Malice [Inactive]


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Welcome to Malice, dear reader.

Along the darkened tunnels of Malice a rhythmical clacking and familiar whirring echoed. A loud ear piercing whistle blew throughout the empty corridors of The Oubblette, and a massive train pulled into station. It was late, around 6:00 PM, but there was no way to tell the time unless you got a view of the overhanging clocks that were inconveniently placed above the train tunnels, or if you got a good view of the Timekeepers tower. There was no sun in Malice, simply a grey sky filled with smog that lightened and darkened as time went on, so using the sky to tell time would prove unbelievably difficult.

The train doors opened slowly with a loud grinding sound, clicking when it was opened fully. One of the abnormally tall faceless train conductors begun ushering the new arrivals off of the train, before shutting the door behind them. The train would stay in the station to allow those wishing to leave the time they needed to catch the train, but it wouldn't be long. In front of the train a bunch of terrified children scrambled their way away from the train, herding together like a herd of terrified sheep. Behind them an abnormally tall girl stood, giving them a rather menacing glare before she reached down into the bag she had broughten, and retrieved a massive steel wrench she had stolen from her fathers shed. All the children stood, staring at it with wide eyes, as if they expected her to kill them.

"What the hell are you looking at?" The tall girl asked, staring them down as they trembled. She felt horrible for accidentally scaring them, but they had no reason to be scared which bugged her.

"M-miss?" a young boy stood out, pushing himself to the front of the small crowd. He looked only a few years younger than Hannah was obviously shaking, and along his cheeks dried tears still stained his face. "Where do we go now?"

The girl shook her head, looking at him. She felt bad for the kid but she knew he had gotten into this mess himself.

"Don't ask me, kiddo." she said coldly, reaching into her bag and taking out a crowbar. It was one of those overly-rusted ones Hannah had never used, but kept in her tool shed anyways. It was severely rusted along the tips, but besides that it was in good condition. The girl had no issue parting with it as she tossed it to the boy, crouching down on his level. "Listen to me. You see that tower over there?" she questioned, pointing a finger at the massive tower that had the clock on it. "Steer clear of that place. If you want to get to safety there is an old church if you follow that corridor, just make sure you don't go anywhere near that tower, you hear? They may or may not accept you, but it's worth a shot." she finished, straightening out. She twirled her wrench in her hands before turning to survey the area.

Finally she had made it into Malice. She spent hours upon hours doing the research she needed, and she was determined to survive and stop Tall-jake at any cost. "One more thing." she murmured, just loud enough for the group of children to hear. "If you get attacked by a Chitter, do not let it bite you. You guys are young, and they will see you as easy prey. Hit it between the eyes, and hit it hard. If one of you ends up getting killed by one of them they hold crystals that contain the time they sucked from your body. It's only respectful if you kill the Chitter and retrieve the crystal from it in remembrance of a fallen comrade. I'm not sure what you can do with it, but it's one less soul the Timekeeper gets to take."

The kids all stared at her, unsure of what to do. Some just nodded and begun down the corridor she showed them, others had frozen in fear. Hannah shrugged her shoulders, before flicking her wrist to say goodbye as she headed down a different corridor. The girl was basically headed straight for the Timekeeper's tower, but it didn't bother her. She wanted to see the Timekeeper and his creations for herself, and not printed on some comic strip. She had finally gotten into Malice and she was going to use the time she had wisely.
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Rainan had been off the train for a few minutes, but he was just as confused and out of place as he had been when he stepped off. Every thing around him was either terrified children or determined adults. Everyone seemed to at least have a clue of what was going on. Rainan didn’t know much about Malice other than someone on the train telling him he would last five minutes. Well it had been ten minutes now and Rainan’s heart was still beating.

He had to remind himself to stay calm, which usually wasn’t a hard thing to do. Rainan had always had the innate ability to control his emotions in high pressure situations. But with the wailing of terrified children and the irreverent rhythmic tick of the clocks around him, he was having trouble keeping things under control. Everywhere around him was clock work, the constant ticking etched its way into his brain.

Tick Tock

Tick Tock.

It was like the clocks were counting down to his death. Each tick was another second lost. The ticks got louder, the tocks got angrier. Each second was a pound of fear pulsating into his heart. He bust of the crowd and starting running down the street. Shop owners and passerby’s glanced at him but that’s all they would give him. He cut his way into an abandoned alley and placed his back against the stone wall.

