Main RP



"Oh really? I mean why don't you must ask for it? I mean she might give it back you know. I mean... I don't know I just say what comes to mind." Martin would be looking over his deck and would look back to Jin. "Do you know where to find her or anything? I mean did you give her your contact information so you can at least find her later?" He asked this thinking that if someone was going to give a stranger their deck to look at, then a way to find such a person would be pretty important.


"Yeah, I doubt it though. I asked for her help to become a better duelist, and I know that somehow she won't just give it back to me for free," he told him, "I gave her my contact info just in case, though I was in a rush and forgot to get hers." He looked back at his deck then at Martin. He then looked back at his deck and thought he had an idea, but he let it slip through the cracks.
"Oh. Well let's just hope she gives it back for free. Anyways...," Martin would look around to see duelists at tables and some browsing the merchandise.

"Sometimes I wonder if some people ever shower? You know what I mean?" He quietly whispers to Jin in hopes of not offending anyone there.

"Like whenever you go to a locals, and it reeks of... people? I'm not talking about you of course," He says continuing to whisper sounding to be as polite as possible about it. 

Sirius gave the strange blind man a confused look as he responded. He knew people found him intimidating, sure, but this guy seemed ready to jump out of his skin, considering he was ripping chunks of the tree off. I know people go out of their way to avoid me, but to freak someone out this much with just my voice? This is certainly a first.

"A crowd that follows me? No, actually, I—" Sirius started saying, then paused. He was entirely used to people avoiding him; as far as he was concerned, it was perfectly normal. Admitting it aloud, however, felt a tad depressing. It is pretty depressing, now that I think about it. When was the last time I talked to someone that wasn't an enemy?

Realizing he had lost himself in thought, Sirius looked back up only to find that the blind man had wandered off. Feeling slightly insulted, Sirius gave chase. "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"

For a blind man, the guy was surprisingly fast. Once Sirius managed to catch up with him, he discovered it was because someone else had already confronted the blind man. Only...the blind man had taken off his blindfold, and was shouting some nonsense about destruction. It looked like he could see just fine. So...what's with the blindfold then, if he's not blind?

Sirius settled into the background to watch the two duel, but the match was over in two turns. The guy with the blindfold, using a trap monster deck, was completely run over by the other duelist, who simply seemed impatient. The impatient duelist dropped a card at the not-blind man's feet and walked away.

That invitation to this secret tournament? Interesting. Well, then. If that duelist is another competitor, best not tip my hand before the game's even begun, Sirius thought, quietly making his way back to the park, his excitement for the tournament beginning to build. 

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"Uh" Zinnia was taken back by this guy coming up to her, she took a few steps back from him and collected herself. "Honestly i didn't think i did great at all. The name's zinnia though." She put her left hand on her hip and raised her other hand and held out one finger. "Now for your questions. One, there's no secret to my dueling. None that i know of at least." She held up a second finger. "Two, i just duel with passion, something that a lot of duelists lack these days." And now a third finger. "Three, I've had this deck for almost my whole life, they're archfiends." Finally she raised her fourth finger. "Four, that guy is as harmless as a lotus drifting aimlessly down a pond. However, I'm a bit skeptical of his employers." She told Maxwell as she lowered her arm. "But enough about me, who exactly are you? And why were you watching our duel?" Zinnia knew this kid was most likely harmless, though he was quite odd. And by odd, she thought the kid might have severe ADHD.

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As soon as she took a few steps back, Maxwell realized he may just have came on a bit too strong. He put up his hands up in front of him, and grinned sheepishly, trying to look somewhat apologetic. However, once she started talking, he dropped his hands down again, and listened eagerly. "Archfiends, huh?"  Maxwell repeated, looking rather contemplative. The beasts that had gone onto the field looked immensely powerful, even if Zinnia had lost. She really had a passion for dueling, and he envied her for it. When she addressed him directly, he blinked a bit, trying to regain his scattered train of thought. 

