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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. CS



Just a Rando

(* is for optional. Your character will be accepted when given a like by me, SidTheSkid SidTheSkid , or Solemn Jester Solemn Jester . Please join the discord if you have any questions.) Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers.















Powers/ Technology:


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Name: Moz'Githoch

Alias: Gravitor ((Blame Kisaki))

Alignment: Evil

Role: Supervillain

Age: unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: asexual

Species: Demon


Bio: Moz doesn't remember much before his master took control over him. He simply does what master wants, no questions asked. Moz doesn't know he was a fearsome demon before his control was taken from him. It's safe to say his non-brainwashed self would not be happy about his current situation. Back before he was a mindless puppet, he was a formidable demon with many underlings. He would certainly lose respect if they saw his current position. If only he didn't get caught up with that damn trickster. What a bastard, making Moz work for his agenda. He can kill people by his own volition, thank you very much!

*Likes: At the moment, whatever his master likes

*Dislikes: At the moment, whatever his master dislikes

Powers/ Technology: Moz is very strong. As he doesn't have eyes, he uses his sense of hearing and smell and is also able to sense heat. He also has the ability to manipulate gravity, and whenever he alters the gravity of an object, it faintly glows light blue
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Name: Oswald "Oz" Mignonette

Alias: Shatter

Alignment: good

Role: hero student

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Species: Conduit


(He probably would dress in more normal clothes, not so fancy and snobbish)


Bio: His family was relatively wealthy, but he prefers a quiet life. Whenever he began exhibiting abilities, he initially hid it from others, but his family eventually found out. Considering his family knew that he could very well use his powers for... unpleasant applications, they decided to send him to Luxor Academy's H.E.R.O. program in the hopes he'll use his newfound abilities for a more savory purpose. He wasn't going to use them for evil anyway, but he thought maybe he could learn some things and maybe even have some fun. Hopefully, he would get a better grasp of his powers in this place.

Powers/ Technology: Hyalokinesis, glass manipulation. Being a conduit, he has enhanced strength, durability, and stamina, as well as a healing factor, allowing him to heal injuries as long as he can avoid damage and not use his abilities for a few minutes. Absorbing glass can also heal him faster and restore his energy.
Note: he won't be doing things like this in the beginning, as he is a relatively new conduit
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Name:Cody Atusto

alias: The bipolar bull




Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?):Neutral

Species: Demon

(For his demon form just throw some horns on him, RPN broke his images and I can't find his original demon form)

Cody is overall sweet and kind, he gets annoyed easily and when mad he can't control himself. As hes battling a demon inside. When hes happy he tends to stay kind and help others, when hes mad he hates everything and everyone. Sometimes everyone no matter who it is become a target. When hes sad he hides, and stays away from people, as he doesn't like to be seen as sad. Hes strong and brave in battle, but in the heat of some moments hes stupid and cocky.

Cody was born of a human and a demon, his mother worshiped an ancient dark religion and couldn't bare her own child. Katashi was born months after a visit from a demon, who "blessed" his mother with himself. Cody tries to stay as human as possible everywhere he goes.. but after time at the academy, hes learned to control when either form shows.
Metal music(Death metal, heavy, deathcore etc)
video games
playing guitar

people who disrespect him
the cold

Powers and weapons: Flames. He can summon and control fire. He carries around hot peppers. Any will do, but the stronger the spice, the stronger his powers get.

The cold is a main thing. If hes cold, his powers weaken and he gets sick.
Temperature that can weaken him must get below 74

Heat environments. He strives on heat.


Role: on campus(?) security, part time school cook and uncertified councilor(Students can talk to him when they can)

A figure for the closing of time, the antagonist divine
Void of vacant word, one final answer to be heard
I will carry my decree into a storm of lead
This is total war, my want for tolerance is dead

To my last breath
I am someone to hate
I will spit upon the idol for which you stand
I will carry the weight
I will bury your deception with a wrathful hand

Heart is cold, and my weapons are washed in blood
I avow to the call on high
My resolve in the blessed above, in this ever-consuming divide

A figure for the closing of time, the antithesis defined
Threat to faith untrue, I am the enemy of new
All you advocates of Hell, you corruptors of free will
The culling is nigh, better get your fill