The fear wasn’t for him. He could care less about losing his life. It was for his sister, who he had thought was in Malice. But the more he thought about it, he realized he had been lied to. Tricked to enter Malice by an old school mate with a grudge. Rainan knew he would be able to lose this fear, once it was dropped he wouldn’t pick it up again.

“Excuse me, mister?” Piped a voice from the alley.

Rainan turned his head to see a little girl crouched down across the alley. Her voice was weak and wavering, and her blonde hair was a tangled mess around her face. Rainan stood up and walked over to her. She was holding her stomach tightly and tears were streaming down her face. Rainan could see blood between her fingers.

He came to the sudden realization that someone had stabbed her and thrown her into the alley to die. She couldn’t be far away.

“What’s your name?” He asked, crouching down beside her.

“Emily,” she responded quietly.

“That’s a pretty name. You know I have a sister about your age,” Rainan said.

“So you’re not going to hurt me?” Emily asked, wide eyed.

Rainan shook his head and sat down beside her.

He knew two things as soon as he saw her. The first, that her wound had been left untended for too long. She was going to die. The second thing he knew was that he would stay with her until she did. It didn’t take long, he talked to her about her family and her friends and told her everything would be alright. Eventually she let out a tiny gasp, and collapsed on his shoulder. He carried her body out of the alley and dropped her off at one of the stores. Hopefully they would take care of returning her to her family, but he didn’t know for sure. This moment had made him resolute. He had let go of his fears in that alley when Emily left her life. He knew he had to return home to take care of his sisters. That was the only thing keeping him motivated.

But now he had the same problem before. He didn’t know Malice. His only plan was to find someone who looked like they knew what they were doing and follow them. He burst into the crowd with this sole mission in mind.
Alexis stood there, alone, watching the kids scramble off the train, probably to their deaths no doubt. Her eyes shifted, watching the unusually tall female take control, telling them where to go, what to do, and where not to go, most certainly. Alexis had only just arrived herself, a couple of hours ago. Though she stood in one place the entire time, watching, waiting for something to happen. Luckily, nothing has happened to her, yet. With a tip of her hat she wore, she began to walk forwards, towards the female, looking for some answers. "Hey, you." She said to her, almost in a commanding voice.

"Where the hell am I? What is this place, neh? Someone told me it'd be fun....I can't pass up fun. But this place just looks dull and dreary." She cut her eyes, looking up at the sky, then back to her. "...Where is this fun? Or was I lied to?..." She sighed. "Either seem to know what you're doing. So please...gimme some answers."
Hannah really hadn't noticed it was her that was being spoken to, but she stopped anyway. The girl had called out to her in a rather demanding tone, and Hannah felt like she had to respond. She turned around, stepping away from the corridor that would lead her to the tower. She let out a soft sigh, eager to get going, but also eager to help. "I'd say you were lied to." she said with a silent snicker, turning her bright gaze to meet Alexis's. "I mean, you could make it fun, but you'd have to know what you're doing before that happened." she said with a slight shrug of her shoulders, looking down at the massive wrench in her hands. "You may want to start with finding yourself some sort of means of defense. There is scrap metal all over the place, you're bound to find something." she suggested, leaning on some heated generator that whirred and ticked behind her.

"What do you know about this place?" Hannah questioned, turning her head to examine her tool. It bugged her how many people got caught up in Malice with no idea what they were doing, and she hoped the girl she had met at least had a little bit of an idea of why she was here or what Malice was about. Hannah didn't really allow the girl time to answer before she began speaking again, her agitated visage settling on the girl. "You've got yourself into one hell of a mess, and you're going to have to work hard to get out of it. Malice is far different than our world, and everything you thought you knew is basically switched around in this place. You're always being watched, so make wise decisions and make your actions count." she instructed, turning around.

"If you want to get to safety, follow the others. If you're looking for a little adventure, then you can join me in my Timekeeper studies, but I won't be at blame if you die." she said coldly, silencing herself after she had spoke. The small crowd of children had dispursed and only few remained. Hannah didn't quite understand why those who stayed didn't follow her instructions, but she didn't care, and gave them mental appraisals for being so brave.

"Anyone else wish to join us?"
Alexis only stared at the girl, listening to anything she'd had to say. Something told her it would come in handy later. "Hmm..." She smirked, looking around, then back at her. "Defense? Hmm...that means thought you said I was lied to." She said in an evil snicker and a sly grin. "Sure sure, I'll find some means of defense,...while I follow you." She stated, not even asking if it was an okay thing to do or not.

