• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Magical ☆ Mancer ☆ Journey - Application Thread


usagi froggy

Rhythm Heaven Enjoyer
Mancer Party.png
This shouldn't take too long! Just looking for a little preliminary info about the character you plan to play!
Full Character Sheets will be done once the party has been decided upon. Other than the RP sample, these questions pertain to the character you plan to play!

Mancer Class:
(What element of Mancer are they, and are they a Caster or Enchanter? Feel free to give an idea about what their abilities/skillset are, too!)
Basic Character Info:
(Talk about whatever you deem to be important about your character. Their personality, backstory, etc. This doesn't need to be more than a few sentences)
RP Sample:
(Feel free to link/paste any post or writing you've done that you feel is indicative of you as a writer!)

(Anything you'd like to add that didn't fit in the other categories!)

APPLICATIONS DUE Friday 9/20 at 11:59PM CST

  • Each user is allowed to submit up to TWO applications, but please no more than that! Only one character will be selected if you submit more than one.
  • You are more than welcome to include an image of what your character looks like. I'd say an anime/cartoon-y style would be more fitting for this RP. No AI images please! Picrew.me is a great source for character creators. You can also google and add before:2021 to filter out any AI images there.
  • Please don't worry about making your application look super fancy! We can worry about that once it's time to do actual character sheets. I care more about what your character is like as a person, and you getting those details across
  • Please don't make your character's magical abilities OP. Remember, your character is a JUNIOR MANCER with only 2 years of experience. I'd say at this point they have about 2-3 solid magical abilities right now. If this were an RPG, they'd be around level 15 out of 100 right now.
  • Once I have selected a party, I will send out private DM's with a Discord server link to those I have chosen. I will make a post in the OOC thread when the links have gone out. If you aren't selected, please be normal about it. That's all I have to say there. 😭
  • If you have any questions, please ask them in the OOC thread, linked HERE!
  • Interest Check thread is linked HERE! All lore info can be found there.
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Name: Aqua Mizutani
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Mancer Class: Caster Hydromancer. Aqua's magic abilities primarily lie in healing. She can specifically manifest clouds of healing rain that can restore her allies' health in battle or cure them of ailing status conditions. She is not much of a fighter, but if necessary she can shoot a beam of bubbles at the enemy.
Basic Character Info: Aqua is a kind, intelligent girl. She comes from a wealthy family of Hydromancers and was expected to become a Mancer from a young age. The rest of her family is highly skilled at fighting, however Aqua is extremely clumsy, meaning she prefers to stay in the back lines providing support should she ever get into battle. While she is smart, she can be forgetful and naive at times and is lacking in practical skills such as cooking/cleaning.
Alcaeus 'Tiger Eye' Aurelian idea.png

Name: Alcaeus ‘Tiger-Eye’ Aurelian
Mancer Class:
Alcaeus is an Enchanter Type. His abilities are rooted in Geomancy, specifically elemental absorption- the ability to take on attributes of natural rocks and minerals when touching them. When he absorbs a mineral, Alcaeus can transform his body into said mineral- but there’s a catch; Alcaeus is unable to move the transformed part. Say for example, he turned his fist into stone, he would be unable to move his fingers or uncurl his fist. To do such a feat requires much practice, using techniques such as reducing the transformation effect on the joints of his fingers, the inside of his knuckles, his wrist etc. Alcaeus instead chooses to focus on what he calls 110% Power, where he focuses all his strength into the intensity of the transformation to make the strongest, densest mineral he can, sacrificing all mobility in the process- therefore transforming only parts of himself instead of full-body transformations.
His ability is currently in its basic form and has the potential to grow and change over time, depending on his creativity and willpower.
Basic Character Info:
Alcaeus comes from a small mountain-side village in Goldlily. Born to loving commoner parents, he is the second oldest of nine children.
Geomancy is a common trait in his family that takes many different forms; Some of his siblings focus on more practical uses of their powers and have careers in construction and infrastructure whereas others have chosen the path of creativity and self-expression, sculpting beautiful works of marble and stone. But for young Alcaeus, he’s always dreamed of a life of adventure and camaraderie.
His father passed away when he was young and his mother grew sickly because of it, so he took it upon himself to take care of his siblings from then on. Due to his protective nature he feels responsible for others’ safety, and as if to reflect this feeling his powers manifested as such; He would use himself as a shield to take on the dangers of the world, so no one else has to.
Personality-wise, Alcaeus is quick-thinking and brash, though he means well. He’ll dive headfirst into danger before anyone else and loves to be reckless, so long as it doesn’t harm others (though sometimes it may have unintentional consequences). Ironically, he’ll admonish those close to him when they do something he feels is dangerous or stupid, but it comes from a place of concern.
Alcaeus studies hard at the Guild to make the most of the opportunity his siblings gave him in making him leave the village to pursue his own goals, giving him a tiger’s eye necklace as a farewell gift- letting him absorb and transform into it at any time, hence his nickname.
RP Sample:
I don’t have any RP samples yet, but I can give you some writing I did! Hopefully it's alright. I like writing in either first or third person so whichever suits.
Sorry for the long application! I got caught up in the creation stuff ;A; Most of my replies won't be so lengthy but occasionally (like an introduction or something) I may expand a little.
I feel like he has a lot of room for growth, both power-wise and as a character (e.g. being less over-protective etc) and hopefully he'll be fun to interact with and be around!

