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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

crystal look at them:"a half wolf. pleasure to meet you both....unfortunatly lily wont remember this since she has been asleep. goodbye i might see you again while lily heals..."
crystal close her eyes after getting in blankets, and shift back to human form, lily has control wakes up slowly rubbing her eyes, looks at them, confused:"did something happen?"
Sanguis Sanguis
"Your 'wolf spirit' tried to tear my leg off and then she hit on my son." Slade summarised with his usual jaded look. Oliver gave the mercenary a slight elbow in the ribs.
""Don't worry, it went pretty well... How are you feeling?" Oliver asked.
"Your 'wolf spirit' tried to tear my leg off and then she hit on my son." Slade summarised with his usual jaded look. Oliver gave the mercenary a slight elbow in the ribs.
""Don't worry, it went pretty well... How are you feeling?" Oliver asked.
lily frown:"sorry about that...crystal only tries to protect people sometimes or hurt them."
she looked at oliver:"i feel like i got more sleep than usual...had some help with it"
Sanguis Sanguis
lily frown:"sorry about that...crystal only tries to protect people sometimes or hurt them."
she looked at oliver:"i feel like i got more sleep than usual...had some help with it"
Sanguis Sanguis
"It's all right, kid, it wasn't your fault." Said Slade.
"Yeah, Crystal said you had help from one of the people who live with you in your body and-..."
"Greetings, everyone." Announced a man with a briefcase in his hand as he entered the room.
"Ah, Lily, this is the specialist I told you about yesterday and- "
"Miss Queen" I presume? Nice to meet you. Do you mind?" The specialist opened his briefcase and pulled out a bunch of different tools and a laptop. The man took a small object and placed it on the girl's head and turned on his computer.
"Who are you, sir?" Grant asked as the specialist wrote on his keyboard with astonishing speed.
"I am a human being of the male sex. 5'10", 160 pounds. Red hair and brown eyes. Let me work now, strange young man in a suit." The specialist answered.
"It's all right, kid, it wasn't your fault." Said Slade.
"Yeah, Crystal said you had help from one of the people who live with you in your body and-..."
"Greetings, everyone." Announced a man with a briefcase in his hand as he entered the room.
"Ah, Lily, this is the specialist I told you about yesterday and- "
"Miss Queen" I presume? Nice to meet you. Do you mind?" The specialist opened his briefcase and pulled out a bunch of different tools and a laptop. The man took a small object and placed it on the girl's head and turned on his computer.
"Who are you, sir?" Grant asked as the specialist wrote on his keyboard with astonishing speed.
"I am a human being of the male sex. 5'10", 160 pounds. Red hair and brown eyes. Let me work now, strange young man in a suit." The specialist answered.
lily felt bit of relief when slade forgave her:"thanks, well the other lives with me but its kind of complicate-"
she was cut off by the man with briefcase who walked in the room, noticing oliver introduced him before the specialist spoke to her:"yes, i dont mind"
watching him place a small object on her head, before hearing the young man in suit ask the specialist a question

crystal and galaxia staying quiet mentally in lily mind to avoid causing any headaches
Sanguis Sanguis
lily felt bit of relief when slade forgave her:"thanks, well the other lives with me but its kind of complicate-"
she was cut off by the man with briefcase who walked in the room, noticing oliver introduced him before the specialist spoke to her:"yes, i dont mind"
watching him place a small object on her head, before hearing the young man in suit ask the specialist a question

