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    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School


Being sane is for the weak.


1) No God Moding

2) Swearing is allowed

3) No more than 2 after school clubs are permitted.

4) No need to reserve cliques.

Character Sheet Template:






Appearance Description (Optional):



After school club:

Science Class:

Dorm Building:




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Name:Danielle "Dani" Oliver



Personality:Dani is rather cold to people she doesn't know and seems to have walls built up around her heart. But those who are persistent may break those walls and are welcomed with a Childish, Sarcastic, and Quick witted girl.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9050adbaf6716e1347ecccc90cc74f4b.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="95979" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.9050adbaf6716e1347ecccc90cc74f4b.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Clique:Badass Babe

Biography:Dani's mother left when she was at the tender age of four, causing the girl to become a recluse and push away people who tried to help. By the age of fifteen her father had gone away on a "business trip" and ended up staying in New York City. Dani lived in their once shared apartment and worked at the diner across the street to pay rent. She now lives in a dorm building, but still works at the diner.

After school club:None. She has a shift at the diner after school.

Science Class:AP Chem

Dorm Building:Dorm building 3.

Friendships:Willow Brooks, Matilda La'Blue,and Clara,a twenty one year old waitress at the diner.

Rivalries:Tanner Wilson,a twenty-three year old man who lived in the apartment below her, when she occupied her fathers apartment.





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@WinterSoul Your character must live in the dorm buildings. Cannot live with parents. Also all cliques are available in overview.
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Name:Willow Brooks

Age:16(about to be 17)


Personality:What looks to be a shy girl, is actually a girl who runs around trying to do whatever she gets her hands on. She is hyper, happy, and friendly. Also, she can be a procrastinator too.




Biography:She doesn't have much to tell. Which is her problem. She is a girl that likes to leave a mark somewhere. Her Mother had done the same before she passed away. Willow just want to do something with her life.

After school club:Theater Club

Science Class:AP Physics

Dorm Building: #2

Friendships: She has a lot. Including, Dani,
Matilda, and Michael.

Rivalries: None... Yet.


(Possibility Drake)

Extra:May try to insert herself in any conversation to get to know people or know anything really. (Sexuality: Straight)
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Matilda La'Blue






Matilda seems like an intimidating and unapproachable person from a distance, as she is incredibly hard working and sort of quiet. She sits with the poise of someone who knows what they are doing and works with the intensity of a master at everything she tries. However, this is not the case at all. Matilda is incredibly insecure and actually a bit dorky. Her grades are not the perfect scores she strives for and english is not even her first language,being born to a french mother and a Welch father and moving from France when she was eleven. Her accent makes her insecure, but she will be very talkative to the right people. She actually likes the company of almost everyone but picks favorites and tends to tease and or be overly affectionate towards them.




artist, Painter


Matilda was born in LaCoste, France, to an artist mother and a writer father. She traveled with them through france as her parents were living a dream of collecting experiences and living off their art. They were very attached to Matilda and attempted to teach her their craft. Painting and sculpture stuck the most with her and she started participating in their travelling market. The most recent big adventure was the last, which they moved and settled down in America. Unfortunately, it was not for the same reason they traveled France. Matilda had an Aunt and Grandmother in America they would stay with as her mother became sick and later tests uncovered a brain tumor and terminal cancer. Matilda still watches her mother deteriorate and her personality change, and her family thought it would be best if her high school was one with a dorm, to keep her from suffering and give her some stability.

After school club:

Art Club

Science Class:

AP Chem.

Dorm Building:

Dorm 3


Dani Oliver, Ava Wayne, and Willow Brooks


Message me


Message me




She often loses days in art work if there is nothing else to do and will prioritize finishing a piece over basic human needs.

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Avangeline Emily Wayne










Even though Ava is the queen bee of the school, she is often misunderstood and judged. Many people immediately think of her as some snobby rich bitch, but she's actually the exact opposite. Ava didn't gain her status by stepping on people like many people want to believe. Instead, she is a complete sweetheart. She hates making people feel bad and will do anything to protect those she cares about. She does care about her looks, and will admit that being at the top does have its perks, but she refuses to use people in order to get what she wants. She is very humble about where she is from and is easy to make friends with if you can get past all the stereotypes. Basically, you either love her or you hate her, but if you hate her, then you probably don't know her.




