Main RP

Sitting a ways away from the hype and confusion of the main dueling area were two people sitting at a battle box, one obviously more interested than the other. "It's your turn, Rush. Rush? Rush!" The young woman shouted to her opponent, waiting for him to make his move. "Hm? What? Oh, sorry, man. I spaced out there for a sec." Rush said as he snapped back to reality. "Umm, let's seeeeee... since you put down a field spell and have another card face down in the back, I'ma use this card and destroy 'em." He stated as he flashed Twin Twisters to his opponent before putting it in his graveyard. With a slightly distasteful look, the woman took her Dragonic Diagram and placed it in her graveyard. That look quickly turned into cocky smile as she flipped up the card in her spell and trap zone revealing her trap card, Ethereal Wyrmterfall. "Before I send this to the graveyard, I'll activate it's effect and send two of my Wyrm monsters from my hand to the grave and then draw three cards. Don't you worry, you'll be seeing more of these guys later." She stated with a little sass added on at the end. Rush nodded in acceptance as he flicked through the cards of his hand reading them all while trying to think up the easiest combo. His hand had some alright combo potential, but Rush couldn't really put his finger on what they were right now. He could clearly see an easy one, so he just went with that. "Okaaay... so first, I'm gonna put down this penguin guy, and he'll let me summon this puppy dog from my hand. Then I'll use his thing to look through my deck and grab out another stuffed animal or some scissors. You know, that sounds weirder out loud than it did in my brain." He said with an awkward look on his face. With a small shrug, he grabbed his deck and sifted through it multiple times. After a minute or two of looking, he pulled out Fluffal Bear and set his deck back down. "Sorry 'bout that, I kinda forgot what I was doing." He said with a smile while his opponent only rolled her eyes and sighed. "Okie dokie, now I'll just put this bear friend into my grave yard so I can grab out a Toy Vendor from my deck." "Hey, I just noticed something. You didn't draw when you began your turn." "Really? Huh, well I guess it doesn't really matter." He replied, placing his deck back down with his Toy Vendor in hand. "Now that I have this, I'll activate it and shove my fluffy wings to the grave and draw a card." The card that he drew was the perfect card for this situation, Edge Imp Sabres. Well, it would've been perfect if he remembered to use the spell card in his hand to get a polymerization. "Since this card isn't a fluffal, I have to send it to the grave as well." At this point it has been a good ten minutes since Rush started his turn and his opponent was visibly irritated, not that Rush would've known. "I don't remember what I was going to do next, so I guess I'll just end my turn." Taken aback by the young man's moronic actions, the woman was hesitant to start her turn thinking that perhaps he was just trying to throw her. But before she even had a chance to speak, Rush spoke up. "Oh hey, do you think that you could maybe shuffle my deck for me? I'm not that great at it." With that statement in her mind, the woman simply pressed the surrender button, gathered her cards together, and left without saying a word or even offering her opponent a handshake. 

Confused with what just happened, Rush gave a quizzical look to his opponents back before shrugging his shoulders and gathering his cards together. Feeling that now would be a good a time as any, Rush got up and started walking deeper into the city towards all the ruckus in hopes of finding something to keep him occupied until he deemed it necessary to return home..



After the duel, Jin would be met by a person dressed in black robes. His hoodie would cover his head but the face was still visible, however his face was guarded by a mask that is split down the center with black on the left and white on the right. Also there would only be two half circles on both sides which were opposite of each other. There was something strange about this man, as if he was in one of those mysterious cultists. At the same time the atmosphere seemed strange since there weren't that many people and as such it was just him and Jin. 

"I would wish to duel you," he said as he revealed his duel disk which was on his left arm. The robed man was clearly looking for a duel and seemed to only be interested in dueling Jin. 

Jin Ishimoto

"Yo, I guess have time for a duel, how about it. I accept your offer," he replied as he mounted his duel disk onto his arm. "What an odd person though," he thought to himself. The clothes and the atmosphere changing. Something just didn't feel right right about this guy. Plus out of all the duelists, he seemed only interested in dueling him. Well that was not a problem for Jin, a challenge is a challenge, and it was not often that he would receive them, since he was not the type of person that would invite challenges. Jin grabbed a deck from his bag and threw it into his duel disk, it shuffled the cards around and displayed his life point counter. "Here we go," he said to himself.

