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This Roleplay is inspired by the Code Lyoko TV Show. However, it is not required to know it to join, though it may be extremely helpful to know the world, as only Ocs' are really being requested here. The only Canon Characters are NPCs.

The Lyoko Warriors Roleplay takes place in a made up city in France, a modern city with a hidden futuristic laboratory hidden in one of the sewers where the main plot takes place, roleplay plot lines are also taken from the original show.

The story follows 4 siblings and friends in an attempt to rescue the 5th sibling, Amelia from a virtual world their abusive and mentally ill father had trapped her in, while also attempting to stop a virtual program named X.A.N.A from destroying humanity all while juggling high school/college.

My OC of course is Amelia and I will happily be willing to play NPC's and some other characters as needed!

-This will be and advanced literate roleplay, although I do tend to sometimes touch into Novella myself.
-Ideally i'd like for people to take 2 characters at most, like for example one sibling and one friend. While X.A.N.A can be controlled by everyone with me the GM knowing the plans.
-I'd like for people to be active at least 3 times a week, life gets busy with work and college stuff I know, no worries, you can just let me know if you'll be away for a bit!
-be respectful, and nice it's the decent thing, should not be said.
-no one-shotting everything, i know on Lyoko i say further down characters can be technically oop but they must have weaknesses like mine, girlies' attack can one-shot but it's so small and can literally be dodged by stepping to the side 😭
-no godmodding. do collab with each other for posts yknow? if you wanna do something, just ask like "hey what would your character to if I did X?" do not control characters your threads will be modded by me for this, it is a pet peeve of mine

- Lyoko battles will have a dice of d100 since 100 will be the max health you have on Lyoko, the damage you deal will increase the more your character trains and grows
-this is a long term roleplay (sequel perchance in mind?) in-writing wise the story goes about 4 years, so do be prepared and okay with a long-term roleplay
-ooc will be on discord as that seems to be the favored place for ooc, which i don't mind, it can be here too i don't mind that either whatever the majority wants.

- my favorite rule of all: give me all the oc headcanons, plot with me, laugh and cry over our ocs together, you all have no choice < 3333


3 years prior to the roleplay, Amelia Baldeth was kidnapped by her father, and both went missing. No one was able to locate them and eventually the case went cold, the rest of the Baldeth siblings were put into the custody of the Eldest siblings.
Although it was no surprise the case went cold, their father Franz was mentally ill as far from what anyone could tell, he ended up abusing his children by forcefully keeping them off the grid for years at a time, he was very paranoid about the outside world, often rambling about how a computer program was after them all and how he had to keep them safe.

Mother? Up to us, since I've made so much already, you can decide, is she dead? Mentally insane after abuse? Did she turn as bad as their dad? Was she always as bad as their father? We as a group can decide! :)

3 years later, the group stumbles into a factory hiding a massive supercomputer well beyond current times where a familiar voice speaks from. Amelia has been trapped inside a virtual world called Lyoko for 3 years and has no memory of her past or identity ever since the computer was turned off after being trapped. Who knew the insane ramblings were actually correct after all?

About Lyoko:

Lyoko is a virtual world where time doesn't exist, it is completely reliant on the supercomputer to be on. There are 5 sectors; Desert, Ice, Forest, Mountain and the heart of Lyoko itself; Sector 5.

It is a pretty barren world as it was not complete, however there are multiple "towers" on each sector (except sector 5 where there is only one). These towers can do different things, like for example if it's red that means X.A.N.A is using it to attack the Earth.

Battling on Lyoko is where I might be using a dice system, I've never used it before, but I feel it would fit. Every character will have their strength and weaknesses for monsters
For example, Amelia can't currently fight but when she does, she is exceedingly strong, however her attacks are slow and easily dodge able.

About X.A.N.A;
it is a program Franz created that went haywire and tried to make a virus to destroy humanities technology, bound to the supercomputer it is trying to get out and use technology to utterly obliterate humanity. There is no reason for this, it is a program not sentient, most it can do is talk when it possesses people.
Which leads me to explain, any person who has been onto Lyoko is unable to be directly possessed by X.A.N.A It cannot enter your body but can use items or possess/control on Lyoko.


Make whoever! A sibling and/or a friend! Get creative with it! The only thing I ask of the sibling Ocs' is that they are intelligent in math/technology/computer stuff as that is knowledge they were forced to learn and understand and that the elder siblings are definitely more mature after being parentified so young.

As for the friend group, i plan for them to basically take the place of the original show cast like how Amelia is the Aelita of this world! Be as creative as you'd like!

My OC Amelia will be shared in the appropriate forum, however until then anyone may ask me anything about her!
Please note: the eldest sibling is 20 while Amelia the youngest is at 13.

