Main Rp Thread

When Amelia came in, a smile lit up on the king's face. "Ah," Triton said to the women's "Welcome, I will discuss negotiations about the Hyadian Way shortly, I have to deal with this man standing here,". He turned to the man and said "All need is to see that you have control over the Force, that's all I ask of you. I need to make sure that you are not a scavenger and if you lift that crate over there,". He pointed to a crate on the other side of the room and continued "I will give you the Telosian Academy for your group to use,".

@Pyromancer88 @Robyn Banks
Asura thought long and hard about where he was going to go but eventually elected to go to the Mandalore. As he sat traveling through Hyperspace in a small starship he recounted his logic over why he chose to go to Mandalore. He figured New Republic pressure would largest here and even though he works for the New Republic he didn't feel that it should rule over territories it doesn't have to. He doesn't want any of the other seemingly okay Empire submitting to New Republic rule but rather form an alliance instead. He also recieved a report an ambassador from the New Republic was also dispatched to Telos, which is farther down the path. One may ask whyhe was against complete unity, because the last one power controlled most of the galaxy it became the Empire. With one power ruling over all it's tp easy for the Galaxy to fall into the wrong hands in the blink of eye. He would be having this conversation with other notable factions. Besides they may not take it well if the only option offered is to submit, so an alliance is a better choice for two good reasons.
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Draxan nodded at the Kings request and turned. He looked at the crate and extended his hand.When he did that he felt the familiar tingle inside of him as if he had been on a roller coaster. The crate lifted of the ground and glided to the center of the room as if by its own. When Draxan was happy with his work he turned back to the King with satisfaction.

"This should prove to you that I am no vulture and that I am here on honest reasons. Now I would ask you to allow The Order to establish a base and return to glory the academy on telos.  In return I will send my men to be generals in your armies. I think that the galaxy as well as us benefit from an agreement my lord. If there is something you do not agree with please say so so that I may fix it.",he said looking one more time at the woman and then back towards the king.


 @Robyn Banks
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Triton was stunned when he saw the man's display of the force. "A Jedi?" he thought "And he wants to establish his new order on Telos plus make his followers generals? That's going to be quite the boom,". He stood up and said "Yes, I agree with your terms plus I will allow you to advertise yourself to the people in my kingdom and will recommend all force sensitives to go to your outpost,". He then stood up and said "Seeing as we are partners now in war, I guess it'll be fine if we discuss my plans with you in here,". He motioned his guards to leave as he didn't want pricing eyes on this conversation. He then pressed a button to show a holoprojecter projecting a map of the galaxy with the Hyadian Way highlighted. He then said "Before you contacted me, I was contacting Commander Amelia about opening up the Hyadian Way for New Republic military use. For a long time, I have kept military affairs out of the Hyadian Way and the Empire has been to busy to stop me however, with the Emperor and Lord Vader dead, I believe it is time to throw my lot fully with the Republic so Amelia, these are my conditions for allowing you to use the Hyadian Way. One, The Telosian Dominion would have its independence guaranteed and would not be taken over by the Republic. Two, we ask for 20 new frigates and 3 new destroyers to be added to our fleet. Three, once Coursaunt is liberated, we ask that The Order would be allowed to establish a base in the old Jedi Temple. So, do we have a deal?".


@Robyn Banks
She returned the smile to King Triton before he turned his attention to the man. She looked at the jedi with wonderful in her eyes as he performed . It wasn't everyday a person could see a crate levitating. BB-9 gave his own comments of the matter until Amelia shushed him. She listened to their negotiation of the jedis becoming generals though she had her opinions,  she thought it was best to keep it to herself. 

"I am pleased that you have selected me to negotiate ths current matter but I am merely a commander of a flight squadron...  However I am sure that my superiors will respect my choices. I think Telos deserves the right to be an independent society as well as receive what you desire since it will be an act of good will to your highness in the incoming battles. The base it is the only thing I am skeptical about." she adjusted herself to more of a confident yet comfortable posture before continuing on. "You are aware of the low numbers of Jedis in our galaxy. To built a base within the old temple would seem disrespectful to me. It holds so much history and can easily be seen as a landmark.  I don't think that would be the best choice for the location.  Perhaps your grace is willing to reconsider? "
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Draxan nodded to the king and gave him the kindest of smiles he could muster. Now that Draxan had permission to establish the order in Telos and had the resources to find new force users the academy would be well put to use. He would contact the head scribe at the base in Lwheek to notify him of all the new knowledge they would have access to. When the king mentioned in his negotiation about establishing another branch of The Order in Coursant it would be almost too much to cope with. 

