Main RP

Moshi tightened her scarf as the wind picked up slightly, before she once again noticed the duelist, Jin, who now approached her. "That's right. You were the boy who duelled Sirius before me, correct? I didn't catch your name." She stood up and tilted her head, observing the boy for a moment, trying to detect what his intentions were. He didn't seem to be aggressive at least, which was good news. "Can I help you with something?" She asked curiously, it was always a good idea to get to know people in a new place, if she could befriend him, things would be much more simple from here onwards. @TPBx (Sorry for the delay)

"Hey I'm hardly a boy. I'm at least 2-3 years older than you," he retorted, "anyways, my name is Jin, Jin Ishimoto. Its a pleasure to meet you." He was careful to at least make a good impression with her. Jin needed her help to become a better duelist before the invitational tournament began. He turned towards her and said, "look, I need your help. I want to become a better duelist, but... well... I don't know many people who would want to help me. After seeing and playing against the competition today, I definitely don't stand a chance in the tournament coming up."
Moshi raised her eyebrows mockingly and folded her arms, doubting this "man's" level of maturity. But, as soon as a tournament was mentioned, she became interested once again. "A tournament, you say?" She questioned him, placing her fingertip against her lower lip, while remaining in thought. "I must admit, I am knowledgeable about this game. So, i'm sure I can help you in some way. In exchange, i'll expect a place for myself in this tournament you speak of." Moshi smiled victoriously, satisfied with the deal she had proposed, after all, she had nothing against spreading knowledge around, and helping other duelists reach their potential. "Now, how shall we begin? Hmm.." Moshi began to pace around the park bench, thinking of the most important factors of increasing your dueling skills. "How about this, tell me about your duel with Sirius. Did your deck function as intended? Where did it succeed, and where did it fall short? I'd like to know the exact reason you lost against him, was it your skill as a duelist? Or perhaps your deck itself didn't allow you to reach your potential? I've seen this many times, there are countless duelists who never reach their great potential, and are instead held back by a.. dare I say, lackluster deck of cards. Of course, it is important to have faith in your cards, as I do with mine, but the reality is that can only go so far." Moshi let out a breath, folding her arms once again and looking in Jin's eyes. "A duelist cannot succeed based solely upon faith. They require skill, and knowledge. Every deck has room to improve, the same with every duelist. So, Jin, what is it that you need to improve?" @TPBx
"I see,I see. Well there were a lot of things that went wrong. For one I was overwhelmed by his aggressive play, and I began to lose hope as I ran out of cards to counter his moves. Maybe, I don't know the best combos with my deck. Maybe, my deck straight up isn't strong enough, I don't know," Jin said with a frustrated tone. He shook his head trying to recall the duel. Even if he went all out and pulled his best cards, they still didn't have the fire power to effectively take on Sirius's Dragons. Jin recalled Moyashi's duel with him and the way she beat Sirius was with more powerful cards and combos. It was something he couldn't do with his small and cherished collection."Maybe, I'm just in over my head thinking I have a chance," he said with a crushed heart and dreams. He was coming to a depressing realization that maybe all he could ever do was just win small tournaments at his local shop. He stood up and began walking away with his head slumping down in defeat, "sorry to waste your time, Moyashi. I have exams to study for anyway."

Moshi flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked up to Jin, frowning slightly as she thought about how he could reach his potential. "There's always a way to improve. If you find yourself running out of cards, practice with how you get value from each individual card, or edit your deck to include cards that give you more advantage. But before that, you need to know what kindof deck you're using, is it a control deck? Is it aggro? I'll need to see it, if you really want my help." Moshi tilted her head up, furrowing her brow in dissapointment as the boy began to walk away. "Very well. Exams are important, of course." She said before turning her head to the side, looking down at the ground. "But, you sought me out for a reason. We all duel for a reason, and most people's reasons simply aren't strong enough to warrant seeking out help, like you have just now. You've proven to me, and yourself, that you wish to improve, now tell me, are you going to prove me wrong, by walking away right now?" Moshi spoke loudly, turning her head back to the boy who was walking away, her eyes burrowing into the duelist's back. "I have my own goals, my own drive for success, but I refuse to let a fellow duelist throw away his potential. I may be younger than you, but i've been where you are. I wouldn't be as strong as I am today, if others didn't keep me from giving up." Lowering her voice somewhat, Moshi watched Jin to see what he would do. @TPBx 
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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson


Zinnia was a nice name, probably came from a rich family in the villa-only way to keep such a name for a guy in America. D. raised his right hand and grabbed the air for a few seconds before finding Zinnia's arm. He had a strong grip, a gamble, but the frail man should give into dominance of a blind person. The murmurs of crowds were beginning to shift with steps that had sparks, so D. tugged on Zinnia's arm in the same direction. 

" Nah, too broke. So, where are your old dueling spots?"

D. was a bit tried at this point but he needed some leads; he wanted to finish this in the next three days. He had heard rumors of idols being born in the city, however he never heard the name of the city that stuff was supposed to happen in. Spending a nice chunk of money already, he needed to find the correct city fast. 

The woman responded to his polite inquiry. "Sorry I've got no idea who the best duelists are here. I just came in from out of town on vacation and i'm getting back into dueling again. When i dueled a few years ago i was one of the best duelists around and the best among my comrades. The name's Zinnia by the way." she said as she extended her hand to the kid but then realized that the kid couldn't possibly see her hand so she had retracted it back to her. "So what's with the blindfold? Normally you don't see people wearing blindfolds regularly in a big city. Aren't you afraid of pickpockets?" she asked inquisitively towards him. 

Zinnia stood against the cold metal wall of the newspaper stand. Her suit was black and clean, accentuated by a white collared shirt beneath and her royal purple tie. A red circular gem accentuated the tie as it's tie pin, glistening off of the sun. She folded her arms as she leaned against the wall of the stand.

Rush, not very content with the end result of his previous duel, headed straight for the town's dueling center. There were many strange people from all over the place hanging around, as per usual. All probably with their own strange decks and reasons for being there. The weirdest one that Rush could see had to be the guy with stuff wrapped over his eyes weirdly flapping his arm around a buisnesslady. He and that mean fortune lady, but she was always there, unlike those two. And it looks like she even got some poor soul to listen to her fortune things. But that's not important, what's important is finding another duelist that won't just up and quit like most of them did. The problem is, Rush's not typically the type of person to actively search for fellow duelists and he wasn't quite sure where to start. He decided to just strap on his duel disk and stand around for a while to see if anyone would approach him instead.  If no one came, he'd just go home.

NPC with no Name as of yet


As Rush was going around looking for duelists, a young male who looks to be around 16 would approach him. 

"Are you looking for a duel? I'm looking for people but they all seem busy," he says with a bit of a calm tone. The young male was wearing brown jeans along with a wool and leather jacket. His face resembled one who seems to rely on some coffee or energy drink to keep himself afloat. Beside that there weren't any striking features of the sort, and he also wore some black eyewear as well.

@The Endergod
Rush was taken aback at how fast someone actually showed up. 'It must be the duel disk. I should keep that in mind.' He thought to himself. "Oh, uh, yeah, sure, man. I'm down to duel." Said to the young man while getting out his deck. "Do you wanna just do it here or find like a battle box somewhere?"  He asked while making sure he had the right deck. @YoungX

NPC with no Name as of yet until this very post


"We can do it here," he said as he yawned a bit. "Sorry about that. I'm just... a bit down on energy right now." To remedy this situation he would go buy an energy drink from a nearby mini-mart and proceeded to chug it down till it was empty. After a sigh of relief he would let the duel disk shuffle his deck and he would activate it.

"Now I'm ready. Just a few more hours till I crash again," he says calmly and so nonchalantly. In any case, he was ready to duel even if he might lose. "Oh by the way my name's Ray. What's yours?" 

@The Endergod
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"Alright, man. If you say so..." Rush trailed off towards the end of his statement, bewildered by the young man's actions. 'Man, this guy's weird too. Everyone in this town is super weird. Wait, does that mean I'm weird as well? Huh, I guess I am.' "I uh, I'm Rush." He said while slipping his deck into the duel disk on his arm. "Nice to meet you." 

