Main RP

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

The 35 square mile park was established a mere 5 years ago but many could claim that it was there since childhood of the city. The park is an oval filled that merges flourishing redwoods with intricate sidewalk path. A stone statue of Elemental Hero Wingman holds up a slide, of red and green, that twists around half the park by going through the redwoods.  The frequent joggers of the park can be found by resting by the water fountains marked by Elemental Bubbleman stained glass murals. To the south of the park, kids are usually found by the Hero Kid statues that hold up various swings, slides, bridges, and monkey bars that are colored with splattered colors. Of course one of the main attractions is the free weights and lifting equipment that are to the north of the park, Elemental Hero Clayman and Elemental Hero Burstinitrix mark the areas for men and women weights.

The idea was to have athletic focused park were  kids would have to face the direction of athletes that would encourage fitness. And the main relief of physical activity would be considered the Duel Arena decorated by metallic plates and yellow neon lights, a Elemental Hero Sparkman animatronic would greet duelists ready to take care of a quick break of fitness. Turns out that having the rare decorated Duel Arena would grab the attention of a nice chunk of non-athletic duelists. 

Yet today, seemed fairly quiet, only a hundred or so people were wandering and twenty or so jogggers/athletes. D. already felt quite off in the park,  not only due to the lacking crowd, but to Zinnia's comment. The man was observant if he already figured out that D. didn't need a blindfold, rare in the fragile man personality but not unheard of.  D. was going to tell him anyway, eventually, just didn't seem urgent and worried that he may only have an alliance with the man out of empathy. So n the way to the park,  D. decided to skip over the question by coughing rubbing his throat. Not to hide anything, but to make sure he still has control of the fragile old-man's sympathy.

When they reach the park, D. says,"Well, the blindfold helps me keeps me focused. You know for dueling. Because, I love dueling and dueling is super cool-so we got to get looking for some super duelist friend."

D. analyzes that he may have threw too much corn right there, would be fine with Zinnia, but if he wanted more alliances-he'll need to read more gossip magazines to give him the true tongue of seduction.  

Zinnia, seeing that D was reaching his hand out and slowly going towards the middle of the road with several cars racing down it, decided to grab D's arm and pull him back into the sea of people surrounding them. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Look, you really should take that off, you were about to walk into the street you know. you... must not have the best hearing if you couldn't hear the sound of the cars about to race down that road..." After she said that, the cars zoomed by them. Creating a large gust of wind which blew zinnias hair in D's face. She quickly moved her long hair back behind her. "Sorry about that, one of the downsides to having long hair. Anyway, i think i can see a few trees down the end of this road, so let's move that way." She said as she put her arm around D. "I'm gonna escort you to the park since you're so stubborn about keeping that blindfold on. If you take it off it'd make everything a lot easier." She began trying to move D along down the sidewalk with her arm around him, attempting to navigate through the sea of people. Some of them were large, others small, nonetheless they were all people, all trying to get to someplace. From the way everyone moved they all seemed as if they had a place to be. It was much different from the small town Zinnia was from, where people would walk the streets casually and for fun, taking in their surroundings. The city felt as if it made people more urgent, as if all of them needed to get somewhere as quickly as possible, like hundreds of bees moving in and out of a beehive to serve their queen. @NoviceOfRoleplay
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After the two had reached the park she looked around the landscape and spotted the duel arena in the distance. As D commented on his blindfold zinnia quickly responded. "Well, if you use it to keep you focused while dueling, why are you wearing it now? Neither of us are dueling and you could easily just shove it into your pocket or hold it." she asked curiously. She began thinking to herself about how strange this kid is. "Plus how could you read the cards? or know which card was which?" Zinnia was starting to wonder what this whole blindfold masquerade was. "You know, since we're here, and you're looking for a strong duelist to go against, why not me? I consider myself to be fairly strong, and i am legitimately curious to see how a blindfold could help someone at a card game." She said exhaustively. "There's a duel arena that seems empty over there, i'm up for dueling against you if you'd like. I mean, i came here to have fun and try out dueling again. So why not kill two birds with one stone and duel to help the both of us out." She began walking towards the duel arena, her arm still wrapped around D ushering him towards it. The arena itself was quite large in size and surprisingly well polished a glass roof was placed high above the arena to prevent rainwater from damaging the delicate electronics below. The neon yellow lights decorated onto the side of the arena were lit but hardly noticeable due to the sunlight surrounding the arena. There were two pedestals for duelists, one red, the other blue. Both overlooking the polished black surface of the duel field below. @NoviceOfRoleplay
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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

D. stopped for a moment and mulled over his next words. These words would have to be precise in order to mainatin the delicate balance of the alliance between him and Zinnia; words that would be like a hot knife cutting only the smallest leaf from a bush.  Not cold hearted nor too affectionate. 

