MA style in Kickstarter

[QUOTE="Seeker of the End]Do Violet Bier of Sorrows, all of our sword-wielders would appreciate it.
Also, do you know what styles are already going to be in the book? I would suggest suggesting a list of styles just in case they already plan to put in some of the styles that you suggested.

Splat-specific styles are off limits, and I'm 99% sure VBS qualifies.
If any one wishes to come hang out with Greenstalker and I, we are in the site chat.
My vote is for Eye of Heaven style from Debris of the Fallen Races.

ps. Violet Bier of Sorrow style is off limits since it'll be included in the Sidereal Hardcover
Since Black Claw is already confirmed, having two socialite-flavored MA seems a tad redundant.

Honestly I wouldn't mind seeing Mantis to compliment Tiger and Snake with a good bit of grappling.

And stuff.
Well, since Hungry Ghost Style is a big no-go...I guess I'll vote for Crane Style. Unless it's confirmed. If it is, then Crystal Chameleon.
Celestial Monkey as well. I may be a bit biased though - the first most memorable move I heard described in my first Exalted game was a Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm by my 5-point mentor against a Second Circle Demon. Completely awesome kill. Hooked me for life.
tr4nsience said:
Celestial Monkey as well. I may be a bit biased though - the first most memorable move I heard described in my first Exalted game was a Four Halo Golden Monkey Palm by my 5-point mentor against a Second Circle Demon. Completely awesome kill. Hooked me for life.
this describes one of my favorite things about this style. it is just so visually appealing, as well as beautiful in its fluff. god i love this style. plus the fact that my character maxes out every virtue other than temperance at three and then leave temperance as low as i can get.

viola, enlightened drunken monk.
gatherer818 said:
Celestial Monkey Style, even if they unbreak it in 3e, because OMG it's broken as written in 2 =D
You say that as if it's a good thing that it's broken in 2nd. It being broken in 2nd was why it was awful. Same reason Dark Messiah's capstone charm was awful until 2.5.
I love CMS to death, but I still think it could stand to be fixed. Of course, being all kinds of broken but still beloved is kind of the trademark of Exalted anyway, hence the errata document that is nearing the length of the corebook ^_^
gatherer818 said:
I love CMS to death, but I still think it could stand to be fixed. Of course, being all kinds of broken but still beloved is kind of the trademark of Exalted anyway, hence the errata document that is nearing the length of the corebook ^_^
I don't much. And you're conflating the Solar splat with the game as a whole. It's not the trademark of Exalted. It's the trademark of Solars. Ask me how much I like Solars. (Answer: I don't.) See also the other reason I don't like Monkey Style. It's too...too Solar. Its thematic feel is too much in line with the Golden Narcissism Brigade's themes for my tastes.
Okay. We already have:

Snake: Graceful martial art based in hypnotic movements, sudden strikes to vital points, some grappling. All-around basic style.

Tiger: Ferocious style based on raw power. Lots of jumping and some ambush tactics.

Righteous Devil: Ranged martial art. Aesthetic might vary depending if they allow weapons other than flamepieces.

Single Point Shining Into The Void: Style about creating openings and then exploiting them for a single massively fatal blow. Sword style.

Heaven's Ladder: Style about fighting with ladders! I'm guessing lots of mobility/balance, and probably heavy improvised weapon focus.

Black Claw: Subtle social martial art with a darker vibe, lots of focus on poisons and killing while maintaining good PR.

Ebon Shadow: Sneaky martial art based around stealth and exploiting it for surprise attacks. Shadow-magic effects.

That's a pretty good base to go from, as it offers a broad variety of combat options to your players. I'd suggest that you'd improve the Core immensely if you were to add Five-Dragon Style or one of the Immaculate Styles if you're married to the no-longer-a-thing "Celestial" label (because one of the primary antagonists in these games is often Immaculate Monks or the Wyld Hunt, and having a style they'd teach in the Immaculate Temples in the Core would really help us STs run those antagonists for my players, or let players run the ever-popular ex-Monk PC concepts). Plus, y'know, the style would come with built-in fluff and story/social connections for PCs in addition to just being a cool fighting style.

So I vote an Immaculate Style.
[QUOTE="Wise Old Guru]So I vote an Immaculate Style.

[/QUOTE]Unfortunately, that's not allowed: they count as Dragon-Blood-related and as such they will be published in the Dragon-Blooded book. This goes for all the Hero Styles as well as Styles tangentially related to Hosts, such as Hungry Ghost and Laughing Wounds for Abyssals. Additionally, the Four Arguments of Virtue Styles are not allowed since they want those packed together.
I will cast my vote for Celestial Monkey Style. Animal styles are prominent in kung fu legend and may be easier to approach for newbies than highly involved social styles or esoteric, very setting-bound styles. Also, monkeys are hilarious.
Wise old Guru. Immacualte styles are offlimits since they are dragonblooded thing (not by me but by devs) also Holden stated that it should be a CMA since they don't want to get devs to work extra to upgrade terestrial styles.
Changed my vote to Dreaming Pearl and Crane Style - the latter is really something thats missing from most of the suggestions so far, defense. And that should be part of the core martial arts experience!

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