I am the cry for the falling of time

Born into the lust within our eyes
Taught to write the scriptures for our lives
We inherit the lies

To my last breath, to my final day


Name: Peski Faith

Alias:None at the moment

Age: 19 in appearance, real age is hard to tell

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Neutral

Species: Demon




Bio: Peski wasn't born naturally, actually, she comes from another... Place.. She was found in a special coffin, which she is attached to in some way.. She has been recovered by a government agency, that had to literally send in a small platoon of security personnel to recover her. In the battle, video shows brief pauses of movement, along with up close videos, showing the pupils of her eyes dilating and returning to normal, along with eye color change, though seeing 3-5 clips of each up close encounter that didn't result in the security persons helmet flying off after a crack and loud bang, later investigations shows the sound was from her punches, which knocked the persons helmet off or sent it flying. Her punches, in security personnels words "kissing speeding truck", or getting hit with a flat 2x4-5 piece of wood... Later interviews with Peski, shows she has a split personality that emerges when her body has a rush of:Fear, adrenaline, anger, or sadness. She is able to control her splits. Only when she can get a grip on her body to sit and meditate. Her other personality has an understanding as well, but seems to only want to fight...


(Please forgive the total fandom grab for these, I wanted to find black versions but all i got was the same old yellow)

Powers and weapons:

Shotgun gauntlets that can fire buckshot, slugs and any variation of a shell that can fit into the belt of ammo it uses, also can fire flare like rounds for distant targets and notifying position. She is also stronger than she looks. The gauntlets are black where it's yellow, and red where it's black(see gif below)


Weakness: Her split personality can and will attack anyone she doesn't like or is angry at. NOTE: Peski does NOT voice her dislike to just anyone. Everyone beware when her other self shows up. She also has an issue with​
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"Evil, you have reached your final destination! Your cruel rampage ends now!"
The Original Hero - The Origin
(This character will mainly be switched around as time goes on, Origin is not controlled by a specific person.)

  • Name: The Origin.

    Alias: The Original Hero, Instructor T.O.H, or The Beacon of Justice.

    Alignment: Lawful Good.

    Role: SS+ Rank Superhero, Operation H.E.R.O Head, and Classroom Instructor.

    Species: Presumably 'Human' as far as rumors go, but speculation has been known to say he's an Alien or something else.

    As intimidating as his appearance may seem, The Original Hero is ultimately a warm-hearted individual that's rumored to always be wearing a prideful smile underneath that humongous armor of his. All-around in a peaceful environment or fighting against a hardened enemy, Origin is fuming with limitless confidence even if he's on the losing side of the battle as to keep the hopes up of any citizens or students happening to watch the fight unfold.

    "Optimism, you must always be looking forward and not backwards! Not matter how bleak a situation may be, there's always a way."
    (The Original Heroes personality will be expanded upon in the story itself.)

    The Origin serves as the mascot and founder of the H.E.R.O program. He has many powers and is labeled as an SS+ class superhero. Unknown to students and to the rest of the world, The Origin does not exist. He is but many people. Teachers within Luxor Academy take turns to wear The Origin suit which has a voice modifier to make the iconic proud voice of the SS+ class hero. The Origin has his own TV program called “ Serving Justice with The Origin”. It comes on every morning and night, usually displayed on Luxor Academy's digital screens that are throughout the school. (This serves as LA H.E.R.O program lore as well as The Origin's background, it'll adapt as the story progresses! He serves as a very mysterious character that the students must work together to figure out the identity of.)

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Name: 霧島愛子 (Kirishima Aiko)

Alias: ヴァイオレット ウィッチ(Violet Witch)

Alignment: Neutral - Lawful Evil

Role: Anti-Hero, School Librarian

Age: Undefined though she has maintained the appearance of a 17 year old high schooler

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual though not open



Bio: The increasing amount of knowledge human possesses is growing dangerously fast. Aiko had been selected by the organisation to kill those who learn the truth of extraterrestrial beings observing Humanity's growth. She is a shy School girl by day but the Violet witch at night. She sometimes wishes she didn't have to do this but the organisation has given her orders. She utilizes the Schools H.E.R.O program as an excuse for disappearing at the night.

*Personality: silent and taciturn. Could be mistaken as cold and heartless. She shows little to no emotion. However deep down inside, she has an affinity for life on Earth though it may seem strange even to her.