"Don't wanna duel you."

D. walked toward the Duel Arena and bent down. He tapped and fondled the metal plates, even managed to crawl onto the Duel Arena's field before he realized it was in fact a Duel Arena and not a mountain to find a duelist from. As he hopped off of the Duel Arena he crashed into the ground the same as an idea to further explain some intentions. 

"Now about the blindfold, it's about focusing. Zoning out from everything else, the only thing you can think about is dueling, sometimes I even forget to breath, other times I breath too much so I think it evens it out. It's like a boxer psyching himself up by doing a couple punches at the air before a fight. It's just that I don't know when I'll find a good fight so I'll be on the offense at all times. "

D. began to wander in search of Zinnia and instead settled on a tree to lean on. D. head swerved to sound of children running about the Hero Kid Statues, while D. believed them to be another crowd of duelist that could lead to a real top duelist in the park.

After the two had reached the park she looked around the landscape and spotted the duel arena in the distance. As D commented on his blindfold zinnia quickly responded. "Well, if you use it to keep you focused while dueling, why are you wearing it now? Neither of us are dueling and you could easily just shove it into your pocket or hold it." she asked curiously. She began thinking to herself about how strange this kid is. "Plus how could you read the cards? or know which card was which?" Zinnia was starting to wonder what this whole blindfold masquerade was. "You know, since we're here, and you're looking for a strong duelist to go against, why not me? I consider myself to be fairly strong, and i am legitimately curious to see how a blindfold could help someone at a card game." She said exhaustively. "There's a duel arena that seems empty over there, i'm up for dueling against you if you'd like. I mean, i came here to have fun and try out dueling again. So why not kill two birds with one stone and duel to help the both of us out." She began walking towards the duel arena, her arm still wrapped around D ushering him towards it. The arena itself was quite large in size and surprisingly well polished a glass roof was placed high above the arena to prevent rainwater from damaging the delicate electronics below. The neon yellow lights decorated onto the side of the arena were lit but hardly noticeable due to the sunlight surrounding the arena. There were two pedestals for duelists, one red, the other blue. Both overlooking the polished black surface of the duel field below. @NoviceOfRoleplay
Having returned to his apartment to gather his collection of cards, Sirius had once more set out into the city, this time making his way to the Park of Heroes. It wasn't exactly the most happening duel park in town, but it was quiet and quiet is what Sirius needed. He had a tournament to prepare for, after all, and if he was going to be competing with the likes of the robed duelist he had fought before, he'd need to be in top shape—which, as loathe as he was to admit it, might mean setting his Resonators aside for another Synchro Archetype.

My Resonators have seen me through some tough fights, of that I have no doubt. They're just not fast enough or consistent enough to compete with the likes of Moyashi or that robed guy. I'll have to give this other Archetype a try, Sirius thought, glancing at his reformed deck. It's certainly consistent, but how fast is it? Only one way to test that, I guess. Hopefully there'll be at least a few people at the park looking for a duel. Not too many, though; last thing I need is a crowd.

As Sirius arrived at the park, he spotted what appeared to be a man wearing a blindfold jump off of the park pristine Duel Arena and land awkwardly before wandering off to a nearby tree, pretending like it never happened. ...That's not a sight you see every day. What's a blind guy doing crawling all over the duel arena? Was he trying to use it?

Not being one to simply stand by and hang in the background, Sirius decided to let his curiosity get the better of him, approaching the blindfolded man. As he approached, he spotted a woman with long hair who was also watching the blindfolded man. Probably his seeing-eye escort.

"Excuse me," Sirius began, his voice clear, "Were you just trying to use the Duel Arena? It's not every day you see someone climbing all over it like that."