Then it would be the woman's turn to speak her view on the subject matter. Draxan admired her honest and confident tone. One does not usually find that in most people. She seemed to agree with everything except the use of the old temple on Coursaunt. This made him unsure if uniting with the rebels witch followed the old Jedi principles more than accepting the way of Draxans teachings. When she stopped speaking all eyes fell on the king wanting to hear his response to the new terms of the rebels.
Telos: High Security Prison Q4-02:

GW-01 looked upon the crowd looking at her with dead silence after she sent the message. Suddenly another message came from the holocommunicator. It was Triton. All he did was thank her for the information though. There was a sigh from a woman in the audience after the fact that all he did was thank her.

"Do you think they will actually do anything about the violent riots?" One of the men said.

"Perhaps." GW-01 replied "My business is done here, although before I leave the planet I will visit the city of Thani to see one of these riots myself. If you get another message from Mr. Braden, please inform me immediately. You are dismissed."

GW-01 slowly left the room. When she left the door, she looked to her right to see her battledroid guard and she nodded to him to motion him to escort her to her next destination. They began walking silently, not making eye contact with any of the people that they walked by.

"Where are we headed next, sir?" The battledroid asked.

"Back to my starship." GW-01 simply stated.

They went through the hanger doors and went into the hanger where a magnificent ship stood. It was the standard ship given to all GW units. It was a black one-seated starship. It was fast and efficient. It may not have the strongest defense but it's offence had a large supply of rapidly firing blaster bolts. The two droids approached the ship, gazing upon it.

"You are dismissed." GW-01 said to her battledroid bodyguard.

As the battledroid was walking away, GW-01 sat in her starship began to set a course to Thani. It wasn't to far from here. It was only about 15 miles. Suddenly, the ship started to come off the ground and soar out of the hanger of the prison, heading in the direction of Thani.

(GW Starships:


(The rules state there must be breaks for distanced so I am taking a break until my character gets to Thani, gets cleared for landing in Thani, and lands in Thani.)
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A feeling of rage could be seen in Triton's eyes when she said that it should not be made into an outpost again but into a museum and thought "You fucking moron, we are in the presence of a Jedi who wants to rebuild the Order and you say "No, let's make it a museum!". You disgust me,". He knew he had to calm his emotions to get the Hyadian Way treaty done so he then said begrudgingly "Fine, I will retract the third clause so, I guess we have a deal?"
"You have misheard me. I so not plan to make it a museum. Its clear that the order obviously have different beliefs than the traditional Jedis which is why is is not your choice to decide. You didn't even trust this man until he demonstrated his power to you a moment ago and yet you are more than offer so much." Though she seemed calm, her blood felt like it was boiling. "If I may be honest, your recent... Reaction makes it almost illuminate the fact that you aren't use to rejection. Maybe you should work on us temper, an opponent my think of this as weakness.... Again I am only a commander, it will be best to ask my superiors.  I wish also not to disgust you any longer." She bowed out of respect."Good day,your highness." She said before she and BB-9 walked out the door.
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(Uh, you do realize he didn't say that out loud and only thought of it in his head, right?)

@Robyn Banks
Location: Dromund Kaas

Word had spread that the Galactic Empire, previously known as the Galactic Republic was beaten by the Rebel Alliance. Yet, it splintered and turned into different small empires by different people. It didn't matter for Xacrirish, they were still the same traitors of decades ago. However, now with the Empire beaten and the death of their leaders, she could expend her numbers. The thing she needed now was a way to produce more ships or take them. A shipyard would've been useful too, but she wouldn't have the resources or manpower to build one and build a fleet with it. She had limited options with her objectives, to strengthen her army as much as she can without drawing too much attention from the rest of the Galaxy. She wasn't ready for war yet. For now, she thought and considered her options.

It is possible to any remaining Jedi, if there were any other survivors, to rebuild the Jedi Order. They are an enemy too. Because they let their guard down, they got into this position. And even if she didn't consider them an enemy, they would consider her an enemy.

Yet one of the most disturbing things she heard of was the New Republic. They were rebuilding the Republic, its flawed ways that let to the betrayal. It made her blood boil with anger. She expected the same to happen at the end of the Clone Wars soon with this 'New' Republic. Yet, for the sake of the Galaxy, she hoped it wouldn't happen again.

