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Realistic or Modern Married at First Sight


Social(ly-inept) Butterfly
Character Forms

**All forms have been completed and pairs have been made! The intro post has been, well, posted! You may post away!**


* = optional

[image - realistic only]




Age [18-30]:

Appearance: (description please; second picture also welcome but not necessary)





Preferred Pairing: (male, female, either)

*Theme Song:


Reservations and Relationships



1. Nanook Ochoa @Julie



1. Reina Queen @Julie [/size]


> Santino & Jamie Fiji

> Nanook & Michelle Denmark

> Trip & Cassiopea Jamaica

> Leonard & Reina Singapore

> Christopher & Avalon Argentina

Couple statuses:

- 'rapidly going downhill'

- 'getting along okay'

- 'alive and very well developing love'


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Name: Santino Vercetti

*Nickname: Sonny

Sex: Male

Age: 30

Appearance: Sonny is a young man of moderate attractiveness. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He mostly dresses in drab out of style custom suits that are deemed as adequate by society.

Personality: Sonny has absolutely no interest in anything whatsoever. He doesn't like video games. He doesn't like gummy bears. He doesn't even like Amber Newman. It is believed by some (mostly his family) that Sonny stopped caring about life and culture after the 1980s ended, but this is most likely just a rumor.

History: Sonny was born in 1985, a time where it wasn't ok to be gay yet it was still ok to wear pink. Sonny grew up with all of his siblings and cousins under the same roof. His uncle provided the family by driving an ice cream truck down the nearby beach. The only thing Sonny wanted growing up was to find a person which looked identical to him so that he could punch that person in the face. He never found such a person.

Ethnicity: Italian American

Orientation: "Mostly" heterosexual

*Theme Song: "Broken Wings" by Mr. Mister

*Other: <>

Preferred Pairing: Anyone (Male or Female).
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Nanook Ochoa

Name: Nanook Tadeo Ochoa

*Nickname: Na-Na [usually as a tease by family]

Sex: Male

Age [18-30]: 24

Birthplace: Toksook Bay, Alaska, USA

Birthday: 17 September​



Nanook stands at 5'9" [175 cm]. He has a light coffee complexion with generally smooth skin; his body isn't prone to much hair growth. His frame isn't too large or too thin with general muscle mass. He stays fairly lean. He has thick, straight dark brown hair. His common style was to wear it cut to the top of his jawline, but as he got older, he decided to let it grow out. He normally lets it fall free, but will braid or pull it back for formal events. His deep-set almond eyes are a rich reddish-brown with full brows. He has a medium-sized nose, and medium-sized pink lips.


► loyal ► thoughtful ► friendly | emotional ◄ talkative◄ indifferent ◄

Nanook is bold and a great problem solver. He is very expressive with his emotions and can think his way through any situation. He usually laid back and likes to keep the mood lighthearted and open for jokes; however, upon any sort of major news, he’s the first one to react, whether he be excited or grieved. When it comes to his younger sister, his relationship with her is fairly well. They are close in a sense that they can confide in each other with most things, but they know where to draw the line. He doesn’t keep a tight grip on her, but is always careful to keep a watchful and protective eye on her. He takes pride in his culture, but nowhere near as much as his sister does.


Nanook and his younger sister, Nizhoni, were raised by two parents in rural Toksook Bay, Alaska. His mother is originally from the more northern city of Noatak. When he was five, an accident - like one from a movie or perhaps a book - occured that resulted in the death of his baby sister, Saqui. It's probably the only part of his history that he never brings up due to guilt. They moved from the state when he was about seven.

Once they moved inland, they found it hard to find a stable home, causing him and his younger sister to have to stay with his father's relatives in Mexico and then Native relatives in Colorado where they learned more about their cultures. There, he picked up on some Spanish, but Inupiat is still his most fluent language next to English. It wasn't until he was fifteen that they settled for good in a decent-sized house in a good suburban community in Arizona. During high school, he considered going into the military, but after graduation, he ended up staying with his family until pursuing college in Vermont. Toward the end of his senior year of high school, his parents had another baby girl, Naira. He currently has an apartment in the state, but hasn't decided what state he'd like to stay permanently.