If there’s anything you’d like me to alter let me know 👍
Maribelle "Vampy" Nightburn

  • 2ZO5giw.png
    Name: Maribelle Nightburn
    Alias/Nickname: Vampy
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Origins: Cyan
    Traits: Reserved, Snarky, Intelligent, Introverted, Ominous
    Weaknesses: Sunlight, People, Bad Tea, Sports
    FC: Rachel Alucard (Blazblue)
    A girl hailing from the snowy regions of Cyan.

    Maribelle possesses a sharp tongue and maturity beyond her years. Or at least she'd like most to think that. She was born with a affliction similar to solar urticaria. Too much sun exposure can leave her bed ridden for weeks and even be fatal. So the reclusive girl is often over dressed and rarely seen on sunny days. This makes her school life and interaction with others difficult. She has adapted to this over the years by becoming very self serving and creating small doll like assistants using the technologies of Cyan. Her favorite is her spherical servant, Lily.

    Her parents are a mystery as Maribelle comes from the less explored mountainous regions. Since she says traveling to and fro takes too long, Maribelle stays at various Mancer's Guilds. Where she can be found often in the library drinking various dark colored drinks... tea obviously. It's not surprising she is teased by older members and has no actual friends. She prefers it and only makes it more difficult by using all of her studying time and dark presentation to intimidate and keep others from getting close.

    Her training is in the field of Dark Magics. Dark magic comes in more than just curses but the taboo, occultic and unexplored. Being forsaken by the sun has led her to live with as much darkness in both lifestyle and belief as she can muster. Much of which is self taught when old foggies refuse to go into enough detail.

    Truly though... she secretly wishes to control the light as well so that she may live freely and perhaps...

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Name: Segund Tremont
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Mancer Class: Caster

In the coastal land of Tremont, salt is life. Salt is Power. None portray this truth more than the Duke of Tremont himself. Blind your foes. Cut and sting with a thousand strikes. Summon the mountains and crush the armies that lay at your doorstep. Segund, however, is not so talented as his father. Keep sweat out of your eyes. Form brittle blades. Raise pillars in defense. Season your food. He has a long ways to go, but by keeping an eye out for opportunities, he aims to prove the worth of his salt.
Basic Character Info:
The second son of an unimaginative Duke, Segund was always placed into the shadow of his brother Primus. Sharing in the family style, anything he could accomplish, his brother had already done. Speak not of the fact that Segund had advanced through his initial studies quicker than his brother had, nor of the fact he had done so with fewer resources available. Any such talk would only be waved off as "complaints unbefitting one's stature". Fortunately, his older brother was not blind to the plights of his younger sibling, and when the time came for Primus to leave the family holdings and venture forth, he had brought Segund with him. They travelled together for a short time until they reached the first crossroad outside of their father's land where they split their travel resources fairly and parted amicably. Now faced with freedom and anonymity, Segund travels in search of who he is, and what he can become.
Strengths: Patience, Cunning, Swordplay, Cooking, and Observation
Weaknesses: Naive, Insecure, Horsemanship, Music, and Empathy


Name: Kalibrex (Kal) Shorehaven
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Mancer Class: Enchanter