D'arby noticed the young man approaching him and flashed him grin in response to his compliment.  "Much obliged, friend.  Although I will have to correct you as you've made a mistake with your compliment.  While my deck does rely on luck it is not simply a 'luck deck.'  This is a gambler's deck which has been passed down and improved with every generation of my once highly esteemed family."  Sitting up from the park's bench, the first thing D'arby noticed about him was that he was quite tall, even taller then himself.  "Although I suppose I can't blame you, the D'arby family name has seen itself out of the limelight for quite some time now I'm afraid."  Extending his hand in a most elegant way, D'arby looked him dead in the eye wearing a smug smirk that would put Bandit Keith to shame.  "Francis C. D'arby, but please, just call me D'arby.  I'm pleased to make your acquaintance, Mr..?" 

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Artyom listened closely to the man he was always interested in talking to people even though he wasn't very good at it so he always made an extra effort to listen when people we're talking with him, he was rather glad a lot of people are intimidated by his height but this man didn't seem to care. As Artyom listen to the man he made some mental notes such as not calling it a luck deck but a gambler's decks the next thing that caught his attention was the fact that he belonged to a 'once highly esteemed family' which put Artyom in a inner conflict does he treat him normally or does he treat him as someone higher up judging by how he was acting Artyom decided to just treat him as a normal person. Artyom looked down at the man now known as Francis C. D'arby or just D'arby as he liked to be called. Artyom extended his hand and grabbed D'arby's hand beginning to shake it, he attempted to avoid eye contact only to have it met by D'arby. "Haiba." He said quietly still shaking the mans hand. "Artyom Haiba and I apologize for mistaking your deck i've never quite heard of a gambler's deck before."

Sirius let out a sigh and a small shrug as the duel ended; he didn't like losing, but he lost fair and square. As long as he learned something from it, the duel wouldn't have been a waste.

As he gathered his cards and reset his disk, Moyashi wandered up to him and offered Sirius her hand and a few words. Sirius looked her over briefly, noting the more confident posture, then shook his head. "I won't shake your hand, Moyashi—at least, not yet. As far as I'm concerned, only equals get to show such signs of respect, and with the poor showing i put on today, you and I are certainly not equal. I learned from this, however, and you can bet I will put this knowledge to good use in refining myself and my deck. Next time, I'll be the one to challenge you, and perhaps then I can demonstrate this true strength you seem to see. That rematch may come sooner than you expect, so prepare yourself."

With that, Sirius turned and walked away, striding in his usual confident manner. He wondered for a brief moment if he had been too serious, then shrugged it off. Dueling was his livelihood, after all; he was supposed to take such things seriously.


A Black-robed Duelist


As Sirius was walking, he would be met with a black-robed duelist, the same that had met with Jin Ishimoto. The attire was the same, a black robe with a hood as well as a black and white mask with two half circles parallel to each other. It was basically just another black-robed duelist but it was a different person altogether. The only difference is that this duelist has a small yellow rhombus at the center top of the mask.

"I wish to duel you. I have seen your skills and wish to see them for myself," he says as he shows his duel disk indicating a request for a challenge.

@Brass Skeleton
The figure also activates his duel disk and waits for his opponent to begin. 

"Draw, first I'll activate One Day of Peace. We both draw 1 card and neither of us take damage until the end of your turn. I'll set one face down monster and end my turn."

The figure draws a card without saying anything. "I activate the Archfiend Palybrinth field spell. Next I summon my Archfiend Heiress and special summon my Commander. With that my Commander's effect activates and destroys my Heiress. Now my Heiress's effect activates from the grave as I bring a Archfiend's Roar from my deck to my hand. I set two cards face-down and end my turn."

"My turn, Draw. I'll tribute my face down monster to summon Overdrive Teleporter."

"I chain Bottomless Trap hole as it will destroy and banish your monster."

"Dammit, I'll end my turn."

"Draw. I summon my Archfiend Emperor, the first lord of horror, and I attack you with both of my monsters. Thanks to Palybrinth they gain a 500 atk power bonus. Then I end my turn with Horror being destroyed due to being normal summoned without a tribute."

"I summon DD Telepon. Then I'll use this spell card, Emergency Teleporter. With it, I can special summon one level 3 or less Psychic type monster from my deck So I'll special summon Psychic Commander. Now I'll tune my Psychic Commander and DD Telepon to Synchro Summon Magical Android," Jin exclaimed proudly. However, his heart sank once he realized that his Magical Android didn't even come close to matching the Archfiend's attack power. He foolishly went for the Synchro Summon without even gauging his hand and deck for better moves. "I end my turn," he muttered in dismay.

