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Moshi had been unlucky in her recent duels, unable to find a serious duelist that could match the raw power of her deck. The closest she found was the Red Dragon duelist, but even then, luck favoured her side heavily, leaving her unable to truly test herself in a challenging duel. She took a moment to stand and observe her surroundings, looking for signs of commotion, any interesting events that were occuring, but to no avail. She sighed and closed her eyes, lowering her head. Though as she rested her eyelids, she suddenly felt the sunlight's absence upon her skin, raising her eyelids once more to reveal a boy who had approached her. Tilting her head curiously, she rubbed at her eyes and responded casually. "Mmm. That's right, i'm looking for strong duelists." She spoke quietly and looked from side to side, not focusing her attention on the boy just yet. "Are you one?" She raised her eyebrows and leaned in close, her eyes half closed as she glared into his. @NoviceOfRoleplay
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Alika "Dove" S.


So these other duelist were a bit more aggressive than Alika first believed. Alika guessed the girl's question wasn't rude if this is how duelist were supposed to act, like predators. Alika shifted his feet to have his left foot leaning and and awkward lean to the right-should do fine for now. 

Though Alika's eyes had him stare like a puppy to unguarded puppy chow, worried about brave, " I don't think so. I don't usually play this game; I usually prefer board games and a few card games, but I'd like to know how I compare to duelist right now. I mean if it makes a difference, I can usually summon this monster my brother on the first turn, unless I've been doin' it wrong..."

Alika pulled out his thin metal deck case. When the cased open it unravel the vertical top like a hand, and Alika opened the case to where  the metal covered the view of the card for the girl. A group of duelist laughing walked behind Alika; they stared at Alika's card. 

The leader of the group was in a trance,"I don't even know what that...but...oh my god." The leader's friends picked up there pace, while dragging the leader. 

Alika's cheeks felt warm, and he stared focused at the sidewalk, avoiding eye contact. Alika swiftly closed the case and returned it to his pocket. Alika returned to eye contact with the girl.

" So yeah. And my name's Alika."




CSS/HTML Design by Fyuri/ Edited by NoviceOfRoleplay @Rurnur
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Moshi scratched her head nonchalantly, coming to her senses once again after being stuck in her own head. "Well that's okay, everyone can become a strong duelist one day. Besides, I haven't seen your strength, for all I know, you could be." She smiled warmly and leaned back, placing her hands on her hips. Moshi frowned as the boy went to show her his card, leaning in again to try and get a look, before she missed her chance, tapping her finger against her lip, she stared at the group walking past in confusion. "A special card, huh? Well, better you don't show me. We've gotta have a fair fight. Let's just hope you draw it, hm?" She spoke in a friendly manner, giving a mild smirk before activating her duel disk, stepping back from the boy to extend it completely, preparing her deck. @NoviceOfRoleplay 
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Alika "Dove" S.


So this what it what like, a tug a war, duelists were predators. Alika guessed that made sense, a game with hundreds of possibilities due to so many pieces, to learn all of it you'd have to be attacking every player you could find-and even then you don't know how much experience the other players; you don't know how much you can learn from each player-that part is with other games too but the added stress of so many pieces...Len liking this game makes sense. Alika wanted to chuckle. 

Alika returned a stare to Moshi; he tried to copy her look, adding a little tilt to his stare, but the stare didn't go off too well due to the height difference-his neck was bent to a point were his eyes were straining,  so he quickly returns to his original stance.   And he got nervous when the girl took out her Duel Disk. 

"Um, I left mine at my place. Could we just play it on this bench," he quickly added," I mean it doesn't really change the game, right?" 

Alika sat down on the concrete bench behind him. Alika took out his deck and begin to shuffle as he tried his best to look fiery but kind to lure the girl over to the bench. 




CSS/HTML Design by Fyuri/ Edited by NoviceOfRoleplay @Rurnur
Zinnia smiled at the two duelists "Hello! I'm Zinnia and this is my... well i suppose he's an acquaintance of mine. I just saw you two dueling and i was wondering if i could ask you both a question." She reached into her pocket and pulled out the invitation flyer to the secret tournament the masked duelist she dueled gave her. "Have either of you gotten one of these yet? or have you all seen any strange guys with masks around here or in the city at all?" She looked over to Maxwell as he was rambling to the two duelists. Once he stopped rambling Zinnia interjected. "Maxwell here was also looking for duelists so he could learn more about tactics and such in dueling." Zinnia put her hand on her hip and reached her arm out to show the two the flyer she had gotten. "I just had an interesting duel with weird a masked duelist who invited me this underground tournament. So i was wondering if i'm alone in going to this thing or if any of you all have experience encounters with any masked duelists." she said as she put the flyer back into her pocket.

