breath. She was then thrown onto the ground and tree, her fragile body being severely hurt, a cut from a stray piece of bark striking across the back of her leg. "I gave you ADVICE!"
Rainy83 said:
Abrasax raised his eyebrow at him. She often got this excited when he got a visitor from another kingdom, non the less from another world. He hadn't seen a human in his kingdom for at least 500 years. As she introduced herself to the whelp, he wondered how the human would respond
Edana bit the corner of her lip as she looked at the human and then her eyes fell on Abrasax when he walked towards the two. @Shortyshot
Whale said:
Tadi stared wide eyed at the exchange, her hands shaking. "Wh-why di-did you.." she didn't even finish before Pheonix ran off, Amara trailing behind. "Sh-she..." Tadi hugged herself gently. @Summer Dotty @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Whale




Latte brushed herself off, gently patting the scratch across her leg. "Thinking they have the nerve to do that, huh?" She spluttered, though was concealing her agony. She lifted her hand, where in her palm lay a yellow aura. She placed the ball of dandelion against the scratch, and her skin became yellow and shiny around that area. She shook her calf, and the scratch gradually disappeared. "Thank the God for my healing spells..." She turned to Tadi, "Are you okay love?"
Phoenix had stopped running and sat down beginning to cry. "Shit...it..it happened again." She cried uncontrollably. "I...I thought it was under control...i...i.." phoenix cried uncontrollably and looked up to see amara. "Oh amara...i..I..lost control...i..now they are going to hate me...maybe even try to..to kill me..." she didn't know whether to run or wait for what may happen. "I didn't even realize what I did until it was already done....i..I dont...know what to do." @sprouhtt @Sakura Blossom @Whale
Whale said:
Tadi nodded gently, wondering how the humans were feeling. They probably just witnessed magic for the first time. Turning to see how they reached she hoped they didn't pass out or run away. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Summer Dotty
@Whale @bloodfire @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki




"I suppose I should give a little tour to our human friends," Latte murmured, stroking her rounded, porcelain face in wondering. She turned to them with a smile, "Oh, yes. Indeed, is that what you're thinking about, dearest Tadi? That they have just witnessed my light, healing magic for the first time? Hm, would you care to explain this phenomenon to them?" She displayed a small smile, and walked up closely to the elf and hugged her gently.
bloodfire said:
Phoenix had stopped running and sat down beginning to cry. "Shit...it..it happened again." She cried uncontrollably. "I...I thought it was under control...i...i.." phoenix cried uncontrollably and looked up to see amara. "Oh amara...i..I..lost control...i..now they are going to hate me...maybe even try to..to kill me..." she didn't know whether to run or wait for what may happen. "I didn't even realize what I did until it was already done....i..I dont...know what to do." @sprouhtt @Sakura Blossom @Whale
"I know I saw, it's not your fault you can't control it Phoenix." Amara said as she finally caught up to Phoenix and she looked down at Phoenix who was crouched down on the floor sitting as she cried. Amara felt bad for the girl but she wasn't sure on how to help her control herself when it came to situations like this.
Jules just stared blankly as a fight between the the creatures occurred in front of him without them even noticing him. He simply bemused before finding some inner control to speak. "Not to interrupt this lovers spat but as you might have guessed we are out of hour element her.... mind hepping ud please."He said getting a little irritated.
Tadi clenched her fists. "Don't make me mad." She said simply, pulling away from the fairy. "I just met you all a few minutes ago, and don't want to get mad at you. So at least be quiet and listem." She leveled her gaze to meet the new human's. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Summer Dotty
Whale said:
Tadi clenched her fists. "Don't make me mad." She said simply, pulling away from the fairy. "I just met you all a few minutes ago, and don't want to get mad at you. So at least be quiet and listem." She leveled her gaze to meet the new human's. @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Summer Dotty

>~ Latte ~<

Latte, dumbfounded, looked at the girl with risen eyebrows. "W-what did I do?" She genuinely got hurt, "I didn't do anything..." She backed up a little, a small fist on her heart area limply.
Whale said:
tadi turned to the fairy, a look of panic in her gaze. "No not you!" She said quickly. "The humans." She sent the rude boy a glare. "I don't like rude people." @Summer Dotty @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

>~ Latte ~<

"O-oh!" She sighed of relief, rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm glad, I don't want you upset, love. Now, sorry for the interruption. Please, do carry on." She stood back and nodded.
(Okay, woah. Could someone catch me up, and sum every question or something? I think we should take it a bit slow.)
sprouhtt said:
"Nothing that concerns you," She said with a smile.
Cam looked at her "I see." He smirked "Something about you.....Hmm....Tell me. What made you so kind to me?"

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