As the figure drew he looked to Jin. "I can see your potential. You have the potential to be a truly powerful duelist. Despite your misplay you can still become stronger. I summon another Archfiend Emperor, the first lord of horror. Then activate the equip cfaard, Falling Down, which will take control of your monster so long as I have an archfiend monster. I'll attack you directly in order to end the game."

The magical android would be the one to finish the remainder of his lifepoints as it ends the duel. 

"Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh," Jin yelled as his own monster attacked him. He fell over and landed on his back.

The figure would come on over and would extend his hand out in order to help up Jin. "You played your best. All you simply need is someone to lead you towards improvement." Jin grasped his hand and pulled himself up with the figure's help.

"Yeah, sure as if someone will. Most duelists right now are preparing for the tournament, sharing secrets to victory with another duelist is that last thing on anyone's mind."

The figure would look at him thinking about the various tournaments that generally take place. "What if I were to tell you that there is an upcoming secret tournament and only a few select duelists are invited? As well as the fact that you," he would take out a card but the only thing on the front was a normal monster font with an image of an invitation, "are invited to take part in this small competition?"

"Well then, I guess its worth a shot," Jin said as he accepted the card.

"Excellent. Now this tournament isn't exactly a regular one but it'll certainly be an interesting one. I dueled you in order to determine whether or not you have a potential to become better. Because of that I saw fit to give you that invitation card. You'll have to keep it at all times in order to enter. It won't be for a bit but you'll be informed later. As for someone to help you, why don't you ask Moyashi Waldlaufer? I'm sure she will teach if you ask with determination. I must take my leave now. I expect an interesting duel Jin Ishimoto." With that the Masked Robed Duelist leaves and suddenly disappears without a trace.

Jin looked at the card one more time and then looked back up, to see the figure had mysteiously disappeared. He headed off to look for Moyashi.


The raven haired male looked down at the girl a bit taken back by her words, sure it was true but out of all the things to reply with she chose a rather insulting observation just based off of his clothing. He sighed and shook his head as he stared back down at her with a much sharper gaze in order to match her glare. "Don't you think it's a little rude to judge a guy based on his clothing? I simply wanted to see what all this was. " He watched as she cut her deck and continued to shuffle it before speaking again. "If you're confident enough to sit out here and play fortune teller..then I'll bite and besides I've never really had my fortune told before, so it should be interesting." 


Without bothering to ask her simply took a seat across from the girl and wait'd silently for her to set up. He wasn't trying to be mean or anything but he was also a firm be liver in giving respect to others who showed the same in return, and she seemed to only be on her guard, especially since other duelist would probably make fun of her for doing something rather silly.  "So what's first?" 


He drummed his fingers lightly on the edge of the table as he looked around at a few of the duels going on. Around the area and even caught a glimpse of a tag duel before a crowd blocked his view, so he was forced to look back at the girl. "I'm Alexander by the way, but you can just call me Alex."



(Sorry for the late reply, these last few days were hell for me)
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Taking back his hand and using it to rub his chin, he examined Artyom's every visible physical detail with interest.  Suddenly, with a clap of his hands and a snap of his fingers he pointed quite dramatically at his new acquaintance and shouted, "Evrika!  You have revealed yourself to me, Artyom Haiba!"  Hovering his open right hand in front of his face, he grabbed it with his left and continued, "A Russian duelist, though he looks to be a giant brute in stature, he prefers the role of the quiet scholar!  Clumsy, observant, shy..  These are the words that best describe you!  You prefer to look on the bright side when it comes to other people, but perhaps you are a bit self-conscious."  Reverting from his pose back to his normal stance, he placed his hand on his hip and let the other hang loose.  "Well, did I get any of that right?  I'd like to fancy myself a good judge of character, my mother said I could've been a fortune teller had I not been born with the D'arby bloodlines gambling expertise!"  Giving a hearty chuckle, he patiently awaited Artyom's answer.

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"Hm?" Sirius was lost in thought, fiddling with his deck and some spare cards he always kept on hand, when he was approached for the third time that day by a stranger. This one was dressed oddly and cut right to the point; a duel to test his abilities.

Sirius paused for a second, slipping his deck back into his duel disk before responding. "...That's an odd getup on a day like today. What are you, some kind of cultist? ...I guess that's none of my business. If you wish to duel, so be it. Prepare yourself."

