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Fandom Manhatten Hero High School AU

"Ah, I apologize, loki. Come and sit down, you need rest. Even if you are a god." She led him into Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 dorm, where Lily was waiting.
"Oh hey Loki and Sheri,"
"Too bad. I've grown quite fond of her. So I think your time here is over."
Loki closed his eyes and both of them disappeared in a flash of green(They on Asgard). He returned a moment later, alone.
"Sorry it took so long for me to get rid of her. I needed to build up my magic. Now, could someone please help me...?"
He swayed and stumbled to the side, reaching blindly for anything.

@Miasmith17 Watercolour Watercolour
Loki waved weakly to the boy.
"I should only need to sit for a--"
He was cut off by a horrid pain in his chest. He gripped the fabric of his shirt.
"Rest. Rest sounds good now."
He was nearly gasping for air.

@Miasmith17 Watercolour Watercolour Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Loki? Loki it's okay breathe." "Peter, hold his arms above his head, that will open up his airway, making it easier to breathe"

(OOC. sorry guy's, gotta go. 2% left)
Loki coughed a few times and leaned his weight back on the girl.
"I am breathing fine. It simply shocked me."
He winced again and tried to keep his balance.
"I have never felt a pain this great in decades."

Watercolour Watercolour Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 @Miasmith17
Loki laid down on the bed and closed his milky eyes.
"I am well into my seventies, but I am by no means old in Asgardian terms. I am just barely out of adolescence in the eyes of my family. But I am also different. I am not a true Asgardian. I am what is known as a Jotunn. A monster in myth. I was born small and left to die until Odin found me and put this glamour over me."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Loki laid down on the bed and closed his milky eyes.
"I am well into my seventies, but I am by no means old in Asgardian terms. I am just barely out of adolescence in the eyes of my family. But I am also different. I am not a true Asgardian. I am what is known as a Jotunn. A monster in myth. I was born small and left to die until Odin found me and put this glamour over me."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Geez, your realm is interesting to say the least..."
Loki laughed softly.
"Tis not one realm, but many. Asgard is one, Midgard another - although you refer to it as Earth. I was born on Jotunnheim. There is Helheim, Muspellheim. My sister is the queen of Helheim. Hella was always my favorite."
He smiled softly.

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Loki laughed softly.
"Tis not one realm, but many. Asgard is one, Midgard another - although you refer to it as Earth. I was born on Jotunnheim. There is Helheim, Muspellheim. My sister is the queen of Helheim. Hella was always my favorite."
He smiled softly.

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Peter had difficulty wrapping his head around the concept, he sat on a chair at his desk working on his web shooters, "Tell me about Hela?"
"She had the spirit of ten thousand warriors. She was not my sister by birth. She was Odin's blood, but she never looked through my glamour as others would. In many ways she seemed more my sister than Thor's. In appearances as well as personality. She was the Goddess of Death and she ruled that title well. She aided Odin in taking over the Nine Realms. I miss her, but the only way I can see her is in death when I finally reach Helheim."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"She had the spirit of ten thousand warriors. She was not my sister by birth. She was Odin's blood, but she never looked through my glamour as others would. In many ways she seemed more my sister than Thor's. In appearances as well as personality. She was the Goddess of Death and she ruled that title well. She aided Odin in taking over the Nine Realms. I miss her, but the only way I can see her is in death when I finally reach Helheim."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"I see, but you should enjoy your life here, you got me,Lily and I'm sure Shuri's willing to help,"
Loki chuckled.
"Just because I long to see my sister in dead does not mean I wish to die. I am merely saying i will welcome death when it comes to me. When I will join the winds of Jotunnheim."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
Loki chuckled.
"Just because I long to see my sister in dead does not mean I wish to die. I am merely saying i will welcome death when it comes to me. When I will join the winds of Jotunnheim."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213
"Well, just being sure," he tries out the web shooters by shooting a soda can towards him again, this time , it came faster and harder. a bigger improvement.
Lily:"i wish he could see if there was any way....ah this burn...." she pulled out an angelic arrow tip placing it agianst her neck, it remove the demon burns, healing it, the tip turned gray
Loki turned his head to Peter's voice.
"I wouldn't know if something is wrong. I can't see and my magic is too drained to send out pulses. All I really have left at the moment is my hearing."
He turned his head back to the ceiling.
"The only one who could undo this is the Allfather himself. He made it so, he too can undo it. Do not get your hopes up, though, because this is my punishment, meant to torment me for eternity."

Spider-Venom213 Spider-Venom213 @Miasmith17

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