Magica a land of Adventure

lol. a evil monk! thats kinda ironic but i think i can make it work... so she has a evil aura cause she was born that way but since she was raised by monks she tries to be good. 
hm.....lets see how it works out! 
either way most children still are scared of her. though she loves them to bits!
Name : Xoile

Age : 45 Years

Race : Elf

Gender : Male

Personality : Nice, Talented, Active, Always looking for something to do!

Backstory : My parents died when I was just born, I'm not sure how or when exactly. I then got raised and trained by these kind Elves. They excepted me into their home and I stayed with them for my life. When I was strong enough I left the Elves and now I'm on a quest to find and kill the one who killed my parents.

Weapons : Bow and arrow

Other : Quiet and dark!
Name: Mystery Nonzai

Nickname: Mysti

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown. She appears to be about 18 to 20 years of age.

Personality: Mysti is a sweet young lady with her own little quirks. She tends to be adorable, when you can get her to actually speak. Some mistake her quiet, quirky nature for shyness or timidity. She is neither. She is only so quiet because she is observing, and zones out because she is thinking, or actively doing something. If you get on her bad side though, she has no qualms with silently murdering you without a trace.

Short Bio: Mystery was named that because of the mystery surrounding herself. No one knows where she came from, how she got here, how old she is, what her real name is... nothing. She looked about four when they found her though. Mysti appeared in the garden of the Kitsune Royals, crying her eyes out. She couldn't remember a thing. They took her in, adopting her into the family, even though it was a bit taboo. Kitsunes being a race of magic, they appreciated, but also feared the magic that could be felt inside of her. It was primarily dark, but you wouldn't guess she would be like that from looking at her. No matter how much dark magic she uses, it doesn't harm her, like it would normally. It is unknown, however, whether or not it has an effect on her mind. The Kitsunes taught her lighter magic, to try to counteract the dark inside of her. It wasn't an easy area for her to learn, as her body fought her on it at every turn, but she managed to learn basic white magic spells, and hid from her family what dark magic she knew, thinking they wouldn't approve.

Three years ago, she set out on her own to explore what she could of the world. Very quickly she learned more about her abilities than her family had told her. Mysti was always careful about it though. She refused to lose herself to the magic. Soon after she had left her home though, the young magic-user got her familiar. A shape-shifting dragon, named Drell, pictured below. Drell tends to take the appearance of a small wyrmling wrapped around her shoulders, but he can also grow to monstrous size. Drell prefers the non-violent path whenever possible, and helps Mysti to stay on the right path.


Mysti and her wand:


Mysti's Grimoire:


Mysti's Staff:




Powers and Attributes: Her powers at this time are widely unknown, even to herself. Drell seems to know more than he let's on though. In general though, her powers and attributes include...

  • Dark magic
  • Weak light magic
  • Quick self-regeneration
  • High-intelligence
  • Fast reflexes
  • Flexibility
  • Feather-foot

Primarily untouched and somewhat unknown to her...

  • Psychic abilities
  • Most of her Dark magic

Weapon: She has a staff that she loves, a grimoire she loves, and a wand that she loves. Her primary weapon though when push comes to shove, is Drell. (All pictured above.)

Class: Royal Kitsune Family. (Adopted.)

Race: Unknown. She looks humanoid, and looks very much like a human.

Who's side are you on?: Neither. She sits in the middle. She has yet to make a choice yet, and tends to do whatever she wishes... but she does have morals.
kinadra said:
Name: Mystery Nonzai
Nickname: Mysti

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown. She appears to be about 18 to 20 years of age.

Personality: Mysti is a sweet young lady with her own little quirks. She tends to be adorable, when you can get her to actually speak. Some mistake her quiet, quirky nature for shyness or timidity. She is neither. She is only so quiet because she is observing, and zones out because she is thinking, or actively doing something. If you get on her bad side though, she has no qualms with silently murdering you without a trace.