@NoviceOfRoleplay @Ravenshroom
"Yeah I know what you mean. College really wears you down. I keep remembering how burnt out I was after finals. Ugh," he said with a bit of a gloomy face before changing the subject.

"Well I'm basically free for the rest pf the day. I'll come to the card shop with you if you want. Watcha aiming for?"


"I'm looking for a Psyframe Lord Zeta and a Psyframe Lord Omega, I wanted to try and buy them individually, but they're pretty expensive, so now I'm just looking to pull them from a pack," Jin replied. They walked together to the local card shop to see what was going on. Inside was Yama who was playing casually against some other guys. His old opponent looked up and waved at Jin, and he waved back. Jin walked up to the counter and bought another set of 5 packs from the set that were supposed to contain the Psyframe cards he wanted. "Alright, Martin, I hope this works."
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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

The breeze brushed on D.'s face and guided it to face a newcomer. The voice was slightly above him and had D. reminisce over a past experience, the voice felt familiar, he knew instantly who/what he was talking to. Voice did not tremble nor bite, clear-but was it straight to the point or friendly, such confusion could only come from someone speaking to a teenage girl. This revelation didn't settle well with D. His past interaction with teenage girls were dignified but lacked grace. So, D. gripped the splitting bark of the tree-accidentally pulling of a nice chunk of the first layer. 

"Um, nah. No, I'm lookin' just lookin' for a duel." Then D's mind became clear for a moment, as he thanks his blindfold, "is there a group of people who consistently follow you or watch you often?"  

And D reverted back into puzzlement as his other hand grips for the bark and more chunks of the skin of the bark fall. D. tries settle on tapping on the bark, but he decides that looks even odder and teenage girls would not forgive oddness like a middle-age man would. Yes, the simple put your hands in your pocket techni-but that was too obvious, so a one hand in pocket would be suprisising yet still comforting-thought .

Having returned to his apartment to gather his collection of cards, Sirius had once more set out into the city, this time making his way to the Park of Heroes. It wasn't exactly the most happening duel park in town, but it was quiet and quiet is what Sirius needed. He had a tournament to prepare for, after all, and if he was going to be competing with the likes of the robed duelist he had fought before, he'd need to be in top shape—which, as loathe as he was to admit it, might mean setting his Resonators aside for another Synchro Archetype.

My Resonators have seen me through some tough fights, of that I have no doubt. They're just not fast enough or consistent enough to compete with the likes of Moyashi or that robed guy. I'll have to give this other Archetype a try, Sirius thought, glancing at his reformed deck. It's certainly consistent, but how fast is it? Only one way to test that, I guess. Hopefully there'll be at least a few people at the park looking for a duel. Not too many, though; last thing I need is a crowd.

As Sirius arrived at the park, he spotted what appeared to be a man wearing a blindfold jump off of the park pristine Duel Arena and land awkwardly before wandering off to a nearby tree, pretending like it never happened. ...That's not a sight you see every day. What's a blind guy doing crawling all over the duel arena? Was he trying to use it?

Not being one to simply stand by and hang in the background, Sirius decided to let his curiosity get the better of him, approaching the blindfolded man. As he approached, he spotted a woman with long hair who was also watching the blindfolded man. Probably his seeing-eye escort.

"Excuse me," Sirius began, his voice clear, "Were you just trying to use the Duel Arena? It's not every day you see someone climbing all over it like that."

@NoviceOfRoleplay @Ravenshroom
"Well let's hope so," Martin replies as he also awaits the opening of the packs. It was always exciting to open packs since you never really know what you could possibly get. Mostly it'll be the commons nobody really needs, but other times it'll be something worthwhile.

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Moshi frowned and glared at the deck of cards in her hands, confused at what exactly was going on. What exactly did he expect her to do with this? Give him cards for free? "Hmph. Well then, I'll just take a look at it. But don't think i'll go out of my way to return it to you, I'll expect you to find me yourself." Moshi said somewhat rudely and turned away from him, heading back to the park bench where she began to examine his deck, searching for weaknesses. Basic Psychics, are they? Moshi wasn't too familiar with them, but she new they were the very first iteration of the psychic type monster, and that since then, there have been numerous new archetypes revolving around the psychic monster, the first thing that came to mind were of course, the PSY frames. Perhaps she would make that suggestion, as surely he would already have several of the necessary cards to create a deck based around them. For now, she pocketed Jin's deck and headed out for another walk.