When it comes to his love-life, it's been very casual and he hasn't fallen into any deep relationships, which is fine with him. In high school, he briefly dated his friend Angela, but it was only dating and never turned into a relationship. During that time, he also befriended a girl named Nikki who he became close to, even to a point where he serves as 'volunteer daddy' to her child. In college, he had his first male encounter and confirmed his ideas about his sexuality. Things with Freddie were also casual, perhaps more of a friends-with-benefits sort of thing, but never escalated. He hasn't had any relationships since, or, well, any dates. He never found the need to rush love or spend extra time longing for it.​

Mexican mestizo / Iñupiat Inuit

Orientation: Bisexual

Preferred Pairing: Either

*Theme Song: [media]

*Other: --


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"I can't say I can complain."

Avalon Janet Styles


"Okay so I'm nicknamed after a professional wrestler...it's not my fault."



"I don't have to prove it to you. I don't just pull my pants down for anyone."


Age [18-30]:

"I'm young but legal."




"I like the way I look."

Avalon isn't really your average looking girl. Her fair skin and hazel eyes set her apart from pretty much everyone, and her fiery red hair can be spotted in the largest of crowds. Being a natural blonde, she keeps her hair dyed red most of the time, but when she's lazy, she will let it fade back to its natural color. It mainly stays down in natural curls, but she won't hesitate to wear it in different styles. She is a fairly petite girl, only standing at 5'4", but at the same time, she does have curves that she manages to accentuate nicely with the clothes she wears. Her eyes are naturally hazel, but more green than anything. However, in the right light, they can appear almost a yellowish-golden color. Overall, Avalon is definitely different and edgy-looking, but she is a very beautiful girl in her own right


"I'd like to think of myself as a likable person."

Beautiful doesn’t just describe Avalon’s appearance, but it describes her personality too. For the most part. She is a very sweet and loyal person, refusing to let anyone hurt those she cares about. If you ever need someone to talk to, she is always there to listen, but don’t let her sweetness fool you. She is a complete daredevil and won’t hesitate to let her temper show if the wrong buttons are pushed. Anytime she talks about her past, she tends to close in on herself, often almost blacking out and even seeming unnaturally irritable at times. She has gotten better over time, but her isolation is still there, and she can often be seen alone or thinking about nothing.


"Does it really matter what happened? The past is in the past."

Born in Sydney, Australia to a French mother and Australian father. Her childhood wasn’t nearly as good as she had hoped it would be. Her mother was ultra-submissive to her father, doing every last thing he said without hesitation, but at the same time it was obvious she was scared. Avalon’s childhood was filled with verbal and physical abuse, attributing to her isolation problem. When she was only 12 years old, she witnessed her father shoot her mother dead, a memory she never seemed to get out of her head. Her father was arrested soon after, and she was sent to a foster home. When she turned 15, after countless nights of flashbacks and night terrors and mood swings, she finally went to the doctor, only to be diagnosed with PTSD. At 18, she moved out and got her own place, recently getting two puppies. Even to this day, she still has to take her medication which helps a bit, but she still has her issues.


"Yes, I have an accent. Get over it."



"I've tried dating a girl, but it just wasn't for me."


Preferred Pairing:

"Like I said, I've tried dating a girl."

Male; hopefully near her age

*Theme Song:




Her accent is still very strong.

She has two pet Akitas named Sophie (top) and Bella (bottom).



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Trip Alexander Bamford





Age [18-30]:



Bam stands at approximately 6'3 and weighs about 216. Bam has slightly tanned skin. Dark brown hair thats kept short and spiked in the front. Bam has hazel eyes. Bam keeps himself fit, very active and never seems to slow down. Hes either out working out or working on vehicles which is also a workout in itself.


