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Fantasy M.O.C (Magic of Change)

Scarlet finally looked at him. "Lucian, ok then." She nodded at the name.

Lily nodded. And grew 6ft then 7ft and on till she was 10ft tall. She bent down. She smiled at Alexia.
He looked at scarlet. "So are you going to give me the tour. If you do maybe I can take you out to dinner as a thank you." Not even here a day and already flirting this was good. Kittycat Kittycat
"oh I never said i would give you a tour did I smart guy." She said with a smirk, she knew he was flirting. "my power is my emotions" turning back to the girl.
"no you didn't and I said maybe if you gave me one I'd take you to dinner but if you want we just go to dinner." He looked at the other girl that was here. "My power is my shadow." He saw that one of the the bushes near by was a rose bush. He pointed at one of the roses."shadow fetch." His shadow on the ground suddenly started to move dashing toward the bush the next thing it was back handing him the rose. "For you." He held it out to scarlet. Kittycat Kittycat
She laughed "Really if you're going to try to flirt with a girl try to do a better job." She took the rose anyway and reached around to tuck it into her braid. "Well I can do a tour, I have been to this school for 4 years. This is my forth." Zachjoker Zachjoker sidelined sidelined
He laughed. "I thought it was pretty good but obviously your not easily impressed then are you." He was trying to think what he could do cause this pretending not to be impressed thing just made him want to try harder he was stubborn like that. Kittycat Kittycat
He saw her roll her eyes. He'd wear her down. He went over took Scarlet's hand and kissed it. "Come on just me,you and dinner for two." He thought the ryhme was cute. Kittycat Kittycat
Scarlet finally looked at him. "Lucian, ok then." She nodded at the name.

Lily nodded. And grew 6ft then 7ft and on till she was 10ft tall. She bent down. She smiled at Alexia.
“You know I don’t see a downside to this power, I can even see up your skirt from here” Laughing as she held her arms up wanting to be carried. She was always teasing people but for the most part it was harmless
Kittycat Kittycat
Quinn smiled "t-that s-sounds g-great a-ambre" she said as she sipped at a cup of tea and ate cookies and cuddled with ambre

She just looked at her as she smiled as she saw her eating the cookies and drinking the tea as she was cuddling with her she just close her eyes a little bit she was curious when she could go home with her sister" sissy" she mumble a little as she slept on Quinn as she made her happy she glad she said yes to go out on a date with her she was scared of her family that hurts her they were some bruises on her body but she don't talk about her family she open her eyes again as she stole a cookie from Quinn a little as she giggigled her big sister usually takes care of her ever since she was a baby​
she giggles as a cookie was stolen from her "y-you could have a-asked" she said as she got a cookie to replace to one ambre stole
She blushed a little. "Well why are you looking up my skirt in the first place?" She said blushing harder. Scarlett-Wulf Scarlett-Wulf
“I can’t help it, I was curious as to what you had on” Laughing as she ran jumping off the roof, letting off controlled explosions to slow her decent. “Let’s go! I wanna get in bed I’m soaked!”

She just giggled as she was playing with her" its funny to tease you though" she say eating the cookie as she was somewhat hyper as she was happy" what you want to watch beauty and the beast it's my favorite movie" she say as she smiled as she looked at her as she grabbed another cookie as she was happy" i wonder when i can go home for the day" she say s\she was still waiting for her big sister from her date​

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