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"State your business, Imperial" A Mandalorian in a pilot's suit flickered into existence as the holo-call finally connected.

"My designation is Cipher 3 I merely wish to speak to the current Mand'alor about some pressing galactic affairs, I am willing to wait if she is busy at the moment." Replied Travers, quickly stowing away his datapad.

Mandalorians were an interesting culture, a strong and resilient people paired with a martial tradition made for a powerful combination. Capable of producing warriors that could match any Jedi. However, they were also prone to infighting and stubborn to a fault. The trick treating each and every Mandalorian as if they were a particularly vicious nexu, powerful and dangerous but manageable and willing to follow directions if handled with the proper amount of caution and given the right incentives. Travers thought to himself while waiting for the reply. 

"Wait there, Mand'alor the will see you soon." the pilot said, jolting Travers out of his thoughts. After a few moments, a figure stepped into the frame. 

"Greetings, my designation is Cipher 3, representing Imperial Intelligence. I hope I did not catch you at a bad time?" Travers asked, probing for any possible information on what the Mand'alor was doing in order to get a better feel for his counterpart. 

"I'd like to talk to you about the current state of the galaxy, and listen to your thoughts Mand'alor. 


Serpha and Zilas shared a long look after Asura made his final pitch. There were definite benefits to the idea. A few additional hardships, but that went with the title of Mandalore. Finally, Zilas raised an eyebrow, to which Serpha gave a barely perceptible shrug.

"Your plan has merit and I will consider it." Serpha said, facing Asura again. "I'll need to consider our options and confer with the clan chiefs." 

She made a sour face.

"If only to see who will be pissed off by what decision." 

The door outside cracked open and a Mandalorian in a pilot style armor.

"Manda'lor, there is a message for you." He said.

"Excuse me." Serpha said to Asura, then followed the soldier out while putting on her helmet.

Zilas watched them go, then gave Asura a friendly smile.

"The decision process might take some time, especially if those friendly to the Empire open their mouths within ear shot of the local Protectors." He informed the Special Ops Agent. "You can stick around, if you like. But, if you need to see to other business, we'll get the answer to you ASAP."

@Raikou Kaminari


Serpha and the Ordo clansman made sure to get out of ear shot and eye sight of the customs shed before speaking.

"Well?" She asked, glancing back the way they had come.

"Message came in from the Imps." The pilot reported. "Said they were in Intelligence and wanted to talk with you."

"Ah, the other pitch." Serpha said dryly. 

Looking towards the city's interior, Mandalore the Witch considered the options. She was tempted to reject the call, but that wasn't smart. Not yet, anyway.

"Did you respond before coming to me?" She asked, staring off in the distance. 

"Just a 'stand-by' response." the pilot answered.

"Good. Give them the whole 'state your business' routine. If they come in pompous and demanding things, disconnect. I'll be along momentarily"

The pilot nodded, then hurried off. Serpha stood for a moment, considering her options. Well, doing this the easy way was out. She tapped her helmet to key on her comm. 

"Barb, you there?" She inquired.

"Here, boss." A female voice answered.

"Speed up the influx of clansmen and tell The Nite Owls they're needed in Sundari now, not in three days. And get word to Oryx that he's on stand by and that he's to come to Sundari as well."

"You got it. Trouble?" 

"When is there not?"

@Trickster314 @Kuroko

Oryx was walking out of an alley whenwhen he received a message. After just beating a couple drunks, he finally had something fun. "What's it gonna be? Assassinating a high ranking official? Staking out a pirate base?.....stand by. Sundari. Well, it's a start." Said oryx, all excitement from before gone. Of all the things it could've been... He looked around for a moment, then began running towards his ship. 