Queen Bee/Pianist


Ava doesn't really have much to tell. She grew up in Australia and moved to the United States when she was in the eighth grade. She comes from a very wealthy family, though she doesn't like to say anything about it because many people perceive it as bragging, even though she isn't. She learned how to play piano when she was 5, guitar when she was 7, and violin when she moved to America, though she has always been a good singer. But when she was 11, her life completely changed. (Will elaborate in the RP. But for now, secret.)

After school club:

Art Club

Science Class:

AP Biology

Dorm Building:




Matilda La'Blue

Michael Dwight

Delina Whiles

PM Me or OOC


PM Me or OOC


PM Me or OOC


PM Me or OOC


She is originally from Australia and still has a very strong accent.

Her true passion is music; singing, piano, guitar, and violin.

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Deshawn Gallo



Deshawn Gallo


"De" or "D"


17 (Just turned 17, still a junior) Birthday: October 15




Deshawn is fake. That's all that pops into mind when thinking about him. He is double faced, between which ever group he hangs out with. When he is with his basketball team, he talks like them and disses girls. He isn't that respectful when he's with them. On the other hand, when he is in private with a few people; that aren't in his basketball team, and he trusts them (Soccer Team). Then he shows his true face, which is kind, respectful, and loving. Deshawn just has to find the right people, to show who he really is. *Nobody knows he is double faced*





Badass Dude/The Dancer/The Painter


Deshawn, born in New York City, is an african american child of the age of 17. He spent most of his young age in threat of getting hurt from other kids. By the age of 10, he started to sell drugs since his self-esteem was very low. His teacher had told him, that he would never make it anywhere in live and he believed her. He decided that the best way to go for the moment was to sell drugs and get a few spare bucks for his family. Once he reached 15, he started to take this job seriously and it almost resulted in the loss of his life.

The police had caught him selling cocaine, and took him to jail. After spending his whole summer in Juve, he returned to school with many stories to tell. He would always make up some shitty story, just so he could get his friend's attentions. He wanted to be cool, and now he was. Now, it's time for the new year and he's ready to come up with some more stupid ass stories to tell and play some basketball.

After school club:


Science Class:

AP Biology

Dorm Building:






PM me or Tag






*Always in trouble* *Almost always high* *Everyday in detention* *Great Dancer* *Has the longest D**k at school* *Pretty good singer* *Good at drawing*


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Would it be alright if I made a second character to balance out the genders a little? Also for the sake of adding more diversity?



Damion Carmichael






Damion is a sweet and light-hearted guy. His humor isnt the best but that doesnt stop him from trying to make people laugh. He is easily approachable and has smiling eyes even when straight faced. He would never consider himself above anyone and is a mother hen to those who need him. Despite all of this, he is lonely and carries a lot of weight on his shoulders. He takes blame for things that have the slightest chance of being his fault and tends to stress out too much. A little known fact about him is he is a straight A student with a high IQ and a love for mystery books.




Sort of outcast, Nerd, sort of hot intellectual


Damion and his little sister, Rosa, were raised by a single mother. He and his sister are half columbian on his fathers side. When he left, Damion was six and his mother was still pregnant with Rosa. He stepped up to take care of his depressed mother and little sister, pushing away his own feelings of rejection from his father. Damion was a hard working student as a kid and taught Rosa as well, working especially hard to compensate for his little sister having trouble reading and being dyslexic with numbers as well. He wanted to drop out and get a job to sustain the family, but he was convinced otherwise and got into school entirely on scholarship to take care of fees which would usually be affordable.

After school club:


Science Class:

AP Phys.

Dorm Building:

Dorm 2








He swings both ways

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Name:Drake Matthews



Drake is a funny person,he loves to make people laugh.He is kind in general,and loves to chat with people.He can be tough though.But,he never gives up on something.He really loves hanging out with friends,he's just all for fun really.But,he despises bullying.He isn't afraid to help someone who is being bullied and would jump in to help them.He just stands up for what he believes,and doesn't like unfair people.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/df8321e368441e94a3c59a492bdfddb9.jpg.1eedfbc870e6731b455fdb0bb6a339c5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96011" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/df8321e368441e94a3c59a492bdfddb9.jpg.1eedfbc870e6731b455fdb0bb6a339c5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Nothing much happened when he was a child..It was just..Normal really.He moved from Ireland at a young age.So he's Irish,and still has the accent.He loved drawing when he was younger,and wants to be a Animator.He already Tries to do some animation,and it's working out well.He loves it.He is inspired to draw by things he See's in real life.So if he See's a skyscraper that he likes,he'll draw it and incorporate it into his animations.