Moshi flipped her hair over her shoulder and walked up to Jin, frowning slightly as she thought about how he could reach his potential. "There's always a way to improve. If you find yourself running out of cards, practice with how you get value from each individual card, or edit your deck to include cards that give you more advantage. But before that, you need to know what kindof deck you're using, is it a control deck? Is it aggro? I'll need to see it, if you really want my help." Moshi tilted her head up, furrowing her brow in dissapointment as the boy began to walk away. "Very well. Exams are important, of course." She said before turning her head to the side, looking down at the ground. "But, you sought me out for a reason. We all duel for a reason, and most people's reasons simply aren't strong enough to warrant seeking out help, like you have just now. You've proven to me, and yourself, that you wish to improve, now tell me, are you going to prove me wrong, by walking away right now?" Moshi spoke loudly, turning her head back to the boy who was walking away, her eyes burrowing into the duelist's back. "I have my own goals, my own drive for success, but I refuse to let a fellow duelist throw away his potential. I may be younger than you, but i've been where you are. I wouldn't be as strong as I am today, if others didn't keep me from giving up." Lowering her voice somewhat, Moshi watched Jin to see what he would do. @TPBx 

"You're right. You're right," Jin admitted. He brought himself back to an upright posture. "Right now I can't exactly focus completely on dueling. Here's what I'll do." He reached into his bag and grabbed his tournament deck and handed it to her. "I don't have the eyes to see what's wrong with this deck. I've grown too attached to it, so it's hard for me to see its faults, despite there being many. I want you to look at it and give me some feedback." Jin then wrote down his number on a note card and placed it on the deck box. He picked up his bag and slung it back over his shoulder. "I'm gonna head home for now and study, but give me a call or send me a message when you have things sorted out."

Jin began walking away from her, entrusting his deck with her hands. "See ya later, Moyashi-san," he said waving his hand back at her. Walking off into the distance and around a corner, disappearing from sight.

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"Well I'll go first," Ray says as he draws a card. "I'll activate Fusion Conscription. I reveal a fusion monster from my deck to search out Elemental Hero Neos. I'll set a monster and it's your turn." As he ends his turn he sort of yawns despite taking the energy drink. 


"Okie dokie then. Huh, well my hands pretty not that great..." He says as he draws a new card. "Let's see, I'll just activate my toy vendor card and see if I can get me one of them stuffed animals. Welp, it's not, so I have to discard it." Rush says lazily as he places his newly drawn Edge Imp Chain into the graveyard. "While it's in there, I can activate it's effect and grab out a frightfur card from my deck." He sifts through his deck until he comes across Frightfur Patchwork. "Now I'll activate this guy and find a Polymerization and a some scissors from my deck. Finally, I'll set this card, place this card face down,  and uh, you can go."


"My turn? Alright time to draw," he says as he draws a card. "Looks like I'm gonna need the usual two energy drinks after this," he says as he yawns once more. "I'll normal summon Elemental Hero Prisma and flip summon Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin. Next I'll use Aqua Dolphin's effect as I discard a monster in order to destroy a monster card in your hand if you have any so long as it's greater than or equal to a monster I control." The effect of Aqua Dolphin would destroy The Swamp King. 


"Next Prisma attacks the set and dolphin attacks directly. That'll be my turn."


"Seeing that you killed my scissors and swamp guy, I just have to activate Toy Vendor again and hope for something good, again." After tossing one of his Polymerization cards to his graveyard, he drew a card, only to find that it was another Frightfur Patchwork. With a sigh he put that into his graveyard and signaled Ray to go.


"Time for a draw. I summon Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab and activate Prisma's effect. I reveal a fusion to dump Neos to the grave. I'll just attack directly using my monsters. Then... I'll just contact fusion my prisma and dolphin to summon Elemental Hero Aqua Neos. I'll discard a card to use it's effect destroying a random card in your hand. End phase it goes back to my extra deck. Your turn." Another yawn came from this indivudual. What kind of sleep schedule does this boy have?


"Really? My other Poly? God, I should just quit now. I won't though, I ain't about that life." Rush sghed as he drew his card.