The ship, "hollow demise",was docked right in hanger 13, next to an officer's cruiser. He hopped inside, closing the cockpit. He took time in starting it up, but he soon had it flying in the orbit of Mandalore. "Sundari.... Here comes a monster."
"Well I do need to see to other business I will be just be heading out to Concord Dawn to meet some associates hopefully and when I return it will not likely be with my ship but another one with my new team." Zac replied before heading back out to the landing platform and boarding his ship. He recently put in a request for several individuals the New Republic had been keeping tabs on to be recruited and if they accepted were to meet him on Concord Dawn. He just hoped they all said yes so he'd have a new badass squad rather than just going at everything alone. He thought such as he lifted off exiting the canopy of Sundari and out of Mandalore's atmosphere, he then entered Hyperspace which was going to be a relatively short journey from here to Concord Dawn.


(Guys who were approached for recruitment) @Savagai @Rain-Maker @TPBx  @JaydenMancino


On Dromund Kaas, Darth Ronin stood by his master as he conducted urgent business. The Dark Lord was calling through the force to Empress of the New Sith Empire, he had felt her and the disturbances she has caused especially her take over of Korriban another world strong with the dark side. He had ventured to Dromund Kaas to use it as a medium not wanting to reveal any new worlds strong with darkside in case she would still be his enemy. 

He called to her not needing her location to contact just for her to answer as she'd feel it herself through the dark side. Empress of the New Sith Empire, I am the Dark Lord of the Sith which you know all to well their can only be one of at a time. Ignore me at your own peril young one, but you should just join me and stand with me as I gain control of the entire galaxy. I have already begun assimilating the remnants of Galactic Empire. I already control the Unknown Regions. Save yourself and me the trouble of destroying you when we as Sith Lords should stand together something our predecessors never did too well and that is why they always failed.

Darth Ronin stood century he couldn't eavesdrop on the conversation but could feel how far it was reaching or rather as much as he could while imagining the rest of the distance. 

Xacrirish notices the message through the Dark Side of the Force, it made her think for a moment. Another Sith found her, someone not from her own empire. Someone trying to take the galaxy. The Sith who had called her through the Dark Side of the Force could sense a message as well. Are you offering an alliance or are you trying to threaten me into submission? and stood up from her throne, waiting for the answer. If this Sith was trying to make her submit, that Sith would make a very grave mistake. Yet, having an ally could be one way to improve her own empire, should this Sith be cooperative. This could be interesting.
Concord Dawn that was said to the host planet for those contacted by a individual about joining the new republic. Kelko Durin was rather surprised his name came up as a known source, a person worth keeping tabs. Perhaps his late master had more connections then he had originally thought or the new republic had resources far more capable then the Jedi knight had thought possible to have found him and kept tabs even during his days of isolation, years in fact. But none the matter they had found him and he had cause to hear them out, he desired to make his mark in aiding a cause during his time, become the Jedi his late master thought him capable of becoming. Now it was only the matter of getting to this planet, leave coruscant and make for the Concord dawn system not far from mandalore. 

Finishing his drink and tipping his waitress, Kelko rose from his table and left the bar walking toward the hangar and his small ship tucked inside. Upon reaching the hangar and getting into his ship Kelko prepared for departure and flew off the planet, exiting the system and making for Concord dawn looking forward to meeting this individual who reached out to him and offered this opportunity to the Jedi and perhaps others or maybe not. Either way he was on course for the concord system leaving only time as his obstacle until his arrival would be met. 

@Raikou Kaminari
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RA Verruckt's ship (I.S.D.Rose) stood docked near an asteroid in a large asteroid field. It Floated peacefully through space, as a sleeping giant.

The Young Admiral sat at the briefing table, the only one that sat at the giant and empty table.

(Basically the table without the people)


Apiece of pre-heated steak and a glass of fruit juice sat on his plate. He had his legs crossed as he picked at the food with a knife. It was dead silent in the ship, only to be interrupted by the quiet screech of the door. The door opened up to a bright hallway and a imperial officer that must have been older than the Rear Admiral. "Sir, a rebel scouting vessel has entered the area, they seem to be looking for us." he said with a worried expression.

