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Warren took his hands away from his ears for just a second and became nauseous. 

"He's caught onto my trick! What now?!"
He hit spot on! Biggie's helmet's eye slot cracked and shattered, only for Biggie to panic in nausea and close said exposed eye! Johnny was on to something.. but would this help? The sound was becoming INSANELY, INSANELY loud. Two hundred and ninety five decibels! It was ear-ringing worthy, even WITH there hands cupped over there ears.. though they noticed people perfectly fine in the far distance behind Biggie. Perhaps a few meters back would REALLY help and allow them to stay on there toes?
"I'll come back, but for the meanwhile, suffer." He spoke, his hands profusely bleeding from the durability of biggies stand! Biggie began to see everything slow, becoming beautiful and hypnotic as he grabbed Warren and using WBW to grab Jani, hauling ass. He couldnt defeat these guys, atleast not like this. His ears rung heavily as he moved, one beginning to bleed as he ran with Jani and Warren. 
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"Those meatsacks bound to die eventually within the human span of around 100 years are part of a gang. It's obvious, they knew about that guy. Apparently his name is Rakim..." He rambled on, speaking without stopping much. However, you could tell something was amiss by the amount of sweat on his face that was dripping and the constipated looking face he was making. 
JaJa, smirking, would respond to the just then extremely angry Stand user "You see, if you want me to come back here... Force me to do so." Would say the mafioso, resuming to his initial action: walking off.
After placing Jani and Warren down together at a hospital, he runs out, SPRINTING back to where biggie and JaJa were previously. 
"Guwah! Missile!" 

Warren looked to see if missile followed them, and thankfully he did. He hitched a ride in his backpack. He was out cold, most likely from the loud shock

"hoooh... This guys going to pay for hurting missile!" 

Warren turned back to Jani. 

"Befofe we fight them again let's plan an attack strategy. I have one." 

The boy grabbed a pen and paper and crudely scribbled his plan. 

"Well, if you're feeling alright enough to fight, here's how I want it to play out...

Ill have sep. 21st eject the tape. 

You Distract the guy. 

I take the tape, and swap it with a little thing I have here... 

And hopefully Johnny can finish the job. Sound good? We can't just leave him over there, so if you're on board we better go right away." 
I nod as you explain your plan. "Sounds good. You wouldn't happen to have a soda can, would you? I have an idea." My eyes are lit up with inspiration.
"Uhh, no but I will in about 7 seconds." 

Mad the boy spoke, he knew what Jani was trying to do. He grabbed a couple quarters out of his wallet and jammed them into the machine, tapped the button, then tossed the dispenced can to Jani.

"c'mon. We gotta go." 
JaJa would stop his walk by finally entering an alley similar to the one he was previously localizated at. There, he would await until either Biggie came, or one of the Stand users that seemingly killed Rakim approached the area: he was planning the perfect ambush with his Stand, Slow Train.
I smile like an idiot. "Thanks." I say before chugging the whole can. I crush the can and tear some pieces off of it before tossing the can. "I think we have a fair shot now."
Johnny finally made it to the assumed nearly dead, dazed, and smiling biggie, standing over him. With a bit of difficulty, his stand touched Biggie. Biggie was now safe, albeit dazed and possibly unconcious, as Johnny ran off. He didn't want to kill another person so uselessly. 
When Johnny was about to turn to run off, he saw on the pavement Biggie was on as he rolled over.. a poor scratch on the cement that read in kanji: "JaJa WILL KILL YOU." in incredibly big text. Biggie had known he would lose the fight, so he'd ensure it to JaJa! In hopes the message would scare you or still you for a moment, within his dazed, almost hypnotized mind, one of the last hopes that crossed Biggie before he fell unconcious was: was his fear tactic sucessful?
Johnny stopped for half a second at the most, his eyes darting at the time he read this, it felt like eternity. He started to run again, but this time with a new expression:FEAR? But, what was he afraid of...?
Warren ran untill he noticed a scratch on the ground. 


Warren knelt down to observe it. 

"What is this? I don't read cursive!" 

Warren shrugged. 

"Let's keep going! We gotta stop those two!"
If the pair had found the words Biggie made, the giants unconcious body was nearby. He wouldn't wake up soon, but he wasnt dead whatsoever. Johnny, however, was getting a bit overboard. He held his hands over his head, taking a slight break from his running. He was using his stand too much and he was having trouble containing the violent urges of rage his stand consistently put out. 
"... As expected. He was just thinking too high of himself... This is why I'll make you suffer. Suffer for ruining his hopes - and, principally, for ruining my hopes about him." JaJa would approach the group, deciding to avoid an ambush, that is, because he was in pure rage right now: he couldn't await anymore. "Vengeance, it is a Mafioso's bread and butter. Y'know?"
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"There's the fat guy!" I say to Warren, catching a glimpse of his body. I run up to his unconscious body, not sure if he was alive. I feel his wrist, checking for a pulse.
Biggie was perfectly healthy (albeit knocked out) but right next to his body was the message "JAJA WILL KILL YOU" scratched into the sidewalk... if Johnny was here first, they had to look QUICKLY for Johnny! He might be out there getting killed!
Johnny was approximately 1 block away from the spot, taking a break to try and maintain his mental health. He took multiple long breathes, attempting to regain his composure and sanity. 

Is Johnny in danger...?!

More importantly, could they reach him in time if he was...?
"W-w-w-wait. Where's Johnny!?" 

Warren stopped and looked around. 

"We need to find him, and then we can find the other guy,"

warren pointed a thumb to the large man.

"He shouldn't be a problem as long as he's knocked out. He can't go anywhere fast anyways. Let's hurry!" 

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