"Me?" He asked instinctively, then snorted at his own question. Of course it's him, who else would it be? There wasn't anyone else around them! Maxwell put a hand on his hip, and pointed his thumb at himself, in a sort of prideful pose. "The name's Maxwell Volkov! You can call me 'Max' for short, if you want. I'm a hobbyist duelist from around these parts, and I'm trying to learn all I can before even thinking about anything like joining the big leagues." The 'big leagues' in his mind, were things like competitions. While it was a distant dream for him, he really did want to get all the money and cards he could get his hands on by winning the championships! "So, I've been watching and dueling a few stragglers around here, haven't seen those hooded guys around before. It's pretty creepy, if you ask me, but they're probably just doing some publicity stunt for a movie or something..." He dismissed the allegedly 'creepy' duelists immediately, his entire attitude towards them seeming nonchalant. A thread of doubt settled in his mind, but he elected to ignore it as of now. They probably wouldn't give him that much trouble anyways, right?

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"Oh. Well let's just hope she gives it back for free. Anyways...," Martin would look around to see duelists at tables and some browsing the merchandise.

"Sometimes I wonder if some people ever shower? You know what I mean?" He quietly whispers to Jin in hopes of not offending anyone there.

"Like whenever you go to a locals, and it reeks of... people? I'm not talking about you of course," He says continuing to whisper sounding to be as polite as possible about it. 


"Yeah its gross," Jin chuckled silently. The others went on with their business, not noticing his comment. He looked through his deck once more and then remembered what his original idea was. He needed a test duel for his deck. It was far from complete, but it was all he had. "Hey, Martin, how about we duel," he asked. He placed his deck on the table they were sitting at and began going through some river shuffles with his deck. He showed off some of his dexterity shuffling and handling his cards in different ways.



"Oh me? I could but...," he looks at his deck. "This deck isn't exactly... finished. Sorry but I'd like to finish it before I duel anyone. Why don't you try one of the guys here?" He says as he looks to the duelists dueling at the tables nearby.

@TPBx [You can have an NPC scripted duel if you wish.]
Yuki sat on a park bench shuffling through her cards for no reason other than she could. She stopped on her most recently aquired card it was definitely what many would call a trump card. She giggled to herself happy she had gotten it next to her was a series of wrappers of the other pack of cards she had gotten. Any cards that didn't fit into her deck she just gave away to any kids nearby but this one she held onto. It was basically the poster child of her deck she needed it for it to be truly complete. Yuki leaned her head back staring at the sky kicking her legs out she tucked her deck back into the side pokect on her belt. "What a steal can't wait for a chance to try it out." She then began to hum happily to herself.
"Yeah, fine," he replied. Though to be honest, as much as he wanted to play against his old friends at the card shop, he knew that the best practice he could get was in the park. Where many duelists from around the city, and as he discovered a while ago, around the world, gathered together to duke it out. "Hey, Martin, I'm actually gonna go out to the park to find an opponent. If you want to join me you can, otherwise you can stay here or do your own thing. Either way, I'm still gonna go, so see ya," he stated. He picked up his bag and walked away. Jin waved goodbye preemptively as he opened the door, the little bell on top ringing for a second, and then he was gone.

He walked down the street and within a couple minutes he was at the park. It was still lively as ever with duelists going at it around the clock. Jin sat back on one of the benches watching the duels. He prepared himself for his own duel as he picked up his duel disk and placed it on his right arm. 

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

D. stared at the ground. He slowly took out his contact lenses and placed them back in the case click. He picks up his cards and looks through his deck. It could of been mere luck, but Len couldn't rely on luck if he wanted to achieve his dream. He took out his deck from his Duel Disk and put the cards into his pocket. Len bashes the ground with the Duel Disk.  

"Alright, with that being the last thing I see-" Len grabs his blindfold and wraps it around his eyes again, with a strong pull at the end. He kicks the Duel Disk forward and mumbles to himself as he decides his next plan of action. 