"Let them strike. They shall soon learn to fear themselves." Mirrors reflect images. Earth reflects heat. Shields reflect attacks. Kalibrex has only begun to figure out what all the magic of reflection can affect, but he has learned enough to makes his strikes come from unexpected angles and send strikes at him off to the side, or if he is lucky, right back at the foe doing the strike.
Basic Character Info:
Kal grew up on the outskirts of society. Homeless. Poor. Abandoned. It was a sad day indeed when his luck turned for the better. A gang leader named Neph saw him using one of his petty mirror tricks to steal a small loaf of bread. One horrid beating later and that gang leader had a new lookout, pickpocket, and punching bag. Kal longed to run away from this new life, but he remembered all to well what it was like before. At least now he had food. At least now he had a place to sleep. At least now someone would miss him if he disappeared. It wasn't until he got caught by the city guard that he found out just how little they would care. How quickly he could be replaced. Without the gang, he quickly found himself back in the cells. Petty crime after petty crime. Somehow, they kept finding him. Eventually, he discovered the tracking spell on him and managed to reflect it back to its source. When he did, he found the man he would come to accept as his teacher. His friend. His Grandpa. A few short years later Kalibrex Shorehaven left his town behind. His smile reflecting his hopes for the future.
Strengths: Justice, Agility, Stealth, Cunning, and Improvisation
Weaknesses: Brash, Prideful, Lacking book-smarts, Cynical, and Impulsive


RP Sample: (I have pitted these two against each other below for fun)

Sweat soaked through the ground at Segund's feet. Panting from exertion, he held his conjured blade and waited within the thin circle of salt he had created. The line dared his near invisible opponent to approach and cross into the range of his attack. Outside the circle, his foe danced and blurred, just out of sight. A stream of insults bouncing at him from every direction. Thrice already, the two of them had clashed. Thrice they had hammered, cut, and parried. Slowly they had begun to find the cracks in each other's armor. Soon, a final strike would land. Soon, his enemy would grow impatient enough to strike a fourth time, and then the trap he had placed would trigger. The circle of salt on the ground was a misdirection. His range extended another two inches beyond. His senses were focused, not on his eyes or ears, but on his nose. The salt of his opponents sweat would give away his position. One strike was all that was needed now.

First blood. All that was needed was first blood. How was this duel still going on? Moving softly, Kalibrex spoke into his mask, reflecting his voice and sending it elsewhere to distract the knight in front of him. Kal's eyes flicked up to the audience watching in their seats and gave a knowing wink, earning a guffaw of appreciation. This tournament was a show for the people? Well then, a show it would be. The prize money was pretty good, too. If only the knight in front of him would do something. Well, if the salty punk was too afraid to move, then Kal just had to end it now before the crowd got too bored. With a cry of impatience, he charged. His shield reflecting the ground behind him, his voice flying towards the knight from the wrong direction, and a final trick literally in his back pocket...How could he lose?

Silence ran through the crowd in confusion. The final strike had been so sudden it was difficult to say who had won. The Rogue of Mirrors and charged the Salt Knight, but even before the knight's line of defense had been breached a flurry of activity ensued. The Knight had struck first. His swing passing directly through where the Rogue had been just an instant before. A Mirage? The Rouge instantly appeared at the knights back, but as his feet touched the ground, he sank up to his knees and the line of salt exploded upwards. A trap within a trap laid by the knight. When the salt fell. Both opponents wore matching cuts on their faces. But who had landed the deciding blow?
Name: Stella Hoshimizu
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Mancer Class: Caster Astromancy. Stella's abilities allow her to create and project miniature (roughly the size of a closed fist on average) stars, and constellations. Constellations may have aspects of their mythology, if used properly (such as a gemini constellation doubling itself or the sagittarius constellation launching one of the miniature stars). The stars produce light of their own.
Basic Character Info:
Stella is the only daughter of the Hoshimizu family, a wealthy family with noble ties in the Kingdom of Alexandria. While she is intelligent when it comes to book smarts, she has a tendency towards air-headedness in daily life, having both been pampered and allowed to indulge in her wandering mind. In terms of temperament the young woman is a kind and generous individual who wants to both help others, and prove herself outside of her family. Not that her family is bad towards her, but because she wants to be known as more than the Hoshimizu heir.
RP Sample:
Note: The following is a general maximum of what I can do. I generally, however, tend to match what others in the group do in terms of length.

Hirokazu is going to die tonight. The young man knew, with just as much certainty as he knew that one plus one equaled two, that unless there were some sort of divine intervention, the swordsman before him would take his head. Yet the young man blamed not the warrior in front of him, but rather he blamed himself for thinking that he could solve this mystical case on his own, despite having no training as a magus. This was a result of his own hubris. Yet Hirokazu wasn't ready to die, not yet. So, he cried out into the void, hoping for anything to save him.

