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Fantasy MAGE Academy // Magical Academia Roleplay

Melody smiles at her before she exits the classroom, "Well, let's get to it then." She follows the crowd downstairs and through the twist and turns of the hallways.
Hiroto follows her, quite curious of the place she is leading to him. He took a quick bite of some of the salad on his tray before the arrived at their table. Setting his tray on the table, to took a chance to look around the cafeteria again.
Minji followed closely behind Melody, her eyes scanning the unfamiliar corridors of the academy with a mix of weariness and curiosity. The murmurs and laughter of the students around them filled the air, providing a lively backdrop to their search .

"Right behind you," Minji confirmed, her voice steady despite the fatigue that plagued her. "With any luck, we'll find the cafeteria before I pass out from hunger."
Melody follows the hallways before hearing some chattering that was quite loud towards the end of a hallway next to them. "I think it's this way," Melody pointed to the hallway and with her surprise, it was.

Large and filled with long tables and an odd-looking hole that students are lining up to, holding up their trays. Melody looks around, quite curious of the design of the area.
Minji's eyes widened slightly as they entered the bustling cafeteria, taking in the sights and sounds. She followed Melody's gaze to the odd-looking hole where students were queuing, her curiosity piqued.

"This place is something else," Minji remarked a hint of awe in her voice. "Looks like that's where we get our food from." She nodded toward the dispenser with an intrigued raise of her eyebrow. "I've got to say, this academy really embraces the magical vibe through and through."
Melody nods in agreement. She took a moment to around for a few more moments before mummering, "This is quite unusual..." She points to the hole, "What do you think that does?"
Minji glanced at the hole, pondering its purpose for a moment before replying, "Hmm, well, if I had to guess, it's probably some sort of magical food dispenser. Maybe you stick your tray under it, say a magic word, and voila! Lunch appears." She shrugged. "Or it could teleport us to another dimension. Who knows?
Melody smiles before tracing the line to a tray area. She points to the area, "Well, do you want to try? It seems interesting."
"Sure, why not give it a shot? If it turns out to be a one-way ticket to a dessert dimension, I'm blaming you, though," she said with a half-smile, her eyes betraying a hint of amusement.
Alis plunked herself down at the table, tilting her hat back just a touch and patting the seat beside her for Hiroto to sit in. “Grab a seat Hiroto!” She said jovially before tucking in to her massive brunch plate.

In between bites of breakfast food she scanned the tray line looking for confused newbies. As a second year, she had taken it upon herself to try and help any lost first years. “Hey Hiroto, if you see anyone looking for a seat wave them over. Our tables a little empty for my tastes,” she grinned before gulping down her carton of milk.
"Great!" Melody trout over to the end of the line where the trays are. As she picks one up, two students caught her attention: a guy with light blue hair and a girl with an odd looking hat.
Hiroto took a couple of bites of his food, nodding along to Alis' words. "Alright, seems fair enough." He scans the crowd of students in the cafeteria with a few bites of bread in his mouth.
Minji piled her plate with a mix of savory and sweet delights, her tired demeanor brightening just a bit at the meal. As Melody spotted the guy with light blue hair and the girl in the odd-looking hat, Minji couldn't help but overhear their conversation. Still focused on her food, she mumbled, "Looks like someone's playing the welcoming committee. Good for them."
Melody puts mostly vegetables and salads on her tray quite contently. "Well, shall we should start a conversation with them sometime," she suggested as she moved along the line.
Minji nodded absentmindedly, her attention divided between carefully balancing her tray and selecting her food. "Yeah, sounds like a plan," she replied, trailing behind Mel.
Alis, nearly finished with her tray by now, saw the two girls eyeing their table. "Over here!" she waved to them, smiling broadly. "Incoming," she said quietly to Hiroto, as if he hadn't heard her shouting beside him.
Melody finished going down the row and walked over to their table, "Hello there, my name is Melody Mockingbird." She sat down beside the guy and plopped her sphere and tray on the table.
Minji offered a small nod of gratitude to Melody as she found a seat next to Alis. She didn't say much initially, her focus still on her food, but she managed a tired but polite smile.

Minji introduced herself, her voice calm and measured, "I'm Minji Del Lune. Nice to meet you both."

Minji glanced up from her food briefly as Hiroto introduced himself, offering a faint smile in return. "Nice to meet you, Hiroto," she replied politely before returning her focus to her meal, taking another bite with a contented sigh.
"Nice to meet you Melody, Minji," Alis said, tipping her hat to each of them. "My name is Alis Shaw, second year in the enchanting and conjuration program. Enjoying your first day so far?" She grinned, grabbing her crumpled schedule from her pocket. Here's my schedule if you guys want to take a peek. I know I'm a second year but class placement can vary wildly between the years so we might have some together!"

Alis Shaw - Second year

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Enchanting 201 - 9a
Advanced Martial Arts - 10:30a
Conjuring Elementals - 11:30
Conjuring Weapons - 1p
Elemental Magiks 101 - 3p
Advanced Swordplay 4:30p

Tuesday, Thursday
Intro to the Healing Arts - 9:30a
Alchemy and Potionmaking - 10:30a
Advanced Demonhunting - 12p
Magikal Basics for Second Years - 1:30p
Intro to Herbology - 3p
Melody ate her food, or rather, vegetables. She was quite happy that she was able to fit in even a tiny bit.

"Wow, that's really interesting!" She pointed to the Herbology class in Alia's schedule, "Wow, looks like I'm in the same Herbology class as you!"
Minji listened attentively to Alis's introduction and class schedule, her tired eyes scanning the list with mild interest. As Alis continued to chat with Melody, Minji's gaze subtly shifted towards Hiroto's food, her stomach growling softly in response. Hm...
Noelle walks inside the cafeteria ignoring all the eyes staring at her. She passes by their table as a strong rose perfume follows her around. She stops and notices the creatures sitting next to a human and glares at everyone but Hiroto, then leans in and asks him "Are these..things bothering you?"
"Well seems to me like we already have classmates here." Hiroto pipes up as he finished his salad, "If your also curious, I also have my schedule."

He pulled out a neatly folded paper with neat handwriting that seems to be his.

Hiroto Sakemura - First Year

Every Day

Tarot Reading Room 200, 7:00 AM
Witchcraft Stone Hallway, Room 1, 1:00 PM
Spiritology, Room 145, 2:00 AM
Exorcism, Room 100, 12:00 AM
The Study of the Stars, Top of the First Watchtower, 5:00 AM
Magik Basics, Room 121, 6:00 PM

Hiroto could feel someone comming close to him and sitting down next to him. It happened to be a girl with a piercing gaze. He laughs nervously, "Um, not in particular. Why do you ask?"
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