In the midst of Mandalore's desert stood the domed city of Sundari. It once was the capital of the world under the New Mandalorians, but war and Death Watch had broken their pacifistic ways. They were brought back into the way of true Mandalorians by the likes of Fenn Shysa and Mandalore the Resurrector, leaving the city mostly abandoned. Now, it too would serve the true Mandalorians. 

The third wave of drop ships touched down on one of the still functioning landing pads, dropping off soldier, several craftsmen, and Mandalore the Witch. She looked up the walls of the dome with some disdain. At least these dar'manda could build structures that lasted, even if their society couldn't.

A trio of soldiers from the first wave, led by Zilas Gahalt, jogged up to Serpha as she walked in to the dome from the pad.

"Looks good, Mand'alor." Zilas reported, walling in step beside his wife. "Local Protectors have kept the city clear of uninvited guests and already has several industrial centers to build off of."

"In what condition?" Jax Desh, one of the best armor smiths of the Clans, asked as he and the other crafters followed Serpha.

"A little run down, but serviceable." Zilas replied over his shoulder. "Even managed to get the generators and forges running."

Serpha let out an inaudible sigh of relief as she heard the murmurs of approval from the craftsmen. The soon this place was working, the better. After a few more steps, she turned and faced her crafters.

"Then you had best get to work." She ordered. "Use as many of the Protectors and my clansmen as you need."

The craftsmen nodded, then headed to the factories with all of the second wave of soldiers. 

"How are the defenses?" Serpha asked Zilas.

"There's a few strongpoints inside the dome and traps set up by the Defenders." He said. 

"Alright, I have blaster cannons and missile systems coming in on the 5th wave." She continued. "We'll get them up and running till more proper I placements can be manufactured. That should free up some Fangs when done."

"Sounds good." Zilas said with a nod. "And if we get visitors early?"

"We'll be polite and listen to them." Mandalore the Witch replied. "Once our defenses are completed, only Mandalorians and our allies will be allowed in beyond the old customs sheds."

"Got it. I'll spread the word."

Zilas touched his helmet where his mouth should be with two fingers, then touched the same fingers to Serpha's helmet where her lips should be. Serpha clasped his hand for a moment then let him go. It has been a couple of weeks since she had last seen him, but a proper reunion would have to wait until the waves were garrisoned and Sundari was more fortified.

Asura's one seater ship exited Hyperspace and he now cruised towards Mandalore, it wasn't too far from the Hyperspace route so the journey was quick and short. He could see the orbital defense force or rather they came up on his scanner. He made sure to disengage all weapon systems and to slow to cruise control so they wouldn't shoot him on sight. As he flew into their range he was met by two guiders who began a dialogue. 

"Identify yourself and your business." came a voice over the comm as a holoprojection appeared, it was rough likely from speaking mando'a which from experience is a very rough sounding language in general. It was almost nostalgic hearing that accent again from back when he was here fighting alongside Fenn Shysa being a pain in the Empire's ass.

He replied "I am Asura Krynn of the New Republic Special Operation team, formerly served under Fenn Shysa and a native to this planet. I have come to speak with your Mandalore about pressing matters concerning the future of this world's relationship with the New Republic."

"But you don't seem Mandalorian, which makes me inclined to believe your lying." The projection replied. 

"I was born here, but I am not a True Mandalorian. I am a Matukai my mother took shelter here and gave birth to me here. We aided Fenn Shysa in exchange to remain here." 

"Figured that was nothing but propaganda based around a Mandalorian warrior skilled with a spear. Your ship shall be scanned and then you'll be permitted and guided to our world. Note any hostility or suspicious actions will he met with the ferocity of our warriors."

Asura waited a few minutes while his ship was thoroughly scanned and then bracketed by two guide on ships. They guided him down into the atmosphere and then the port on the edge of Sundari. He ship descended through an opening in the dome before landing on a free landing platform. By now the orbital defense forces would have notified the Mandalore that she has a visitor.

He climbed out of his ship and grabbed his wan shen placed it in the magnetic strap on his back. Hopefully his wan shen being made of beskar will soften up the Mandalore a bit to listen to what he has to say.

Telos - In Orbit

"This is Sioto Yuniva from the Rebel Alliance, requesting permission to land," Sioto stated over comm channel.