"And how can you be blamed if I'm already dead?" She said, making fun and joy out of her words that she seemed to make so awful. "I'm a risk taker and an adventurer. No way am I going to pass this up." Alexis smiled, putting her hands in her pockets. "Lead the way. My name is Alexis." She thought for a moment. "Actually...Call me Lexi or Alex...something shorter. That way if you have to call for me, It won't take to long."
Rainan had just barely made his way back into the crowd when he saw the two girls talking. More than half of the crowd had left and the girl seemingly had scared most of them off. The only read that Rainan could get from both of them was that they were different. They weren’t scared, or angry. They looked like they knew exactly where they were going.

He brushed past several people, trying to get closer to them. Their voices were muffled and more and more of the crowd was disappearing. By the time he actually reached them, the entire crowd had disappeared and only the two girls remained. He made a small coughing noise to get their attention, and shoved his hands in his pockets.

He just hoped they knew more than he did.
"Eh, that ego is going to be the death of you, so I guess I can't be blamed." Hannah joked, twiddling with the wrench. "I'm Hannah, but you can call me whatever you'd lik-" Hannah cut herself off, craning her head to look over to where the other children were. Now they had all left and only one remained, staring at the two as if he expected them to do something, his coughing grabbing her attention.

The girl stepped out of the shadows, flinching slightly when the train blew its whistle. Slowly cogs and gears begun grinding as it made its way down the tracks, and into the tunnels, heading to pick up it's next victims no doubt. She stepped lightly near the edge of the tracks, making her way over to where the train was once parked. She looked up and locked her gaze on Rainan who stood not too far away, saying something under her breath before speaking. "Can uh..." Hannah paused for a moment, thinking before she continued.

"Can I help you?"
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Rainan thought for a moment before answering,

“I think you’re the only one that can answer that,” he said softly.

He stepped closer, trying to appear intimidating.

“I’m new to Malice. But I’m not weak. I’m fast, I’m strong, and I’m smart. Without any of those things I’d be dead in a minute. I know very little about Malice, but it looks like you do. The only thing I can figure out here is that strength is in numbers and death is all around us. I don't want to die, and you don't either. So you can ask me again... Or you can ask, can we help each other?”

As he finished he shoved his hands back into his pockets and nervously awaited her reply.
Hannah was taken aback by his comment. She would usually retort with some witty comeback, her stubborn nature pushing defeat out of the question, but he was right. She shied away from him slightly when he moved closer, rather intimidated by his actions. She was intimidated by those of equal or greater height as her, which often proved as an issue when she assumed the role of leader as she often did. She avoided eye contact with the boy as she thought, looking at the soot covered pavement that was laid alongside the tracks as she spoke. "You can join us." she said, her voice stern yet uneasy. "But I can't guarantee your survival." she said finally, raising her bright gaze to look at his complexion. "I can't guarantee anything... But if you feel that working within a group is better than working alone then I respect your opinion." she said, turning her gaze toward the tower she longed to study. "I've caught word of Havoc being in somewhere in The Oubblette. They're a group of kids, a lot like us, that rebel against Tall-Jake's tactics. If we can find them then we have more of a chance of survival. But rumor has it that Havoc has been exterminated by Tall-Jake, and if that's the case then we will have to take their place." she said with a silent sigh, turning back around. "If you agree to this then I would be more than happy to 'help' you." she said coldly.
Rainan wanted to let out a sigh of relief but kept it in. His bluff appeared to work, the girl seemed intimidated. Not that what he said wasn't true, he was fast and he was smart. But alpha dog had never been his personality. He realized if these girls thought he was weak he would never stand a chance at getting their trust.. If things went the way he wanted, then he could follow these two and not have to give orders. He could let his guard down a bit, and drop the whole Alpha dog mentality that he had always hated so much

Her plan wasn’t exactly what he wanted. He didn’t want to fight if he didn’t have to. But the chorus of wailing children and the dissolute dead was not a great option either. At least she looked like she knew her way around.

“I agree,” he said slowly. He glanced at the other girl quickly before adding,

“I’m Rainan.”
Hannah swallowed her thoughts in an audible gulp, shaking her head as she shot a final glance up to the tower that she was so eager to examine. Her stay in Malice would be long, and she knew that she would have time to answer the questions she sought later. She eased up a bit when Rainan backed up, rubbing her shoulder as she surveyed the area. They would have a lot of walking to do, and chances are if they were looking for Havoc, Tall Jake would know about it, and the odds were quite high of the trio getting themselves into the latest issue of Malice.