The Admiral chuckled , standing up quickly and walking out the room, passing the older officer without a glance. after a short time, he reached the helm, marching to the front of the bridge. A small Rebel ship was flying past with speed. It's lights never landed on the giant ship.

The ship stopped, shutting down the engines. A message was intercepted from the ship as it was broadcasted to another Rebel ship.

"This is Yellow Scout, there are no signs of Imperial ships nearby. SitRep complete." The message ended.

Almost immediately, the weapon systems of the Rose opened up in an symphony of Green lasers and flashing lights. the Rebel ship shook violently as the shots hit the ship before it could put up the shields.

fires erupted on the inside and debris flying off of the small ship.

It started it's engines and turned way from the Rose and accelerated quickly to get away from the ship.

The scout quickly sent out another message to any nearby ship willing to save it.

"S.O.S.! (Boom) This is (Ch-oom) We are under attack! I repeat: We are under attack and need assistance!" The transmission was quickly shut off.



(open to anyone who is willing to respond to the distress signal.)

@Rain-Maker @Donder172 @Raikou Kaminari @kyroko @Trickster314
Draxan was aboard his ship in meditation with his sabers laid out in front of him. He had just finished his business in Telos and was back on the ship that currently orbited Corellia. He had ordered everyone to not disturb him unless it was something of up most importance. Soon enough there was a light knock on the door. Draxan sighed and stood,"Come forth",he said quietly. 

At the command one of the officers on the ship came in and saluted the master,"Sir sorry to disturb you but we have an incoming transmission from the Jedi temple in Lwhekk. They say it is of importance to you sir." 

Draxan raised a hand and nodded,"I will contact the temple immediately and address the situation thank you for communicating with me you are dismissed."

With that The officer left and Draxan headed to the communications room and contacted the temple in Lwhekk. Within seconds two figures in robes appeared in front of the com unit as holographs. They both bowed,"Good day Grand Master Vazda. We are contacting you because we have recently been contacted by a man seeking counsel with you. We have no Idea as to what he wants he will only speak to you master Vazda."

Draxan nodded thinking on the facts"This is what we will do. Forward my com signal to the man so we may speak and as we do that start preparing to move the location of the main temple to Telos.",he said sighing slightly.

The jedi nodded and disappeared as they switched the com signal to that of the stranger who seeked to speak with him. He hoped this man would not cause trouble he already had to deal with too much and did not want any more on his plate.

The Dark Lord chuckled a bit at the Empress's response though he understood her reasoning no less. I am offering you an alliance but pretty soon you'll come around to joining me anyway, far as alliance is concerned it's a temporary label till you see the better way is joining me. Darth Ronin looked over the Dark Lord wondering what sort of conversation was he having over there to make him actually chuckle. Though the three giant juggernaut bodyguards didn't show it they must have been confused as well. Could have been a side note from a spirit in these ruines as they were standing in what was once a throne room of a mighty sith fortress.



Zac stood by a Kom'rk Class transportp bought and provided by the New Republic to serve as his new ship for him and his Spec Ops Team. He hoped that they all answered and accepted but that was him being optomistic, he hoped at least two of them accepted. It wouldn't neccessarily be lonely because the ship also comes with a crew of four so it can operate as a starfighter but he needed capable warriors having his back on the ground. He waited now in a spaceport on Concord Dawn, those who accepted would have been providing with the coordinates and the hangar number so they could find him.

@Savagai  @Rain-Maker  @JaydenMancino

Zilas watched his New Republic friend take off and head out for Concord Dawn. This meeting had been good, in Zilas's mind. It seemed Serpha finally accepted that going back to the lose clan structure of the past wouldn't work in this turmoil. He understood his wife's reluctance to lead the clans into a new era of conquest, and felt similarly, but wants and needs weren't the same.

A ping from his side indicated he had a call. He pulled out his comlink and rumbled a "Go".

"I've got Oryx coming in." Serpha said, sounding in a hurry. 