*Likes: Sweet food, books, Kagami Enoshima, Watching humans

*Dislikes: Inhumane killing, The organisations lack of feelings towards humanity.

*Weapons: Various. Is seen wielding a wand at times.

Powers/ Technology: Telekinesis within a 5 metre radius, Inhumanly fast reflexes, Severely limited teleportation, Through the Human interface, very smart.

*Others: [By orders of the Organisation, this message has been terminated]
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Name: Zack Valerie Aurum

Alias: Golden Fist

Alignment: Good (but kind of a douche)

Role: Student

Age: 16 (aging has now slowed down)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: His eyes are blue in this form.00170bcb36f53ed5bd6bf1cd5f50f50e.jpgBio: “ From what I heard, I was an accident. My mother was an succubus like demon who fell in love with self righteous archangel. Then a little this and that, I was born. My mother took care of me for a while before she disappeared right after she dropped me off at my aunt's house. The pink haired kept me a secret until father visited her house when I was 13. He freaked out after what my aunt told him. Surprisingly, he accepted me quickly and began to act as a father figure toward, even though he is fucking terrible at. For the past 3 years I've been placed into his stupid school with that hero whatever program. I guess I should have some fun if I'm here.”

Likes: Sweets, action movies, reading, his family, and being praised.

Dislikes: Looking bad in front of his father, losing, tall places, being called weak, people disrespecting women, and people disturbing his alone time.

*Weapons: images-60.jpg
He's rarely uses elemental sword.

Powers: Elemental magic- He's terrible at it though.

Golden fist- Fist glow, allowing him to give powerful blows.

Flight- He can fly with his wings but doesn't like heights.

Divine power- Hasn't exactly unlocked it.

Strengths: Close combat, strength, and stamina.

Weakness: Teamwork, speed attacks, and magic.

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"Ha-Ha! Look at me now world, i'm actually going to become a Superhero! I just hope my waifu approves of my decision!"
Yakai Damanji - Captain Manga
  • Name: Yakai Damanji.

    Alias: Captain Manga or Mr.Manga

    Alignment: Lawful Good.

    Role: Entry-level Student.

    Species: Superhuman.

    Yakai Damaji, most ordinary citizens label him as that big freaky kid that hangs outside of gaming stores glittered in random stuff including this weird Japanese stuff that he’s so fond of but little do they all know he’s on the watch, vigilant and always aware of his surroundings, Yakai is a cheerful spirit that’s determined to clean these less than attractive looking streets, wipe them spotless of the scum that plague the city with the worst of the worst! Some will say that he’s a risk to others but especially himself because of his courage or ignorance to back-down from a fight but even with the odds stacked against him he always manages to stay uplifted with hope that one day he’ll conquer those that overlook him and become the savior of the defenseless!

    Think of him as that annoying kid in the younger days of life that always wanted to bother you for some reason, it could’ve been because of anything except this time with villains whom find him more irritating than problematic. Few attributes pertaining to Damaji is his lack of common sense, or not taking a hint when a woman tells him she’s not interested in dating him, perhaps it's his will? Never giving up is his very motto even if it means being rejected over and over again until he scores a date with a real hottie! He's hoping that it'll be one of those kawaii girls in his class that he can persuade with his non-existent charm.

    Mr.Manga’s backstory is among the most tragic of stories to ever be written into history aside from growing up in a fairly overprotective family, he’s had a pretty normal life as an only child. Only a few years after elementary did he ever stumble upon anime or manga. Living with both parents it was certain they’d have a form of entertainment which came from both the television set they had in the living room and their home-computer which they’d bought for quite a pretty penny! Yakai soon found himself at the mercy of his own desire when late afternoon he began flipping through channels only to find the epitome of perfection in his eyes what is known as ‘anime’, as soon as the luminescent glare from the flashing lights came into contact with him his eyes had widened with surprise and happiness, never did he seen such flawless artwork in all of his life, stereotypical personalities that brought out the edginess in his teenage youth made him rather inspired by the characters, wishing to be them in all of their glory. Years after he became what was known as a ‘fully-fledged’ weeaboo, collecting manga had became a serious hobby of his, why manga? Because he’d always be a step-ahead of everyone! “Ha nerds!” But his parents primarily disapproved of his behavior when they observed him watching some sort of fuzzy headed kid with a yellow jumpsuit throwing ninja stars at some snake person which gave them a rising concern at the idea of how violent these shows were for their child, stating “Yakai, what are you watching?! These cartoons are way too graphic for someone your age.” Which his response merely went along the lines of “Gosh, it’s not Cartoons it’s called anime, A-N-I-M-E."

