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"AHHH! Yes sir!- Cmon missile!" 

After adjusting his backpack, Warren took off, with his dog right next to him. The boy's life had just went back to normal, and went back to bizarre in an instant...

but that's just the life of a stand user...
He ran along, stopping at the front of the coffee shop, muttering "A sad place for bored people..." and walking in. 
I run in after Johnny, panting. "You gotta warn us before you go! Warren is really far behind." I say, trying to be the authority.
"Dosen't matter. If we died, he would too if he had came. Its just testing the waters." He spoke, having deliberately done this incase of some sort of ambush. 

Warren ran at a full sprint into the door, elbowing it open. Warren began to pant as the door shut behind him. 

"Oh man... Never do that again..." 

The boy went closer to the others. 

"What's next?"
Warren nodded 

"aww man, this is getting exciting!" Thoughts of Warren taking down the nefarious stand user swirled though his mind. 

"Uhh, hey, do we know what this guy's stand does? Or are we going to have to play it by ear for that bit." 
"Simple...We draw him out..." He spoke, as suddenly a 6'2 stand of pure blue and clouds sprang forth, flipping a table an old woman sat at. It seemed like a peaceful looking stand, but you could tell it was very dangerous by simply looking at it. 
The old woman screams at the table flipping seemingly on its own. The whole store looks over to see what caused the noise. "Johnny, we can't vandalize the place! We need to have our Stands out and wait!" I whisper angrily.
"Johnny! What the heck are you doing!" 

Warren spoke through gritted teeth to avoid suspicion. Warren shook his head and walked over to the lady. 

"Hey, you okay ma'am?..." 

Warren picked up the table, and got her another coffee. After that he walked back over to the others and let out a deep sigh. 

"Listen man, just be careful, okay?" 
"Waiting will kill us. He should know we're here now, so all we have to do is make it easy for him to try and kill us. Don't touch that old lady again either, she'll die soon anyways." He spoke, a hint of sweat down from his forehead. This was a piece of evidence showing that his stand was very hard for him to control. 
"I get it. Makes se- How do you know..." 

Warren knew this guy was strange, so he didn't even Want to know. 

Warren was super worried, he didn't want anyone else to be hurt. But whatever happens. He was ready. 
"Warren, go to the bathroom. Make it obvious you have a stand. Be ready for an ambush. Jani, go with him but be less obvious." He spoke in complete whisper and gritted teeth, the old lady suddenly tripping out of her chair. She had a broad smile on her face and she made slow movements. 
"Uh... Sure man." 

Warren shrugged and walked over to the bathroom. He summoned September 21st and had him coat his hands in a light film of fire, as he threw open the door, made sure to heat up the handle, to give the next person to enter a nice shock. 

"You know Jani. I dunno about this guy. But I think he knows what he's doing."
"We've talked at length over the internet, and he's an expert strategist. I'm in school to become an engineer, and he's smarter than I'll ever be." 
Johnny breathed out a sigh to himself, the old lady was now sprawled out on the floor with a smile on her face and attention on her. With that,  Johnny scanned the room for potential suspects of a stand, basically anyone whom looked worried but not for the lady. 
The bathroom had one stall occupied. A pair of expensive sneakers were at the bottom of a pair of blue jeans in the stall. "Let's be quiet. I don't want to make this guy uncomfortab-" I begin to say. I fall forward, knocked out. Behind me, a sleek, humanoid, pearly white Stand hovers. From the stall, a man emerges. "Who'd have thought that the nosy bastard would be dumb enough to walk right into my hideout?" He says. (I put his Bio in the Character Submissions)
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Johnny impatiently tapped his foot, before standing. His stand hovered to the old lady and the crowd, seconds from death, and touched her. In a second, she was normal once more. "Have they already been ambushed?" He asked himself, sitting back down. 

Warren flew back a bit after seeing Jani knocked out. 

"Huh, so this IS your hideout. We were right then." 

Warren summoned his stand. 

"Listen sir, withdraw your stand and come quietly. Don't make this hard on yourself." 
He laughs in your face. "Am I supposed to be scared of some teenage kid? When I'm Flowin'!" His Stand throws a volley of quick punches at you.
Johnny, seeing that nobody seemed to have stands, realized what must have happened. He walked to the bathroom, expecting a stand anywhere at any moment, staying in the doorway as his stand floated forward to look.
Rakim's Stand begins to darken, going from a pure white to a boggy green color. "C'mon! Fight! Put up some resistance!"
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"S-SEPTEMB-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-AH!" Warren tried to summon his stand, but failed. By the time he was halfway through, the hits connected. 

Warren wiped some blood away from his mouth. 

"Diplomacy is out of the question then..." 

Warren summoned September 21st and had him create a large ball of fire. 

"Try punching through THIS!" 

Warren tossed the ball of fire at the man. 

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