Zilas rolled his eyes. Oryx gave the Lasat Mandalorian an odd vibe. Without truly understanding how the assassin ticked, Zilas didn't like dealing with him. Plus, he was worried that two Mandalorian force users together was just asking for trouble.

"Alright, I'll met up with him." He said with a sigh.

"Thanks, love." Serpha replied, then shut off the comm. 

Sighing again, Zilas put his comm away and put on his helmet. At this rate, he might be able to get that intimate evening with his wife some time next month. Maybe.



Serpha ducked into the drop ship, putting a hand on the pilot's shoulder.

"Well?" She asked.

"Polite enough." The pilot said with a shrug. "They apparently want to talk about current affairs."

Grunting, Serpha moved around to the holoprojector, then gave the pilot a thumbs up. The image of Cipher 3 flickered into view, while Mandalore the Witch's impassive visor popped up. While she had a decent poker face, nothing beat an enclosed helmet for not giving away tells.

"You're speaking to Mandalore." She said tersely.

Cipher 3 introduced himself, then asked if he caught Serpha at a bad time.

"No."  She answered.

Finally, the Imperial agent asked to talk about the current galactic situation, indicating that Serpha's views were sought.

"Okay, you have my attention." Mandalore the Witch replied, wondering what Imperial Intelligence had in mind.

(I'm guessing no one will reply to the rebel distress signal.) The ship rocked and shook rapidly as peices and debris was blown off of the ship. The imperial star destroyer made quick work of the small scout ship, tearing it in two as an explosion rips through out the ship. It cracks into many peices and scatters around, creating a small debris field. 

Soon, a rebel battle cruiser enters the area, looking for the thing responsible for the attack. The star destroyer had disappeared, leaving behind the carcass of the last ship.

forever to float in the emptiness of space.

(Dramatic music)

News of the incident quickly spreads as more and more rebel ships go missing. Something is clearly wrong.

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Zilas watched his New Republic friend take off and head out for Concord Dawn. This meeting had been good, in Zilas's mind. It seemed Serpha finally accepted that going back to the lose clan structure of the past wouldn't work in this turmoil. He understood his wife's reluctance to lead the clans into a new era of conquest, and felt similarly, but wants and needs weren't the same.

A ping from his side indicated he had a call. He pulled out his comlink and rumbled a "Go".

"I've got Oryx coming in." Serpha said, sounding in a hurry. 

Zilas rolled his eyes. Oryx gave the Lasat Mandalorian an odd vibe. Without truly understanding how the assassin ticked, Zilas didn't like dealing with him. Plus, he was worried that two Mandalorian force users together was just asking for trouble.

"Alright, I'll met up with him." He said with a sigh.

"Thanks, love." Serpha replied, then shut off the comm. 

Sighing again, Zilas put his comm away and put on his helmet. At this rate, he might be able to get that intimate evening with his wife some time next month. Maybe.



Serpha ducked into the drop ship, putting a hand on the pilot's shoulder.

"Well?" She asked.

"Polite enough." The pilot said with a shrug. "They apparently want to talk about current affairs."

Grunting, Serpha moved around to the holoprojector, then gave the pilot a thumbs up. The image of Cipher 3 flickered into view, while Mandalore the Witch's impassive visor popped up. While she had a decent poker face, nothing beat an enclosed helmet for not giving away tells.

"You're speaking to Mandalore." She said tersely.

Cipher 3 introduced himself, then asked if he caught Serpha at a bad time.

"No."  She answered.

Finally, the Imperial agent asked to talk about the current galactic situation, indicating that Serpha's views were sought.

"Okay, you have my attention." Mandalore the Witch replied, wondering what Imperial Intelligence had in mind.


"Ahhh, here I am. Sundari. This'll be fun." Oryx said, landing. "I really do wonder what we're doing... I guess I'll find out at a later date. For now, I must report to command. "Oryx to Command. I have arrived. Where am I to report to?" He said, raising his arm to activate his comm. As he waited for a response, he waited on his ship, playing strategy game with a computer. 