    "It's something you’ll never understand because you’re just a flippin' pleb, it’s an artform by the Japanese that’s too complicated for your simple mind, you’ll never understand it because you’re just an old wrinkly baka.” Afterwards his mother flew into a wild fury and grounded him for an eternity which didn’t last very long once he reached adult-hood in high school as he dived further in the culture and started becoming more flashy with his desires and showing off his collection of totally sweet collector’s edition magazines imported from Japan but only a few admired his hobbies unlike most who tormented him for his passion, one fateful day a group of rough bullies that gave the impression of a ridiculous greaser gang approached him wearing signature pompadours, they were known as “The Funnel Cakes”, usually reciting phrases such as “Funnel cakes rule.” throughout the school and pushing people into lockers. But this band of ruthless bullies decided to rip up his manga right up in front of him causing something to snap inside the poor lad, Yakai upset and defeated donned his title of Captain Manga and stood up for himself and others who wanted to represent themselves and berated the bullies, calling them “noobs” where he was then beaten up mercilessly afterwards and was stuffed upside down into a garbage can. Soon he escaped the clutches of his bullies and graduated from his high school and focused on becoming a full-time superhero and training to obtain the best collection of Japanese art-styles and to protect those from suffering a fate such as his own.

    Luckily for Mr.Manga, he received a big break after accidentally being set an invitation to Luxor Academy's Operation H.E.R.O Program! Although as excited as he was to receive this letter, his hopes were promptly crushed into bite-sized pieces once he discovered the recipient's name on the formal invitation, as noble as it might be to return it back to the right address it was purely a sign by fate telling him that it was his time to shine! To finally be a true superhero, going by the appropriate disguise name of "Carl" he has now managed to enter himself into the H.E.R.O program!

    Our 'Hero' now patiently waits at the bus-stop, awaiting for his wish to finally be granted and to join among the ranks of true heroes!
    Including the Glorious Original Hero!

Name: Kagami Enoshima

Alias: Crimision

Alignment: Good

Role: Part time teacher

Rank: A

Age: (Appears 20)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Pureblood Vampire


Bio: Four years after her graduation, Kagami became a part time teacher as an assistant in combat class. She is also an part time idol, holding concerts and releasing new albums during the winter and summer breaks.
Previosuly, Kagami attended the Luxor Academy to explore her powers and escape from her overprotective father.

*Likes: Fuzzy animals, O blood, The color red, singing, cosplaying, ramen, lolita fashion, and anime.

*Dislikes: Baddies, unnecessary fighting, and people being disrespectful to her friends.

Powers/ Technology: Blood manipulation, minor dark magic, minor electric magic, Vampire skills, and regeneration.

Strengths: Blood manipulation, speed, stealth, sword skills, regeneration, and charm skills.

Weakness: Constant brute attacks, light magic, aerial attacks.


"As long as my beauty triumphs this disgusting evil, you all have nothing to fear!"
Jessica M. Starry - Spotlight
  • Name: Jessica M. Starry

    Alias: Miss Spotlight, Starry, or Future Wife (By a Delusional Yakai)

    Alignment: Lawful Good.

    Role: S Rank - Heroine / Teacher

    Species: Superhuman.

    "Oh my, you want to know about my personality too! Such astonishing looks as mine are near-impossible to come by but my outstandingly wonderful persona is simply magnetic!"
    One of the slightly less strict instructors, Jessica M. Starry is one who doesn't hold back on teaching lessons and often they're more so physical than verbal as she likes getting her hands on things as she says from time to time which can be taken other ways... She's exceptionally keen on making sure students are prepared for future circumstances even if they prove futile, it's through tender treatment and very tough love she's capable of transforming even the most useless of students into hardened heroes! Spotlight is extremely confident in her abilities as not only a teacher but a Heroic Diva as well. Obsessed with appearances plus making scenes, she's often times misinterpreted to be more of a flashy individual rather than a proficient crime fighter but to the surprise of her enemies the abilities and experience that she carries is far beyond any everyday hero! Jessica Starry is seen as incredibly flirtatious along with being full of herself in serious and non-serious situations, there has been moments where she's actually tried flirting with the enemy to the disbelief of her associates.