(open for interaction)
"Here we go," Jin cheered. This time he really hoped that he would finally pick up those missing Synchros. First pack opened, he rifled through the cards looking for that white border, and of course it was a bunch of nothing. Second pack opened, repeating the process, he looked through for the white border, but only found a couple more Psyframe basic cards. Jin sighed and continued the process once more, he looked up and saw Martin staring intently, hoping that he would miraculously pick up the cards.  He opened up the third and fourth pack, both turning up nothing, just a bunch more cards from different card archetypes. "The final pack," jin stated. He looked at it, not believing that it would be possible to even draw those precious cards. He unwrapped the 5th pack and to his surprise he saw not just one but two white borders.

"No way," Jin said to himself. He picked up the first one and held it in his hand. It was it the first of the Synchro Monsters he needed, PSY Framelord Zeta. "OHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH" he screamed. Then Jin remembered that he had a second Synchro card "No, no, no, no," Jin began rambling on, then the card came through and it was PSY Framelord Omega, "WOOOOOOO. That luck though."

"Now that's what I call lucky," Martin says smiling as he congratulates Jin on the pulls. "Well now that you got what you wanted I suppose your all set with those new cards." He would also buy some packs though his luck wasn't as fantastic as Jin's. Still he would keep them regardless since you never know when it'll come in handy. 

"Well with those cards I'm sure it'll help. What's your plan now? I was thinking of staying around and dueling a couple of the people here at the locals."


A different black robe duelist


Zinnia would be approached by a black robe duelist as Len was talking with Sirius. The attire was the same as the other black robe duelists that challenged the other duelists. Even the mask was the same as the duelist that challenged Sirius. A rhombus at the center of the mask.

"Hello there. I am here to duel you," he says showing off his duel disk as to request a challenge. Though if Zinnia didn't have a duel disk then they could simply use the nearby dueling box or arena instead. Whichever seemed to be fine for this duelist. 

"Now that's what I call lucky," Martin says smiling as he congratulates Jin on the pulls. "Well now that you got what you wanted I suppose your all set with those new cards." He would also buy some packs though his luck wasn't as fantastic as Jin's. Still he would keep them regardless since you never know when it'll come in handy. 

"Well with those cards I'm sure it'll help. What's your plan now? I was thinking of staying around and dueling a couple of the people here at the locals."


"Yeah go for it, dude. I just need to arrange my new deck. I think I'll need to win back my old one," Jin said to him, "I did something only an idiot would do, I gave my deck to a stranger. Well this stranger was a top duelist from another country and I was hoping she'd give me some advice, on how to use it. But I have this feeling that won't be the case." He looked through his cards and tried to put together what he had. There were some spare cards that made up his past warp psychic deck and some common psychic cards, but he didn't have any of the powerful Synchro and Fusion monsters that made up his old deck. He would have to rely on his own skill and a bit of luck if he would have to duel against Moyashi to get his old deck back. Hopefully with these Psyframe cards, he would be able to beat her, but she was a head and more above the rest of the competition. At her best there would be no way he could beat her, but Jin knew that he had to.

@YoungX @Rurnur



"Oh really? I mean why don't you must ask for it? I mean she might give it back you know. I mean... I don't know I just say what comes to mind." Martin would be looking over his deck and would look back to Jin. "Do you know where to find her or anything? I mean did you give her your contact information so you can at least find her later?" He asked this thinking that if someone was going to give a stranger their deck to look at, then a way to find such a person would be pretty important.


A different black robe duelist


Zinnia would be approached by a black robe duelist as Len was talking with Sirius. The attire was the same as the other black robe duelists that challenged the other duelists. Even the mask was the same as the duelist that challenged Sirius. A rhombus at the center of the mask.

"Hello there. I am here to duel you," he says showing off his duel disk as to request a challenge. Though if Zinnia didn't have a duel disk then they could simply use the nearby dueling box or arena instead. Whichever seemed to be fine for this duelist. 