"As someone would say' that's the spirit.,' Ray said feeling a bit tired.


"OK, I finallly got something at least somewhat usefull. I'll summon Stuffed Pupper in attack mode and activate it's effect, which allows me to find a different fluffal monster or a new batch of scissors. I'ma go with the scissors." He said with a bit of attitude. "Now I'll just attack your Firey Bug with Stuffed Pupper and end my turn. He said triumphantly. "


"Oh boy. Here we go," he says as he draws his next card. "I'll pay half my life to activate A Hero Lives and I special summon Prisma. Then I'll just crash into your monster and that'll be all."


"Did you just kamakazi my doggo? You monster!" Shouted Rush as he drew another card.


"Yeah I kamakazied the doggo. Much wow," he says with another yawn to signify his tiredness.


"You'll pay for that dog murder, just you wait." He stated as he placed down a card into his spell and trap zone. "Now I'll activate Toy Vendor once again to hopefully get some of the good stuff." He dicarded his scissors and drew a second Toy Vendor and promptly placed it on top of his grave. "Now, I'll activate the Toy Vendor's effect and search for a new Fluffal monster. Now I'll activate my dead scissors effect and place one card from my hand on top of my deck and summon the scissors to the field in defense position. While I'm at it I might as well summon Stuffed Pingu too. Now I'll use this face down card I completely forgot about and banish one of my lost Polys and fusion summon Evil Stuffed Kraken in defense position. Good luck hitting that guy. Since I used Pingu to pull a Liam Neeson and summon the Kraken, I can activate it's effect and draw two cards and discard one of 'em. I'll place Stuffed Bear in the grave and activate the spell card I just drew, Fusion Recovery. With it I'll grab back one of my polys and my precious scissors. He said matter-of-factly. "Here comes the storm! This is for you dog friend!" Rush shouted while thrusting his arm into the air. "I'll activate the spell card Frightfur Fusion and banish my Kraken along with the bear and the old chains to fusion summon Evil Sabre Tooth guy in attack mode. Just a little FYI, he's now invincible, so have fun with that mess." Rush stated. Now I'll just attack you directly and that'll be all."


"Ah here we go. This'll probably be my last draw," he says as he picks up his card. "I'll activate Emergency Call and set the searched Prisma. Well I suppose your gonna finish things I suppose." He ends his turn as he would think about how to improve the deck he just made recently.


"Sweetness!" He shouted as he drew his next card. "I could probably just end it now, but no, you must suffer for what you have done to my poor dog. First, I'll activate Toy Vendor yet again and discard a second Toy Vendor that I just drew to get even more cards to add onto the pain. I special summon new pupper with the first Toy Vendor's effect, then use it's effect and grab out an octopus and I'll use the Toy Vendor that I threw to the grave's effect and get some sweet wings while I'm at it. Next, I'll fusion summon the least messed up looking Frightfur I have, Daredevil using the wings I just drew and some more scissors. I'll use Fluffy Wings' ability and banish it along with the previous Pingu to draw a card. Then I'll get rid of my Toy Vendor to draw a second card. Then I'll use that Toy Vendor's effect get out a teddy bear. Are you getting confused yet, 'cause I sure am." He said with a chuckle. "I'll place another card int my spell and trap zone, 'cause why not? Then I'll summon  the octopus guy, activate it's effect, and take back the scissors I've been using for like every fusion this game back, again. Now I'll activate Frightfur Factory again, 'cause I just remembered I can do that agaion and banish one of my fusion cards to summon another Kraken using the octopus and one of my chains. Now I'll use the octopus's effect to get the wings and Kraken I banished like seven minutes ago and put them back in my graveyard for no real reason other than to stall this game out and make you regret killing my precious dog. Now I'll use the chain's effect for the exact same reason and go right to the battle phase. I'll just attack you with Daredevil and end your suffering. Next time you'll think twice before destroying my dogs."


"Well that ends the game. Gg," Ray says as his life points goes back to 0. He would look up at the sky for a moment before looking back to Rush. "Rush right? Well good game. Which reminds me...," he takes out what seems to be a normal monster card but it only has the image of an invitation on it.