"Please state your verification code," Control replied. Sioto quickly went through a bunch of them on a hologram. He found the one he needed then spoke again.

"S, P, 1, 2, 9, 2, O, 1, X, " he enunciated clearly to make sure the message got through.

"Alright you're cleared for docking, dropping shields," Control replied after a minute.

An Imperial Lambda Shuttle touched down in the hangar bay, placing itself next to several other different spacecraft that were stationed there. The shuttle itself was customized with all different sorts of paint jobs, pin ups, etcectera covering its wings and fin to distinguish it from the metallic white color that was the default color. Among those in the shuttle were Sioto Yuniva, a greenhorn smuggler who was still trying to grasp the ropes of the business; he was formerly a gifted soldier in the Imperial Marine Corps turned Rebel and smuggler after the Battle of Endor. Sioto's mentor in the business, Luis Galahad, was actually younger than Sioto by a couple years but was far more experienced in the career. The two of them and a handful of other crew members that stayed behind on the frigate in orbit ran jobs to help Rebel Alliance forces that were still under the grip of the various Imperial Sects and other tyrannical forces spread throughout the galaxy. Today, they were going to meet with the other Rebel Forces stationed on Telos as well as possibly have an audience with King Triton of Telos. 

"You did good," Luis said, "as expected of a Correlian, you're a decent flyer, I can see why you didn't get into the TIE Program though, that was a bit of a shaky take off."

"You know those were some awful launch conditions," Sioto sighed.

"Trust me, I've been through worse."

"I'm amazed that you can say that there's anything worse than being chased by a pack of Felucian Rancor."

"Ever tried outrunning a flying Wrathtar, a flying Wrathtar," Luis said, "I still have nightmares man. Anyways we have business to take care of, for us smugglers, time is money." 

Sioto nodded in agreement and followed Luis out of the Shuttle and into the hangar. They werwelcomed with the Telosian Security greeting them immediately welcoming them to their ship. They were visibly glad to see them, and it was nice to be welcomed with such hospitality in a foreign land. "Is the King busy right now," Sioto asked the Security Chief, "we would like to request an audience with him." The Chief told him that he was currently meeting with someone, but he would be available shortly. Sioto thanked him, and with Luis they marched off to the throne room with an escort of a couple of guards.

@Broncos @Robyn Banks @Pyromancer88
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In the privacy of her claimed quarters, Serpha took off her helmet and set it on a table. She dropped into a chair and allowed the fatigue she felt show. Watching and mediating for her people was a consuming job, and some of the blasted clans wanted to control more space. Those who wanted to rule the entire galaxy baffled Serpha. It wasn't bloody worth it. 

After a minute or so of just sitting, the built-in comlink in her helmet pinged. Groaning, Serpha picked up her helmet and slipped it on before responding.

"What fly has landed in the ointment?" She asked dryly.

"Now, why would there have to be a fly?" Zilas asked with a chuckle over the comms. "I could have good news."

"There is always a damn swarm of flies, dear." Serpha explained, her tiredness showing in her voice. "You should know this as well as I do."

"Yeah, but that's what precision blasters are for." He quipped back.

"Listen, honey, if all you are going to do is bother me, at least come he-" Serpha began.

"We've got a visitor incoming." Zilas said, his tone becoming a bit more business like. "One fighter sized ship, holding a New Republic agent named Asura Krynn. Says he worked for Fenn Shysa awhile back. Also mentioned being a Matukai."

Serpha sat up a little straighter as she digested this information. She had met a few Matukai disciples before, and generally liked their practical way of doing this with the force. She also respected Shysa, so if this Asura was telling the truth, he was worth some time.

"Alright, welcome him and see what he wants." Mandalore the Witch instructed. "I'll be along shortly after asking around about his story with the Protectors."

"Gotcha, boss." Zilas responded, then clicked off.


About a minute after Asura landed, Zilas stepped out onto the landing pad, waving away the guards who were keeping an eye on the visitor. 

"Asura Krynn, right?" He called out.

He took off his helmet and treated Asura to a toothy grin.

"I'm Zilas Gahalt, Manda'lor's personal errand boy. She sent me down to greet you. She might be a few minutes, so you might as well come in out of the heat."

Waving for Asura to follow, Zilas went to a customs shed that had been turned into a a guards room. There was a rack of weapons set up against one wall, and a crate of rations near the door. Zilas sat down on an empty crate, placing his helmet beside him. It was clear his right hand was sticking close to the blaster at his side and possibly other things. As a sign of respect, he didn't try to hide this from Asura.

