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Fantasy { Many things of day.


it is righteous, as me, as existing unhurtful.

Mistakes with city-life of flowers brings sadness thought of later, and though gloom is with tears of pet dog sick because of one of my recent mistakes, trendy as edgy is me with esperance behavior and demeanor, stress headaches and muscle pain of my many graces endured, though, and precious, unused creative thoughts are of shadow as I feel creating such anime hoverboard role play shall sparkle as fun and fresh for other writers. Of creativity, hope lightly I shall of dogs, cats, and other pets of love.

Such role play is set at the world Xleivrwah, similar with earth's appearance though with magic flowing of it, magic mostly of small magic diamonds as alone each of such world which provide teleportation, and beautiful sparkles aside plant-life and water with appearance as such motive of small, diamond-shaped, light pink, tan, or brown sparkles. We shall start such role play at the city of Gveu, a somewhat small city with no buildings with stairs or elevators, such buildings of sideways smiling moon frame with the top of the moon right, and light pink water of such city's center where futuristic boats can float. Gveu city is with white roses as its one flower, framing Gveu's water thinly with short, dark green grass near the buildings of Gveu. We shall start such role play with our characters at Gveu with motive of them racing after meeting, this role play lacking specific plot, though hopeful of special character interactions. Of one winter ten years past was one mother and young daughter of such shopping mall shopping trip, thus such precious specialness generating such magical gems of certain areas of Xleivrwah. Xleivrwah refrains of earth animals though with doves, with such as singularly waterpillar bugs, and heartess birds. Waterpillar bugs resemble caterpillars of only orange color and thin, short white hairs all of their bodies, then heartess birds are little light pink birds the size of most human hearts with two tiny brown, flat eyes of slightly shiny sphere, glass marble consistency with lines across at centers as seeing aspect and darker aspect of most glass sphere marbles, and each with tiny brown beaks resembling doves' and two tiny brown feet the shape of whole hearts upright. Such wings of them are as upright hearts slightly smaller than such bodies. Such one plant of Xleivrwah is Xonxon berry plants, such as one thin and small twig-resembling trunk of light brown color, wood design, with one grape-sized, sphere light pink berry floating very close right of them, at such centers. Xonxon excludes fruit trees and vegetable plants which are similar of food of earth, and Xonxon plants are of the clear frosted dark green short grass fields beyond Gveu, some Xonxon plants of small patches, others as forests. With the flowers the same as the flowers of earth, the synchronization is of emotional preciousness, wind's sadness, and rain's writing. Grass, dark green, and short, it is of syncronization with earth, too! Sun and moon exist of correlation, earth's, too! Such, is then as earth's, too, seasons of precious synchronization. Such role play starts of fall of October 31st, two-thousand-and-twenty-four. Other than beaches similar as earth, Xleivrwah consists as short, dark green grass as its complete existence other than Gveu and such flat fields surrounding it somewhat thinly. Xleivrwah is vastly large, sphere, and is as such, surrounded as stars and blackness.

Power hearts on race tracks of providing powers:
Such light pink, small, matte, floating hearts of slight distance of race track floors of regeneration and random, such provide.

Such powers provided:
Speed boost: Racer accelerates quickly and then power vanishes after four such seconds.

(I might put more as I think of more powers.)

Race tracks:
Such race tracks all have invisible energy which prevents falling off the tracks, and there is one black floating diamond at Knowledge City which teleports the players to each race track, then similar diamonds at each race track to teleport accordingly.

Suchli Mall

Many grey doves and heartess fly around Suchli Mall and inside of it, inside mainly around the mall's central, large Weeping Willow tree. Short, flat, light grass fields of thin growth for many miles surround the mall until such front of it where grey, small heart-patterned stone flooring is as such entrance of Suchli Mall where the race starts front of Suchli Mall's large oval shaped door with Suchli Mall consisting of grey, small rectangle stone consistency, Suchli Mall cube shaped and thirty feet tall with many stores next of its walls, though the race track is of its very large and open area, whole mall of white stone, small rectangular stone, floor only white, shining marble. Slender and tall rectangle windows are of the complete outside of such mall. Such racers race on oval track with the back of the mall and the outside entrance area two laps, power-usage hearts near the entrance, near the back, and near such finish.