"I was given one of these to give out. Something about some secret small tournament and how I can invite someone. You want to go?" He would hold it out for Rush to either look/take.


"Yeah, I have to say, that was pretty fun. And why the heck not, I don't have anything better to do." Rush laughed as he accepted the invitation and shook the young man's hand. 


Ray let out a tiny tired laugh as he shook his hand in response to his hand being shaken. "Well... I think I've got about... 2 hours before I go crashing down from energy drinks. You have anything you want to do? I basically dont' do much."


@The Endergod
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Zinnia patted D's head as he grabbed on to her arm. "Well i'm new around here, i am on vacation after all." she said to him. She sighed, then stated "My old dueling spots are back in my hometown, quite a long way away from here. I came here by plane after all." She laughed. Zinnia perked up though as if she had an idea. "You know, we could look around at the park. That fulfills your requirement of looking for duelists since a lot of people go to the park, and fulfills my desire to relax." she said triumphantly to him. "Do you happen to have a map though?" she asked. She began looking around the crowd for some form of map over the sea of faces surrounding her. @NoviceOfRoleplay
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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

D. wasn't too keen on getting patted by the a middle-age man. He felt like he was going to be treated like a lost puppy the longer he stayed with Zinnia; he was blind, for the moment, not missing an owner. He tilted his head away from Zinnia as he continued across the sidewalk-which he was know slightly curbing away from as he leaned  toward the street by accident. 

"I don't have a map." Pointing at the blindfold would be too snarky, "I guess the park is a good place to start; we need need to figure out where the biggest dueling hub in the city is.

The hope of finding a group of fragile middle-age men was now gone; D. decided that this one should still be pretty helpful, having another duelist could prove helpful into sneaking into tournament scenes. D. began to reach out his hand to in search of another pedestrian from the murmurs of the crowd he could hear the loudest, but it turns out that he was instead focusing on the hum of five cars  racing down the same street D. was pulling the pair into. 

Zinnia patted D's head as he grabbed on to her arm. "Well i'm new around here, i am on vacation after all." she said to him. She sighed, then stated "My old dueling spots are back in my hometown, quite a long way away from here. I came here by plane after all." She laughed. Zinnia perked up though as if she had an idea. "You know, we could look around at the park. That fulfills your requirement of looking for duelists since a lot of people go to the park, and fulfills my desire to relax." she said triumphantly to him. "Do you happen to have a map though?" she asked. She began looking around the crowd for some form of map over the sea of faces surrounding her. @NoviceOfRoleplay
Artyom looked shocked to him the Deskbots suited him perfectly since most his time he would be around a deck reading but D'arby seemed to think otherwise and this guy seemed to have red Artyom like a book so maybe he should switch decks but to what is the bigger question he had a few spare decks and a lot of as he used to call them 'junk cards' which weren't all junk they we're just cards that didn't go with his deck. A slight laugh escapes Artyoms mouth at the reasoning why D'arby has to play left handed. "Least your willing to up hold a bet most people would just do it near the person they lost too then switch to normal afterwards." Artyom said he was thinking this before just never said it. Arytom nodded as D'arby talked he completely understood since they we're both duelist the most important questions we're about how they played and decks that was how duelist's were he was shocked this didn't occur to him before it was most likely because he hasn't talked to many people in a while and the ones that he had talked to we're not duelists. "That makes sense thanks for the explanation." Arytom said still nodding his head proving his understanding. A small smile covered Arytom's face as D'arby offered a duel this definitely excited Artyom since he was most definitely still interested in D'arby's gambler deck. "I would like that." Arytom said walking over to the duel arena before stopping. "Now is this a duel for fun for you?" Arytom asked. "Or is they a cost for losing?" Artytom added he remember this guy doesn't often duel for fun but normal for a bet or wager.