"So, before the boss gets here" he began as soon as Asura came in, "I'm gonna go ahead and ask the obvious questions."

His left hand raised, one finger extended.

"What kind of pitch are you planning to use to get us to join your New Republic?"

A second finger extended.

"And do you want a drink?"

@Raikou Kaminari
Just as he sheathed his Wan Shen Asura was greeted by a warrior who called himself the errand boy of the Manda'lor. "Yes I am Asura Krynn." he said answering Zilas's question before he was invited inside. He followed Zilas not because the heat bothered him and he doubted it bothered Zilas either but was rather just a private place to speak. He took note not to try anything based on how close his hand was to his blaster, he was surprised he made it this far without anyone confiscating his wan shen. He would likely be asked to turn it over when the Manda'lor comes. As he entered the shed he grabbed an empty crate and set it opposite Zilas before seating himself, his wan shen slanting in its sheath.

The first question asked was an obvious one and the second one shocked Asura. He chose to answer the second one first. "Matukai don't drink alcohol it goes against our ways." Asura explained. "As for my pitch it's not what you'd think coming from a Spec Ops team operative and member of the New Republic. I actually want you guys to only form an alliance with the New Republic and sort of build an empire for yourselves in this region of space. One government ruling over all created the Galactic Empire and allowed it to seize power in the blink of an eye. The New Republic shouldn't rule over more territory than it has to. Several superpowers that can work together is a better idea then one ruling over all."

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Zilas looked first apologetic at Asura's answer to his second question, then intrigued by the answer to his first question.

"You're right, that's not what I thought you were gonna go with at all." He said truthfully . "Most of the people I've met from the New Republic, or the Rebel Alliance before that, tend to view the Old Republic with rose colored visors. Think you gotta be a barbarian or plottin' something to not want to join up."

The Lasat Mandalorian leaned back, eyeing Asura closely. Zilas agreed with his assessment of the situation and how it could keep things in balance. Damn, if these Matukai were looking to take over the Jedi's old job of keeping an eye on the Galaxy, they were on their way to having Zilas's vote.

"Now, while Mandalore isn't looking into expanding much, how do-" he began, but cut off when the door to the shed opened and Mandalore the Witch stepped in.

"Your professionalism is staggering as always." Serpha said dryly to her still sitting husband.

Zilas grinned at her.

"This is politics." He answered smoothly. "More cushy."

Grunting in response, Serpha turned her attention to Asura. She took off her helmet and nodded at him.

"You must be Asura Krynn. I'm Serpha Ordo, current Mandalore. I've spoken with a few Protectors who confirm your story." She informed him. "Because of your acts, you will be welcomed among the clans, though not allowed everywhere, due to your ties to the New Republic. If you are here to convince us to join, I'm afraid we-"

"No, dear." Zilas interrupted. "Our new friend wants us as an independent and friendly neighbors to his Republic."

"What?" Serpha asked, sounding incredulous.

"Yep." Zilas continued with a chuckle. "Made a good argument about how having different powers keep stuff like the Empire from happening again."

Mandalore the Witch give Asura a long, penetrating stare.

"And you think that's wise with my people's reputation?" She questioned.

@Raikou Kaminari
Asura stood like a soldier snapping to attention when an officer enters the room as Serpha Ordo Mandalore the Witch entered. He responded "Yes Mandalore." When she informed him of his clearances. He paid attention to how Zilas referred to her as "dear" which made him conclude they were married or at least together. She seemed to question whether he truly believed the Mandalorian should maintain independence. "The Mandalorians are powerful warriors more than capable of creating an empire and maintaining it as well as capable of ruling an empire justly. Even when your people rejected the ways of war systems still looked to this world so its proof that it's mean to lead other systems. I believe that is also a part or your reputation." Asura explained.

"Of course I may be biased because I grew up here and made my wan shen out of beskar. That decreased the necessity of separate powers no less and the fact Mandalore is capable of being a separate power.  The Galactic Republic failed us so why continue with such a system of government just like the jedi and their contradictory ways failed the galaxy both were responsible for stifling Mandalore. Besides, don't tell me you were all keen on being apart of the New Republic anyway." Asura finished.