    "Growing up in Edenia as a little girl was difficult, it's not like you're one of those 'roughie' boys from the neighborhood! Not always could you rely on your girlish charm to get you out of trouble and because of this i've gotten into encounters I dread to speak of. Heroes were a rarity back then, you didn't have the luxury of screaming out for help and having the potential of some chivalrous handsome man or woman to come and save you, back then... You just had to comply or fight! Which I had no other choice than to fight as if my life depended on it, time and time again did I have to keep doing this and it came down to a point where it felt like all was lost and that the countless amount of bruises gained across my body were hurting enough to quit doing what I was doing yet during one fateful afternoon of traveling home as a young girl, I was confronted by a gang of mischievous individuals with their faces concealed by masks."

    "I couldn't help but freeze, it was clear that their intentions were purely evil.. Who would try to kidnap a little girl? What monsters would even think of doing such a thing! Fighting proved to be useless, so did struggling until a gift from what appeared to be the almighty! Beams of light flickered from my fingertips and vanquished the evil before me, at first I was scared.. I didn't know what I had become, was I one of those monsters just like the ones attacking Edenia? But then it struck me as a revelation! I was blessed with the power of becoming a Heroine, stopping those trying to hurt others and saving countless innocents from dangerous situations!"

    "This continued on for some time until I was notified of a program being introduced, The H.E.R.O program where distinct crime-fighters from all over the world would flock to assist and prepare future heroes! Luckily for me, I was accepted as teacher and now I finally have an opportunity to continue my heroism through the deeds of others."

Name: Samson Hearth

Alias: The Phoenix, Providence, Gods eye

Age: appears to be in his mid to early twenties, actual age is said to be eternal

Gender: Depends on Host, Currently Male

Sexuality: Nonsexual, unless it has some use or purpose

Occupation: Survival Teacher (although it's usually surviving his savage onslaught)

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Neutral/leaning towards good now (still a sadistic asshole sometimes though)

Species: Phoenix Deity


Personality: Samson seems like a nice enough guy. He's always smiling, and being charming and nice when he needs to. But when class starts, and the lesson begins. He lets loose his Sadistic side. He's a real scary guy. Even with that nice expression on his face he's still terrifying as he puts his students through hell (sometimes literally)

If you asked him why he does this. He'd probably say it's for the good of the students, so that they'll learn, and be prepared for such things. But in all honesty, he just enjoys tormenting others. He's kind of arrogant, and thinks little of others. So much so that unless you're useful to him in some way he'll probably ignore you if he can. He's a tricky man, always plotting something behind that calm, and friendly demeanor. He's kind of an evil bastard, and has been around so long that he's wiley, and wise enough to get away with lots.

He often makes the best of situations. Like his situation with his obsessed student Judy. She clearly has a thing for him, but he's not interested in anyone in that way. Be it man, woman, beast, or machine. But her infatuated with him lets him use her for whatever he needs. Which he's plenty grateful for, even if he'd probably dispose of her as soon as she lost her usefulness. Samson's often quite, and to himself when he's not teaching, and a good way to get on his bad side is disturbing his peace. He's merciless, and savage when he's angered, and tends to go overboard with things. So he has to remind himself to keep calm. Otherwise he'd probably vaporize the entire school. But so long as you're not on his bad side you should be safe enough.

Even with his villainous outlook, he still takes his work seriously. Even if he won't admit it, he often finds himself proud of his students. Usually the more clever, or destructive one, but still proud. So if someone tries to harm them he can always be there in the blink of an eye, ready to kill anyone who'd harm his prey/precious students.

~since time skip,

Much has stayed the same over the past few years. But Samson has slowly begun to enjoy his job. He's even begun appreciating his students, and while he still puts them through hell. It's more for their own good than his own sick twisted pleasure. But he still tends to get annoyed by most people. Just can't change that.

Habits: Playing with his flames, laughing sinisterly to himself.

