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Fantasy M.O.C (Magic of Change)

Alexia was standing behind one of the students, giggling as she grabbed one of the students by the back of their head slamming their head face first into the wall. Blood running down the girls face as she tossed her aside “why don’t you lot play with me....Here I can make you all laugh” chuckling as she grabbed another slamming their head into a group of lockers, leaving them hanging in the metal by their head she reached back grabbing the last and pulling them away into a janitor closet, there was silence followed by screams. Returning to the girl, a soft smile and blood on her face. “It’s okay sweety, they won’t be bothering you anymore, come on let’s go get a snack” holding her hand out to help her off the ground.
xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx

She was pissed off as she just took her pills as she skipped class she didn't want to go to class she just sighed as she heard some comunation with her big sister she just sighed' why do boys bully me' she thought as she was walking in the hall as she just passed her big sister and the girl she meet earlier as she was a bit mad she hated going to class when she had one of her panic attacks she just walked out of school she knew her sister might be mad but didn't care she just wanted to get some ice cream she just went to the ice cream parlor shop Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
she smiled as took the girls hand "t-thank y-you" she said as she was helped up "im Q-Quinn" she said as she brushed herself off
Alexia picked Quinn up like a bride, heading towards the school councils room. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Quinn, aside from this incident I hope you are have a good day of learning” acting a bit like the student council president as a joke. “How about some ice cream? Or cake before I send you on your way?” She asked curiously. Her phone buzzing with a notification that Ambre had left school grounds yet again. “And I get called the trouble child....” sighing as she kicked the school council room door open and set Quinn down on a red velvet couch.
Texangamer Texangamer xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx
her smile faded "y-you d-don't have T-to do t-that" she said quietly before she left sitting on the velvet couch occasionally twitching or shaking as she watched alexia leave

She just was enjoying her ice cream as she was happy she didn't want to go to class as she was enjoying her ice cream she knew she would be in trouble later on by her sister she hated getting her ear pulled or her full name being called she just looked at her phone as she saw some texts from her sister as she ignored it she just wanted to enjoy her ice cream she wanted to be left alone her medicne was working as her hand stopped shaking she hates getting grounded from her sister and getting her eletronics getting taken away Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
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Alexia came back with two saucers, each had some cake and ice cream on them. “It’s no trouble and I’m doing this because I want to, so Quinn what are your powers?” Smiling as she poored to cups of tea for the each of them, sitting down on the couch across from her relaxing “You are a first year correct?”

SHe saw it was raining as she was getting poured on as she just had no other choice but go back to school even though she didn't want knowing she'll get in trouble for skipping her classes she didn't have a key to go back to her house' why did it have to rain' she thought as she went back to the school her hair soaked and wet" please don't let big sister pull my ear or yell" she say to herself as she saw the school as she panted as she went to her locker close to the office where her sister was she just grabbed some extra clothes as she went to the bathroom to change as she hid there hearing some girl laughing about her she felt bad she heard her them talking about her parents she got mad as she started to punch the girl" youll pay for what you said" she say ontop of the girl and punching her as she was really angry yelling at her it was her first fight hopefully she wasn't suspended from school​
wondering about ambre, she went looking for her, when she head ambre's voice in the girls bathroom "a-ambre?" she called peeking her head in

SHe just looked up at her as she got scared she just realized what she did as she back up she couldn't control her anger sometimes she saw the bully run away from her" i... i.... i.... didn't mean to i was so angry...... sissy is going to kill me" she told her as she just looked down" she was making fun of me again about me not againg and about my parents abadonime me and my sister" she say as she looked at her" sissy going to ground me for what i did fighting my own battles and skipping class" she say​
“No I won’t....but you need to be a better judge of when to use your powers....imagine what would have happened if you hit Quinn? She would be hurt and you would feel horrible..” Alexia was standing behind Quinn shaking her head. “Quinn the day is almost over, do you need us to walk you home or were your parents picking you up?” Walking over to Ambre to help her change while she waited for Quinn to reply. “You two are probably going to be good friends, both of you have medical problems and have the cutest way of acting” Laughing as she did a bit of harmless teasing and drying Ambre’s Hair. “I wonder where my little flower went...I forgot to get her number...”
Texangamer Texangamer xXSunnyXx xXSunnyXx Kittycat Kittycat

She just looked at her sister as she felt bad” I’m sorry sissy I didn’t mean to I just go so angry I’ll try my best to control my powers” she say as she was helped changing and drying her hair” what are we doing after school sissy” she asked as she looked up at her as her hair was still dripping as it was getting dried​
she didn't meet alexia's "i-im f-fine, I c-can w-walk h-home by myself" she said quietly as she went to her locker, she didn't want to admit she didn't have much of a home to go back to, her parents where deathly afraid of her and would not allow her to come home but yet she proceeded to her locker and grabbed her things and headed do the front door

School was ending. The last bell rang. She sighed and headed toward the entrance of the school. She had to stay in the dorms here. She was exhausted after a day of school work. She grabbed her backpack. She thought Alexia was going to meet her but she wasn't there. She could feel her face fall. Tomorrow was a weekend and she did't have Alexia's phone number. She pulled out her phone anyway.
Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf

Scarlet from England, had to stay at the dorms. She walks out blowing a bubble with her gum.
after seeing other students going to what appears to be dormitorys she went to the office to see if she could stay in one of the dorms. after recieving her dorm info, she followed the students to the dorms and had easily found her dorm
“Come on Ambre! It’s raining and we only have one umbrella!” Alexia sighed as she waited impatiently at the door for her. Messing with her phone she bumped rather roughly into Lily. “Hey Quinn! What room did you get??” She called to her, looking down she smiled “And here I thought my flower had ran away...” offering Lily a hand up

@. Everyone

She just looked at her sister as she smiled” coming” she say as she looked at the others” why don’t we get a dorm room so we don’t have to walk far” she asked as she tilted her head as she just smiled at her friends while she waited for her big sister she liked the house they have but it was far to walk even on a rainy day​
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Quinn jumped "uh..d-dorm 4 I t-think" she said as she continued toward her dorm, opening the door and going in, but not locking the door

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