Jatt sat in the metallic chair of the transport, he had slept only a short time since arriving on the world. His body swayed with his ship as it weaved through the spires of the city. His fingers drummed along his Lightsabers hilt as he waited impatiently, In a few short moments he would be at the Post station and he could finally send a communication to the mysterious supposed Jedi or whatever they were on Lwhekk. He had travelled a great distance to even get this far and his intel had led him home. His eyes rolled as he watched a mother and her child play together with a boxed headed droid. His envy burned within him in the most obvious of ways, he got up and made his way to the glass the post was finally in view. He adjusted his Robe and lifted his hood, his crystal blue eyes scanned the platform below as the transport landed. He waited as the transports doors opened, stepping out cautiously taking in his surroundings. 

He walked along the Pathway heading towards the large building, as he entered the large post he sat came to an older woman her skin as leathery as the flaps on Jatt's robes. He nodded at her "Excuse me, I seek a means to contact Lwhekk." He spoke softly. She directed him to the nearby consoles. Jatt approached them and entered the information into the holo screen Transmission sent. Moments later a hooded figure appeared on the holo-screen "How may we be of assistance?" the figure asked. A smirk spread across his face, "I am looking for the leader of the neutral Jedi, your Grey master" he said. The hooded figure crossed his arms "I am afraid that we cannot help you.." He said flatly. Jatt's condescending smirk faded from his face "I am not asking, Patch me through to him immediately it is of utmost importance" He said.

Jatt watched as the figure gave pause, before finally speaking again "What do you want with the master?" he asked. Jatt gritted his teeth "That is not your concern unless you are the master himself. Otherwise, patch me through I won't ask again." he said. The Hooded figure nodded "I'll see what I can do." He said with that he was gone.



Serpha listened to Asura with a blank expression on her face, digesting what he was saying. Of course, he was right, she had no interest in submitting her people to outside rule. But she also wanted to avoid an empire. When she took the mantle of Mandalore, Serpha had hoped to stop the infighting, better establish Jaster Mereel's Codex, and let her people choose their own battles. But the instability of the galaxy had forced her to take more steps to consolidate the clans and appease the more difficult ones. 

Plus the shear amount of bloody politics grew with taking the official stance of being an empire. 

"Hmm." Serpha finally responded. "You've got good points. And no, I'm not interested in joining the new Republic, and for a lot of the reasons you mentioned."

"Of course, the strength you spoke of and our history may make other factions nervous." Zilas pipped in as he examined his finger nails. "Of course, if the Empire still wants control, we'd have an enemy to occupy us."

Serpha caught Zilas's idle comment for the suggestion it really was. If they allied with the Republic, the Clans would have something to conquer and a worthy foe to glean honor from. That should make the clans that allied with Deathwatch happy.

"I'm guessing your superiors don't condone this plan of yours?" She asked. "Do they even know you are here?"

@Raikou Kaminari
"My superiors know I'm here they just don't know my plan, perks of being a Special Operative. " Asura replied. He paid close attention to the Mandalore watching as she thought this through. Asura could tell she was leaning to his side so now he just needed to cover points when brought up. "My superiors will thank me for negotiating an alliance with the Mandalorian Warriors something I don't think anyone else would have thought to do or that it was even possible. You just have to agree to be the best warriors than you can be and expand as much or as little you need to. As long as you have a sizable amount of systems under your protection at least, then you have a decent Empire to help maintain the balance within the galaxy." Asura finished.

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'Mandalore. The place I was born raised and where I'll be buried. I wonder how much It'll change if we enter the war. Heck, I wonder how much I'll change if we enter the war.....why am I thinking about this?  Of all the times I could, it has to be now, when I have no orders, no mission. I hope the Mandalore tells me to kill someone soon. Or even just guard someone or go to someplace. Anything!' Thought Oryx, a mandalorian assassin, perched on the edge of a cliff over looking a town. "Guess it's beating people up and shooting trees again." He said softly,  and got up. "Hope something good happens..."


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Travers Crofton, was rather conflicted as he left the Chief of Security’s office, the Emperor’s death was a destabilizing factor in the galaxy and there was sure to be a grab for power between the Empire’s remnants in the near future. The question was whether Crofton should back Nestor’s power play, he was obviously dedicated to his idea of “order” in the Empire, but the force powers were unexpected. On one hand, it gives Nestor an unexpected edge, however, it also meant that he would be rather unstable. If the actions of Lord Vader were anything to go by.

Perhaps it was time to reach out to the other players on the galactic scale, and judge what direction the winds blew before making a commitment.