Whoever this guy was, he gave off strange vibes that disturbed Sirius. Hiding your identity was one thing, but this guy stood out like a sore thumb; or, at least, he would have, if anyone else had been around. The streets simply seemed abandoned as soon as this guy arrived. He was no average duelist, clearly. No point in wondering any further. I'll just duel him and see what he's got. Sirius readied his disk once again and drew his opening hand. standing at the ready.

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Artyom almost jumped out of his skin as D'arby clapped his hands and shouted 'Evrika' he was not expecting that in the least, he took a second to re-steady himself bracing for whatever this very eccentric man was going to say this person was not like anyone he had encountered before he was very unique to say the least. Artyom listened closely to the man and the more he said the more Artyom's mouth widened how did he know or guess all that. It was incredible. Artyom was impressed to say the least he really didn't know what to say this man was amazing someone very worthy of Artyom coming out of his shell and speaking to him that's for sure. "How...what." Arytom began trying to speak only getting mutterings of words coming out of his mouth he had never seen anything like that before he himself was a good judge of character but it usual takes him a good half an hour before he even has a outline of a person this guy got Artyom in a few minutes."That was incredible!" Artyom said finally getting some words out he wasn't quite shouting but his voice was definitely louder than usual. "You are totally correct about everything." Arytom said giving D'arby an applause. "Oh so I take it your a frequent gambler if so that would make sure why you seem so content with no offense but a deck that rely's solely on luck." Arytom said to be honest he found this man fascinating and hoped not offend him in any way.

Moshi raised her eyebrows and withdrew her hand, slightly irritated by the duelist's attitude, but entertained by the gesture nonetheless. "If that's how you see it, I'll remain in this city for the forseeable future, i'm sure we'll meet again, and when we do, I'll expect to see that very strength." Moshi spoke quickly and gave a small smile, before turning her head away, wandering off in the opposite direction, continuing her journey through this foreign city. She was pleased with the exchange, as this gave her something to look forward to, there was just something thrilling about inspiring others to improve, especially those who were perhaps overconfident beforehand.

Afterwards, she spent a few minutes exploring the rest of the park, observing duels and speaking to various regulars in order to increase her knowledge of the area. Soon after however, while taking a moment to rest on a park bench, she noticed a slightly familiar duelists walking past. As he came closer, she recognized him as the duelist who had first went up against Sirius. Perhaps he was also a high-level duelist?

The figure would go first and simply set a monster. "I end my turn."

Sirius drew a card from his deck and glanced over his hand. "My turn, then. First, I'll activate Upstart Goblin and give you one thousand life points to draw another card...perfect. I'll activate Resonator Call, which lets me add one Resonator from my deck to my hand. I'll add Red Resonator.'

'Next, because you control a monster and I do not, I can special summon Gillagillancer from my hand. I'll follow him up with Red Resonator and tune the two together! Rise, embodiment of my soul, Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend! Attack his face down monster!"

The monster would be destroyed to which the figure said, "XX-Saber Emmersblade's effect allows me to special summon another Emmersblade in defense position."

Sirius let out a small grunt. "I set one card face down and end my turn."

"I draw. Then I summon XX-Saber Boggart Knight and use it's ability to special summon X-Saber Pashuul. With that I also special summon XX-Saber Faultroll in attack position. Then I use Faultroll's effect to special summon another Pashuul from the grave. Then I sync my Pashuul with my Boggart Knight and Emmersblade in order to synchro summon XX-Saber Gottoms. Next Gottoms attacks your Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend following that a direct attack from my two remaining monsters. I use my Gottom's effect in order to randomly discard two cards from your hand using my two monsters as tribute. Then I end my turn."

"Tch. What a pain," Sirius grumbled, tossing two cards from his hand. "My turn, I draw...Exactly what I needed. I activate Soul Charge, letting me summon back any number of monster from my grave in exchange for one thousand life points each. I summon Scarlight, Red Resonator, and Chain Resonator! I'll activate Red Resonator's effect, letting me add Scarlight's Three Thousand attack to my life points. Next, I tune him with Red Resonator and summon Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Bane! With Bane's effect, I'll tribute Chain Resonator and summon Scarlight back to the field. I can't attack the turn I use Soul Charge, so I'll end my turn."

"I draw. I summon XX-Saber Fulhelmknight in attack position and I attack Scarlight once more with Gottoms. With that I end my turn once more."