After winning, he grew bored. "Stand by sucks." He remarked, leaning back in his chair. Back in training he always had something to do, but now. He had nothing.  He wanted to change that. To never be bored again. Is a dream so impossible? 

The Dark Lord chuckled a bit at the Empress's response though he understood her reasoning no less. I am offering you an alliance but pretty soon you'll come around to joining me anyway, far as alliance is concerned it's a temporary label till you see the better way is joining me. Darth Ronin looked over the Dark Lord wondering what sort of conversation was he having over there to make him actually chuckle. Though the three giant juggernaut bodyguards didn't show it they must have been confused as well. Could have been a side note from a spirit in these ruines as they were standing in what was once a throne room of a mighty sith fortress.



Zac stood by a Kom'rk Class transportp bought and provided by the New Republic to serve as his new ship for him and his Spec Ops Team. He hoped that they all answered and accepted but that was him being optomistic, he hoped at least two of them accepted. It wouldn't neccessarily be lonely because the ship also comes with a crew of four so it can operate as a starfighter but he needed capable warriors having his back on the ground. He waited now in a spaceport on Concord Dawn, those who accepted would have been providing with the coordinates and the hangar number so they could find him.

@Savagai  @Rain-Maker  @JaydenMancino

We'll see sooner or later if that is true. Alright, let's talk face to face to discus an 'alliance', but don't try any tricks. They will not end so well. Xacrirish already had a bad feeling about this Sith. She is aware that his goal is to make her join him, but she wasn't thinking of doing anything more than an alliance. Yet, him trying to take over the Galaxy would interfere with her own goal. But perhaps there was a way to still achieve her own goal.
[SIZE=12pt]“Well Mandalore, I would like to discuss a potential business opportunity between our peoples, as you can imagine the recent actions on the part of the Rebels have shaken the very foundations of the Empire and great changes will occur soon.”[/SIZE][SIZE=12pt] Travers spoke over the comm unit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“First of all, I wish to employ Mandalorian as independent contractors, your people do have a reputation for being the best hunters and warriors in the galaxy after all.” [/SIZE][SIZE=12pt]Before she could respond Travers continued. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]“No, Mandalor this is not some plot to gain control over your people, history has taught us that never turns out well. Now on to my second point, I would greatly appreciate it if you would remain neutral in the Empire and Republic’s dispute. There is nothing for you to gain in declaring your support for either of us right now. The Rebels are new and unproven while the Empire is in a state of chaos. It might be wiser and of more benefit for your people if you waited before making such a monumental decision.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Travers watched the Mandalore’s helmet after finishing his pitch. It was a shame that Mandalorians preferred an enclosed helmet, Travers could normally read a person’s thoughts quite well based on their eyes and faces. [/SIZE]


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The journey was rather long from Coruscant atleast though it seemed, but now within minutes Kelko's ship would be entering the atmosphere of Concord dawn continuing down until reaching the spaceport where lowered his ship into parking, proceeding to shut off his systems and exit his single fighter ship that appeared old but still in decent shape for its age. Taking a moment to stretch and take a brief look around the area Kelko pulled up his hood back over his head and began to walk around keeping a eye out for this man who reached out to him with a offer. @Raikou Kaminari
The Dark Lord replied, come to Dromund Kaas with at most four retainers same as many I have present. You statement of not trying anything goes both ways. Anyway I will be waiting here in the ruins of a temple, let the darkside guide you to me. The Dark Lord then said aloud to Darth Ronin and his three guards. "We are expecting some company sometime soon, be on your toes." He warned.


Zac was scrolling through the dossiers on each of the people he wanted recruited, he watched as a ship descended into this area of the port. Then he recognized one of the faces, "Kelko" the name read. He drew his wan shen and spun it letting the light reflect of it producing momentary flashes of red light before slamming the butt of the weapon on the platform calling attention of himself aiming to draw Kelko's attention.

@Donder172  @Rain-Maker

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