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Realistic or Modern Mafia RP!

Nah, Though it will set in 70s America, when and where La Cosa Nostra (Italian Mafia) is strongest, but we don't need to be from the Cosa Nostra, I'm planning that you can't be from any Organization, Triad, Jewish crime family, Irish mobster, Yakuza, and yea, Russian too, so you can be anyone but the Italian Mafia is still hold the power in the 70s NY.
@Veyd Sahvoz: I will, I always want too, but haven't had the time yet sorry mate X_X, as I said I'm having a mid-term, but I'll make it somewhere this week so don't worry

[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Could I make a Blood or a Crip?

What do you mean, is this an Russian mobster's thing ? If you follow the tradition of the organization and follow the timeline, it's fine...
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oh i see... Idk. I was planning to make this RP more around Organized Crime (Italian Mafia to be specified since this is there strongest age). I don't know if any African-American street gang is gonna fit in... since their power will be low, the lowest to the organization... It just, this isn't the RP for hood gang I'm sorry.
@Darth Gangsta: Of course, you can have associate, it's okay. At this time those AA(African-American) gang usually distributes drug and stuff for higher Organization, since the old-school bosses didn't like to deal with drug. But bare in mind that though they may have their own territory, they are a weak force back then.
Okay, I understand and I'm completely fine with it.

I know more about gangs than I know about Mafias.
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I'll just be a NY Mobster guy, I believe it was a character I made for a class this past semester, we were doing a Mobster Al Capone thing. I'll just use that character.
Or well, 3 families would be fine too... this isn't the actual NY though. I'm thinking of making an fictional City that based on NY
[QUOTE="Darth Gangsta]Do you mind if I post a CS?

here ? okay do it, might let me see that your character fit the RP
I'll work on my cs in a doc or something. And I think it would be good to have a fictional city, this is all non-canon right?


When I die, fuck it I want to go to hell cause I'm a piece of shit...It ain't hard to fucking tell...


I know the reason you feel the way



Miguel Abrams


Migs and anything someone he’s close to came up with









I know just who you wan' be

Clothing style

His clothing style is influenced greatly on those who he follows in the mainstream. With that being said he enjoys wearing his times and larger pants that have no problem sliding down his waist though he sometimes finds it annoying. He likes wearing windbreakers and sweaters- All being he color of his gang. He always has a bandanna which is usually white much to some of his gang’s distaste for it. They tell him to get one of their color but he hasn’t listened yet. The bandanna he carries has weight to it. It’s important and he’s not letting it go anytime soon.

Miguel also has a cross necklace that he doesn’t take off. This has a lot of sentimental value just like the bandanna he wears, though he likes to keep the cross inside of his clothes to feel the cool metal of it on his chest.

Distinguishing Marks-

Miguel is filled with tattoos.


So everyday I thank the man upstairs


At one point Miguel used to truly be a sweet and kind kid but the moment his life switched up on him, away went the sweet child and in came the shell. Miguel still has a few good qualities though he doesn’t bother showing them when around certain people. He keeps quiet most of the time but he isn’t the type to blatantly ignore someone. Talk to him and he’ll happily talk back. He’s very calculating, choosing to think his actions through but despite his refusal of the way he acts he does wear his heart on his sleeve and can let his emotions get the best of him.

Those that get close to him have the chance to see someone who can be something of a goofball. He loves having fun and can get a bit pesky when he’s in a playful mood but that’s rarely seen in the first place.


A goal that Miguel has that he doesn’t necessarily share with anyone nor does he try to go for it himself is to go to college and become something spectacular. That goal of his was crushed years ago and so now his only goal is to just stay alive and get the hell out of that city.


Girls. Money. Staying Alive. Dogs. Evening. Being in control.


Idiots. People who try to corrupt children. Being challenged. Snitches. Law.


Dying. Losing his family. Losing his hard earned reputation as a Blood.

Gang Affiliations-



Fiddling with his cross

Knuckle cracking

Tapping his fingers on a surface
That I ain't you and you ain't me


Miguel wasn’t born and raised in *insert city name here* despite that being what he reps. He was instead born in the small home of his grandmother in *insert city name here* . He was born into a family of both parents and one older brother. They weren’t the best family but they were enough, including the next son who came when Miguel was only 6.


His father and mother worked very hard until Miguel became 10 when most of his life changed.His father was fired from his job due to racial tension that happened to explode. Because of that he grew angry as they’d lost most of their income and instead spent his time drinking and sleeping around. His mother tried to work enough for the whole family though it wasn’t enough and before long they were living with their grandmother. When Miguel was just a few months shy of turning 11 his mother passed away giving birth to his younger sister, the only girl in their family.

Their father wasn’t much help, having only grown worse with his drinking and sleeping around with many different women. The family kept careful around him and tried to get him help but the moment Miguel’s father began to grow physical, they threw him out the house (with plenty of cuts and bruises from the oldest of the group) and lived with their grandmother. There was a sense of normality after everything that had happened and Miguel grew to be a very happy young child, growing up with his close knit family and grandmother who inspired him to work for what was needed. He had been going down a very good path when the death of his grandmother put a halt to it. She passed away, sitting in her favorite seat in the living room and while he was still grieving the children were shipped off to live in Brooklyn with their uncle and his family.


Everyone was able to manage and before long it became a comfortable enough house. Despite their family being able to connect they weren’t living such a good life. They lived in the better part of their city but having 8 people in one Bed-sty wasn’t exactly comfortable. To help out, his older brother immediately turned to trapping despite the risks. The children of the house knew what was going on but the parents didn’t know much though they had a sense of it. The rest of them, especially his cousins disapproved of his older brother’s choices but Miguel say them as smart and wanted a part of it. So when he became 15 he followed his brother into a tattoo shop and got his first tattoo while becoming more acquainted with the Avalon Kings that dominated his neighborhood. Every few months he continued to add to the canvas of his body and when he reached the age of 16 he began selling like his brother.

Now at age 18 with his brother locked up, Miguel continues to do his hustle as a seller. He hasn’t moved up in ranks though he wishes to one day. He just hopes it won’t be at the cost of another person’s life. He hasn’t killed anyone yet and despite all the talk he gives of always being ready and prepared to pop someone if need be, he isn’t sure he can actually do it. So he instead keeps his head low, sells to get money, and does his best to keep attention off of him while trying to survive the best way he learned how.

Theme song



The cross he wears is from his grandmother and the bandanna he carries is from his older brother.

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Hm... I think your character won't fit the style of this RP... How about you waited a bit till I make this RP so you can have a clearer picture of this RP, then you can decide to join or not okay :( (

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