Bam is a very loyal guy, he doesnt enjoy pushing buttons and is usually a fairly friendly person upon first meeting him. Bam is also outgoing and enjoys to poke fun. However aside from the good we also have bad. Bam is stubborn and bull headed. He is bluntly honest and often doesnt care how his words affect people. Bam also has a short fuse when it comes to his temper and if he doesnt like you he will make sure you know.


Growing up in canada always has its perks, people think you ride polar bears and moose to school and that you live in a giant ice castle. Well to be realistic. Canada is just about the same as any other place except its weather is bipolar and doesnt know if it wants to be spring or winter half the time. Growing up the oldest, Bam was always supposed to set an example for his younger brother and sister, however that was never the case. Bam just barely passed his classes through school, he did enough work just to pass and that was it. However in middle school he found a passion for vehicles. Bam had been priviledged enough to grow up with two supportive parents no matter how badly he screwed himself over they were always there. Although his mom more so then his father. His father was chief of police and was away quite frequently but thanks to the well paying job his mother was able to stay home. After graduation Trip was off to secondary school for mechanics and that was it. Four years later (making him 22) after completing all four blocks of his mechanics course he decided to move to florida to live his days in the fast lane, and where there was no dang snow to ruin his vehicle fun.





Preferred Pairing:


*Theme Song:


Dappy- Rockstar FT. Brian May


Has a male dark red and white husky named Roach. (3 years old)

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Name: Leonardo Izumrud Wolfenstein

Nickname: Leo


Age [18-30]: 23

Appearance: 5'9, almond colored eyes, pale complexion, brown hair

Personality: Fiery wit and temper, he is intense beyond the realm of most. Everybody he knows either hates him or is a good friend. Snarky, always cracking sardonic jokes and making fun of people. Rarely shows compassion ever, even when somebody get on his good side he rarely pays attention to their needs.

History: Born in Atlanta, GA in 1993 to a normal family. He didn't have any father issues, got fairly good grades in school, and was reasonably popular. In fact, his life was about the spitting image of average until a fateful day in which, because (TBR), he got really angry and (TBR). He was never actually caught by the police, and fled to (Wherever this takes place). Deciding it was safe enough, Leo decided to join the game in order to give his alibi some credibility.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (Russo-German)

Orientation: Hetero

Preferred Pairing: Female

Theme Song: [media]

Other: Really loves gold and emeralds
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Name: Christopher Stone

*Nickname: Chris

Sex: Male

Age [18-30]: 26

Appearance: Standing at 6'3, Christopher prides himself on having a fit and healthy body with hazel eyes and dark brown hair. He often spots a light beard and mustache due to infrequent shaving and has a rather stern looking face that sometimes intimidates others. Christopher dresses very simply and professionally, avoiding gaudy or garish clothes.


Personality: A proud young doctor, Christopher takes his work very seriously and is confident in his abilities. This tough and independent man is rather ill mannered in dealing with others, many not taking kindly to his straightforward and blunt personality but no one can deny that he is capable and reliable. At work, he is a different person when interacting with his patients, especially kids, being more sensitive, patient and polite, a stark contrast to his usually volatile, rude and irritable self. Christopher has a competitive streak and likes to get under people's skin when he's not in a bad mood, having fun and letting loose with his teasing and other stress relieving activities. Tough as he is, Christopher doesn't like showing any kind of weakness to anyone and is very stubborn and strict, often refusing to change his mind or budge once he's decided on something. Though he may not seem like it, Christopher is quite perceptive and observant, having a sense for looking after others, something he gained from his work as a doctor. Underneath his rough exterior, Christopher is a huge softie who cares for others far more than he lets on but being the awkwardly kind person he is, Christopher doesn't like to show it and is often rude when telling others to look after themselves or complains about how much more work they are giving him. An absolute workaholic, he is very hard on himself and often beats himself up over failure, often failing to take care of himself due to overwork despite being a doctor. He's secretly afraid of getting too close to someone for fear of losing them like he lost his brother. Being as devoted to his job as he is, Christopher is a very messy person, especially at home despite the fairly respectable, neat freak image he portrays at work.