“Fixer 2, get me a comm link with King Triton, and Serpha the Mand'alor. I would like to see their views on the current situation.

It was time to make a few “subtle” offers on the behalf of the Empire.

@rikunobodyxiii @Broncos

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Gacerian: Flashback 



The planet was rich in gems such as gacerite often found in the mines on the planet of Gacerian. But one individual found himself in the system for reasons far beyond that of gems and riches, he found refuge within the singing forests where his days were spent meditating, training, light study and contemplation as his mind focused on peace, a in tune connection to the force and patience as time passed and the right moment to leave behind his days of self exile and isolation would come to a end. The sounds of birds flying over head, chirping in the tree branches could be heard as the bearded Jedi meditated upon the ground , his eyes tightly closed and mind at peace while his body relaxed and his robes were worn lightly in the breeze. A curved silver hilt of a lightsaber seen at his waist hanging from his leather belt while he remained on sitting on the ground with bent and crossed legs. The feel, the sense of the force guiding him as the Jedi knight Kelko Durin known often as Kel  to those knowing of him, contemplated a departure from the singing forests and the planet of Gacerian all together as the time felt near. Whether a new order could be assembled and founded  was unclear, whether one would ever occur was unknown. But to Kelko a sense of  change seemed to be on the horizon, time to make his mark on what that change would be and help one side over another or take one side and help them achieve common goals would arrive sooner rather then later. After years on the planet within the singing forests after the death of his master, Kelko would find himself leaving his home for the past years and move on toward a new path in life and new role. 

Courescant: Present Day 


Sitting within the bar in the back corner of the room, minding his own at his table and turning his glass softly atop the table.... A hooded and quiet Kelko Durin observed the room from his vantage point. Now waiting to see if others of interest may enter or perhaps a opportunity would arise that could prove worth moving for and revealing himself  as more then a quiet hooded figure in the back of the room, as one of the remaining Jedi in the galaxy and perhaps to his knowledge the only one his presence was best hidden for now. Staying quiet and observant on the planet of coruscant waiting for something to happen to signal his sense of time being right to leave his prior planet and the state of tranquility he had found to have been correct, the Jedi knight would remain hidden from the spotlight and travel from one place to another until another action would be required. 

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Serpha and Zilas shared a long look after Asura made his final pitch. There were definite benefits to the idea. A few additional hardships, but that went with the title of Mandalore. Finally, Zilas raised an eyebrow, to which Serpha gave a barely perceptible shrug.

"Your plan has merit and I will consider it." Serpha said, facing Asura again. "I'll need to consider our options and confer with the clan chiefs." 

She made a sour face.

"If only to see who will be pissed off by what decision." 

The door outside cracked open and a Mandalorian in a pilot style armor.

"Manda'lor, there is a message for you." He said.

"Excuse me." Serpha said to Asura, then followed the soldier out while putting on her helmet.

Zilas watched them go, then gave Asura a friendly smile.

"The decision process might take some time, especially if those friendly to the Empire open their mouths within ear shot of the local Protectors." He informed the Special Ops Agent. "You can stick around, if you like. But, if you need to see to other business, we'll get the answer to you ASAP."

@Raikou Kaminari


Serpha and the Ordo clansman made sure to get out of ear shot and eye sight of the customs shed before speaking.

"Well?" She asked, glancing back the way they had come.

"Message came in from the Imps." The pilot reported. "Said they were in Intelligence and wanted to talk with you."

"Ah, the other pitch." Serpha said dryly. 

Looking towards the city's interior, Mandalore the Witch considered the options. She was tempted to reject the call, but that wasn't smart. Not yet, anyway.

"Did you respond before coming to me?" She asked, staring off in the distance. 

"Just a 'stand-by' response." the pilot answered.

"Good. Give them the whole 'state your business' routine. If they come in pompous and demanding things, disconnect. I'll be along momentarily"

The pilot nodded, then hurried off. Serpha stood for a moment, considering her options. Well, doing this the easy way was out. She tapped her helmet to key on her comm. 

"Barb, you there?" She inquired.

"Here, boss." A female voice answered.

"Speed up the influx of clansmen and tell The Nite Owls they're needed in Sundari now, not in three days. And get word to Oryx that he's on stand by and that he's to come to Sundari as well."

"You got it. Trouble?" 

"When is there not?"

@Trickster314 @Kuroko

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