'Can't you just call out to the outside world using the book?' she questioned herself. Almost immediately she answered her question, shaking her head slightly. 'I've seen it happen before.' she thought, looking at the ground. 'All pleads of help are censored by Grendel, it's no use' she mentally stated, raising her head from her thoughts. Before she begun travelling with the pair there were a few questions that ate at her mind, and she allowed them to slip off of her tongue.

"How'd you get yourselves into this mess?" she asked, directing the question towards Alexis and Rainan.
"Grendel?" She raised a brow, leaning forward. "Like that demon from Beowulf?" She asked, rather suspiciously. It also showed her quirk for books, though she didn't mind. "I told you...A friend said it'd be fun...and this does look like fun." She smirked, looking to the male that seemed quite panicked about the situation. Was she supposed to be too? Ah well. Alexis was of a different spirit.

"I'll just be following you til I get what this place is really far it looks like the death of children, which is kind of disturbing to me.." She twitched her nose. "Until then, I'll be like a lone puppy by your side. Bothersome." She chuckled, knowing how she could get.
Rainan took in the information, but didn’t focus on it. He didn’t like to hear about ways he couldn’t get out, only ways that he could.

“I thought my sister was here,” he said, “but I’m starting to think that I was lied to. It wasn’t like her to mess with this stuff. She’s like me…. I just don't know why I was tricked.”

He trailed off and lowered his head, feeling slightly ashamed at being tricked here. He wasn’t sure if the trick was meant to kill him or to just simply get rid of him. He didn’t want to think about it.

“What are your names?” He asked, curious who these two mysterious girls were.
Hannah shook her head at Alexis, an irritable sigh escaping her tightened jaw. "If only. Grendel is the author and illustrator of Malice... he sees into the world and then draws what he sees to become the comic." she stated, turning towards Rainan. The group of them each had different ambitions, which Hannah knew would be an issue. Rainan was tricked into finding his sister, who probably wasn't here, Alexis was tricked into believing it would be fun, and Hannah had gone there willingly. Apparently Tall Jake was quite the trickster, his sly actions got him the lives of so many children, and continued to get him many more. Hannah turned her attention to Rainan as he spoke, feeling rather bad for not giving a proper introduction. Then again, they were in undeniable danger and introductions were the last thing on her mind.

"I'm Hannah." she said simply.
"I...see." She blinked, not quite understanding the concept. But she went along with it. "Oh." She smiled towards Rainan, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "My name is Ale...Alex. Call me Alex. " She said, stating that as her official name. Alexis was too much to say when needed to be called, and Lexi was way too girly. So Alex it was, and shall remain.
Rainan smiled, “Alright, so Alex and Hannah it is. I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, but under the circumstances I think you understand why I wont.”

Rainan had this innate feeling of trust between them, but he knew better than to completely rely on it. These girls could be lying to him and he had to keep that in mind. He had to watch what he said. He figured he was one wrong word from a knife in his back.

“Now I won’t pretend to understand everything that is happening here. To be honest I don’t have a clue. All I can see is the faces of the dead and those about to join them. This isn't a world I understand. But I am taking you for your word on everything...You talk about Havoc. Are the rumors true? Were they really wiped out?” Rainan asked, turning to Hannah.
Hannah shrugged, shaking her head slightly. She wasn't going to lie to them and say that they were still around just so they'd feel better, for she didn't know if they were or were not. The three of them didn't need Havoc, but Hannah felt it'd only be fair that she bring them to safety before parting ways. "I don't know. I wouldn't rely on anything you hear in the Oubblette." The girl said simply, turning to look at Rainan. "All I know is that they're somewhere in Malice. Now we can either spend our time searching for them though they may or may not be here, or think of a more sturdy plan." she murmured.

Searching for Havoc wouldn't be the best idea, because if the rumors were true then there efforts would have been for naught, and if they weren't true then the would figure that out within time. "I say we wait until Havoc strikes again. They'll be causing chaos sooner rather than later, and when word gets out we will use that to find them. It's our best bet, and being new arrivals I'm more focused on surviving then causing issues for Jakey." she stated, allowing a small grin to purse upon her lips.
Alexis smiled at her words. "Well then, Hannah." She stiffened. "Just where do we go, neh? How do we avoid death in this town?" Rainin was right, it was best not to trust anyone. But it was so hard not to when the people giving you the information seem so serious. So she decided to put her faith in Hannah and Rainen. And if she were to be stabbed int the back, hypothetically of course, she had no issue of returning the favor.
Hannah brought a hand up, brushing the dark hair that fell in front of her face out of her eyes. The idea of avoiding death almost made Hannah want to laugh, but of course she didn't, and turned her gaze to settle on Alexis. "We don't." she said simply. "You either survive or you die trying." she stated coldly, twirling the heavy wrench between her fingers. She thought about what Alexis had asked of her, and it was apparent Hannah didn't know what to do. She didn't really like making decisions for others because she felt it would be her responsibility to keep them safe. 'The only thing you're allowed to do in life is believe you wont regret the choices you made.' she mentally noted, allowing a sigh to escape her lips.