History: Living in a large home dominated by women, Christopher has never been very good at dealing with them, being the only son out of their four children. From a young age he has had to deal with their antics which has led to his volatile and irritable nature. He used to have a younger brother whom he was very close to and protective of. It was the loss of his younger brother to illness that motivated him to become a doctor, devoting himself to his studies to the expense of everything else. This led to the nosy women in his house to poke their nose into his love life, constantly attempting to match make him with someone, setting up blind dates much to his annoyance. Having no faith in his ability to land a woman on his own and wanting to amuse themselves, his sisters and mother signed him up for married at first sight.

Ethnicity: English

Orientation: Heterosexual

Preferred Pairing: Female

*Theme Song:

*Other: He has claustrophobia and a fear of failure that often heaps immense pressure on him.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.4afc2ffb3d96361c78a6f35e429b7aa9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="104374" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.png.4afc2ffb3d96361c78a6f35e429b7aa9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Name: Elizabeth Van Rouge

Nickname: Lizzy or Beth

Sex: Female

Age: 21

Appearance: Elizabeth has dark chocolate brown eyes that are always full of joy, and her wavy hair is a nice brown, although she does dye it different colors at times. She has rosy cheeks and a cute smile. She is not that tall but she's not short either, she has a slim and petite body shape and she has a fair and cute complexion.

Personality: Elizabeth may not be hot and sexy like men would like most women, but she is cute and adorable, she sweet and innocent way to life is something to behold. She loves to see the great in everything, and is usually very exicited to seize the day and has a very optimistic about everything. She loves exploring and learning new things, she has a great charm on her that she could try and cheer up everpn the saddest of people, she is a bundle of joy.

History: Elizabeth grew up in her wealthy family, where she was an only child and she spent a lot of her time with her father. She loved exploring her enormous house and she would try many activities to entertain herself. When she was nine, her father died in a small robbery shooting and Elizabeth was heart-broken but kept her smile though it. She had she super close group of friends and she was a perfect student, and daughter, she started her singing career at the age of 18 and is a worldwide famous singer and actress, but she decided to try the experiment because she wanted to give love a chance.

Ethnicity: Japanese

Orientation: Heterosexual

Preferred Pairing: Male, but relatively close to her age, like mid twenties is fine with her :)

Other: Elizabeth has a beautiful singing voice.



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Jamie Isaac





Jamie Karen Issac


Jami, Kare, Jam






Panromatic Demisexual




Jamie is a dark brunette although she loves to dye it blond at times. She is a little short, standing at 5 feet and 5 inches but doesn't care. She weighs in at about 175 lbs, she's thin but a little bit chunky. She also has light greenish blue eyes that just draws you in instantly. Sometimes they changed to light blue when she is feeling a strong emotion.


She's Irish-American with a little bit of Italian in her.


Jamie is...different. She's a bit of a loner, and hates being in crowds. Been that way since she was a baby. Never liked anyone to touch her or anything. Loved to be alone, and left alone. She's amazingly loyal though, never to betray her own friends or what she likes to call them. "The only people who respected me enough not to touch me. " She hates talking and avoids it. She isn't shy, and is sarcastic at times. She thinks people are stupid and cold to opening their minds so she don't want to open her heart to them. She isn't very open about her past or why she doesn't really speak to her parents, even if they did ask. She would say "Love makes you do idiotic things so I quit love. I don't have it in me."




Jamie was born on May, 19th, 1996, at 7 ounces and 10 inches. She was a small baby but that wasn't the strangest thing, when the nurse first touched her. She screamed and only stopped when she wasn't being touched. They did numerous test on her to find out the problem but couldn't because there was no problem. She was an healthy baby so they let it go, telling her parents, who were Ashley and Jason Issac how to care for her and to make sure she was getting fed.