Character sheets will go here!: Multiple Settings - Lyoko Warriors CS and Lore

The sibling list goes:
Eldest: taken
second eldest: taken
middle: open
second youngest: open
Amelia: closed (Me)

friend list goes:

about 3 openings left

Ending note:

I'm not sure I did this right, but I tried! If anyone has questions about the worldbuilding and lore do ask! I have plenty made already but I would love to world build and create with anyone interested! Please note this is indeed a fairly dark roleplay, hence my tags, I have no doubt I may even wanna kill off an NPC or sorts (I will be sparing you people who make the siblings, you are welcome<3) I will now be working on posting my character sheet and stuff since I have no idea how to do that, Fae out! Please enjoy!
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Rule clarification
I have been asked about the 3 day a week rule, I so apologize it wasn't clear! Since it's adv lit, Responses to roleplay can be once a week, i meant like- in ooc chatting activity, at least be free a few days a week my apologies guys if others misunderstood that too!

I've had to put this here as I am unable to go in and change that but I have no idea what else to do

-I'd like for people to be active at least 3 times a week, life gets busy with work and college stuff I know, no worries, you can just let me know if you'll be away for a bit!

Here to express once again I'd be interested in getting this going! Are you thinking of using anime or real face claims?

I'd also like more info about the combat. Besides the weapon, strength and weakness, do we get abilities/powers? Like how each of the main cast has a few, Ulrich can triplicate and run super fast, Yumi has telekinesis, William turns into smoke, etc.
Here to express once again I'd be interested in getting this going! Are you thinking of using anime or real face claims?

I'd also like more info about the combat. Besides the weapon, strength and weakness, do we get abilities/powers? Like how each of the main cast has a few, Ulrich can triplicate and run super fast, Yumi has telekinesis, William turns into smoke, etc.
either faceclaim, i'd prefer an art one at least as that's what Amelias' is. However I have no preference.

You guys will be able to make your powers/weaponry, hell you guys can even just have the powers and stuff of the Canon Lyoko warriors as for example, Amelia has Aelitas' because she technically takes Aelitas' place in the story. I hope this clears it up enough
I also have some questions! When it comes to the siblings, will making characters for them be a 'first come, first serve' basis, or will you choose the most fitting?

Kinda figured the interest check was the ad post, unless we're talking about totally different things LOL.
I think the next thing to do is to open up a character thread and ooc thread (but if we're doing ooc through discord don't worry about a thread unless you want to??)
I also have some questions! When it comes to the siblings, will making characters for them be a 'first come, first serve' basis, or will you choose the most fitting?

Kinda figured the interest check was the ad post, unless we're talking about totally different things LOL.
I think the next thing to do is to open up a character thread and ooc thread (but if we're doing ooc through discord don't worry about a thread unless you want to??)
Ummmm, oh that's a good first question :0 Under the little characters tab is the only thing I've required for the siblings, which is that they're kinda STEM smart and the eldest siblings are the more mature ones of the group due to parentification.

I will indeed be doing a discord ooc, i assume maybe I PM people my discord so it's not public??? Anddd character sheet/lore thread will be worked on while i have the next two days off work! So it should be done within a week since I have no idea what i'm doing:)
Okay gotcha! 👌

As for the discord, I'd recommend making a server, then starting a group PM with the people who've voiced their interest and sending the invite to the server there! :]
Oh okay! I can actually do that one at least now if you guys want? It won't take me long to get a little server up and running!
a server sounds fine

the requirement that the siblings understand computers is the only thing preventing me from making one
a server sounds fine

the requirement that the siblings understand computers is the only thing preventing me from making one
so validddd, I know nothing about computers myself so i'm not requiring you yourself to know, i will probably just google stuff and/or take knowledge from the Lyoko lore:p if it helps; sibling OC won't have to be overly smart or anything, heck maybe some of that knowledge is forgotten or shoved out of the head and they don't know anything! (so long as at least one knows how to use the Supercomputer) Up to you! or you don't have to have a sibling at all!

Since I have yalls consent for a server I shall PM the invite out in a moment!
so validddd, I know nothing about computers myself so i'm not requiring you yourself to know, i will probably just google stuff and/or take knowledge from the Lyoko lore:p if it helps; sibling OC won't have to be overly smart or anything, heck maybe some of that knowledge is forgotten or shoved out of the head and they don't know anything! (so long as at least one knows how to use the Supercomputer) Up to you! or you don't have to have a sibling at all!

Since I have yalls consent for a server I shall PM the invite out in a moment!
no i mean i want to play a technophobe sibling whose reaction to being expected to learn wouldve been smashing the computer with a hammer
Bumping again! Only a few spots left! 2 siblings and about 3 others are available!

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