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Fantasy MAGE Academy // Magical Academia Roleplay

Melody smiles at his confirmation. She grips onto the sphere, holding her breath as to avoid her attention of the chatters around the room. She was feeling quiet nervous before she directed her gaze to where Nobel was directed and was quiet surprised to see the same girl she had met in the hallway.

Melody smiled shyly at her, waving at her. It wasn't too often for her to see a familiar face in her classes or the campus area.
Minji let out a sign of relief as her answer was accepted. She looked around the room, seeing a mix of reactions: looks of envy, looks of admiration, and so forth. She stopped as she saw the girl from the hallway, Melody, waving at her. Unconsciously looking behind her to make sure she wasn’t waving at the walls, Minji waved back, smiling.

“As a treat for these excellent answers I have been given, I shall end this class with your assignment and thoughts,” Nobel hummed, “If Magick can be simplified to Spiritual energy and intention, is there truly an appropriate way to measure the power of an mage?”

Nobel paused, letting the question sink in,”With that, I wish you all a good rest of your day. Class dismissed.”

The room instantly went abuzz with energy, groups being formed with those who knew each other before the academy. Minji awkwardly lulled around, her gaze lighting up on Melody.
Melody nodded before noting the question in the back of her head to answer and brainstorm later. She carried her sphere as she stood up and pushed in the chair. She walked towards the girl she met who was apparently named Ms. Lune.

"Hello there! It's nice to see a familiar face in this lecture." Melody said as she approached her. She had a pleasant expression upon meeting her.
Hiroto decided to walk the oppisite way of the hallway as he already saw what could be down that road. He counted the numbers of the rooms but it didn't took him long as he saw a class leave when he got to class 213. Hm, they must have been dissmised. He waited along the side for the crowd to go out.
"Likewise," Minji bobbed her head in acknowledgement, an awkward smile plastered on her face. What do I say now...

"A bit of a delayed introduction since the hallway," She let out a nervous laugh, "But my name is Minji, BUT you can call me Min...if you want that is."
The professor eventually introduced himself as James Forester, retired Hunter and expert on enchanted weaponry. He passed out silver daggers to every student in the class and had them practice basic strengthening enchantments on them.

“For this demonsbane enchantment, regular daggers will not do. As you see in the sword there are multiple enchanted jewels placed in the hilt to further solidify the magikal interface, enough to support all of the enchantments on the blade. Objects can only withstand so much magik without a solid interface before they become… unstable.” A flash of a grimace passed over Professor Forester’s face before he clapped his hands. “Now then, that will be all for our first day. Dismissed!”

Alis, sweating, trudged out of the room. Despite being talented at enchantment, casting and uncasting the same charms in a row was draining. As she exited the classroom she saw that the classroom across the hall has been dismissed as well. Walking out of the classroom, she peered at the numbers trying to figure out where her next one was and ended up bumping into a cardigan-clad boy.

“Oh gosh, sorry about that darlin’” she drawled nervously, hoping she hadn’t bruised the delicate-looking youth. “You alright?”

Ch. 1 - I'M LATE!!

The 18-year-old girl would cry out loud as Mirabelle and her entire family scrambled all over the place to get her ready for school. "HONEY! DID YOU GET MIRABELLE HER SCHOOL SUPPLIES?!" Mirabelle's father, Diablo, yelled across the room to his wife, Angela. "YES! I DID! HAVE YOU GOT HER BACKPACK ALL SET UP, SUNNY?!" Angela yelled at Sunny, her and Diablo's eldest son. "YEP I DID! ME, WINTER, LUNA AND ZEPHYR BOTH GOT HER BAG ALL SET UP!" He shouted at his parents from across the room. "Phew...alright! MIRABELLE! GET GOING NOW!" Diablo yelled at his youngest daughter, Mirabelle. "Okay, dad!" Mirabelle said before grabbing her stuff and ran out the door.

After what felt like a couple of hours, she finally made it to MAGE Academy! "AAH CRAP! I'M LATE! I'M LATE! I'M LATE!" She repeated again and again and again, until she made it to the principal's office. She started panting heavily. "I'm...here...Principal...!" She panted. "Here are my transfer papers and other stuff...!" She panted even more.

Catch You Catch Me

♡coded by uxie♡

Hiroto felt someone crashing into him and fell down on the floor due to the impact. "Ow.." He whined a bit before standing up and straightening his clothes. He looked around him to see a person with an oddly cowboy costume of sorts.

"Oh no, I'm quite alright but how about yourself? Are you hurt?" He offered his hand at this person.
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Min." Melody smiled, "My name is Melody Mockingbird but you can call me whatever you like."

