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Fantasy Magic School (Little and Lost)


Men are NOT peanut butter.
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My Interest Check
Among the chaos of middle school, with everyone running to get to classes and see old friends, a short figure leaned against their locker, watching. They had a hoodie with the hood pulled over their forehead, and ripped jeans fraying at the bottom. They seemed content with watching, instead of socializing. it was in their nature to just be instead of trying to fit somewhere they already knew they didn’t belong. someone came to the locker next to theirs, which happened often, since they had of course gotten the locker between the popular kids. Because why wouldn’t they? They snorted at the thought. When the bell rang, they got up and turned around to their locker, putting in the combination and grabbing their books. They ran to the classroom, not caring if they tripped. they just wanted to get out of the hallway as fast as possible. When they got to their homeroom classroom, they sat down in the back corner, letting their hood fall over their eyes until the teacher did attendance. “addy?” the teacher called, to which they winced. They hadn’t been called Addy since they had come out. “Uhm..that’s me but..that’s not me..” they said, not wanting to explain. the teacher nodded. “so you’re the non-binary person the principal was telling me about?” the teacher asked, to which they nodded. “yeah..” they said. the teacher nodded again. “okay, what’s your name then?” she asked, “Cam..“ they responded. the teacher nodded and scribbled something on her paper. “sorry about the confusion, Cam.” she responded.
little1133 little1133
Lillian practically bounced into the school. She had missed open house, but what better time was there to see her school than during the excitement of the first day? Flowers spilled out behind her, leaving the floor of the school a blooming forest wherever she walked. Several students were watching butterflies or brushing them away from their things. She had spared herself plenty of time before class, so she skipped to her locker and started unpacking her things. Admittedly, she was a bit worried about what other kids would think of her. She didn't have any magic that she knew of. If she ever managed to do anything magical, she was sure it would be weak. The spill of flowers slowed down slightly, as some students turned to stare at Lily. Her thoughts began to turn to other matters, as if her train of thought was swerving from track to track. She simply couldn't slow it down.
The locker to the right was one of the older, more popular kids. It would certainly be great to get to know them. To her left, a faery was stretching her wings. Lily nearly didn't notice the most interesting thing: A cyborg in the locker 2 doors right of her. They were leaning darkly against their locker, seemingly both unconcerned about class preparations and unexcited about the school. They were small, definitely a first-year like her.
All the students perked up (except the cyborg) as the 5 minute bell rang out. Lily quickly gathered her things and ran off to homeroom. She was in the same class as most of the people who had lockers near her. She sat herself down in the front row, listening intently for her name.
" Lillian? " the teacher asked. " Here! " she replied. After that, she felt a sudden tiredness and slumped down, leaving the rest of attendance to be a blur. She still got that the cyborg's name was Addycam. What a weird name... Maybe she hadn't been listening well enough. She could ask later. She sat up and listened as the lesson started.
Cam sighed of relief. she had been fine with it. now for the other teachers.. They shook their head and brought out their sketchbook, ignoring the rest of the lesson, They didn’t really care much for school, because who would? It’s not like there’s anything good to do, besides socialize, and that was barely positive. more negative. They shook their head as if to clear it, trying to find something to do until the class started. They took out their sketchbook, drawing people around them until the teacher started the class. When she did, they put it away and started taking notes, although it was mostly doodling and waiting for the next thing to write down.
When the bell rung to signal that class ended, Cam got up and ran outside of the classroom, not caring about running into anyone. They went back to their locker, grabbing their books and waiting for the next bell to ring. They hated telling teacher's their name wasn't Abby(or anyone else for that matter), but realized they would have to get used to it if they didn't want to be reminded of their past every time their name was called.
The cyborg went so fast that Lillian had to run to keep up with them, and even then she was trailing behind. Finally, they stopped at their locker.
"Um, are you Abbycam?" she asked nervously, twiddling her fingers as a small, white forcefield formed around her.
Cam looked at the girl, surprised. "Uhm, no. I'm not sure where you heard that, but no." They said, letting the rudeness cloud their embarrassment and confusion. "Who are you?" They then asked. They hadn't think anyone would come up to them, especially to ask them if their name was 'Abbycam'. They wondered what she actually wanted. They watched the forcefield form with awe. She had made that, and in public? They had always avoided using their magic, not wanting to mess anything up, but now, they let a small flame spark into their hand.
Oh. Lillian must have misheard the teacher after all. "Phew," she said, embarrassed. "Abbycam would be a weird name, I guess I just misheard... So what is your name?" The forcefield strengthened a bit, expanding slightly and pushing on the cyborg. Lillian's eyes traveled to the flame. "You can do magic already? That's amazing!"
“I’m Cam, and please don’t call me Abby.” Cam responded, quickly hiding their flame. “and yeah, I can do magic. it’s pretty simple..” they said, rolling their eyes. Who couldn’t do magic? It wasn’t like it was something you had to learn over the years. They had accidentally used their magic once, which was when they vowed to never use it unless it was an emergency. technically, this wasn’t an emergency, but they would let it slide.
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"oh. Well, nice to meet you, Cam. I'm Lily." Lillian said, her forcefield beginning to shrink. "Uh- can you teach me how? I mean, like, tutor me?" A couple of flowers fell out of nowhere. The 5 minute bell rang, and Lillian looked up. She started packing her things while looking expectantly at Cam.
Cam packed their own things and looked to Lillian. "You seem to have it good, but sure..?" They said, looking pointedly at the flowers. They grabbed their sketchbook out of their bag and rushed to the next class, not wanting to be late. When they got there, they sat in their usual seat and drew until the class started. Maybe they would stick to being dead named the rest of class, so they didn't have to tell all of their teachers they weren't, in fact, Abby.
Lillian was left wondering what they meant by that. She sat in the front row of her next class and paid plenty of attention but couldn't get her mind off of Cam and what they had said about her magic. How did they know she was good at magic? Were they lying or guessing? She sighed as she took her notes. She wouldn't know until after class.
Cam quickly went back to their class, sitting in the back corner and drawing until class started. The unfamiliar girl had seemed confused, but they thought it was quite obvious she could do magic, maybe not control it, but it was better than most. They shrugged and concentrated back on their drawing. When would the teacher get to class?

( little1133 little1133 )
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