Short Bio: Mystery was named that because of the mystery surrounding herself. No one knows where she came from, how she got here, how old she is, what her real name is... nothing. She looked about four when they found her though. Mysti appeared in the garden of the Kitsune Royals, crying her eyes out. She couldn't remember a thing. They took her in, adopting her into the family, even though it was a bit taboo. Kitsunes being a race of magic, they appreciated, but also feared the magic that could be felt inside of her. It was primarily dark, but you wouldn't guess she would be like that from looking at her. No matter how much dark magic she uses, it doesn't harm her, like it would normally. It is unknown, however, whether or not it has an effect on her mind. The Kitsunes taught her lighter magic, to try to counteract the dark inside of her. It wasn't an easy area for her to learn, as her body fought her on it at every turn, but she managed to learn basic white magic spells, and hid from her family what dark magic she knew, thinking they wouldn't approve.

Three years ago, she set out on her own to explore what she could of the world. Very quickly she learned more about her abilities than her family had told her. Mysti was always careful about it though. She refused to lose herself to the magic. Soon after she had left her home though, the young magic-user got her familiar. A shape-shifting dragon, named Drell, pictured below. Drell tends to take the appearance of a small wyrmling wrapped around her shoulders, but he can also grow to monstrous size. Drell prefers the non-violent path whenever possible, and helps Mysti to stay on the right path.


Mysti and her wand:


Mysti's Grimoire:


Mysti's Staff:




Powers and Attributes: Her powers at this time are widely unknown, even to herself. Drell seems to know more than he let's on though. In general though, her powers and attributes include...

  • Dark magic
  • Weak light magic
  • Quick self-regeneration
  • High-intelligence
  • Fast reflexes
  • Flexibility
  • Feather-foot

Primarily untouched and somewhat unknown to her...

  • Psychic abilities
  • Most of her Dark magic

Weapon: She has a staff that she loves, a grimoire she loves, and a wand that she loves. Her primary weapon though when push comes to shove, is Drell. (All pictured above.)

Class: Royal Kitsune Family. (Adopted.)

Race: Unknown. She looks humanoid, and looks very much like a human.

Who's side are you on?: Neither. She sits in the middle. She has yet to make a choice yet, and tends to do whatever she wishes... but she does have morals.
omg! shes awesome!!!
Well we are finishing up now so I shall tell you.

We are at the part where Wernox and the others(minus Kizuke and Fantra) they then encounter the second crimsonian god weapon. The Crimson Katana. Akio is currently fighting a powerful guardian dragon. And Xeno is no longer a enemy.
kinadra said:
Hahaha :) Thank you @Raveg64 and @animania I'm glad you think so!
So... Uh... I haven't read the RP yet :P Help to get me in, please? I'm horrible at that usually x3
lol. it took me two days to read it all. AND I MOST LIKELY MIXED/MESSED UP MANY PARTS SO DONT PUT ANY FAITH IN ME!!!! um... lets see... i will most likely forget a great amount of details soo.... here goes. basically xeon and xi are alone. xeon serves under raiven (her name isnt spelled like that but i forgot hw to spell it) raiven had trapped xeon and filled him with darkness. s hes kinda under her control. faven wants revenge on her cause she wipped out his race. um... xeon took xi under his wing so hes very protective of her. um..... i forgot the rest.... i suck at remembering things. sorry
((I took some liberties with this. I thought you might like the idea. If not, then please tell me, and I will change the backstory. I figured though that Drell is a significant enough character to Mysti that he needed his own sheet.))

((Most of this information, Mysti does not know.))

Name: Drellian Fearbringer Mitz'klen

Nickname: Drell

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown. Older than 2000.

Personality: In the past, Drell was cruel and swift. Now, he is kind, caring, and gentle with most things. If a fight does need to come, however, he will not hesitate in killing the opponent.

Short Bio: The name of a Dragon is something that is earned. The middle name, that is. Otherwise known as one's "title". Drell's title has been Fearbringer for a very long time, though now he regrets it. A very long time ago, almost 2000 years ago, Drell once worked for a very evil person, named Raiden. He protected Raiden, and did what she wanted him to. How many lives he had ended because of Raiden's word... how many family homes burned down or frozen over... He had lost count. The moment that Raiden was locked away though, Drell swore on any shred of dignity that he had left that he would never again do such a thing. Not unless it was for good, instead of evil.

