Malice [Inactive]

There was something about him that made Rainan uneasy. Maybe it was a resemblance to a boy in high school that had tortured him. Or maybe it was the level of comfort this man seemed to have in this hell. Rainan remained calm but silently gripped his weapon a little tighter. He stared the man down, trying to get a read on him but got nothing.
After the train had stopped, Cassie woke up with her legs on the seats of the trains, her back on the floor. It smelled horrible...

Oh god... I can't believe it actually worked... Why does my head hurt, oh wait I'm on the floor... How did I get on the floor?

When Cassie finally stepped off the train, the Conductor with his black, eyeless sockets appeared out of nowhere, muttering, "Everybody off."

"Ah!" She shouted and jumped away, staring in the black holes of his eyes (?). "Uhhh.... What?"

The Conductor offered no answers, which only made Cassandra more frightened. "Uhhh... okay... W-Where do I go?"

Still no response.

"Right. Nothing. Great, thanks."

"You're welcome..."

She looked at it, then shook her head again, frustrated. "What did they tell me about this comic again? Other than it's terrifying and don't read it at night or in a dark place? ...Oh joy... I can't wait for this... HAHA!" She laughed nervously, then wrapped her arms around herself and walked off, looking around nervously as she walked in the darkness...
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Running. Alexi was running.

Petenka was at his side. They were dashing in and out of corridors, through narrow and poorly-lit alleyways, splashing puddles of water and frightening the nearby pedestrians, eyes agape in horror as they sped by. Rishka bounced up and down off Alexi's back, held in place by his swordstrap. Ahead of them was Brian, also running frantically, panting and shouting the whole way. It had been mere minutes since they stepped off the train. Alexi could not recollect what happened after Petenka completed the ritual that night in the dense forest. The fire went out, and everything became a blur. Soon enough, the three friends awoke and found themselves on the seats of a train, moving slowly through a tunnel, eventually stopping at what looked like an old and abandoned station. Petenka immediately knew what had happened, but nothing she did or said could console Brian, who at the moment the train opened its doors dropped instantly into a panic and took off for his life.

"BRIAN! STOP RUNNING!!" Petenka yelled at the top of her lungs. Alexi was puzzled. The entire environment resembled some sort of creepy rendition of an industrial factory. Mechanical gears and structures lay about at every corner, the buildings and even the ground seemed to be made of pure steel. And there was never enough light, not anywhere. "Oh no.." Petenka whispered as they struggled to catch up to Brian, who still shuffled through the complexes, never a lapse in speed. They found themselves in another alleyway; this one was quite long. Brian had appeared to have already traveled halfway through it. Alexi spotted a large tower that seemed to jump out at them from behind the alleyway; a massive clock was pasted on the front of it. Petenka stopped Alexi at the entrance of the alleyway, eyes wide and panting heavily.

"Stay here Alexi! I'm going to try to get Brian. If I don't come back in two minutes run away as fast as you can, as far away from that tower as possible!"

Alexi was still too dazzled to make sense of the entire ordeal. For a second he swore he was dreaming, and before he could even react she launched herself into the alleyway, seemingly determined to catch the lost friend. Alexi leaned up against the wall, trying to control his breathing, huge gulps of air forcing themselves into his lungs. He heard a thud and some shuffling; he turned around to see Petenka and Brian on the ground. It looked like she finally got him.

And then they appeared from the darkness. Two large beings fell down from the sky in front of them, their large, animal-like feet clanking down on the hard surface. They looked like wild raptors, yet they were metallic in nature, with rock-like spikes poking out of their "skin". They hissed and gazed at the two, seemingly paralyzed in fear. And then they attacked. Alexi's warrior instincts took over and he charged into the alleyway. He had already drawn Rishka from his strap and primed it in his left hand.