The priorities at the moment was finding Zinnia and the teenage girl. Zinnia is probably furious with D. going away so long, or even worst, believed it to be another random encounter and moves on. Having strong bonds with her would grant some help with this tournment, as dueling in the tournament was unnecessary, all he would have to do is go and wait for the winner. If the winner was Zinnia then by that time he would already know Zinnia's deck in and out and easily defeat him. For the teenage girl, if there is no time to stop the mobs from attacking him, it may be easier to get rid of any evidence of him. If D. merely puts the teenage girl on a train then he'd be safe as the forgetfulness of the other girls would lead to a short chase with no girl having any validation for the chase. 

Then, he'd have to handle his deck. He'd have to do some edits. The deck did have amazing draw power potential as it didn't have to worry about summoning monsters on his turn: Pot of Duality, Cardcar D, Card of Demise, etc. Still, protection was hard to search in the deck and was vital to the deck...

D. shrugged and wandered onto the sidewalk. Not knowing where exactly to go, he went generally backwards on the sidewalk while walking backwards in opes of caching Zinnia's eyes. 
While wishing for a chance to use her new card Yuki saw a guy sit on the bench across from her. She smiled as if fate had given her the chance she so wished for she stood up and walked over clenching the deck close to her chest. "Um excuse I hope I'm not bothering you, but I wanted to try out my deck and was hoping you'd be interested in a quick duel?" She smiled the guy would no doubt say yes for god sake he was wearing his duel disk on his arm. The way he seemed to look around as well meant he was searching for good competition. Yuki liked dueling people like him they were the types that got real into the game which made it far more exciting to play. She reached into he bag taking out her own duel disk putting it on. "Well what do you say, oh how rude of me I'm Yuki by the way it is very nice to meet you." She gave a quick bow before looking at him again ready for his answer. 


MASK Duelist


A MASK Duelist, the same one that faced Sirius, would approach Moshi. "I have seen your duel with the one known as Sirius. After seeing you duel against him I felt that it is not necessary to duel you. I am here, however, to present you with this." He would hand her the invitation card. "A secret small competition of sorts is coming and your the last one to be handed this invitation. Do you accept?"

@Rurnur [After thinking about it, it would make sense for Moshi to receive an invitation since Sirius did as well. It's up to you if you want a duel but I felt that this might make things faster for me to progress.]
Moshi looked curiously at the strange approaching figure, furrowing her brow upon taking the card from his hand, then looking back at the masked man. "I was looking to take part in a more.. official, event. Though this should do." Moshi spoke carefully, pocketing the card and folding her arms. "I must ask, why so secretive? You understand, it sounds dangerous for a young girl in a foreign country." She held her ground, questioning the man. Moshi knew she'd go to the event either way, her curiosity would get the best of her. However she couldn't resist the opportunity to get just a bit more information. She guessed that she wouldn't need Jin's help anymore, this must be the tournament he spoke of. Both Jin and Sirius were taking part? At the very least, there would be people there she had met before. @YoungX

[SIZE= 18px]MASK Duelist[/SIZE]


"Yes these robes do tend to... be questioned. You may not know the organization since you are a foreigner however I belong to a group known as MASK. There is reasons for secrecy and deception isn't one of them. However since you are asking I am willing to oblige and tell more. This competition that MASK is hosting, it's more than a simple competition after all. I cannot reveal everything but I can give a hint. What is locked in the heart shall be conquered. To overcome means to become free. I know you would want more but that is all I am obliged to tell. The other duelists have received their invitations. Hold onto that card for you will be contacted on later notice. For now it is recommended you simply either relax or prepare if you will. Good bye," and with that the MASK Duelist went and disappeared.

