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Fantasy Magic Rising - OOC

ah we godmods are running behind things because we were doing some lore structure work and I fell sick, plus my second in command, honeydew, was out of town and latte couldn't start on her own.

ah we godmods are running behind things because we were doing some lore structure work and I fell sick, plus my second in command, honeydew, was out of town and latte couldn't start on her own.

Ohhh. No need to apologize, haha. I was just curious. I hope you're feeling better!
u k i y o u k i y o koala koala q r o w q r o w peachpuff peachpuff @everyoneelse

Hello, I wanted to make a formal announcement:
This RP will not be continuing as of right now, my roommate and co-gm, honeydew, is currently really sick and I'm taking extra shifts at work to help with any bills I can. I'm also attending a new class schedule and it makes it a bit hard to RUN an RP. I'm sure everyone thinks this is dead anyway. latte was willing to run this on her own, however, I wasn't going to throw such a big plot on one person. I apologize for the inconvenience.
u k i y o u k i y o koala koala q r o w q r o w peachpuff peachpuff @everyoneelse

Hello, I wanted to make a formal announcement:
This RP will not be continuing as of right now, my roommate and co-gm, honeydew, is currently really sick and I'm taking extra shifts at work to help with any bills I can. I'm also attending a new class schedule and it makes it a bit hard to RUN an RP. I'm sure everyone thinks this is dead anyway. latte was willing to run this on her own, however, I wasn't going to throw such a big plot on one person. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Tell honey I said I'm praying for her~
u k i y o u k i y o koala koala q r o w q r o w peachpuff peachpuff @everyoneelse

Hello, I wanted to make a formal announcement:
This RP will not be continuing as of right now, my roommate and co-gm, honeydew, is currently really sick and I'm taking extra shifts at work to help with any bills I can. I'm also attending a new class schedule and it makes it a bit hard to RUN an RP. I'm sure everyone thinks this is dead anyway. latte was willing to run this on her own, however, I wasn't going to throw such a big plot on one person. I apologize for the inconvenience.

I hope she gets well soon, and I wish you the best of luck with those extra shifts.

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