"I draw. I'll go right into my battle phase! Bane, attack Gottoms!"

"Fulhelmknight's effect activates which negates the attack but only once while it remains face-up on the field."

"What an annoyance. I'll end my turn there."

"I draw and simply set the card I drew face-down and end my turn."

"My turn, draw." That face-down seems worrying. He didn't make a move on his turn, meaning he must have something planned to use on my turn... "I'll end my turn there."

"I draw and then I activate Pot of Duality." He searches the top three cards of his deck and reveals it to his opponent using the duel disk system. He selects XX-Saber Darksoul to his hand. "Then I normal summon it in attack position and use Darksoul to attack your Bane."

Sirius couldn't help but be confused by that. Attacking with a monster that's only got one hundred attack power? What's he planning?

Darksoul is destroyed which triggered Bane's effect. "In response to your Bane, I activate Saber Reflection! This can only be activated once I take battle damage or effect damage while I control an X-Saber monster. I gain life equal to what I took and inflict the same amount to you as well as search 1 Saber Spell/Trap to my hand which will be Gottom's Emergency Call. Then I'll use my other two monsters to attack the Resonators you summoned. I set down a card and end my turn. Darksoul activates and I fetch a XX-Saber Faultroll from my deck to my hand."

"Draw. I activate the spell card Twin Twisters! By discarding a card, I can destroy up to two spells or traps on the field. I'll destroy your face-down!"

"I chain Gottom's Emergency Call which I use to special summon Darksoul and a Fulhelm Knight in defense position!"

Great, a second Fulhelm. No point in attacking, then. "I end my turn."

"I special summon Faultroll and sync it with another to synchro summon Scrap Dragon. It's effect activates which I use to target Darksoul and Bane. With that I special summon another Faultroll and use it's effect to special summon Darksoul. Gottoms uses it's effect, tributing darksoul to take out another card in your hand. Then I attack directly to reduce your life to 0."

Covering his eyes with one arm as his life dropped to zero, Sirius let out an ugly scowl. Two losses in a row? This certainly is a rough day for me. What's this guy got planned next? "Alright, I dueled you. What is it you want?"

The figure slowly walks over until he is within about 5 meters in range of Sirius. He takes out what seems to be a Duel Monsters Normal Monster card but the image is an invitation. "I am here to invite you to a secret dueling competition that will occur soon enough. We already have one duelist invited and others will be scouted for this event. You have potential just like the other duelist and become much greater. Do you accept?"

Sirius eyed the figure curiously for a split second, then reached out a took the card. "Fine, then. I'll play along." If the other duelists this guy is inviting are as good as he is, then this'll be interesting.

"Please keep that with you at all times. In due time you will be contacted for further details. Until now you are free to do as you wish. Good bye Sirius Cowan," he says as he leaves and also mysteriously disappears.

Left standing in the middle of an eerily empty street, Sirius glanced at the card in his hand, then back up in the direction the figure disappeared to. "Well then. It seems things are about to get exciting around here."
"Moyashi, Moyashi, who is that," he said to himself. He recalled earlier that day that there was a girl that challenged Sirius right after he did. She was some sort of World Class d

Duelist that came from Germany to battle against duelists in this city. Jin wandered around back to the park only to find her sitting comfortably on a park bench.

"Ah, there you are," Jin called out to her. He walked up to the bench she was sitting on and sat beside her, "by any chance does your name happen to be Moyashi?"

D'arby continued chuckling as he was showered with praise from his new friend.  His one weakness, besides his handful of other weaknesses, was that he was a sucker for compliments.  Folding his arms, he closed his eyes and spoke with a satisfied tone in his voice.  "Yes, yes, you're right, of course.  As a man of the D'arby bloodline it is my natural talent as well as my solemn duty to gamble.  Nothing is too small or too great to bet on!  For instance, when I was a boy I bet one of my friends that I could go a whole day without using the word, 'the.'  Of course, I did lose that bet and as punishment whenever I play rock-paper-scissors I can only use paper."  Opening a single eye, he looked at Artyom coyly with his smile practically plastered onto his face.  "Just don't tell any of my opponents that, alright?"  In the distance, D'arby could see a black-cloaked figure roaming around eerily.  While this did seem to pique his curiosity, he thought that it probably would've been better to leave him be.  Bringing his attention back to Artyom, he would begin to explain his ways when it came to Duel Monsters.  "Duel Monsters is no exception, of course.  Most of my duels are only for the sake of earning money or cards, rarely ever for enjoyment.  I suppose you could say I'm making a living off of dueling."  Going down on one knee, D'arby removed his folder of cards from his backpack and opened it, displaying the entirety of his collection.  Rare and expensive cards such as Judgement Dragon and Trishula were kept on one half of the folder while the even more expensive limited edition cards such as Crush Card Virus and his newly attained Cyber-Stein were stored on the other.  "There are too many people to count who would pay good money for these cards and I intend to sell to them.  It's all for the sake of returning my family to its former glory."  Closing his folder, he stuffed it back into his backpack and stood once more after slinging it over his shoulder.  "What about yourself?  Is there anything interest I ought to know about the Russian duelist, Artyom Haiba?  For instance, what kind of deck do you use?  Do you play with your right, or left hand?  These are the kinds of things I must know if we're to get better acquainted!"