After watching D fumble about and settle down by a tree, the black robed duelist approached zinnia with a request to duel. Naturally, zinnia had no clue who this fellow was and needed some answers. "Eh? And why should i duel you?" She looked up and down at the man's attire. "And what's with the mask and the robes? I don't just duel any random dude you know. You must have me mistaken with someone else. I just got here and i'm from out of town." Though she was cautious about this man who had just appeared, she instinctively pulled her duel disk out with one swift motion as if she was defending herself. She looked over to where D was, still sitting down by the tree talking to someone, "He probably won't wander off into the street any time soon..." she thought to herself. She hesitantly looked at the duelist in front of her then remembered why she was here in the first place, she was on vacation. "Hmm, you know what, sure. I'll duel you on one condition, you answer a question for me. What's with the getup?" she said as she shuffled a deck into her duel disk. Her duel disk popped out and activated. It was a purple duel disk with a red gem was placed over the top of where the life point gauge would normally be. The monster zones had trimmings of gold, accentuating each zone from each other, along with an indigo edge around the outside of the disk, providing a pleasant shift from purple to indigo. On the red gem you could see the life point gauge sparkling through the large gemstone, seemingly acting as a lens. @YoungX
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MASK Member


"We, who wear these black robes and mask, are a collective. We are MASK," the duelist says as he activates his duel disk. This duel disk was the same as the other black robed duelists. Though this was not stated before, these duel disks are a mixture of black and white with a gold ring surrounding the life point counter. The duel monster zones were a balance of both black and white specifically white being the inner and black being the outer.

"It's time to duel."

Rubbing his chin, D'arby thought hard about what he was going to say next although the smile still hadn't left his face.  Snapping his fingers he pointed at Artyom and said, "It just wouldn't seem right to use my gambler's deck and not bet anything, so how about we duel for a dollar?  That's fair, right?"  Taking out a dollar from his pocket, he flipped it into the air and held out his palm so he'd be ready to catch it.  Before it could land, he pressured Artyom into a quick decision, "Heads or tails?"

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

D. leaned toward Zinnia as her words fly with the breeze. D. mulled over his next action, forgetting the teenage girl in front of him.  A duelist had challenged Zinnia, the first thing to figure it out was if this was a sign of Zinnia's presence in the dueling community. He may be work into D.'s initial plan if that was so...But, it had to be impossible. Yeah, yeah, duelist would have either over compensation or worry in his voice if Zinnia had undisclosed presence. Also, the new duelist is marked off the list of influence since no one who had a following would be challenging strangers.... 

The only route at the moment was to be supportive of Zinnia's duel, to further strengthen their alliance. Maybe help move the relationship away from purely empathy, as D. believed that his empathy streak was about stop any moment-the coughing might have come across as annoying. D. needed to also make sure Zinnia had space next time.

"Don't suck friend."  

D. waved to Zinnia's direction and wandered away, just as he realized he had left a teenage girl without a word...

"Fair enough." Zinnia readied herself for the duel. "Alright, you can go ahead and take the first turn." Zinnia looked over and saw D waving at her, he said something but she couldn't entirely make what he had said due to him being so far away. "Try not to run into the street!" she waved back to him then realized that he wouldn't even see the wave.


"I draw a card. I activate Reinforcement of the Army and bring Destiny Hero Celestial to my hand. Next I'll play A Hero Lives paying half my life as cost. Shadow Mist is summoned to the field and her effect activates which gets me Mask Change. Then I'll summon Armageddon Knight and use it's effect in order to send Plaguespreader to the graveyard. I set a card and end my turn."


"Hmph, alright well i'll start off by sending archfiend general from my hand to the graveyard! by doing this i can add the card 'Pandemonium' to my hand!"


"I'll activate Mask Change and send my Shadow Mist to the grave and special summon Masked Hero Dark Law! The moment you add Pandemonium is when it's effect activates sending a random card in your hand to your graveyard."


Zinnia banished her pandemonium she had just searched. "Ugh, that's annoying. Well i guess i'll summon out trance archfiend then! Then i'll activate Falling Down to steal your Masked Hero Dark Law! I'll set a card and then Trance Archfiend will attack your Armageddon Knight! Then your Dark law will attack you directly! After that i'll end my turn."


As the MASK duelist took damage he would see to it that his turn had begun. He would draw another card and enter the standby phase.