That went on for 5 years until she went off for school. Her condition already explained to the school but it had gotten better over the years. Jamie had allowed people to touch her but she has to touch you first....the school didn't understand that and after that first day at her school. She went straight into online school. She was made to go on field trips and outings with others kids in online school which is how she met her friends but she never really grew out of her loner state.

Soon enough her parents had have enough, they kicked her out at 16 saying that "We didn't want a kid who couldn't be loved." which is why she didn't care for love or betrayal. She got her own apartment with the money she kept from parents bribing her to hug them and the others doing the same. She lives in that apartment now, doing her work online and never coming out except to hang out with her friends.

Preferred Pairing:

Jamie doesn't care. No preference.

no slide

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Name: Michelle McCarthy

*Nickname: Missy

Sex: Female

Age [18-30]: 26 years old

Appearance: Standing at five feet and seven inches, Michelle is average weight, only being one hundred thirty one pounds. She normally highlights her light brown hair with blonde color. She loves to work out and prides herself on being healthy. She's naturally pale

Personality: She's very quiet and normally goes with the flow of things, but when she's upset, she's worse than a pregnant woman and even a young teenager. Michelle is very protective of her family and loved ones. Say anything about them, and you'd probably wish you were sitting through a root canal. Over all, her emotions are just everywhere.

History: Michelle grew up as the second child among four children, as well as the only girl. This being said, she was spoiled at every turn by her dad, but that didn't change the way she saw life. She didn't think she deserved everything she wanted and even began working as a model at eighteen to support her lifestyle. It wasn't until a few weeks ago that she knew about this experiment.

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Orientation: Heterosexual

Preferred Pairing: (male, female, either) Male

*Theme Song: That Don't Impress Me Much - Shania Twain

*Other: Scared of thunderstorms



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|| Rei || Female || 24 || German American|| Heterosexual

Appearance: Small frame but rather tall, Reina stands at five feet and eight inches. Originally a brunette, she dyed her hair blonde half a year ago. Her wavy locks cascade past her shoulders. She was graced with fair skin and light freckles near her cheekbones. Reina has a square face structure highlighting her grey blue hues and long lashes. Her nose is fairly tall and pointy and her lip is a natural shade of nude. Her clothing style varies depending on her food and the season but Reina loves pastel and favors lighter colors. She’s a huge fan of rings, occasionally wearing multiple on several fingers.

Personality: Reina is the epitome of bubbliness but mixed with a lot of vodka. She cracks jokes on her own and laughs at it even if no one thinks it’s funny. She has a love for pick up lines and will use it on anybody to amuse herself. Not much of a downer, she likes to lighten up everyone’s mood and go partying. However, such happiness comes with side effects like her inability to read situations and sympathize with others. Quite bitter with the world, Reina is a terrible person to seek comfort in. She’ll probably roll her eyes and say, “Get over it. Not all of us have time for moping.” Finding herself in awkward situations at time, Reina has vowed that a silent room means she probably should leave instead of tossing out an inappropriate comment. Her sense of happiness is a result of her childhood where she grew up with cynical adults and swore to herself that she cannot be like them.

Not known to strangers but very common with friends, Reina is very sarcastic and straightforward. She lets you know what she thinks on top of her head and there’s no going around in circles with this girl. She has no problem insulting people and does it while laughing without realizing it. Reina is also extremely biased towards her friends making it extremely difficult for her to pick sides when they’re fighting among one another. She rarely gets angry but when she does, she does get a physical so cue hair pulling, kneeing, punching, and violence.

History: Raised in a family of four, Reina is the youngest and possibly the most rebellious, otherwise, why would they trick her into doing this in the first place. Born in New Hamsphire, Reina grew up with three older siblings who constantly dotes on her. While her parents weren’t rich, they were a least middle class, well off enough for her to be receive things others might have deemed expensive.

After finishing high school, Reina wasn’t sure what she wanted to do and her indecisiveness cost her two extra years into college. Now she has a bachelor in biochemistry in hope of becoming a nurse in her later years.