Artyom listened extremely closely D'arby mostly since this man now had his full attention after what he pulled not long ago Artyom was more than happy to spend time talking with this individual. He was fairly shocked to here that a duelist can only use paper in a game of rock-paper-scissors all because he lost a best least it proves that D'arby is a man of his word if he's still doing it after all. Artyom nodded when he asked him not to tell any of his opponents which is something he would never do fact is it's likely that Artyom if he ever versed D'arby would pick rock now that he knows he is handicapped to only picking paper but that's just because of who Artyom is not to mention it didn't really matter to Artyom if he goes first or second since his deck works wither way. Artyom continued listening intensely and was rather shocked to hear that D'arby only duels for profit and not for fun Arytom is the opposite he duels solely for fun unless it's a tournament then it's different mostly because it's normal for them to have a prize at the end. Arytom's eye sparked at seeing D'arby card collection he was always serious on many cards and this guy had a collection of cards he was most definitely interested in. Artyom could definitely believe that they are too many people to count that are willing to but those cards he would be one of them if they worked in his deck which they don't sadly. Arytom pointed to himself with a rather dumbfounded look on his face before he fully noticed what he was on about. "My deck well I use a Deskbot deck and play with my left hand." Arytom said pausing for a second he was slightly confused. "How come you need to know them sort of things if we're going to get better acquainted is that what normal people need to know I don't get out much so I wouldn't know."




[SIZE= 12px]D. Pushed through halting steps; the sun's rays guided him; the sound of murmurs encouraged him. And onlooker would see a someone wearing a large blindfold, in truth, the onlooker would be completely correct. However, the onlooker would not have guest this mysterious blind had no dog or stick, but the onlooker would figure that out after watching D. bump into a plethora of lamppost and, as he is currently, holding on to a screaming stranger. [/SIZE]

"...The best duelist of them all, come out for your fall..."

 As the words left his mouth, D. realized he had found himself in a bathroom. He pulled down the blindfold and returned to the streets of the sprawling city. 1) Figure out what's the name of the city. 2)Return to finding a strong duelist. D. found a newspaper stand, out of business, so he tried to accumulate enough information by peaking at strangers' phones, in between blindfold breaks. 
"Here we are ma'am, this is the place right?" a taxi driver said to the woman in the back seat. "Yes, this is it. Thank you for the lift, here's your tip for your trouble" the woman reached into her purse, pulled out $50 and gave it to the taxi driver. A much higher price than what the taxi driver even wanted. "Th-Thank you miss!" the driver said happily. "No problemo, treat yourself to something nice." The woman grabbed her bags and stepped outside, a looming building filled with apartments stood in front of her. Her purple hair flowed with the strong wind, and her blue eyes sparkled against the sunlight. She made her way into the building and took herself to the top floor into an apartment that looked over the city. She set her stuff down and walked to see the huge city around her. "So this is the big city huh, i imagined it to be more... big." she stepped away from the window and unpacked her stuff, beneath her pile of clothes was her old duel disk. "Oh yeah, i had almost forgot why i had come here." she thought to herself. She pulled her deck out of the disk and flipped through the cards, pulling out the card 'Archfiend Heiress' and smiling. "It's been a long time since I've used you all, but it's good to know that throughout everything that happens, you all never change." she said as she shuffled her deck and put it back in her duel disk. "I've needed a vacation like this for a while, it takes me back. It makes me think of the time i spent dueling when i was just a child. But I've grown a lot since then, now i'm much stronger than i used to be." she said to herself, overlooking the city. "Well if there's a time and place for me to get back into dueling it's now." She thought to herself as she descended from the apartments through the elevator. She put her duel disk on and went out for a walk in the city. Eventually, she spotted a newspaper stand with a boy wearing a blindfold by a newspaper stand. seemingly moving his head towards passerby's. The woman approached the kid and leaned against the side of the newspaper stand and talked to him. "You know these newspapers aren't exactly in braille right? If you've lost your cane or dog, i can help take you back to your home if you need me to." She said to the kid she had assumed was blind.

