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Fantasy Magic candy shoppe Character sheet


One Thousand Club
Roleplay Type(s)
Description of them: (or you can use a photo)
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Name: sean
Age: 14
Species: Human
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi
Description of them or photo:
Image result for 14year old blond boy face claim
Personality: He is shy and dose not talk much he is kind of the goody goody of his school behaves well dose well in school pays attention and when he gets home he dose his homework and chores and goes to bed. He never disobeys the rules and is a snitch and a teachers pet. He has a good personality but is harassed because he is a goody goody and a snitch.
Likes: Reading,school, going to the park, hanging out with friends and candy
Dislikes: disobeying rules, people being rude and being indoors too much.
Strengths: school, reading, making friends,cooking/baking and school
Weakness: disobeying, wilderness survival and knowing how to use weapons and fighting
Background: He has always raised by a well mannered family that has always taught him whats proper and whats not. They would punish him if he was acting improper or if he got bad grades was always told to tell on people behaving bad and should never get in fights. that's why he acts like this and that why hes weaker and more wimpy
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Name: Tup
Age: Who know? Tup doesn't
Species: Goblin
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Fire
Description of them: (or you can use a photo)
It's not surprice if people thinks she is boy, as unless they are familiar with goblins, it's hard to say if she is boy or girl when she has clothes.
Personality: Bit silly goblin girl.
Likes: Fire
Dislikes: Cold, Water
Strengths: Fire resistant (not immune), Small size even with other children, carries club and has darkvision (sees in dark black and white)
Weakness: Small size, looses focus easily, likes fire "little" too much, speak badly human language
Background: Tup lived most of her life in goblin tribe where she had born, until one day there was small incident with fire and after burning down tribe's buildings other goblins exiled her from tribe and she started living alone in swamp.
In one day there was massive storm and Tup seeked shelter to herself, finding cave. It was dark cave, but it didn't matter to her and she just walked in. In cave she noticed that someone had forgotten candy there, she looked around and then eat candy as she hadn't eaten today yet. After that she started thinking about where she could get more of tasty candies and portal appeared front of her after looking again around her and not seeing anyone, she stepped in.
Other: Has lot of own words to stuff and speaks in third person time to time.

Abilities (Get from RP): Can make portal at other worlds that leads to Candy shop's supply room in Earth. Portal stays open until she walks through it.
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Name: Lilian Wright
Age: 16
Species: Human (witch)
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Hetero
Personality: Lilian is a flirty, self absorbed, witch. She rarely shies away from a challenge. Shes a sucker for sweets and cute animals.
Likes: Makeup, Candy, Cats
Dislikes: Bugs, Being cold, Being told 'no'
Strengths: Fire magic, people skills
Weakness: Water,
Background: Her mother trained her to be a witch ever since she was little. When she was 5 she got her first broom. Her mastery is fire magic.

Name: Sabrina Kelly
Age: 15
Species: Human
Sex: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Description of them:
Personality: Is a bit of a tomboy. She is strong and athletic; having done boxing, wrestling, parkour, and tennis. She's a bit shy in crowds but is fiercely protective of her friends.
Likes: Sports, action movies, war novels
Dislikes: bullies, laziness, math
Strengths: fighting, stamina, cooking
Weakness: Socializing, indecisive,
Background: Her parents got divorced when she was young. Her mother was an alcoholic so she was raised by her father who taught her to box. In school she does okay averaging bs.

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