While wishing for a chance to use her new card Yuki saw a guy sit on the bench across from her. She smiled as if fate had given her the chance she so wished for she stood up and walked over clenching the deck close to her chest. "Um excuse I hope I'm not bothering you, but I wanted to try out my deck and was hoping you'd be interested in a quick duel?" She smiled the guy would no doubt say yes for god sake he was wearing his duel disk on his arm. The way he seemed to look around as well meant he was searching for good competition. Yuki liked dueling people like him they were the types that got real into the game which made it far more exciting to play. She reached into he bag taking out her own duel disk putting it on. "Well what do you say, oh how rude of me I'm Yuki by the way it is very nice to meet you." She gave a quick bow before looking at him again ready for his answer. 


"The name's Jin, Jin Ishimoto. I accept your challenge," he stated. He placed his deck into the duel disk and had it shuffled. Hopefully his new deck could stand up to someone else. He was not about to give in and turn away from a match right before the tournament and he sure as hell knew that he wouldn't lose. All that relied on his skill as a duelist and his trust in the cards. He could feel his deck emanating a presence unlike any before, he knew this was his time to shine.
"Alright, I'll start. I'll place two face downs and end my turn," Jin said. He threw two cards into the spell and trap slots on duel disk, and their holographic counterparts appeared in the open space between the two duelists. Jin knew he had to play things safe, the last time he asked for a challenge, he was slammed with a powerful combo on the very first turn. With these cards, he felt a lot safer taking a more reserved turn.

Yuki clapped her hands together as Jin seemed to be wrapping up his turn. "Oh is it my turn? Goodie! Well to start off I guess I can play the Field Spell Gateway to the Dark World, which gives all fiend monsters and extra 300 Atk and Def. Isn't that cool?" She asked she wasn't sure about his face downs but she wasn't too worried she had confidence in her deck. 

Jin had a flashback to a time when he used to use a Dark World deck. It was one of the first decks he owned, and it was a straight build from a structure deck he bought. He knew the importance of this card, and its second effect, the ability to discard cards and special summon an army of Dark World monsters.  "Not so fast, I activate my trap, Psyframe Overload. By banishing one Psyframe Card from my hand, I can then Banish any card on the field," he exclaimed. He slid a Psyframe Driver from his hand into the banish slot on the Duel disk. "Now, I'll send that Field Spell away."  A torrent of energy rushed from his trap card as it flipped face up. It destroyed the Gateway instantly, shattering it into a million pieces. "Psyframe Overload is a continuous trap card, so it will remain on the field. However, I can only activate this effect once per turn."

Yuki watched as her card was blown to pieces she covered her face as a gust of wind blew by her. "Aww I liked that card." She looked at her hand then back at the field. "So once per turn you said right? That means I'm safe to use this! Dark World Lightning I can target one Spell or Trap card on your side of the field and destory it too bad they have to be set though. So I guess I'll just take out that other card you have laying there, but that won't be all Dark World Lightning also forces me to discard one of my own cards. It's a shame but I guess I'll have to do it." She took one of her Goldd and put him in the graveyard. As she did her other card fired a black bolt of lightning that zapped the face down and destroyed it. "Shame Goldd couldn't stay oh wait that's right I almost forgot to mention. When Goldd is sent to the graveyard due to card effect I can speical summon him to my side of the field. So come to mamma Goldd!" She called as from a black portal a golden monster began to lurch out slowly. 

"Not this time, I won't be beat, Dragons, Demons, or whatever else," Jin said to himself. He pulled out a card from his hand. "This is the new 'me'," he stated, "I activate the effect of Psyframe Gear Gamma. If you activate a monster effect while I control no monsters, I can negate it and then special summon Psyframe Gear Gamma and a Psyframe Driver from my hand, deck or graveyard." A card popped out from his deck, and Jin drew it out. He placed both monsters on his duel disk. Their holographic counterparts appeared behind him, summoned by a portal of green lightning. The humanoid Psyframe Driver took the robotic Psyframe Gear and mounted it over his head. He then hurled a green bolt of lightning, originating from Gamma's spikes at Goldd, destroying him and sending it to the grave. "If these cards are summoned like this, they are banished during the end phase," he finished.