"After you draw a card i'll have to take 800 Damage due to Falling Down's effect. But that damage is trivial compared to what i've inflicted to you!"


"That is true. However with all adversity comes hope. I activate Twin Twisters, I discard a card in order to destroy your two spell/trap cards. With Falling Down destroyed, Dark Law comes back to my side."


Zinnia looked worried as the card was played. "Shit... Skill Drain was destroyed... Well no matter, continue your turn!"


"Alright. I summon Armageddon Knight and use it's effect. I send Destiny Hero Malicious to the graveyard. The Plaguespreader in my graveyard activates it's effect as I send a card back to the top of my deck and special summon it. Then Malicious effect goes off as well and I banish it in order to special summon another Malicious from my deck. I tune my Plageuspreader with my armageddon knight to summon Coral Dragon. Then Coral Dragon's effect activates and I destroy your monster. Then I'll send my coral dragon and malicious to the grave and summon Ultima Tzolkin, otherwise known as quetzalcoatl! Dark Law attacks and I end my turn."


Zinnia looked at her barren field and then at her hand "There still may be hope! I'll summon out Archfiend Eater, next i'll special summon Archfiend Commander and destroy Eater as a cost to summon him. Commander can't attack the turn he was summoned like this so i'll have to end my turn there, it's your move."


As the MASK duelist draws he takes time to look to Zinnia in order to ask her a question. "You wonder why I wear this mask no? Answer me this: What do you think of masks?"


"Masks?" Zinnia looked down at the ground. She looked up at the masked duelist, a fire in her eyes. "Coming from someone with experience, Masks are used to conceal hidden motives, it gives you a sense of power that you'd normally never find anywhere else derived from a feeling of starting over anew. This sense of power can drive someone to commit things they never would think they would do, but the persona behind the mask would. All for the sake of achieving a goal set forth once someone had donned said mask. Without taking the mask of to question what you're doing, you can lead yourself down a dark path, hurting ones closest to you. That's what i think of masks."


The duelist of MASK looked to Zinnia and nodded as if understanding her explanation. "Yes. Masks are a way to hide ourselves. A way to divert our reality and enter something else. The mask I speak of is covering the heart. I will tell you this because you have asked unlike the other duelists. We of MASK have but one goal: To create a community where one does not have to wear such masks. That is all we are. Now then... it's time for my draw. I set a card and at this moment, Ultimaya Tzolkin's effect activates and I special summon Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. That's not all. I activate another Malicious and summon another from my deck. Then I normal summon Red Resonator and tune it with my Malicious. I synchro summon PsyFrame Omega and attack in order to end the duel!"


Zinnia grinned as her life points dropped to zero "Guess i'll add this to my list of losses, you are truly a powerful duelist. However, i do believe that in the world we live in, we don't have to wear masks. Masks are only worn if you put on the mask, you can alreadyady live a life without masks! I used to be a lot like you, but you're the only one who can realize how you can live your life. Nobody can or should tell you. It's something you have to learn on your own." Zinnia turned off her duel disk and placed her deck into a purple deck box attatched to her hip, which was next to a few other similar boxes, each varying in color.


"But of course. I'll remember that well. Before I leave I must give this to you," he says as he hands Zinnia the invitation card that was already given to other duelists. "There is a secret competition of sorts coming up. If you want you can participate in such an event."


Zinnia took the card from him and took a look at it for a second. "Secret competition? I like the sound of that already." She put the invitation in her pocket. "Will I see you there?" she asked him.


"We of MASK will attend this event but will not be competing. All will be explained but for now you must keep that invitation card with you at all times. You'll be notified where to meet. Now then thank you for the duel. I'll be heading my way now."



@Ravenshroom @NoviceOfRoleplay @Brass Skeleton
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As D was moving about he would be met with a duelist but it wasn't one from MASK. Instead it was a male who looked to be in his extremely early 20's or something of that manner. He would casually approach D and stopped within 10 meters of him. The blindfold could accidentally make D bump into him after all. He didn't question why he wore it but would activate his duel disk so that D could hear it. 