Bio: Ok! Here it is! The full scoop! The whole enchilada! All you need to know about Samson Hearth! Samson Hearth is just the alias the being known as the Phoenix uses when possessing a host. Its real name is Providence, the all seeing eye of god. Much like Archangels, and much of creation. Providence was created by God, and acted as his eyes. Keeping tabs on all planes of existence. Of course eventually Providence grew bored of this, and soon found himself going to other realms to get involved in events that interested them.

Of course God didn't like this, and thus had all his archangels team up to seal Providence away in his own realm. This of course wouldn't last, as Providence soon found that he could enter other realms through possession of its inhabitants. Luckily God and the angels didn't seem to care about this as much. Most likely because he was weakened due to being held to a host form. He wasn't able to obtain full power. But, he was still strong enough to wage wars. He used his time on earth to cause some of the greatest massacres, wars, and downright genocides ever to be heard about. He has possessed many famous figures throughout history. None of which are known for being pleasant. But after a while he even grew bored of this. Decided he'd settle down some, and try to enjoy life a bit. He, thus when Luxor came to him offering a job at his Academy. He decided to take it, just because it sounded like a relaxing, and interesting endeavour.

Likes: tormenting/teaching his class

His personal time

Making plans...for potential world domination


Pesky students




Being disturbed

Powers and weapons: Eyes of God: this ability gives Samson easy access to seeing just about anything he wants. Of course if someone has a strong enough barrier he can't peak in on them. But only a handful of people do. This ability when at its full power can even see into other worlds, and times.

Phoenix form: This is the ability Samson uses only if necessary. He can leave his host body in the form of a great blue bird of fire. While in this form his host body is lifeless, and if his body is damaged beyond repair. Then he'll be forced to find a new host. Which he does by entering the body of another in his Phoenix form, the battling for control. Until he's either forced out, or as it often happens, he burns up their soul.

Phoenix flames: these are the flames of rebirth. They can be used for healing, whether it be himself, or others. Or used for burning things to ashes. As the flames of creation they're not easily snuffed out. They can also heal near fatal wounds. So long as the injured party is still alive. He can also shape it into weapons if he wants.

Wings of the Phoenix: this is an ability that allows Samson to teleport anywhere he can see, so basically as long as he can use his god eyes. Although he also can't teleport to areas guarded by a strong enough barrier.

Blade forged in the flames of life: this is a katana that Samson carries around with him wherever he goes. It helps him to focus his abilities for more precise attacks, and he can also use it as a key to other realms.

Nectar of the gods: Samsons blade can do more than open portal to other realms. It's also excellent at slaying immortal beings such as gods. Even absorbing their godly essence, which Samson can temporarily use as his own power. Depending on the god the affect changes.

Weakness: having his host body destroyed, if he can't find a new host within a week or he'll be sent back to the realm he came from for a few eons.

Powerful magical barrier... they're always stopping him from seeing, or going where he wants.

Poor aim: you'd think being a firebird he'd have excellent aim. But that's not the case, his aim depends on the condition of his host. Currently his host doesn't have the best eyesight. Luckily large wide spread destructive attacks make up for that.

Untrustworthy, and dangerous: due to his personality he seems nice enough. But if you've ever taken one of his classes you'll know just how wicked he is. So most people refuse to work with him. Aside from his stalker that is. So unless forced, or something unforeseen happens, he'll usually be working alone.

Insufficient space: Once more, if his host body isn’t optimal it can affect his abilities. Usually it's not to much of an issue, as he doesn't switch host frequently. Even when he does he usually has them planned out beforehand, so they're perfect to suit his needs. But even the best host doesn't allow him to use his full power.

Strengths: burning things to ashes, he's really good at that, and he's got great destructive power.

Swordsmanship, he's been around plenty long enough to he one of the best with a blade.

Tricking people, he's gone toe to toe with some of the best tricksters in all of existence and given them a run for their money, if not out doing them.

Experience: ok, so there are plenty of people who've been around for a crazy amount of time. But Samson has been around since about the beginning of creation. He wasn't exactly doing much for the first part of that. But after he got the hang of things he took to going to the mortal realm to wage wars, and do battle in many different host. So he's definitely one of the more experienced people around. You could even says he's had a bit of an affect on the world.