"Goldd no!" She called out as she watched her monster shatter like glass she took one card from her hand and sat it on her duel disk. "Well I guess I'll play this card face down and end my turn." She stared at the other cards in her hand she had to think, for every move she made so far this Jin seemed to have a counter for it. That was a first for her she hadn't run into much competition in the park so far. This in no way was a bad thing no in fact Yuki couldn't be more happy about how things were turning out. She put her hand over her heart she could feel her heart thumping. 'What do you know I'm wondering if I'll even win this duel, how nice it's been so long I forgot what it felt like to doubt myself even for just a second.' She thought to herself then she looked to meet eyes with Jin. "You're pretty good Jin I hope you can keep entertaining me all the way till the very end." Yuki called to him her excitment now not only just visable in her wide smile and bouncing, but also audiable in her energetic voice.

@Nenma Takashi
"I'll be sure to make that happen," Jin smiled, "Draw!" Jin looked at his hand and remembered the one downside to this deck. During his own turn, he couldn't really do much other than just sit around and wait for his opponent to do something. It was not a bad strategy at all given how this deck seemed to work, but it definitely was not his style. "I activate Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards from my deck," Jin said. He drew out two cards, one of which was one of the secret weapons of the deck, the other was the wild card he threw in to see if it would work. "Next I'll activate Pot of Desires. By banishing the top 10 cards of my deck, I can then draw 2 cards." Jin drew up a whole stack of ten cards and tossed them into the Banished Zone and then drew two from the top of his remaining deck. "I'll end my turn there."

Yuki nodded her head glad he agreed, she was having a blast and it was only going to get better. "Draw!" She drew her next card and played it right away. "I'll take a page out of your textbook and play, Pot of Greed giving me two more cards." As she drew her next cards she gained began to chuckle to herself. "Alright no more Ms.Nice Girl time for some real fun, I bet you thought this was a Dark World deck didn't ya!? Thought ya had it all figured out well too bad it's not just a Dark World deck cause I got this!" She first slammed a monster onto her duel disk, "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix but let's crank up the heat even further with this!" She placed a card onto her duel disk. "Mask Change! This lets me change one of my heroes into a masked hero of the same attribute from my extra deck. "So say hello to Masked Hero Goka!" Burstinatrix exploded into a ball of fire emerging from the flames was Masked Hero Goka a flaming orb circled him as it was then added to the fire already burning around him. "He gains and extra 200 Atk points for every Hero in my graveyard. Now then since your wide open I think I'll take that as an all you can dish out beat down buffet! Go Goka Flaming Justice Punch!" Goka charged at Jin the flames around him condensing into his fist as he charged he reeled back and aimed to slam his fist into Jin's face.

"Did you forget something," Jin asked, "I activate Psyframe Overload. I banish Psyframe Gear Multithreader and then banish your Masked Hero." Another torrent of energy surged from the trap card and destroyed Masked Hero Goka.

"At this point I'm not even surprised." Yuki blew some hair out of her face she had gotten a bit 'carried away' with her last turn. She cleared her throat Yuki looked back to her cards she had to get rid of Jin's Psyframe Overload or else she'd never be able to get any footing in this duel. "I'll end my turn for now."

"You had your chance to summon your power card. Now it's my turn," Jin said proudly, "Draw." He looked at the spell card in his hand and was ready to make his power move, but that face down she had still troubled him. "Next I'll activate this spell card, Psychic Feel Zone. I can select two of my banished Psychic Monsters, one tuner and one non-tuner monster, and send them to the graveyard. Then I can Synchro Summon a monster equal to their total levels. So, I'll send to the grave my Psyframe Multithreader and Psyframe Gear Beta to Synchro Summon Psyframe Lord Zeta." The two monsters ascended into the sky, turning into seven bright stars. Several green circles surrounded those stars and with a flash of a bright light a humanoid monster appeared in their place. It exerted a powerful presence with sparks of green lightning surrounding it.

Now he had a strong monster out on the field things weren't looking good for Yuki, but that was only the surface. Yuki still had a chance to bring this back it all rode on her face down. If she could just use it at the right time then she'd win this duel she was sure about it. Now what was Jin's next move would he attack or end his turn as it was either way Yuki's next move would either cost or win her this duel.