"Your not from around here aren't you? Well of course your not since I haven't met anyone who wears a blindfold." The voice was clearly a young male but had a bit more of a serious tone. "I don't have much time to for the pleasantries so I'll get straight to it. Duel me. I would've liked to do something else but I've been asked by MASK to do this." He sighs and would look to D. "Also take off that blindfold. We're dueling whether you like it or not." It seems that the young man couldn't care less for the outcome of the duel and just had to do as he was asked to.

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

He had left a teenage girl by herself. Teenage girls work in groups mostly, by doing could trigger mobs scouting for evil boy who rudely walk away. The one with not a shred of kindess in his heart; the one to kill with popcorn and friends. D. did not have time to be hunted down nor the time to acquire butter to slow down his demise. D. began to sweat and slowly retreated his steps. 

But he also realized he had walked kinda far by now, by a few sidewalks. Too much space, noted for later. All he had to do was walk straight back, but he was distracted by a squirrel trying to naw at his feet. Not only could a group of teenage girls attack, but D. may have hurt his alliance if he just left him.

And D. bumped into some guy, flat chest. The voice was kinda weak for a male, D. thought, but the chest could never lie.  


As D was moving about he would be met with a duelist but it wasn't one from MASK. Instead it was a male who looked to be in his extremely early 20's or something of that manner. He would casually approach D and stopped within 10 meters of him. The blindfold could accidentally make D bump into him after all. He didn't question why he wore it but would activate his duel disk so that D could hear it.

"Your not from around here aren't you? Well of course your not since I haven't met anyone who wears a blindfold." The voice was clearly a young male but had a bit more of a serious tone. "I don't have much time to for the pleasantries so I'll get straight to it. Duel me. I would've liked to do something else but I've been asked by MASK to do this." He sighs and would look to D. "Also take off that blindfold. We're dueling whether you like it or not." It seems that the young man couldn't care less for the outcome of the duel and just had to do as he was asked to.

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"Oh that's rich. Well that makes my time easier. I don't need some coward dueling me and wasting my time at the same time anyways. Thanks for clearing up my schedule. I was going to give you an invitation to some dumb secret competition but whatever," he says, his voice much stronger and harsher sounding than before, as he would prepare to walk away. If the guy said no then surely MASK wouldn't have to waste his time on that. Now he can continue what he wanted to and he hopes that he won't have to do something like this so it doesn't waste his time.

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

"Cool-" He said secret competition. D. stopped for a moment and smiled. The gods have dropped the chance right in front of him! Now, would he even need the alliance-yeah probably have to keep that just in case. This was the time to shine; this is the moment of truth. An invitation would mean he could be in a competition, which means that he could just go and see the winner of the tournament. A secret competition must have so much influence, hipsters would spread the power over to the masses. 

D. took off his blindfold to show his brown eyes. D. lurched forward and began to laugh. His fingers curled.

"If you wish so badly, then allow me to show you my skill. For I, am D. Which means DESTRUCTION OF EVERYTHING! And, oh wait." D. pulls out a contact lense case. He puts on a red contact lens and blue contact lens. 

"FOR YOU  WILL BE MY FIRST VICTIM!" D. pulls out a brand new Duel Disk hiding on his back behind his jacket.


"Oh that's rich. Well that makes my time easier. I don't need some coward dueling me and wasting my time at the same time anyways. Thanks for clearing up my schedule," he says, his voice much stronger and harsher sounding than before, as he would prepare to walk away. If the guy said no then surely MASK wouldn't have to waste his time on that. Now he can continue what he wanted to and he hopes that he won't have to do something like this so it doesn't waste his time.

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"Great just great. You're already reminding me of MASKS's real fanatics," the young man says as he groans. "What is this some Role-play shit?" His duel disk, which had already been activated, would shuffle his deck. "Let's just get this over with."

Maxwell didn't like to really define himself as a 'competitive duelist.' He didn't enter competitions. He didn't really go for tournaments, and he didn't really ever win prizes. But, he had to admit, there was something about the game that completely lured him in, and made him want more. He would find himself hanging around the city park most days, shuffling his deck, and politely yelling at strangers to try and get them to duel with him. It worked a good 40% of the time. He found himself at the end of very many losses, and very many wins. At the end of the day, his feeling of complete joy couldn't be beat by his exhaustion. 