crystal and galaxia staying quiet mentally in lily mind to avoid causing any headaches
Sanguis Sanguis
"I'm Grant Wilson, by the way and this is my father, Slade. He's the new French teacher and I'm a student here. You really are a beautiful wolf." Grant said with a friendly smile.
"It's going to tingle a little bit, mademoiselle. I'm eliminating the chip in your head by using the magnet I put in as well as complicated technology" The specialist explained.
"How much will it co-...?" Tried to ask Oliver.
"Oh, only two thousand dollars. I just wanted to try out my new equipment." The man replied. Arrow took his checkbook out of his jacket and gave the specialist a piece of paper.
"I'm Grant Wilson, by the way and this is my father, Slade. He's the new French teacher and I'm a student here. You really are a beautiful wolf." Grant said with a friendly smile.
"It's going to tingle a little bit, mademoiselle. I'm eliminating the chip in your head by using the magnet I put in as well as complicated technology" The specialist explained.
"How much will it co-...?" Tried to ask Oliver.
"Oh, only two thousand dollars. I just wanted to try out my new equipment." The man replied. Arrow took his checkbook out of his jacket and gave the specialist a piece of paper.
lily silently blush to herself:"thanks, its nice to meet you"
she look at the specialist:"like painful or light?"
Sanguis Sanguis
lily silently blush to herself:"thanks, its nice to meet you"
she look at the specialist:"like painful or light?"
Sanguis Sanguis
"This just happened. Didn't you feel anything? "Asked the specialist as he put his equipment back in his briefcase.
"So the problem is--" Arrow asked.
"Problem solved, yes." The man replied, nodding his head.
"This just happened. Didn't you feel anything? "Asked the specialist as he put his equipment back in his briefcase.
"So the problem is--" Arrow asked.
"Problem solved, yes." The man replied, nodding his head.
lily shook her head:"it wasnt too painful i felt worser pains"
Sanguis Sanguis
"Then my work here is done." The specialist said as he gets up. Oliver watched the man leave.
"Do you feel the change? "The hero asked.
lily thought about it:"i dont feel drained as i usually do"
kaito walked over to the door and knocked
Sanguis Sanguis
Oliver smiled at his daughter.
"Come in!" Grant shouts merrily.
Kaito opens the door and walks in carrying a small folded dress but suddenly stops seeing grant.....he looks over at lily:"i brought your dress here if you want to wear it for the funeral..."

Sanguis Sanguis
Kaito opens the door and walks in carrying a small folded dress but suddenly stops seeing grant.....he looks over at lily:"i brought your dress here if you want to wear it for the funeral..."

Sanguis Sanguis
"Hey Kaito, how's business? "Grant asked with a big smile.
"So he's the one who asked you to take this thing..." Slade simply said that and then just stared at Kaito with that paralyzing coldness.
"Hey Kaito, how's business? "Grant asked with a big smile.
"So he's the one who asked you to take this thing..." Slade simply said that and then just stared at Kaito with that paralyzing coldness.
Kaito felt alot of stares and felt bit nervous, he set the folded dress beside lily: "its fine grant just had to go take something back....and i have to get ready for the funeral too...."
She look at him:"thank you kaito"
Sanguis Sanguis
Kaito felt alot of stares and felt bit nervous, he set the folded dress beside lily: "its fine grant just had to go take something back....and i have to get ready for the funeral too...."
She look at him:"thank you kaito"
Sanguis Sanguis
"Grant... Did you sell drugs to that boy?" Arrow asked, frowning.
"Are you implying that my son is a drug dealer?" Slade asked as he got up, angry again.
"No, sir, I just did him a little favor." Grant replied with a smile.
"Don't raise your voice at me again, Slade! " Oliver cried out as he stood up.
"I'll do as I please!"Deathstroke replied. "And I'm going to have class, so I'm getting the fuck out of here, you bastard! Ah, and get well, Lily. "With that, Slade left the nurse's office and went to his classroom.
"Grant... Did you sell drugs to that boy?" Arrow asked, frowning.
"Are you implying that my son is a drug dealer?" Slade asked as he got up, angry again.
"No, sir, I just did him a little favor." Grant replied with a smile.
"Don't raise your voice at me again, Slade! " Oliver cried out as he stood up.
"I'll do as I please!"Deathstroke replied. "And I'm going to have class, so I'm getting the fuck out of here, you bastard! Ah, and get well, Lily. "With that, Slade left the nurse's office and went to his classroom.
Lily frown:"i wish you two would not fight as much...."
Kaito left
She thought about it:"i might have kaito go with me to the funeral later to make sure nothing goes wrong...."