"Now, Zeta, attack her directly," Jin commanded. The monster raised its hand and gathered a ball of green energy into it. It then hurled the ball of lightning at Yuki.

"Not so fast! I play Magic Cylinder! Reflecting your attack back at you!" Her face down rose up showing two cylinder the attack went in one and flew out the other, aimed right at Jin.

"What the hell! A magic cylinder," he exclaimed. The attack changed its course as it was channeled through the cylinders and aimed for Jin. He braced himself as he took the hit. "Well I sure didn't expect that."

Jin's LP 4000 -> 1500
Yuki smiled waving a finger at Jin. "Always expect the unexpected Jin, well is that your turn?" She asked getting ready to draw her next card. 

"I'll place one face down and end my turn."

Yuki grabbed a card from her duel disk. "Draw!" Looking at it she took a look at the field she had to do something about Jin's Lord Zeta. 'I can't special summon anything stronger than it cause of that overload card. But I might be able to use an effect to get rid of it!' She looked at the card she had drew. 'Bingo!' She looked up at Jin. "I play Twin Twisters by discading one card I can destroy two of your spell or trap cards. So I'll destroy your Psy Overload and your face down. Next I'll bring back the monster I just discarded. Sillva Warlord of the Dark World. But that's not all next I'll change his very fate by playing Mask Change II. If I discard one card I can target one of my monsters and send them to the Graveyard. When I do I can then summon a Masked Hero with the same Attribute but a higher level than the monster I sent. So I'll bring out Masked Hero Anki!" Sillva exploded into a puff of smoke bursting from the smoke was Anki who struck a pose as he did. "Now Anki destroy his Lord Zeta Dark Justice Dive Kick!" Anki did a few flips before jumping high into the air and dive kicking Zeta in the face. "With that I'll end my turn." Yuki now had no cards in her hand she had bet it all on Anki now she just had to hope it would pay off. 

"Not so fast. You said it yourself, 'expect the unexpected.' I activate Zeta's first ability. I can remove both Zeta and another monster from play until the next standby phase," he stated proudly, "Now be gone, Anki. We shall see each other next turn." Zeta grabbed the opposing monster as it was attacking and in a flash of green light, the two disappeared from the field.

"Since it looks like you have nothing else you can do, I'll begin my turn." Jin drew his next card and looked at his hand. "First off, Zeta"s effect activates bringing back both of our monsters." A portal above the battlefield opened and two monsters were materialized back onto their owners respective sides of the field. "First I'll activate this equip spell card, Psychic Sword, and equip it to Zeta. Since my life points are lower than yours, Zeta gains attack points equal to the difference, maxing out at 2000." A giant sword of light green enegy was summoned into Zeta's hands.

Psyframe Lord Zeta Attack Pts: 2500 -> 4500

"Then I'll activate the field spell card, Psyframe Circuit," Jin said as he placed the spell into the hidden field spell slot. The two duelists were soon surrounded by an atmosphere of green energy. Zeta felt empowered by the aura and extended its hands sucking in as much as of it as he could. "Now attack Masked Hero Anki, Zeta, show everyone your might. Next I activate Psyframe Circuit's effect. When one of my Psyframe monsters battles another monster, by discarding one Psyframe monster card from my hand, I can have that monster gain its attack points. So I'll toss out a Psyframe Driver to help out Zeta finish you off." Zeta's Psychic Sword exploded with power as the monster took in more energy from the surrounding area in the form of green lightning bolts.

Zeta's Attack Pts: 4500 -> 7000

The monster swung its giant, glowing sword. It sliced through Masked Hero Anki with ease and destroyed it. The wind and surges of energy created by the attack went through to Yuki, knocking out all of her life points in one decisive blow.