But how was it that he had gotten here?

For the past few days, many people from the college Hirokazu attended, as well as people from the surrounding town, had been disappearing under mysterious circumstances. No bodies were found, no letters left behind, no explanation provided. To the police, this was a problem they were not trained for, since with no evidence of foul play or clues to track down the missing people, there was nothing they could do. To the casual observer, this would be completely impossible to understand, as how do so many people just up and vanish? However, Hirokazu wasn't just any casual observer. He was the son of a magus.

The black haired, 5'7" college student did not appear to be more than an average person. He was of peachy skin tone, with his aforementioned black hair combed neatly to the side, and his light blue eyes hidden behind his glasses. While he was of above average in terms of physical abilities, it was more of a lean musculature than a bulky build. While normally black is not his favorite color, on this night the man had chosen to wear a black hoodie sweatshirt, black pants, and even black shoes. This was done so that he could be hidden as he investigated, since he knew more than the local police did. He could sense the magical energy in the air.

Tonight, he had gone into a side alley where one of the citizens had recently disappeared from. Hirokazu had crouched down, and allowed himself to sense the energy, and tried to understand where the remnants of it were leading. Perhaps this way he could finally help, rather than hurt, people. Perhaps he could prove to himself that he did have what it took to be a magus. As he had slowly trudged through the dark alley as he followed the energy trail, feet bouncing off of the hard concrete, ignoring the cold chill in the air, the man stopped. He heard what sounded to be fighting.

Two figures up ahead were clashing weapons. Due to the darkness of the night, with no moon in the sky to provide the minimum illumination, Hirokazu could not clearly make either figure out. But they both stopped as the man stepped forward. One of the figures ran away when the other one looked at Hirokazu for a moment. The figure that remained, the swordsman, sighed and stepped forward.

"I'll defeat him another time I suppose. Eliminating witnesses is the top priority. Curse the Fates if you must, for I must end your life. My apologies." The figure said in a neutral tone of voice, before rushing towards Hirokazu with inhuman speed.

Knowing that this was a figure that Hirokazu could not defeat, the man tried to run away, throwing a nearby trash can over his shoulder and at the swordsman as he fled. It did nothing to slow the swordsman, who easily sliced through the trash can without slowing for an instant. He then slashed at Hirokazu who barely managed to step back, stopping what would've been a fatal slash into a minor cut across the upper half of his body. Hirokazu fell down, and tried to scramble backwards as he looked his attacker in the eyes, saying nothing as he conserved his breath to use to support his attempt to flee.

The swordsman could be seen clearly now that he was up close. With sideswept sandy blonde hair, the taller man (likely six feet at minimum) was wearing golden armor of greek design over a white chiton. Stubble grazed the man's lower chin, and his eyes were stormy grey and shone with intelligence. He proceeded to bring down his weapon, a xiphos with a boar and lion design on the hilt. As the weapon came down, Hirokazu could feel magical energy surge from his body in defiance of the fate he had been given.

Sorry for being slightly past the deadline...
Name: Quen Serva
Gender: Male
Mancer Class:
Enchanter Cryomancer. Quen primarily utilizes conjured ice blades during combat. Despite being razor sharp, these blades are also incredibly brittle and break often. To counteract this, Quen has adapted his fighting style to discard broken blades and conjure new ones with incredible speed. However, he can only create blades as long as he has a source of moisture, usually using the moisture in the air if there is no water source nearby. If the air is incredibly dry, or Quen has already used up the available moisture in the air, he is severely weakened and has to rely on his defensive capabilities. He can freeze and harden the water in his skin, which usually still leaves him damaged despite his impressive resistance to cold.
Basic Character Info:
Quen grew up on the sunny shores of Sapphira, ostracized from his peers due to his pale skin and cold demeanor. He didn't mind much however, preferring to study his swordsmanship under the tutelage of his uncle. When his mancer abilities began to show themselves Quen tried to ignore them in favor of continuing his training, but after his uncle insisted that he hone his unique abilities he finally agreed to enroll in the Mancer Training Academy. However, as always, he found himself stuck in his ways. He graduated with surprisingly middling marks, often favoring training his swordsmanship over his cryomancy.
RP Sample:
Just barely made it lol!
Alrighty, apps are officially closed!! Thanks to everyone who applied :D I'm gonna be busy today, but I'll DM everyone who made it tomorrow afternoon, probably around 1:00PM CST <3 I really appreciate everyone's interest in this project, and I'm looking forward to reading everyone's apps!!

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