His heart dropped when he saw one of their mouths clenched over Petenka's neck. She screamed in agony. The other had gripped itself to Brian's side; he had fallen limp. Without hesitation, Alexi pierced Rishka through the side of the creature. The blade collided with the metal surface, sending out a small burst of sparks and disappearing into the creature by about a foot. The creature didn't respond, it's eyes still locked onto Brian, blood spilling from its metal teeth. Alexi pulled the blade out with great effort from the creature's side, raised it up in the air while making a small jump, and drove it downwards with incredible force right between the creature's eyes, emitting a small shout from his lips. It seized instantly. Alexi repeated this process with the creature on Petenka, and it reacted identically. Both lay unresponsive on his friends' bodies, and he shoved them out of the way. But it was too late. Petenka and Brian lay still on the cold, hard ground, eyes wide open, motionless.

In complete silence, Alexi checked their pulses, and immediately dropped to his knees. It was unreal. Rishka lay by his side, stained with rust and residue from the monsters. And the of the spikes on each of them were illuminated bright white. He went over to them, and successfully separated them from the creatures' bodies. They looked more like crystals close up. The apparent truth sat sprawled out on the ground in front of him, but Alexi could not believe it. He took a piece of his swordstrap, tied it to the crystals, and then placed the entire thing around his neck, the crystals dangling in front of his chest. He reattached Rishka to his back with what was left, and walked out of the alleyway, away from the clocktower.

Eventually he found his way back to the station, except there was no train. He walked a bit further, looking for anybody that might be of guidance to him. Eventually he stumbled upon a group of individuals who appeared to be traveling together. One guy was standing apart from them. Giving directions, maybe? Maybe if he listened in, he could get some vital information. He approached the group from a distance just as one of the girls was responding, the crystals on his neck shining brightly in the dreary darkness.
More sounds added to the rhythmical whirring of the world of Malice. In this world chaos seemed to be around every corner, and never was it at rest. A nearby commotion seemed to catch Hannah's attention. The sound of grinding metal threatened the small group of children, but was cut off by the ear shattering whistle that came from the train. More arrivals, which was odd to have two drop offs within an hour, but sometimes there would be too many kids coming into Malice at once for the trains to get them all in the first run, so often they would swing by once more to drop the remaining kids off. This time the train didn't even stop to see if there was any borders, and begun wheeling down the dark tunnels, steam exploding from the pipe perched upon the roof of the large mechanical transportation device. More children of several different ages stepped out of the shadows, entering the terrifying world that seemed to be made of only nightmares. A bright gleam caught Hannah's eye as she stared into the emptiness that Malice consisted of. Upon closer inspection she noticed it was a time crystal, obviously in possession of someone.

"Hey!" she called, her voice attempting to sound stern but only coming out as a concerned crack.
The mechanical chittering was starting again.

At least, it sounded like that. It was a mix of metal scraping on metal and robotic screeching. This place just kept getting creepier and creepier.

"Can I ever just ask for PEACE when I go somewhere dark and scary and dangerous and, STOP PSYCHING YOURSELF UP!" She shouted at herself, and the chittering suddenly stopped. It was dead silent. And that turned out to be even more scary then the constant noise...With the excess noise gone, there was faint sound of voices... human voices. She started to move towards it, when the chittering started up again, louder then before, and she squeaked and fell back, scooting backwards as little figures walked out of the darkness. They were little... monkeys. With sharp teeth mixed with... syringes. Little pointy needled syringes.

"Oh good god..."

When she spoke, it bared it's fangs and advanced on her, slowly, more coming out of the darkness to surround her. By now, she was panicky and wide eyed, not at all sure what to do.
Alexi heard the girl's voice. Was she calling out to him?

He stepped closer to the group. The two crystals on his neck shone brightly and he could make out her face, looking at him. He was still slightly in shock; the sound that escaped his throat was feint, and croaky.

