Magica a land of Adventure






Adventurous | Playful | Carefree | Determined

She is trustworthy and helpful and would give her all to help the weak. She can sometimes be really childish at times when she not doing anything or is just bored but she is serious when she needs to be.

Short Bio:

She lived a good life with a good family but she never made a lot of friends because she moved a LOT but it was fine since she got to meet many different people but it was lonely at times. As she got older she wanted to follow her father's steps since he was a rouge but she strangely became a combat mage instead but it was okay as long as she can travel like her father and fight she was fine with anything and it was pretty cool to her to be blessed to use magic since it rare to have people use magic.


She has elbow-length dark brunette hair and hazel glowing eyes, she wears light clothing but has some armor on her knee, elbow, chest and arm/hand. She also wear these goggle-like around her neck, when she goes somewhere far she put them on to see through the blast of wind.


Element magic and Enhance magic

(Element Magic: Lightning | Enhance Magic: used to increase her sword and those around her but the max is 2)


Magic and a short sword


Combat Mage



(Part human and part unknown creature, which she doesn't know about)

Who's side are you on?:

The Good

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Yumi Ravenclaw




To sum it up Yumi's personality is a mixture, it depends on her current mood. She helps anyone who is in danger though, that is just how she is. When it comes to fighting, Yumi becomes serious and focused. However, she isn't exactly the fighting type. She does not let her feelings and judgement get in the way, if she gets in a fight. There are many sides to Yumi though. And her anger is one scary thing. She hardly ever shows her anger though. But when is is angry, she can become a deadly person with no kindness or love. Her personality normally thought is of a kind and gentle manner also very clam and collected. However, she is highly respectful and polite due to her clan family's high status. Yet, due to being trapped and not allowed to see the world, she is also very quiet. Almost to the point of being mute at times, but not all of the time. Her mood tends to get mixed up a lot, which makes her personality get tangled up.

Short Bio:

Yumi was born into one of the strongest Kitsune clans there was called the Ravenclaw Clan. It was believed that they had the strongest connection to the Gods then the other clans. As well as more gifted then the others. When Yumi was born the clan thought her to be a Moon Spirit. She was as pure as moon or so they thought. After she was born the clan's shamen sensed a dark power that she could not control.

She was the first person in her clan and family to be
cursed, they thought the Gods had shunned the nearly born Yumi.

So Yumi was raised carefully and with no freedom at all. They made her wear special talismans to keep her dark power sealed since she was born into the world. Yumi lived her life learning the ways of the outside world, but never being able to see it for her self. This made her very sad that she could not experience the world like her family did. Her mom tried her best to make Yumi feel comfortable with this life, but it was all in vein.

Yumi felt like there was another side to herself. She could hear another voice telling her that it was her time to experience and do things for herself. Each day the voice got more louder and haunting to the point Luna was starting to feel more desperate to be free. So one day she got to finally go out to the outside world. It was a very beautiful world. But before she got to experience more of it her father found her and dragged her back into the village. That is when everything went for the worse. She got into a huge heated argument with her father, the leader of their clan. Ever since the argument, she had sealed herself away from others. Yet, she was still willing to help others in need. On a site comment, Yumi is a creative female and has lots of mysterious dreams...

Or are they visions?

(More with be revealed later in the RP)




Most magic and such, she is shockingly good at fighting. Yet, she prefers to be a healer instead. Her true powers, deep inside, are unknown and completely sealed off.


Despite being 'fragile' half of the time and never leaving her own home, Yumi is great with using katanas. But, thats it. She has a special katana always with her at all times, no matter what.





Who's side are you on?:

Due to having two sides, Light and Dark, Yumi often struggles to pick a side. Yet, slowly, Yumi starts to get lured to the darker side by the other part of herself. As well as her dreams and her negative emotions, which she has bottled up since she can never see the outside world. However, Yumi is still struggling with both of the sides...

So, far now, her side is completely unknown. 
Sorry for it being so long in the bio and so on. I got a little bit carried away, since I was enjoyed writing it. ^^"

I hope this is good enough and, hopefully, interesting and not a fail. xD
Name: Raze

Gender: Male

Personality: Typically calm but goes on a rampage during battle or when someone close to him is hurt.

Short Bio:He was an avenger. Rest unknown.



Powers:Hypnotizes the opponent while trying to haunt him with his past memories; swordsman;shooter.

Weapon: Vendetta Sword , guns.

Race: Nephilim

Who's side are you on?(good or evil): Evil

Other: He serves the evil for his own reasons. He isn't some treacherous monster.
Name: Xi'Maw

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet childish and Naive. Prefers to stay out of fighting due to her not knowing her full potential. Uncontrollably violent when upset. It has only been about 6 months since her hatching (which is equal to about 20 years) so she still has a few kid traits

Short Bio: Xi'Maw is a dimensional voidling that, along with her race, use their powers to jump from dimension to dimension. Voidlings also go through various evolutions in their life cycle. They were a peaceful race until a dark force began to corrupt the them and force everyone to fight amounts themselves. Xi'Maw was the last hatched egg from the mother Void; which is the provider of the whole race. Afraid of what her people would do to her, Xi'Maw jumped from dimension to dimension until stumbling upon Magica. This type of environment was new to her and she wished to explore. Before she left her home, she was given a small box containing the "Heart" of her world. She hopes to be rid of this evil force surrounding her home and return home to what is left of her loved ones.