Sanguis Sanguis
Lily frown:"i wish you two would not fight as much...."
Kaito left
She thought about it:"i might have kaito go with me to the funeral later to make sure nothing goes wrong...."

Sanguis Sanguis
"I'll behave well with him when he stops provoking me... " Oliver replied with a shrug.
"You say that, sir, but it was you who started it. My father told me how you stuck an arrow in his already dead eye while he was busy fighting other heroes... No wonder he hates you." Grant said very seriously as he stands up.
"Well, I'm going to go, too. I have class in five minutes and I have to change into something more suitable. Oh, by the way, I don't know who passed away, but I'm so sorry for your loss, Lily... See you two soon. "After saying that, Grant left to go back to his dorm.
"I'll behave well with him when he stops provoking me... " Oliver replied with a shrug.
"You say that, sir, but it was you who started it. My father told me how you stuck an arrow in his already dead eye while he was busy fighting other heroes... No wonder he hates you." Grant said very seriously as he stands up.
"Well, I'm going to go, too. I have class in five minutes and I have to change into something more suitable. Oh, by the way, I don't know who passed away, but I'm so sorry for your loss, Lily... See you two soon. "After saying that, Grant left to go back to his dorm.
lily frown more at oliver:"still you should always try to avoid arguements."
she look at grant:"thanks grant..." watch him leave
Sanguis Sanguis
lily frown more at oliver:"still you should always try to avoid arguements."
she look at grant:"thanks grant..." watch him leave
Sanguis Sanguis
Grant arrived in his class a full 10 minutes late and settled in the back... After what his brother had dared to tell him, the boy didn't feel like trying anymore.

"It's harder than that." Oliver sighed.
"What time's the funeral anyway?" The hero asked as he put away the papers that had been flying around.
Grant arrived in his class a full 10 minutes late and settled in the back... After what his brother had dared to tell him, the boy didn't feel like trying anymore.

"It's harder than that." Oliver sighed.
"What time's the funeral anyway?" The hero asked as he put away the papers that had been flying around.
Lily checked her tablet:"its this afternoon at lunch its gonna last few hours..."
Gives a small worried look:"wait are you asking because you want to go?"

Kaito sitting near grant does a magic trick for him, makes his stuff levitate
Sanguis Sanguis
"Well I'd like to come with you later to support you but if you'd rather not I'd totally understand." Oliver replied.

Grant watched the things levitate with curiosity.
"Wow! How do you do that? Are you a wizard or something?" The mercenary asked.
"Well I'd like to come with you later to support you but if you'd rather not I'd totally understand." Oliver replied.

Grant watched the things levitate with curiosity.
"Wow! How do you do that? Are you a wizard or something?" The mercenary asked.
Lily shook her head feeling bit nervous:"no thats fine just um this isnt a normal funeral....."
Kaito look at him:"im a magician"
Sanguis Sanguis (meeting in new chat thread)
Lily shook her head feeling bit nervous:"no thats fine just um this isnt a normal funeral....."
Kaito look at him:"im a magician"
Sanguis Sanguis (meeting in new chat thread)
"What do you mean?" Arrow asked.

"That's cool," Grant says, smiling. The boy took one look at the teacher.
"This class is so boring ! I'm going to visit the school's air ducts instead. If you want to come too , you're welcome." He whispered. The mercenary got up and quietly walked out of the classroom.

(Okay )
"What do you mean?" Arrow asked.

"That's cool," Grant says, smiling. The boy took one look at the teacher.
"This class is so boring ! I'm going to visit the school's air ducts instead. If you want to come too , you're welcome." He whispered. The mercenary got up and quietly walked out of the classroom.

(Okay )
Lily looked at him:"theres gonna be other versions of me there along with their loved ones..."
Kaito thinks about it
Sanguis Sanguis

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