"H-Hi. Can you help me?"
"That's up to you..." Hannah remarked with a wry grin, her intense gaze locking on the boy as he emerged from the shadows. "Can I?" she questioned. She drew in a breath to agree with assistance, but in that moment she was cut short by the familiar sound of grinding metal. Nearby chitters prepared for another attack on an unsuspecting victim, and Hannah's ear had almost become trained to detect the distinguishable noise the Timekeeper's creations made. Without even looking beforehand she whipped her wrench across the ground, smashing a chitter directly in the nose. She ran after it, ensuring the chitter was down before she retrieved her wrench and begun pounding on the creation with her weapon of choice. Shards of metal pierced through her hand as she smashed, ensuring the death of the mechanical animal that she feared so much. Another series of sounds caught her attention as she peered into the darkness, backing away slightly.

"Sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t, what are these things....?" Cassie backed away from the Chitters, slowly. Somehow, she already seemed to know things about these mechanical monkeys. They would attack any minute now, then sink those little syringes into whatever they could and...

And what? What would they do? She felt like she should know, but... Nothing came to her.

A cold feeling on her hand startled and she glanced back. A lead pipe. How the hell did that get there? She gripped the pipe in her hand, still scooting back. It was then, that the frontmost monkey decided to lunge.

She moved almost automatically; Thrusting the pipe in front of her chest, she could feel it's claws digging into her cheek, trying to get to her, but it couldn't get past the pipe. Now she was screaming, terrified. "AHHHH, GET OFF OF ME, YOU STUPID MONKEY!" She shoved it off, then smashed the pipe straight into it's metallic skull with a surprisingly satisfying CLUNK! "DIE! DIE, MOTHERF***ER! YOU CAN'T DIE, WELL, WE'RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT, DIIIIIIE!"
Rainan chased after Hannah, following the sounds. One of the chitters ran along the wall beside as he thrust his weapon toward it. The creature caught the metal between the eyes and collapsed to the ground with a resounding clang. Rainan stared around the corner to see if any newcomers had arrived. As he ran he nearly bumped into her trying to catch up, her eyes were fixed on the darkness as he heard someone shouting profanities.

“Are we going to get a moments peace?” Grumbled Rainan to Hannah.
"I feel like I'm running a damn daycare." Hannah replied coldly, her voice emphasizing that she was obviously joking and Rainan wasn't to take what she said to heart. "We'll have time for introductions later." she spoke as she brushed the dead chitter's mangled body out of the way, taking note of the crimson liquid that smeared about her torn flesh. She had to be careful and make sure the injuries she endured wouldn't affect her survival, and already she had allowed her hands, one of the most important things on her body, to get pretty badly beaten. Hannah's fingers hopelessly searched for the metal that had pierced her skin and attempted to tear it out, cringing slightly at the pain. Once she had removed the metal from her hands she picked up her wrench, clenching her teeth at the sensitivity of the open wounds on her hands.
“Here, let me take a look at that,” muttered Rainan, taking her hand.

They were torn pretty badly, and he knew that it had to hurt. The bits of metal had lacerated the knuckle on her hand. He reached into his pocket and found some gauze. He had thought to bring it in case his sister was here and hurt but now was as good a time as any.

As he began wrapping her hand he brought his tone to a hushed whisper, “ We have to be careful if we get anymore stragglers. It’s easier to watch your back when you have three, but if everyone here is heading to the sanctuary then we might have some trouble. You know more about Malice than I do, but I know that people can’t be trusted. I’m not even sure I trust you yet.”

As he said the last line he gave her a reassuring smile and cut the gauze on her hand.

“Be careful not to loosen it,” he said with a small smile and stuck the gauze back into his pocket.
Alexi watched the girl pry the shrapnel from her hands. The grievous bite marks left all over the remains of his best friends were still fresh in his mind. The crystals...