Yuki's Life Points: 4000 -> 0

Yuki watched as Anki was blown to bits by the sword and her life points dropped to zero she let out a sigh. Hanging her head she began to giggle which turned into full on laughter. "I lost, I really lost. Yet I can't stop laughing isn't this where I feel all sad about losing?" She held her mouth to try and stop her laughter but it didn't help. "That was super fun Jin actually that was more than super fun it was mega ultra super fun!" She ran over to Jin and grabbed his hand shaking it. "Hey hey Jin will you be my rival will ya will ya!?" She asked the duel was such a heart pounding moment for her the very idea that he had made a comback taking out all her life points in one swoop. It was even better than she could've hoped for. 

"Yeah, good game, Yuki," Jin said to her. He thought about her second statement for a moment. "Sure, I'll be your rival. Because of that, don't expect I'll ever go easy on you," he joked. He was excited to win for the first time in a while and couldn't think straight either. He was enjoying the moment as well, and now he looked forward to the coming tournament. With his renewed strength, Jin was sure he'd go far.
Moshi frowned at the strange man, watching him intently as he left into the crowd of people. Well, that didn't help to ease her suspicions, she thought to herself. "MASK, huh..?" She looked at the card, turning it over and reading it's information over a couple times. It wasn't like she'd be there alone, the fact that the other duelists didn't know anything about the event either was comforting to her, it should be a welcome change, to the situations he is in now, a single foreigner in a world everyone else is so familiar with. Satisfied, she pocketed the card and took off, looking for more interesting duels.

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Alika "Dove" S.


Two days, 5 weeks, a month or so really but it felt like  two days to Alika. It wasn't bad sitting between walls that echoed businessmen worry to themselves or children wondering where the steel bird will take'em. It wasn't fun finding himself in the wrong place, twice, two layers of coats each; it made him miss Hawaii's sun. Nice to watch a couple at a park, they were playing chess.  

The man was using a simple pawns in a V formation to push through her defenses. Pawns can move only forward and can kill an opponent piece diagonally; a V formation would have a pawn that leads with a pawn on each side column a tile behind, thus the leading pawn gets taken and the wings will swoop diagonally to take an opponent's attempted attack on the lead. Another basic technique would be castling, a move to move your king and get your rook out. His opponent didn't even castle. She did have a glare paired with a smile. He was giving her the same glare. 

And when Alika first found the couple, he was glaring at the board; he left with smile the same as the girl's. Alika wandered, until he reached the Park of Heroes. 

He made a little home on a concrete bench. He glanced at the place, for Len, nothing. Alika decided to lay down on the bench, with leaves casting a chilled shadow. It was noted that he finally found a place that wasn't sweater weather, but did it have Len? He was enjoying himself, which was fine, is what Alika thought as he slowed his breaths.




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Zinnia nodded in agreement about the creepy duelists. "They're definitely creepy, but i feel like there's something more. They did give me an invitation to some secret tournament though. I'm gonna check it out whenever it starts." She stood there for a second and looked at the ground contemplatively. When she looked back to Maxwell she talked more serious than she was. "I don't particularly trust people in masks. They're hiding their faces for a reason, and right now figuring out why their faces are covered should be important." After she had spoken to Maxwell she noticed a duel going underway between two duelists she hadn't seen before. "Hey Maxwell, i see a couple duelists up ahead. Didn't you say you've been watching and looking for duelists? I'm a bit interested to see if they were approached by those masked dudes yet as well. Would you like to go over there with me and talk with them? If you're trying to learn more about the game or tactics i'm sure they could help you too." as she talked to him she noticed that their duel ended. "Looks like their duel ended, now would be a perfect chance to talk with them!" she said as she started to walk towards the two. "Come on Maxwell!" As she said that she began making her way towards both of them.

@TPBx  @Nenma Takashi @Xadieve
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The duel was taxing on Jin as it took a while, so he wiped the sweat off his forehead. That was the nature of the kindsnof decks he played. The ability to control what an opponent can or cannot do was key to how he liked to play. He methodically collected the cards from the different slots on the duel disk and placed them back into the deck holder. Jin then took out his deck and made some changes, removing the Pot of Desires because of an interaction that prevented him from summoning his much more powerful synchro monster. He set the card aside and placed another Pot of Duality as a substitution.