Melody looked around the classroom, most of the students have already left. "Well, do you want to continue while we walk out? I don't think I have another class until 2 hours."
Alis grabbed the proffered hand, hauling the boy up and grimacing a bit at how easily he went down. “You seem like you need some toughening up. My names Alis, enchanting and conjuring. You?”
Hiroto let out an awkward laugh, quite conflicted by her first comment as he helped her up. He wasn't quite expecting someone to be commenting on his physique this early in the school year. "My name is Hiroto Sakemura from the Exorcism and Witchcraft program. It's nice to meet you, Alis."
She let out a whistle as she shook his hand just realized he already stood up my bad and looked impressed. “Well now, exorcisms sure are a toughie. Maybe you aren’t as weak as you look,” she winked and playfully punched him, lightly, in the arm. “What class do you have next? Mine starts in a few hours so I have some time to kill.”
"Weak?" Hiroto let out a small exhale while mantaining a deadpanning expression before covering his mouth to clear his throat.

"Well, most of my class is in the evening or at night so I currently don't have anything to do now." Hiroto nods, "But I do have a Witchcraft class in around four hours."
Alis, somehow, managed to notice his discomfort at her comment and pulled another grimace. “Oh I didn’t mean nothin’ by it. You just have different strengths is all. I prefer the physical ones myself.” She smiled a wolffish grin before continuing.

“My next class is Advanced Martial Arts in about an hour. You should drop by and watch. Maybe learn a thing or two. In the meantime, wanna get lunch? I think the mess hall is serving a nice brunch for the first day.”
Hiroto brightens up a little, "Of course, If you don't mind the company."

Hiroto looks around the hallway, trying to figure out which way is to the mess hall as he just passed it earlier. He decided that he would need the navigation and turned his attention to Alis, "If you would lead the way, of course."
She chuckled a little bit. “Is it your first year? Don’t worry, you’ll get the hang of the MAGE Labyrinth soon.” She turned and walked down the hall, making a few turns and going up the stairs before entering the huge cafeteria lined with long tables and students of every race and magikal make. At the far end of the hall was the small, mysterious hole in the wall where students would insert their trays and a delicious meal would come back out.

“No one knows who works in the kitchens but I think I’d rather not know. The food is delicious though, just announce any diet restrictions to the hole before putting your tray in.”
"Ah..." Minji turned her head to match her view, most of the other students already gone. "That sounds good to me!"

As they walked out of the room, Min asked, "Say Mel, if I may ask, what's that crystal ball for? I've heard of many ways of conjuring, but haven't come across the use of a....crystal such as that!"
Hiroto tails her as they made their way around the hallways and eventually into the cafeteria. He was surely amazed by how many people are in there but was a bit underwhelmed by the size of the room like he have seen something similar. However, Hiroto was more interested in the hole and watched students put their trays in.

"Well, definitely seems like a mystery, all right..."
"You really want to know?" Melody was surprised that Minji would mention her sphere but her finger over her lips regardless as she holds the crystal ball in the other hand, "If you insist, we go to somewhere hidden 'cause I would get into big trouble if I tell anyone."
She chuckled. “Yeah, the mortal cafeteria is much less mysterious, but the food isn’t half as good. It’s in the eastern wing with the rest of the mortal classrooms. Thankfully, they tend to not wander very far into our part of the castle. C’mon, I’m starved!”

Alis walked to the far side of the room and grabbed a tray announcing “No veggies!” To the hole before inserting the tray. To her dismay, a small salad appeared with the rest of the food, a glorious plate of bacon and pancakes and eggs. “Darn meddling hole…” she grumbled, grabbing the salad bowl and plopping it onto a nearby first-year’s tray.
Minji's enthusiasm faltered as she noticed the seriousness in Melody's expression and her hushed tone. She took a small step back, her resolve shaking. "Trouble?" she echoed, a frown creasing her brow. "I don't want to cause any problems for you, Mel...."

Minji gave her a smile, gently placing her hand on Melody's arm. "Let's forget I asked. How about instead of secrets, we get some food!"
Hiroto follows Alis and grabs a tray for himself as well. He follow Alis as he put his tray into the hole. Suprisingly, his tray comes out with the same meal that was given to Alis. He picked up his tray before searching around the cafeteria, looking for an empty spot.
Melody nods, "Alright, I'm quite hungry as well." She walked out of the classroom and looked both ways. Most of the students have went down the hallway and turned to go down a stairway. She looks back and points to the direction she saw most people, "Maybe it's this way?"
Minji perked up at the mention of food, her stomach grumbling in agreement. She glanced quickly in the direction Melody indicated, her eyes scanning the thinning crowd. "Looks like it," she said, a small smirk tugging at the corner of her mouth. "If there's food that way, then that's where I'll be going!
Alis looked over the crowd of people and spotted an empty section of a table nearby. “C’mon let’s sit there,” she motioned to the table with her tray and headed that way.

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