He found the courage to speak. "I need your help to save my friends," he pleaded to the pair, holding up the crystal necklace he had been carrying in front of them to see. "I think they trapped them in here."
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Hannah nodded to Rainan, holding the gauze with a thankful gleam within her dull eyes. The pressure stung slightly, but she endured the pain, and did her best not to focus on it. "Then chances are they're long gone." the girl replied bitterly to Alexi as she straightened herself out, letting out a small sigh. "Malice needs new material for each comic, which means news victims. If they've been captured the chances of them being alive are quite slim." she stated, gently tracing her fingers along her gauze wrapped hands. "But that still doesn't mean they're not alive, and I suppose if you believe they are alright then I can be of assistance." she said finally, shooting Alexi a small grin when she had finished her words.
New material? Alexi had certainly heard some of the rumors from Petenka regarding the horrors of Malice, but not to this extent. It didn't make complete sense to him. But of course they were alright. They lay safe and sound around his neck, he thought to himself. All he had to do was get them out.

"Then perhaps I can be as well," Alexi added. "I would be more than happy to help you guys make it to wherever you wanted to go, if you could show me the path to recovering my friends once we got there." It was fair, Alexi thought. Repay a helping hand with a helping hand. It was honorable.
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The necklace caught Rainan’s eye immediately. The maddening strangeness hanging around this boys neck caused Rainan to forget momentarily the danger he was in. But his distrust of this person grew immediately, and he was feeling more and more nervous the more people showed up. It was like these dark alleys were a bright light bringing all the buzzing flies.

“What makes you think we can help you? If you haven’t noticed we aren’t exactly a well maintained army here,” said Rainan holding up his crude rusty metal weapon to Alexi.

Rainan didn't like the amount of men that were joining their little parade. Rainan had rarely gotten along with other men and he was starting to feel a little crowded. All the more reason for him to gain the girls trust, he thought.
After her fight, most of the monkeys had fled, either finding an easier kill, or the girl with the pipe was just too terrifying. "Thats right! Run, b*****s!" She shouted, shaking her free fist, then falling to her knees, the pipe falling from her hands. Her breathing was irregular, she had been in a complete panic, she was probably close to an attack. Slowly, she calmed down, fanning her face. She couldn't have an asthma attack now- Not in this place- Heck, who knows if she had her inhaler! Tall Jake seems like the one who wouldn't care about her necessary things. She finally sank to the ground, rubbing her face and finding deep gashes and sticky blood. "Oh.. Great.."
Alexi looked around. Indeed there was no sign of a substantial defense force anywhere within the area. This was unlike anything he had ever seen before; the barbaric free for all atmosphere of Malice coming into direct contrast with the strict soldier-like lifestyle he had come to know and love in Farador. It was sickening. 'So we're all just sent here to die?' Alexi asked himself, observing the bloodstained cloth wrapped around the girl's wounded hand.

But there was something else about this group. Alexi looked in the eyes of the girl; her resilience was strong. Even the male who held up the jagged metal piece, the frustration and bewilderment in his expression. Everyone here was fighting for their lives, they weren't giving in like the others he passed by. And neither was Alexi. If he didn't help, more people would be sucked into the capsules just like the ones he had on his neck, ready to be consumed by whatever ruled over this place. Was it the Timekeeper? Alexi tries to recollect the conversations he had with Petenka about Malice. Timekeeper, some guy named Tall Jake, it was all ludicrous to him. Well now it was happening for real, his friends were on the line, and he needed to know what to do.

No, he wouldn't leave until he had his friends back with him. Those strange creatures he encountered back in the alleyway didn't seem so tough. Then again, they didn't attack HIM. It didn't matter. He was trained for this, to fight til the very end, to persevere through pain and struggle. And that's exactly what he was going to do. He would kill as many of those things as it would take to save the people he loved, even if he had to square off against Tall Jake himself. Let's see what he makes of Rishka...

