• This section is for roleplays only.
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Magistrates of Qeneas - PCs

  • Beria Wendlehorn.jpg Name: Beria Wendlehorn
    Race: Deep Gnome
    Gender: Female
    Age: 36
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Background: Acolyte
    Deity: Ulaa, goddess of hills and mountains

    Str: 8 - -1
    Dex: 16 - +3
    Con: 12 - +1
    Int: 10
    Wis: 16 - +3
    Cha: 10

    Class: Cleric
    Level: 3
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: +3

    Hit Points: 21
    Hit Dice: 3d8

    Armor Class: 18
    Passive Perception: 20
    Active Perception: +5
    Movement Rate: 25 ft

    Spell Modifier: +3
    Spell Attack: +5

    Spell Slots
    First Level: 4
    Second Level: 2

    Lay on Hands: 15 points

    Crossbow, Light +1: +6 to Hit, 1d8+4 Damage

    --Simple, Ammunition, Loading, Two-Handed, Range 80/320 feet
    --40 Bolts
    Mace: +1 to Hit, 1d6-1 Damage
    Sacred Flame: 1d8 Damage
    --Save Dex DV 13, 60 feet
    Guiding Bolt: +5 to Hit, 4d6 Damage
    --Radiant, Range 120 feet

    Mithril Chain Mail: +6 AC - No Disadvantage to Stealth Rolls

    Shield: +2 AC

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Name: Zyn Laran
Class: Rogue Soulknife
Race: Human
Background: Haunted One
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

HP: 25
AC: 13
Initiative: +3
Profecency Bonus: +2

Strength: 14 (+2)
Dexterity: 16 (+3)
Constitution: 14 (+2)
Intelligence: 5 (-3)
Wisdom: 11 (+0
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Saving Throws:
Str: +2
Dex: +5
Con: +3
Int: +3
Wis: -1
Cha: -1
Passive Wis (Perception): 9
Passive Int (Investigation): 13
Passive Wis (Insight): 9

(Pro) Acrobatics: +5
Animal Handling: -1
Arcana: +1
Athletics: +2
(Pro) Deception: +1
History: +1
Insight: -1
Intimidation: -1
(Pro) Investigation: +3
Medicine: -2
Nature: +1
Perception: -1
Performance: -1
Persuasion: -1
Religion: +1
(Pro) Sleight of Hand: +7
(Pro) Stealth: +7
(Pro) Survival: +1

Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Deception
Expertise: Stealth and Deception
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Hand Crossbow, Longsword, Rapier, Shortsword, Simple Weapons
Languages: Common, Draconic, Ergot, Ogre, Thieves Cant.

Torches (3)
Tinderbox (2)
Wooden Stake (9)
Oil Flask (3)
Steel Mirror
Holy Water Flask
Holy Symbol
Hammer (2)
Crowbar (2)
String (10)
Hempen Rope (50 feet)
Rations: 1 Day
Piton (10)
Hooded Lantern
Candle (5)
Ball Bearing Bag (bag of 1000)
Thieves Tools
Leather Armor
Dagger (2)
Arrows (20)
Common clothing and Cloak

Psionic Dice
Total: 4 D6 (Regain all after long rest, one after short rest with bonus action)
In possession: 4/4

If fail I an ability check where I have proficiency, I can add the Psionic Dices roll, and the die is used only if I succeed.

Establish a telepathic connection with yourself and others equal to Proficiency Bonus (2). Roll Psionic die and whatever I get is how many hours it will work within a mile radius, doesn’t matter what language they speak, first time after long rest doesn’t expend a Die.

Manifest psionic power as blades of energy during an attack action in free hand with throwing abilities (60 feet range) deals 1d6 psychic damage, but if second hand is free can use bonus action to create second blade that deals 1d6. No wound is left by blade.

  • 9d2cbbe85e50fe3c44dab45f8bbaaeaf.jpg
    Name: Fizzy Moor
    Race: Verdan
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Background: Failed Merchant
    Deity: Trithereon, god of liberty and retribution

    Str: 8 ( -1)
    Dex: 14 (+2)
    Con: 14 (+2)
    Int: 12 (+1)
    Wis: 10 (0)
    Cha: 18 (+4)

    Class: Sorcerer 1/Warlock 2
    Level: 3
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: +2

    Hit Points: 23
    Hit Dice: 1d6+2d8

    Armor Class: 15
    Passive Perception: 12
    Active Perception: +2

    Spell Slots
    First Level: 2
    Pact (1st lvl): 2

    Eldritch Blast: +6 to hit, 1d10+4 force dmg
    Dagger: +4 to hit, 1d4+2 piercing dmg [Simple, Finesse, Light, Thrown, Range (20/60)]



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