Since he is Irish,he also loves to dtaw pictures that incorporate Irish Symbols.

After school club:
Theatre Club

Science Class:
AP Biology

Dorm Building:





Extra:He is right handed.



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@JoshMackMurph Cliques are all found in Overview. Please, put a correct one on your CS. Also, write more for both Personality section and Biography section. Thank you, Ridd.

Michael Dwight




Name: Michael Dwight

Age: Just turned 18

Gender: Male

Personality: Michael’s a social butterfly, and refuses to be contained by simple things like cliques and social circles. He wants to be friends with anyone and everyone, and he isn’t going to give up befriending someone easily. He’s also dedicated to his work, and no matter how close he is to someone, acting, homework, and newspaper come first for him. He’s an open guy, and avoids secrets unless they’re completely necessary, which he feels they never are. He’s a loyal, trustworthy friend, though, and even if he feels that you should tell the truth, he’s not going to force you to or tell your secret to the world. When people say things about him, it rolls off him like water off a duck’s back, unless it’s someone close to him, and then he feels the betrayal very deeply.

Biography: Michael grew up the youngest child in a family of otherwise all girls. His parents were open-minded on everything, and so were he and his siblings. He fell in love with movies as soon as he first saw one, and decided he wanted to be one of the people that brought them to life. Then he saw a play on a school trip, and fell in love with it just as much, if not more. His parents set out to get him acting lessons, and he hasn’t stopped since. He has participated in multiple plays at school, mostly supporting cast, and he hopes to get a lead role this year.



Clique: Actor

After school club: Theater Club, News Club

Science Class: Chemistry

Dorm Building: #3

Relationships and Other


Friendships: Ava Wayne, Willow Brooks


Rivalries: PM Me

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: PM Me

Extra: Pansexual

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Delina "Lina" Whiles

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Lina is extremely happy go lucky. She's always smiling and can find the bright side in any situation. She will go out of her way to make anyone smile and doesn't like to be rude or insensitive towards anyone, regardless of how they act towards her. Sometimes she seems ditzy and crazy but that doesn't matter to her. She doesn't care what random people think of her and knows who her real friends are.

Clique: Rejects; She's a huge gamer

Biography: Delina and her twin brother Devin grew up pretty well off. Their father is a big shot attorney and their mother is an interior designer with her own magazine. Both have always traveled often and basically left the twins to take care if themselves. In this respect, they liked to buy their kids' love, so Delina spent most of her time playing the video games that were originally bought for her brother. She played so well that by the age of thirteen she was making her own money in national tournaments. This last summer she placed third in the world competition in Germany.

When she isn't playing video games, Lina is studying or with friends. Regardless of her wealthy upbringing, she's not a fan of those who act overly privileged, so she sometimes clashes with her brother.

After school club: Chess Club

Science Class: AP Chemistry

Dorm Building: Dorm #3

Friendships: Damion, Ava: PM others

Rivalries: PM

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: PM
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Devin Whiles

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Personality: Devin usually acts pretty serious. He'd be known as the 'tall, dark and handsome' type. He isn't overtly friendly or goes out if his way to make friends. He hangs out with the guys on the basketball team and their friends whenever there are outtings or trips. Even though he's pretty standoffish at school, he knows how to party and have fun, but has been known to take it a little too far sometimes. He's also pretty narcissistic.

Popular Kids - Jock

Biography: Devin and his twin sister Delina grew up pretty well off. Their father is a big shot attorney and their mother is an interior designer with her own magazine. Both have always traveled often andbasically left the twins to take care if themselves. Devin kept to himself most of the time and focused on sports. If he made friends it was because of his athleticism and his good looks, not his personality. Very few people outside of his sister know who he really is outside of sports and parties, but somehow that's made him that much more popular.

After school club: Basketball

Science Class: Physics

Dorm Building: Dorm #3

Friendships: PM

Rivalries: Not a huge fan of Damion

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: PM
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Umm.. Hi.

Character Sheet Template:

Name:Christopher Lane




Bookish and shy, but can be an annoying know-it-all amongts friends

Appearance: No photo as of yet

Appearance Description (Optional): Black hair and Blue eyes, wears glasses, jeans and a white shirt and black tie

Clique: Introvert

Biography: Having transferred to this school, Chris has few friends, but he could care less. At last he can focus on his studies.

After school club: None

Science Class: Chemistry

Dorm Building: Number 2

Friendships: None

Rivalries: None

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: None

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