"Listen," Alexi began, his soldier voice coming back to him. "At least one of you has to know the way around here, right? Help me save my friends. I can fight the creatures off. You guys want to get out of here, right? End this nightmare? Help me do it. Help me kill Tall Jake and we can all go back to our normal lives. I'll do anything you guys need, but you gotta help me out too."
Cassie sat for what felt ages, breathing in and out, trying to get the hiss out of her breathing, before she stood up and grabbed her lead pipe. "Suddenly, I am a master pipe wielder. Hahahaha!" She laughed at herself, then cut herself off, and walked off. Staying there for too long would probably only turn out badly. The human voices she'd heard earlier were louder now, and soon she found herself faced with these people. She stood a distance away, with pipe in hand. She wasn't sure if these people would attack her, and she wasn't eager to find out.
The girl allowed a soft chuckle under her breath as she straightened herself out, holding her wrench firmly in her injured hand. "You don't know what you're up against." Hannah stated coldy, her intense gaze flickering between those in the group. "There's only one thing that can stop Tall Jake, and that's The Shard, which disappeared ages ago. Apparently it's disguised as some sort of ornament. We find that then we will have Jake on his knees." she explained, her voice monotone. "And uh, Alexi? I hate to be the bearer of bad news... But your friends are as good as gone." she paused, collecting her thoughts. "The only thing you can do to bring them back is put those crystals in an inanimate Timekeeper creation, but they'd never be the same again." she spoke, her words soft yet harsh. "It doesn't mean I won't help you, but trying to bring back your friends could be suicide. They may not even recognize you." she murmured, her voice growing quieter with each word.
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Cassie gazed at theses people, not sure if approaching would be a good idea or not.

Well, lets weigh my options.

On one hand, if you travel in a group, you may get attached to people. Getting attached is bad, makes it hurt even more when they get killed. Traveling with the group however makes it safer. If we get attacked, there'll be more people to help you defend.

You can't move as freely as you want if you travel in a group.

You'll be safer. These people might be hostile.

These people might now even be people.

Her face was now a mixture of confusion and fear as she looked at the group, stepping out of the dark, pipe tucked under her arm.
Alexi's eyes widened. No way. The thought of his friends being forever encased within one of those hideous monstrosities appalled him. And why wouldn't they be able to recognize him?

Brian...Petenka...could they really be gone from him forever?

He looked back into the mystery girl's eyes in anguish. But somebody was approaching from behind. He made a quick gesture to Hannah and adjusted his position, turned towards the other figure who had just stepped out of the darkness into their field of view.
Hannah's intense gaze shifted toward the direction Alexi had gestured, tightening the grip on her precious wrench as she brought her eyes to look at the newcomer. An agitated sigh escaped her lips as she stared, yet another character joining their dangerous parade. "Welcome to hell." she grumbled, becoming a bit uncomfortable with the amount of children that seemed to be joining. Of course she wouldn't deny any offers to join because there was undeniable power in numbers, but she had always disliked the idea of cooperation, especially if she felt obligated to keep them safe.

"Who are you?"
Ohhhh, sh*t. They noticed me.

"Uhhh... I come in peace?" She held up her hands, then held up the pipe and laughed nervously. "M-My name is Cassandra, you c-can call me Cassie, if you so see fit.. um... I'm just wondering about getting out of here? Yeah. I was just attacked by a horde of mechanical monkeys with syringes for teeth, annnd I'm kind just wondering whaT THE F**** IS GOING ON HERE?!"
Rainan caught himself laughing at this girls question. He had also been wondering what was going on but she had asked it so eloquently. He had barely even begun to take in the horror around him, and he was already overwhelmed. It was good to get a laugh in at least.

But his attention went back to the boy and his necklace, and his story was heartbreaking.

“I’m sorry about your friends, I truly am. But we must focus on the now. Like how to make sure we all get out of this alley alive,” he said looking around his shoulder for anymore unruly guests.

He didn’t want to seem rude, but he didn’t like the amount of danger they had placed themselves in.
Alexi looked curiously at the girl's exclamation, then back at the man who had addressed him. He was right. If they didn't get themselves out of this predicament everyone would be lost. He awaited Hannah's next move, as she seemed to be the one in control of things here.

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