Model Runway Race Track:

Such race track consists of one long race track with white, dim light beneath the thick clear glass track, short, matte black iron fence on each side with elegant design of one slightly tilted of rightway tulip head pattern, no tulip above or beneath, simply aside. Such sky is black with stars and frowning moon offering little moonlight of then always, light beneath the track of illumination hardly illuminating such racers ending at their jaws. With power hearts near the start of the race, the middle of the of the race, and the end of the race, such track is of one lap. Such surrounding it is space as only such sky.

Fields of Cotton, Flower Buds, Cacoons, and Dove Eggs

Fields of Cotton, Flower Buds, and Cacoons is immensely moonlit with such moon smiling with black sky of many stars, and stone, grey, small rectangular path as flooring guiding hoverboards. Such floor is as two large hearts next of eachother with race consisting as starting at the bottom of the left heart, and proceeding of race with racers racing of right heart at the middle right aide of the left heart, then racing of the whole right heart starting upward and then curving after racing off of bottom of right heart with left heart as new destination. Such track consists of three laps. Surrounding the hearts track are many white tulip buds, plum and bright purple insect cacoons on such bright green foliage of tulip buds, and cotton plants of small amount surrounding such tulip buds and cacoons. Such light grey, unpatterned small dove eggs are nestled as track border, unbreakable of such mother and daughter shopping trip provide magic. Grey is as some clouds, gloomy-colored with the gloom of the cotton plants when racers are sad, little encouraging cotton plants wishing all racers confidence and strength. Such are the fields of slight slopes like one half of complete moon, of all of Fields of Cotton, Flower Buds, Cacoons, and Dove Eggs of precious twenty feet width and fourteen feet height. Such.

My character:


Name: Swesaloomressgvictor Veiraloom
Age: 27
Gender: Woman
Birthday: January 2nd
Such height: Such five feet and eleven inches.

Hoverboard: Light pink, flat heart with invisible energy powering it beneath, such hoverboard shiny, slightly thick, and lacking support rod with intention as her hands. She is fond of volume formulas with math, thus the sphere formula appears as small, light pink content aside her right side when she races.

Personality of such part: Of her many unique traits, she constantly sees her as wanting improvement as her. Sweet little thorns on such red rose stem are as such qualities she wishes she could alter as such bring sadness, much sadness from such hardship she has endured, though such thought of sunlight lightening them correlates with her existing encouraging, determined, and curious personality, improvement such accessory of such red rose stem graced of personality traits. She laughs of silly little thoughts, which she usually exists wishing she would alter loosely, as serious existence is her motive, though such laughing quality is soothing of part existence hers, laughing of silly little thoughts of her perfectionist personality as she constantly is of motive which is improvement. Improvement is with eagerness of her uncommon hobbies, or, well, such improvement would exist with them if she could stop posing, runway walking, and thickening her eyebrows with similar-colored make-up and wearing different headbands which she thinks is suitable such. Improvement is her main motive, her's and other's, and of insects endearing her, she is somewhat fearless and prefers existing alone.

Of such mornings, her first inclination is posing, or walking of nature near her home with coffee. She can seem sad, though she is as existence of confidence, posing of nature or of home architecture. Mornings are fun of her opinion, and she is competitive.

Such past of such part: Drifting was Swesaloomressgvictor as young, of grace and of Gveu with her mother who was as such decorator residing of small, white, square home with flat roof, drifting rather than growing as her mother thought while actually growing. Swesaloomressgvictor was fond of waterpillars and loved playing with them near her home. Swesaloomressgvictor was of lacking amusement of the roses young, though grew fond of them of her eighteen.

When of her heart hoverboard of her twenty-four, which is when she first started riding it, she was fond of riding it of arms, hands, and fingers of grace, and raced her first race of her twenty-five of her residing with her mother around Gveu. She broke several glassware accidentally around Gveu, though she has improved of racing and is curious of the tracks the magic diamonds guide, such tracks of unknown existence as her intelligence of such remain. Of her currently twenty-seven, she plans of such existence hers; racing of the Suchli Mall track, Runway Model track, and Fields of Cotton, Flower Buds, Cacoons, and Dove Eggs.
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