Evolution 1: (evolution of which she was hatched in and fights in)


Evolution: 2 (evolution of which she spends most of her time in. She has only experienced 2 evolutions but her people are about to have at most 5)


Evolution 3:


Powers: When in her first evolution, she may release deadly spikes from her body when frightened. When she is jumping dimensions, of moving to safety, her body is consumed by a dark force that disappears when she is transported to her destination. When in her second evolution, she uses the void force for lifting objects.

Weapon: When in her second form, her mantis-like arms act as swift melee attacks as well as her poisonous spikes.

Class(can be any class, even made up): Void Striker

Race:Dimensional Voidling

Who's side are you on?(good or evil): Sides good and evil were next truly established in her dimension. She is in favor of what is right and helps the likes of good but sometimes feels the dark force telling her otherwise.
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Mister Villian may I ask that you make your own antagonist. Because Raiden is my character actually and also she is a girl so.....but Still i ask that you make your own.
Name: Greiger

Gender: Male

Personality: Hotheaded, stubborn, easy to snap

Short Bio: He was raised by a variety of warriors when he was young and loves to fight be it friend or foe. Not much is known about his parents except they were great warriors.


Powers:Strength increase, stunning war cry, and great speed

Weapon: Battle claws

Class(can be any class, even made up): Ninja

Race: Human

Who's side are you on?(good or evil): Good

Accepted. Everyone really seems to be getting the creative juices flowing.

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Name: Mink

Gender: A-sexual

Personality: Quiet and calm, Mink will not interfere in a battle unless completely necessary. Preferring to talk it's way out of a situation rather than fight, Mink has mastered many tricks of the mind to control or influence the mind of others.

Short Bio: Coming from the desert forests of other lands is all it chooses to give up about itself

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Mink.jpg.c0bdeb8b07c8295dbda079795b22eee7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13210" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Mink.jpg.c0bdeb8b07c8295dbda079795b22eee7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: Illusionist, can control perspectives or even bodily functions. Also can control light flow, make it bend around it for the appearance of being invisible.

Weapon: Magic

Class(can be any class, even made up): Illusionist

Race: Trimilad of the desert forests

Who's side are you on?(good or evil): Neutral



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Yes. Currently our heroes are in Ravenwing. You can be the guy who they meet at the shrine.

Sent from my PantechP9060 using Tapatalk 2 
Dude Villain. Just let your imagination flow and be a villain you made up. Oh and Raiden is actually my character.
(hey. it took me about two days to read the whole rp. now i wanna join too!)



Personality:she has a soft side for children and kind people who are kind to her. otherwise shes is indifferent to others.

Short Bio: originaly from galaxy mayshee.(a different dimension) Nana was left in the mountains of her home planet. She was raised by traveling monks who found her as they visited her planet. They taught her spirit wield. Nana was very happy with her “brothers” that is until raven killed them all. The only way she had survived was that her brother had uses the last of their life energy combined in order to send her to a new dimension. Now she still travels but by herself, trying to find her purpose in life.

Appearance: wears a short sleeveless light pink kimono for ease of fighting and travel. Over her kimono is a long light brown hooded cape that she rarely takes off. The parts of her body that would show skin are covered in bandages aside from her head. She wears arm and shin guards that help her block magic attacks. Nana doesn't wear any shoes so she’s barefooted. She has long silky red hair. Pale skin and black eyes with glowing aqua blue irises. Aside from that she looks human.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec1a0b7b_animefantasygirlredhairanimeartmanga-64ea0219df9a8ab8028f7a170572ff08_h.jpg.f390f8c460ee2f583a80e42eb63bbf44.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13232" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/57a8bec1a0b7b_animefantasygirlredhairanimeartmanga-64ea0219df9a8ab8028f7a170572ff08_h.jpg.f390f8c460ee2f583a80e42eb63bbf44.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Powers: she’s a spirit wielder. The last of her group. Being a spirit wielder means that she can control any energy down to a molecular level. She can use it to direct the energy into any form so she can conjure up living things too. Though she has this power. If she uses it for actions such as healing, or summoning weapons or small animals it’ll slowly take a toll on her body and shell have to refrain from using her power to heal since she cannot heal herself. Major actions like summoning great beasts or conjuring things from other dimensions can cause great havoc to the point of her death. Because of this limit she usually uses her power on an object that acts like a median to channel it. The only way using her powers won’t hurt her is to make simple useless objects like small toys and such.

Weapon: she uses a staff. So far her staff was the only median that she was able to find from all the planets she’s traveled. Nana uses her power to enhance it. Meaning that she can partly morph her staff into other things such as small spikes sticking out or a sort of mini kite to cushion her fall when she falls from high places. She usually has her staff in her left hand as she walks or strapped to her back.

Class(can be any class, even made up):monk (though she’s not as holy as her former brothers)


Who's side are you on?(good or evil): good….she thinks.



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lol. a evil monk! thats ironic in a way. ok to make this work out...... so she has a evil aura because thats how she was born that way but since she was raised by monks she tries to be good.

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