About two years ago, Drell met a sweet girl, whose soul reminded him of Raiden. He knew she wasn't evil though, at least not yet. Drell took her under his wing, quite literally, to make sure she stayed on the right path. He worried for the young fleshy. Though she was strong, Drell knew how easily darkness could sway one's heart if not careful. He felt like he owed the world this, and also owed it to himself.





  • Widely unknown
  • Regeneration
  • Frost breath
  • General magics
  • Shape-shifting

Weapon: His claws and his magic.

Class: Noble Dragon.

Race: Dragon.

Who's side are you on?: He used to be as evil as they come, but he has now turned away from that, and has sworn to follow the path of good.

Other: He has a necklace, pictured above, that he will not take off, though it is unknown as to why.


Name: Xaldarian Fletcher

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'2"

Age: 21

Weight: 180 lbs.

Hair: Medium, Dark Blue

Eyes: Blue

Location: Born and Rasied in the town Adain

Aliance: ?

Alignment: Neutral

Element: Holy and Fire

Characteristics: Naive, Humerous, Perverted, Serious (when needs to be)

Class: SpellSword

Bio: A boy who's father(Xandrid Fletcher) was the bravest knight but died heroicly in the war. His whole life he has trained with the sword and magic hoping to one day live up to his father's image. A journey is then thrusted upon him one fateful day and his chance to make his lifelong goal meets reality......


Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Leather Chaps, Leather Boots, Father's Sword,Weak Health Potion x5, Weak Stamina


Helmet: Leather Helm +10 HP

Body: Leather Armor +20 HP

Gloves: Leather Gloves +6 HP

Leggings: Leather Chaps +15 HP

Boots: Leather Boots +6 HP

Right Hand: Father's Sword +5 ATK

Left Hand: NONE

Necklace: NONE

Ring1: NONE

Ring2: NONE


lvl: 5

HP: 452(509)

Mana: 217

Stamina: 400

Strength: 20(25)

Agillity: 15

Intimidation: 6

Speech: 11

GodMight: 0

Thievery: 8

Enchanting: 0


Holy Slash- Stamina -20 Damage +3 (Against Darkness +7)

Flame Slice- Stamina -30 Mana - 20 Damage +10 (Against Leaf and Ice +15)


Fireball- Mana -10 Damage +5 (Against Leaf and Ice +10)

Radiant Light- Mana -35 Damage All Enemies +6 (Against Darkness +10)

Heal- Heal Target +100 HP

Xaldarian said:

Name: Xaldarian Fletcher

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Height: 6'2"

Age: 21

Weight: 180 lbs.

Hair: Medium, Dark Blue

Eyes: Blue

Location: Born and Rasied in the town Adain

Aliance: ?

Alignment: Neutral

Element: Holy and Fire

Characteristics: Naive, Humerous, Perverted, Serious (when needs to be)

Class: SpellSword

Bio: A boy who's father(Xandrid Fletcher) was the bravest knight but died heroicly in the war. His whole life he has trained with the sword and magic hoping to one day live up to his father's image. A journey is then thrusted upon him one fateful day and his chance to make his lifelong goal meets reality......


Leather Helm, Leather Armor, Leather Gloves, Leather Chaps, Leather Boots, Father's Sword,Weak Health Potion x5, Weak Stamina


Helmet: Leather Helm +10 HP

Body: Leather Armor +20 HP

Gloves: Leather Gloves +6 HP

Leggings: Leather Chaps +15 HP

Boots: Leather Boots +6 HP

Right Hand: Father's Sword +5 ATK

Left Hand: NONE

Necklace: NONE

Ring1: NONE

Ring2: NONE


lvl: 5

HP: 452(509)

Mana: 217

Stamina: 400

Strength: 20(25)

Agillity: 15

Intimidation: 6

Speech: 11

GodMight: 0

Thievery: 8

Enchanting: 0


Holy Slash- Stamina -20 Damage +3 (Against Darkness +7)

Flame Slice- Stamina -30 Mana - 20 Damage +10 (Against Leaf and Ice +15)


Fireball- Mana -10 Damage +5 (Against Leaf and Ice +10)

Radiant Light- Mana -35 Damage All Enemies +6 (Against Darkness +10)

Heal- Heal Target +100 HP

O_O. Wow that's allot. So wait to see if rave accepts u. Then rave might help give u ideas n how to start

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