Moshi tightened her scarf as the wind picked up slightly, before she once again noticed the duelist, Jin, who now approached her. "That's right. You were the boy who duelled Sirius before me, correct? I didn't catch your name." She stood up and tilted her head, observing the boy for a moment, trying to detect what his intentions were. He didn't seem to be aggressive at least, which was good news. "Can I help you with something?" She asked curiously, it was always a good idea to get to know people in a new place, if she could befriend him, things would be much more simple from here onwards. @TPBx (Sorry for the delay)
Nodding as he spoke, D'arby took in everything Artyom had to say with great interest.  "Deskbots, eh?  I'm not too sure why you'd use those kinds of cards, it doesn't suit you very well in my groomed opinion, but like I said that's just an opinion.  And you said you play with your left hand?  The same goes for me, only I'm actually right-handed.  That's what I get for losing another bet I suppose."  Laughing to himself, he walked up to Artyom, gave him a pat on the shoulder with the left hand he spoke of and walked past him only to stop a few feet away.  Turning his head back to look at Artyom as he asked what his questions had to do with getting to know him, he smiled and turned the rest of his body around.  "No, Artyom, most people don't ask questions like that when first getting to know someone.  Most people would ask you what your favorite color is or what kinds of food do you like to eat.  Not me though, none of that stuff interests me.  I feel you can get to know a person better from knowing their hand preference and from how they duel.  People should only ask questions when the answer matters, you know what I mean right?"  D'arby looked Artyom in the eye once again and what he saw was potential profit.  Not as big as what he earned from the tourist maybe, probably a lot smaller than that.  Stuffing one hand into the pocket of his pants while the other latched onto the strap of his backpack, he spoke up once more, "You know, if we really want to get to know each other better, we should maybe have a duel.  What better way is there when it comes to judging someone's true character?"  Pointing to a nearby Duel Arena with his free hand, he asked, "How about we head on over there and get a duel started?  I can tell just from looking at you that you're still curious about my gambler's deck, and like I said I want to get to know you better.  You have time, don't you?"  Once again flashing a toothy smile, D'arby waited with less than bated breath.

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Trap Monster Deck






Len "D." Samson

A soft voice perked D.'s ears. The voice had some strength to it, the need for relaxation, D. knew he was speaking to a frail middle aged man.  He would have to make sure to be careful with his words in order to not the break the man, however frail men made incredible dumps of information. D. Tightened his blindfold. He inched toward the voice and slightly leaned his neck toward the man. D. spoke with a voice as smooth as a Southerner's butter.

" Nice to meet you, no I have no need of a can or dog. I'm here to have a little fun, do you know where I might find the strongest duelist in the city by any chance-hoping to have a friendly game and learn a few things-make a friendship-and learn some new things about life."

D. smiled of the same brilliance of a graceful peacock gliding in the rain as it had just learned to fly and could show off to the other miserable, evil, torturous peacocks what good fortune the peacock had achieved while at the same time being humble about the gift as the peacock knows of the possibility of a sudden demise by plane or even ambitious trains. 