Preferred Pairing: Male


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Cassiopea Sanchez Espiritu


cass,Caith or Vi



Age :



Energetic,artistic,happy , joyous and always good at keeping secrets


(not a complete history but i think its okey if i give u de half)

She was a girl who always fail at love but not friends and family as she go to school to learn Information and Technology her parents decided that she was already a girl who needed someone to be with so they made a decision if and only if things will go as they expected.





Preferred Pairing:

Male or Female its okey

*Theme Song:



she was more known from being a Goth but not in attitude

She love to eat many food

she love to explore new things

and she love nature and animals

(please accept me
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Name: Caoimhe (Pronounce like Kee and Va) Maire Millikan

*Nickname: You can give her one if you want..

Sex: female

Age [18-30]: 20

Appearance: Extremely snow white pale, and off white hair and eyelashes and her eyes are bluish-dark lavender. Wears sweaters almost all year round as she experiences body chills. She keeps a simple appearance and never wears makeup as it irritates her skin.

Personality: She's quite withdrawn from most of the world. Quite and reserved and keeps to herself and her sheet music. Although she may seem cold she is actually just shy and is a very kind and calm soul who accepts most of everyone and gives people benefit of the doubt. You just have to make the first move.

History: Born with albinism, fortunately she isn't blind so it doesn't hinder her from daily life. She comes from a family of 5, her 2 twin brothers (5) who also have albinism, her mother and father. Caoimhe left Ireland when she was 18 to explore the world a bit. Mostly to prove to her parents she isn't as frail as they think she is.

Ethnicity: Irish

Orientation: Striaight

Preferred Pairing: male

*Theme Song: she sings and plays this all the time, it just reminds her of home [media]

*Other: She sings and plays piano, guitar, violin and flute. Music is her greatest passion and she is also very proficient in advanced mathematics.
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Verena Elsie Knausel



*Nickname: Vivi, Elsie, Ele, Rena

Sex: Female

Age [18-30]: 24

Appearance: Verena is slender and athletic, being a gymnast and dancer herself. She has a lithe build and long legs that allow her to move gracefully at all times. Verena's skin isn't exactly flawless but she takes care of herself and her face has a few freckles acne bumps that are not noticeable but she has a beauty mark on her cheek and a mole on the side of her face that is visible. Verena's hair is naturally dark brown, but she dyed it dirty or platinum blonde from time to time and it is very long. Her oval face has an angular jaw with high cheekbones, deep-set blue eyes, plump pink lips, and an ideal nose.

Personality: Verena looks and acts quite youthful. She's usually quite a positive and loving person. She laughs a lot but still has the ability to be serious at times when assertive behavior is needed. She's a bit emotionally unstable and also cries a bit much. She's awfully sympathetic and likes to comfort people. She's also slightly closed off and doesn't like to talk about her feelings to people she doesn't know. Verena is a calm person who rarely holds grudges against others.

History: Verena was born in Montreal, Canada to a French mother and a German father. She learned to withstand cold and prefers cold temperatures. Her mother was a nurse and her father was a plastic surgeon. Her father later started a real estate company called Weyrauch Knausel with one of his associates. It became a million dollar company, making Verena a spoiled little thing. Her life collapsed when she was 17 and got into a college. On the first night at her college, they were having a party for undergraduates and new people. She got drunk and was raped by a guy who became her boyfriend. Everyone thought they were the cutest couple ever, but it was actually a very abusive and unpleasant relationship. She exposed this when she was 18 and still in the college. Her former boyfriend threatened to kill her secretly and, in total fear, left the college. She applied for many more and got accepted into one. She graduated at the age of 22, earning her Bachelor's in Humanities.

Ethnicity: Caucasian (Canadian with French-German roots)

Orientation: Heterosexual

Preferred Pairing: Male

Other: Verena knows how to speak French and she is currently teaching herself German. She started gymnastics and dancing when she was 7.​
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