The girl straightened out, withdrawing a breath to speak. She winced and a blood curdling scream that echoed through the empty corridors, coming from quite the distance away. "Another one bites the dust." she murmured, her voice monotone. "I say we find the nearest group. There is a sanctuary within an old church just a little bit away from here, and we're bound to find some answers from them. I read about them in the book. The leader, Seth, knows a lot about Havoc and probably knows where they are at this moment." she suggested, turning to the pair, waiting to hear any objections. "It's a shout into the void, a shot in the dark, but it's worth a try."
Rainan nodded, “It sounds like we don’t have much of a choice. I’d rather not stay where we are any longer than I have to.”

He noticed the weapon Hannah was toting around. He wasn’t one for weapons but he decided she knew what she was doing. He reached down and picked up a long piece of metal. It was a couple of feet in length and deadly sharp on both sides. He worried about rust and infections for a moment before he remembered where he was.

“I’m ready,” he said slowly.
"Step lightly. The quicker we get there the better." Hannah said simply, before meandering her way over to the complex system of corridors. Each corridor looked like a tunnel shaped from the towering structures of Malice, and each of them offered only darkness and danger.

"They all lead to the same place." Hannah murmured just loud enough for the group to hear. "We just need to pick which one we want to take. Malice is basically a sick game of chance." she stated, moving closer to the corridors. Odd noises emitted from one, a low whirring sound from another, and the farthest one had a distinct grinding sound to it. They were making a risky bet, but they had to choose.

"The choice is yours."
Rainan never liked games of chance. To him, none of the corridors were particularly inviting. The one with the grinding sound certainly made him uneasy but he kept his nerves at bay. He could tell Hannah was waiting for an answer from him, but he had no interest in answering this one. If someone chose wrong he didn’t want to get blamed for a terrible decision. As much as he hated himself for it, he had to put his sisters safety above all else. If Alex got blamed for a poor choice in a game of blind luck well that’s how the dice fall. He had to return home and he wasn't sure he could trust Hannah or the weapon in her hand.

He was also curious what kind of choice Alex would make. He thought this might be a good way to see what type of girl she was. He just hoped she didn’t choose the grinding sound.

“What do you think Alex?” Rainan asked innocently, gripping his new weapon.
Mikado Raptor had come to Malice with his elder brother not seeking adventure but more or less looking to test his abilities, a decision he would forever regret. His last group of comrades had fallen in an attempt to slay the Time-keeper, Mikado had barely escaped with his life. Luckily his bravery and skill in combat caught the eye's of those who called themselves Havoc, thorns in Tall-Jakes side, Mikado's type of people.

He would now patrol and guard the sanctuary under a guise as his comrades within Havoc planned there next attack. The new arrivals had caught his attention, he had been out for a "stroll" he was a bit odd he knew Malice was a dangerous place but he looked at it as though it was a place within the real world just a-lot more dangerous. It was the only way he had kept from going completely mad.

"You guys headed for the sanctuary?"

His voice was rough he was clearly some sort of warrior a sword crafted from the various materials found within The Oubblette. His ruby eyes burned into them , he did not yet trust them they could be agents of Tall-Jake for all he knew..

While awaiting Alex's reply, her attention was brought elsewhere. Immediately she cocked her arm back and threatened to whip her wrench at the new arrival, easing up slightly when she realised there was no immediate danger. She brought her wrench to her side and stared at the boy, her bright gaze surveying his toughened demeanor. His face was recognizable, and almost instantly she saw him as a 'character' seen in the comic book. She had read every issue up till today, and she knew quite a bit about the residents of Malice, good and bad.

Even though it was obvious he wasn't working with Tall Jake, Hannah took a cautious hostility towards him when he asked if they were headed for the sanctuary.

"Yeah..." she started, her voice uneasy. "We plan to meet up with Seth unless, of course, rumors are true and he was wiped out." the girl suggested coldy, wrench clutched tight in fist. Havoc sometimes spread themselves out around the domains, so even if the main group were to perish, others would still be around.

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