@TPBx @Xadieve @Nenma Takashi
"Yeah, I did," Jin replied, "I lost horribly, but then they gave me this card." He pulled out the invitational card from his pocket and waved it in front of them. "I guess there's something going on on after all." He paced around for a bit. "Well, no use worrying about it now."

(sorry for the short post, not much to say for this one)

Moshi pursed her lips in slight dissapointment, and nodded at the boy, walking over to the bench to sit down with him, shuffling her deck briefly and laying down her cards. "Well, good luck to you. My name's Moyashi." She smiled before deciding who would begin the duel. Luckily, at least she thought at the time, the boy would be going first, let's see if he could show off his "special" card, she thought to herself. @NoviceOfRoleplay
Zinnia looked surprised to see that Jin had an invitation as well. "Well then, i'm glad to see i'm not the only one joining. Though i horribly lost as well. I think there's something weird going on with these masked guys, and i wanna find out what their deal is. The duelist i faced was definitely a strong one." Zinnia looked up at Jin and smiled "Hey I've got an idea! If either of us wins, maybe we'll learn something about these guys. If you win i'd be super interested to see what you learn. If i were to win i'll tell you what i learned! it's a win-win scenario!" Zinnia looked at Maxwell and Yuki. "Hmm, hey would you all be interested in joining this tournament thing? Maybe we could make copies of these invitations or something to get you all in!" 

@TPBx @Nenma Takashi @Xadieve
Maxwell glanced over to Yuki and offered a brief shrug at her question, his obnoxious grin dropping slightly. "Well, if you think about it, it could be a coincidence. What if everything in life was a coincidence? I mean, the fact that us-- duelists, met right here, at this very spot, at this very time." He started, putting a hand up to his chin, as if deep in thought. However, he was saved from an existential crisis by Zinnia asking the other two a question. He leaned forward and raised his eyebrows at the flyer. "Hey-- I never got one of those! How rude, do these guys think I'm not cool enough or something? I'm plenty cool enough, I'm cooler than the masked guys and gals themselves!" Maxwell complained--loudly. It wasn't like he was trying to be loud, it's just when he got overdramatic, his voice had the tendency to go a little shrill. 

When Zinnia mentioned making copies, Maxwell recoiled a bit. "...doesn't that kind of defeat the point of like, select invitations? I mean, if they're handing them out to people, I guess I can't see the problem, but I can't see like, a big sign or anything advertising 'Hey! Get your invitations here!'" He expressed his concerns rather bluntly, and animatedly. As he spoke, he used wide gestures to animate his words, showing his brief flare of nervousness in the hesitating way he spoke, and in the way he glanced around himself in a wide circle, as if expecting to see another masked duelist creeping up on them.

@Ravenshroom @TPBx @Nenma Takashi
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"What no fair I wanna go to the super secret underground duel tournament. It sounds like strong duelist will be there!" Yuki was a bit disappointed she hadn't gotten an invitation but perked up at the mention of making copies. "Who cares as long as we got the skills to back it up, they'll never know we made fakes." Yuki elbowed Jin gently smiling. "Funny how my second duel with you ever is about to be with you instead of against you." She shook her head at the other two. "Trust me if you guys wanted a good duel your outta luck,  our decks combined might just win us the duel in one or two turns. So be careful not to get crushed!" She have them a thumbs down her personality seeming to do a complete 180 almost mid sentence. 

@TPBx @Ravenshroom @Xadieve
"We'll see," Jin added. While tag dueling with Yuki could be a great idea to test the adaptability of his deck. His PSY-Frames only worked well when functioning under a certain play style. He placed his deck back into his duel disk and looked at it. Questioning himself, but he knew that he had to test the limits of this deck. "Let's do this!" He pulled up his duel disk and activated it. The two sides connected and his life point count was raised back up to 8000.

@Xadieve @Ravenshroom @Nenma Takashi

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