Jin then looked around to see if there was anyone else that wanted to challenge him. He wanted to play more and test the limits of this deck. He saw two more duelists begin walking up to him and Yuki. "Hey there, come on over," he said to them.

@Ravenshroom @Nenma Takashi
Maxwell still seemed pretty doubtful about the masked duelists, and approached the topic with a fair amount of nonchalance. He put one hand on his hip, and titled his head at Zinnia, expression rather skeptical. "...Hiding their faces for a reason? What kinda reason would that be, and why are they going around fighting people? Man, this just gets weirder and weirder, but if I were you, I'd totally stay out of this! It's probably nothing serious, anyways." Publicity stunts aside, weren't these guys going a little too far? Something about them just creeped Maxwell out, and he really didn't want to dwell on the possibility that they had no idea who these mystery duelists were. 'Oh well.' Maxwell thought to himself, looking towards where Zinnia had seen the duelists, feeling a sudden burst of excitement at the prospect of meeting new duelists. 'Those guys can't get me down!'

Well, it wasn't like Maxwell was going to turn down an opportunity to meet more duelists, and Zinnia's words helped convince him, but as she began to walk off, he couldn't help but scoff a little bit. "Way to give me a choice!" He complained, but still jogged after the other duelist so he could catch up, with a goofy grin on his face. When one of the duelists they walked up to greeted him, Maxwell eagerly raised up a hand so he could wave to him. "Hey! Who're you guys? Duelists? What a crazy coincidence, we're duelists as well! Funny how that thing works." Maxwell rambled, as he stopped just short of the other duelists so he could talk with them both. He stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned back somewhat, keeping his smile bright, and trying his best not to overdo the friendliness. Ranting at everyone he met was a bad habit, it usually tended to push people away a little.

@Ravenshroom @TPBx @Nenma Takashi
Yuki put her cards back in their deck holder she was about to take the deck out but stopped, Jin spotted some other duelists. She waved to them as they walked over bowing her head to them. "Nice to meet you both, I'm Yuki." She quickly introduced herself tilting her head as the man seemed to call their meeting a coincidence. She looked over to Jin. "I thought many duelist came to this park? I've done most of my duels here afterall." She looked back over to the man. "Or maybe those too were coincidence?" She asked.

@Ravenshroom @TPBx @Xadieve
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            Alika "Dove" S.         





The shadows cared for him for an hour. Well, Alika fell asleep, and he woke up a bit frustrated with himself and his eyes.  The park was still stemming with life, which was good. And now he needed to find some eyes for his brother, or more importantly, stare at these cards. 

Alika shoved his hand into his coat pocket and pulled out a wooden case that held the vertical top of the case with rubberbands. Alika opened the case and pulled out a deck of Duel Monster cards to all with decent art boxed into ugly brown frames. Then, Alika pulled out a thinner metal deckbox from his other pocket, plain stained metal, and he opened it with a click of a hidden button on the side of the case. 

There was a few cards in the metal case, but Alika only pulled out one, the card Len gave to him. It seemed nicer then the other cards Alika found, but he wasn't like everyone else who had seen the card. For some reason, duelist would usually gaze or back away when they saw it. 

And Alika got some more cards, which he thought, made Len pretty happy. Now, in a park conquered by duelist, maybe he should give it one more chance. It could take the wind, the fire, the doting eyes of others to really show the enjoyment of the game-which was sad, but there has to be some merit-right?

It was kinda interesting to watch people constantly grouping around people dueling. Alika stood away from the stone  bench as he spotted this green haired girl. She kinda seemed in tune with the place, is what Alika guessed why she caught his eyes-she was cute too.  

Alika put his cards back into their cases and walked over to the girl who towered over him. 

He looked up, "Um, are you a duelist?"











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