"Here we are ma'am, this is the place right?" a taxi driver said to the woman in the back seat. "Yes, this is it. Thank you for the lift, here's your tip for your trouble" the woman reached into her purse, pulled out $50 and gave it to the taxi driver. A much higher price than what the taxi driver even wanted. "Th-Thank you miss!" the driver said happily. "No problemo, treat yourself to something nice." The woman grabbed her bags and stepped outside, a looming building filled with apartments stood in front of her. Her purple hair flowed with the strong wind, and her blue eyes sparkled against the sunlight. She made her way into the building and took herself to the top floor into an apartment that looked over the city. She set her stuff down and walked to see the huge city around her. "So this is the big city huh, i imagined it to be more... big." she stepped away from the window and unpacked her stuff, beneath her pile of clothes was her old duel disk. "Oh yeah, i had almost forgot why i had come here." she thought to herself. She pulled her deck out of the disk and flipped through the cards, pulling out the card 'Archfiend Heiress' and smiling. "It's been a long time since I've used you all, but it's good to know that throughout everything that happens, you all never change." she said as she shuffled her deck and put it back in her duel disk. "I've needed a vacation like this for a while, it takes me back. It makes me think of the time i spent dueling when i was just a child. But I've grown a lot since then, now i'm much stronger than i used to be." she said to herself, overlooking the city. "Well if there's a time and place for me to get back into dueling it's now." She thought to herself as she descended from the apartments through the elevator. She put her duel disk on and went out for a walk in the city. Eventually, she spotted a newspaper stand with a boy wearing a blindfold by a newspaper stand. seemingly moving his head towards passerby's. The woman approached the kid and leaned against the side of the newspaper stand and talked to him. "You know these newspapers aren't exactly in braille right? If you've lost your cane or dog, i can help take you back to your home if you need me to." She said to the kid she had assumed was blind.

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"Never said you were, although can't deny that I can see it," Midori replied as she watched him take the seat across from her, "Although, I will apologize if you took it that way. You shouldn't feel bad on your failure of comprehension and my own for confusing you," She said, being 'a little bit' passive-aggressive with her words (unintentional as usual). Once her deck was shuffled, she placed on the deck space on the Battle Box's map when he was distracted with the outside world, Midori wouldn't believe him if he said he was superstitious. The man- correction Alexander, now that he had introduced himself now that whatever he had gotten himself interested with either passed or no longer there. "My name is Midori Fuunakoun, you can find a nickname if you want. I think Fuuna would work nicely actually, just don't call me by my first name." The green-haired Japanese recalling that the Americans usually had called each other by their first name with a few exceptions, adding the last portion after a small pause.

Midori grabbed the first card, flipping it over on the side closest to her, a small burst of air circling around the card for a brief moment once she placed it down,  revealing a green haired pixie with long hair that was almost shaped as wings on both sides holding a staff in front of her, pointing it towards Alex. "Fortune Lady Hu, huh, your fortune today isn't too bad.  Your lucky number today is three, Your lucky color is Green, Your lucky item is a plant, you should get one of those to increase your luck today. And... You might find something that you lost, did the deliq-" She stopped herself from calling him that again, "Alex, did you lose anything recently or maybe did you lose it a while ago that you always wanted back? Something like a black leather jacket that you took off but never could find again," 


"Well you'll have to excuse me for not taking your tone the have an interesting way with words."  He sighed and watched as she set her deck up, his eyes wandering from the small tabletop and back outside of the box for a moment, part of him actually wanted to get up and just leave but another half wanted to sit through it and see if the girl was legit or just weird like he expected. 


"Right now I could think of a couple names to call you, But  I suppose it's nice meeting you Fuuna."  He said as he watched her place a card onto the map, looking over the monster as it materialized on the field and aimed it's staff at him. It didn't seem like much of a threat but he'd often heard some fortune lady decks could be really powerful when built correctly. "Hmm three, green, and plants? Sounds like some scheme to get me into gardening, then again it could involve money." He chuckled to himself before glaring at her as she almost slipped up again.


He paused for a moment as he thought, ignoring her leather jacket comment. "Actually..I lost my dog tags, it's kind ofmy good luck charm since it was a gift from my dad and I rarely take them off, I've been going crazy trying to find it." He while trying to recall the last place he saw them. "Looks like you weren't crazy after all, now the next step is finding it."  He sighed and scratched at his head as he thought for a moment.

The woman responded to his polite inquiry. "Sorry I've got no idea who the best duelists are here. I just came in from out of town on vacation and i'm getting back into dueling again. When i dueled a few years ago i was one of the best duelists around and the best among my comrades. The name's Zinnia by the way." she said as she extended her hand to the kid but then realized that the kid couldn't possibly see her hand so she had retracted it back to her. "So what's with the blindfold? Normally you don't see people wearing blindfolds regularly in a big city. Aren't you afraid of pickpockets?" she asked inquisitively towards him. 

Zinnia stood against the cold metal wall of the newspaper stand. Her suit was black and clean, accentuated by a white collared shirt beneath and her royal purple tie. A red circular gem accentuated the tie as it's tie pin, glistening off of the sun. She folded her arms as she leaned against the wall of the stand.

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