Today was one of these days, where he hadn't had many duels, but had instead been a part of the crowds that would watch the duels. His hands were itching to get ahold of his duel disk and just fight someone already, but he had enough self control to not start barking orders at strangers. Today was a day to learn! Maxwell was often very impulsive during his duels, and his impatience and carelessness usually backfired on him. So, he figured, if he watched how his fellow duelists handled their decks, he could learn from them! Today, his gaze was directed towards a particularly interesting duelist. A woman who was dressed in fancy clothing, with long, purple hair, up against a mysterious masked man in a long cloak. He was practically screaming when he watched the duel, blue eyes shining, and as soon it was over, he sprinted over to greet the duelist. He just had to see what her secret was! She dueled with such passion, such finesse! 

"That was amazing!" Maxwell practically wailed, clapping very heartily for Zinnia, and trying to catch her attention by talking a mile a minute. As he clapped, the bracelets dangling on his wrists only aided to make the noise louder. "Tell me, what's your name?! What's your secret? How'd you duel like that, and what kind of deck do you have? Were you scared of that guy?" Maybe he was being just a bit too pushy, and a talking just a bit too much, but it was typical of him to not wait for someone to address him before he went off the rails. He was just too excitable, and was in a constant state of bouncing off of the walls.

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MASK Duelist






??? vs. "D." Samson

Location: Park of Heroes

"These are my Eyes of Destruction! They will strike fear into you!"  D's eyes widen with anticipation as he draws his hand. It's a decent hand with he could annilihate a up two monsters, so if he played this right.  "Hmm, I'll begin with setting 3 Spell/Trap cards from my hand. AND, I'll call for Cardcar D." A  card appears face-up lying on the field, a blue car with a D symbol on it's roof revs out of the card and crashes into the ground. The car dissapears and the top two cars of D.'s deck glow. " Which allows me to draw 2 cards for the price of ending my turn and tributing Cardcar D!" 


"Eyes of destruction... great," the young male says as he draws a card. "I'll summon Neptabyss in attack mode. From that point I'll send Dragoons from my deck to my graveyard in order to activate it's effect." 


"And here is time to reveal the secret of my deck! I activate a face-down Trap card!" A card rises and reveals itself with the art of a Tiki-esqu statue of a warrior. "I call for Tiki Curse!" The card moves in front of D. "This is my Pre-Absolution Deck! And So get ready for my Guarded Absolute Strike Combination!"


"Well first... I'm activating twin twisters, discarding a card as cost, and destroying your other two set face-down cards."


D.'s cards almost dropped. ", I'll just complete the combination by activating the two face-downs. That's right, all of them summon monsters! And when my Statue of Anguish is released by my Trap here, by having Metal Reflect Slime summoned, it's effect activates and it cannot be targeted by effects and I will be able to destroy one of your-" Two twisters brew and ravage the face-down cards. Tiki Curse is the only card on the field, a bright light, and the same Tiki statue on the art of the card appears in Defense position.  


"....Uhh...." D. stares at his field. A single monster and no backrow. 


"I guess you didn't know the rulings enough. They have to summoned first and twin twisters already destroyed them before their effects could resolve. Now then... I search another Dragoons and the one in my graveyard activates so I search Atlantean Heavy Infantry and Mermail Abyssmegalo. I'm going to end this quickly. I activate Megalo's effect and discard Dragoons and Heavy Infantry and special summon it. At this moment three effects activate: Heavy Infantry, Dragoons and Abyssmegalo. Megalo gives me Abyss-Scale of the Mizuchi, Dragoons searches me Deep Sea Diva and Infantry destroys your only monster. Now I activate Megalo's effect, tributing Neptabyss, so that it can attack twice during the battle phase. Neptabyss' effect activates and I special summon Dragoons. I equip Mizuchi onto Megalo making it's attack points 3200. I attack you directly to end this duel."


"Wait but...but." Both monsters rushed at D. And in a flash of light, D.'s Duel Disk flashed a small zero. D. dropped his cards in hand. 


The young male would [COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)]approach the boy and give him the Invitation Card. "There's your invitation card. Just remember to keep that since apparantely MASK is going to contact you or something. Now then...," he sighs and begins to walk away. "Time to do what I need to do," he says quietly to himself.[/COLOR]
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