Zinnia, seeing that D was reaching his hand out and slowly going towards the middle of the road with several cars racing down it, decided to grab D's arm and pull him back into the sea of people surrounding them. She put her hand on his shoulder. "Look, you really should take that off, you were about to walk into the street you know. you... must not have the best hearing if you couldn't hear the sound of the cars about to race down that road..." After she said that, the cars zoomed by them. Creating a large gust of wind which blew zinnias hair in D's face. She quickly moved her long hair back behind her. "Sorry about that, one of the downsides to having long hair. Anyway, i think i can see a few trees down the end of this road, so let's move that way." She said as she put her arm around D. "I'm gonna escort you to the park since you're so stubborn about keeping that blindfold on. If you take it off it'd make everything a lot easier." She began trying to move D along down the sidewalk with her arm around him, attempting to navigate through the sea of people. Some of them were large, others small, nonetheless they were all people, all trying to get to someplace. From the way everyone moved they all seemed as if they had a place to be. It was much different from the small town Zinnia was from, where people would walk the streets casually and for fun, taking in their surroundings. The city felt as if it made people more urgent, as if all of them needed to get somewhere as quickly as possible, like hundreds of bees moving in and out of a beehive to serve their queen. @NoviceOfRoleplay

Some NPC

As Jin would be walking home, he would be met upon with a local University Student. He seemed to be looking for something and was scrambling on the floor to find it. 

"Now where did I put it?" He asked himself as he would be searching the ground. The university student had straight brown hair, a white shirt with an aqua blue polyester jacket, some blue jeans and some regular brown suede shoes. 

Jin stumbled upon the distressed student and decided to help. "Hey, what's going on," he asked, "is there anyway I can help?" Jin tried to gauge the situation, it appeared as if the student was looking for something. An assignment maybe or some important item for a class. Jin didnt know. "What is it you're looking for," Jin asked once more.


Some NPC


"Oh thanks," the student says as he stands up in order to introduce himself properly. "Name's Martin. Pretty bland I know but I've gotten used to it. Anyways I lost my duel monster's deck somehow. I don't even know how I lost but I did. Think you can help me find it? I'm retracing my steps and this was the last place I was sure I had them." He would start took at inside those mini-gardens, bushes and trees near the stores on the sidewalk. 

"The name's Jin, Jin Ishimoto. Anyway, we need to find your deck right. Can you describe it to me, is it in a box or something," Jin asked. He began looking around different benches and other places where Martin could have accidentally dropped it. He looked down a small alleyway to see if it somehow shuffled its way there, though he was sure he wouldn't find anything at that spot. Then he noticed a small, out of place white box hiding behind some garbage bags. Jin picked it up and popped it open. Lo and behold it contained Duel Monsters cards, maybe it was the guy's deck.

"Oh that's my deck! I must've dropped it or something. Thanks! Oh and nice to meet you Jin." The front card of that deck had an extra deck monster. It was Red Eyes Meteor Dragon.

"Yeah, no problem man. I'm a duelist myself, so I wouldn't want to lose my cards either," he said. Jin thought about his deck being with Moyashi. He hoped he did the right thing trusting her with his cards. He was working on ideas for his next iteration of his deck and had been in and out of the card shop buying packs and specific cards for the tournament. Recently it hit him, that there were a lot more options besides the warp psychics he'd been comfortable using. Then he snapped back to reality and looked at Martin with a goofy look, remembering to hand the deck box to him. 

"Yeah it would really suck if I did lose my cards. Where are you headed?" He asks thinking that he doesn't have much to do right now. Also he would politely receive his deck box back from Jin.

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"Umm good question," Jin replied, "I'm thinking of going back to my apartment and calling it a day or going to the card shop to pick up some more Duel Monster packs. I spent most of my day in the library studying, I really need a break." He leaned back against the wall of a nearby building trying to decide on what to do. If he was gonna spend  the rest of the day with Martin, he might as well head off to the card shop to pick up some packs. Maybe Jin would get lucky today and pick up the cards he was looking for. The last cards he was looking for were a couple of Psy-frame Synchros that were pretty rare.

"Yeah I know what you mean. College really wears you down. I keep remembering how burnt out I was after finals. Ugh," he said with a bit of a gloomy face before changing the subject.

"Well I'm basically free for the rest pf the day. I'll come to the card shop with you if you want. Watcha aiming for?"

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