Extra: Tends to hate the attention seekers, and ignore most people unless they have some value. Only helps out with the hero program because he can keep an eye on the students best.
Name: Shiro akatsuki

Alias: Smoker

Alignment: Neutral Good

Role: Operation H.E.R.O Student

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: pansexual


Bio: sense he was a child he admired fire fighters and with his powers he always believed he would make a great firefighter. One day when his mom and dad where at the store and he was left alone in their apartment complex. A fire started on the floors below. He was scared and worried everyone was cuffing because of the smoke. Shiro knew he needed to help everyone with his Typhokinesis. But he was to scared to do that. Then a firefighter appeared breaking down the door letting people escape safely. Shiro was really inspired. So he started to move the smoke away from the people and the fire fighters. They where all impressed with his courage especially for a ten year old boy. When everyone was safely out the firefighter then was going to help shiro when a huge explosion happened. Shiro belive he was dead but the firefighter sacrificed himself to protect shiro. Shiro had serious burns all over his body but he would have been dead if the firefighter didnt cover him at the last second. He grew up thanking the family of that man he called his hero. And aim to be like him. One day when he was doing his firefighter training he was invited to join the H.E.R.O program and help him develop his powers. He discussed it over with his loving parents they agreed because in regular school he hides his power and kids fear him because of his scars but his gentle heart will always help people. So he left to the luxor school. With the H.E.R.O. program.

Likes: ice coffee and cooking

Dislikes: Fires and his own face

*Weapons: Combat knifes

Powers: Typhokinesis aka manipulation of smoke

*Others: He looks evil but is kind hearted
Name: Crow nightwalker

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Alignment (Good, Bad, neutral, etc ?): Neutral Good

Species: The deity of Dream's and Nightmare's

Occupation: Combat Teacher

Rank: S


Personality: crow is chaotic to everyone but he will not kill without a reason or motive. He will make everyone know their true fears even gods have fallen to his feet. But when it comes to kids he has a soft side and just annoyed them to no end. But when a one and trillion chance you will see him treat animals with care. But that was before the accident. Now he has chilled down and he still holds some anger but he is kind-hearted and has a nasty look but he will help you without asking and even act like a proper teacher.

* Habits?: Causally smoke's and

Bio: Born from the Fear of Human's and God's and even Demon's His true form was gross horrifying but he loved the warmth of love and acceptance. when he grew stronger and stronger he tried to befriend Human's they treated with disgust and shun him away. when he tried to befriend the God's they laughed at him and told him to return to a world of the Night. and he tried and tried to find someone to befriend but they either found him Disgusting or they laughed at him. So throughout the Millennium, He Learned that he was getting stronger with everyone's fear he then created Nightmares. First, he started with children then Adult's. soon with the stronger being's demi god's Elf's Dwarves and soon he started to feast on the Fear of the God's but he needed a weapon to hold them down since they could overpower him. or worse send him back to the beginning. Crow went to Svartalfheim, the realm of the dwarves. The dwarves, being the most skilled craftspeople in the cosmos, He made them create chains strong like Gleipnir. But his Version of them something dark and more sinister. They said it was impossible. But Crow did the Impossible and through a piece of Gleipnir and said "I could only get a piece of it. I can get things that don't exist " after a few days they made Him chain's of Darkness that were as Thin like a Ribbon But Crow could feel the Fear surged from them. he smiled and left to fight Angel's and Demons.

After a Few Milleniums of Fighting and Eating Fear. He met with Luxor. Luxor was one of the Angel's that would bring him enough strength to fight without fail. But to his surprise and even after nearly getting the upper hand on Luxor by showing him his true pain and Fear Luxor turned the tables on Crow. Crow was Defeated and he believed he would be sealed forever. Luxor gave him a second chance telling Crow he had light in his soul he just needs to learn how to bring it out so Luxor told him. "be my friend and help me Teach student's" So crow smiled a sinister smile and join Luxor. But some incidents with extremely dangerous students and an evil mastermind that put his Students in danger. Everyone Believed that crow would just let them die and leave but what no it was the complete opposite he stayed to Fight and protect all the students in Luxor's academy after doing his Best he woke up in the Nurse's Office in Critical condition. and he saw most of the students he saved sleeping by his bedside. he Smiled and just wished he could give pleasant dreams instead of nightmare's and to his surprise, Luxor was right after accepting himself and leaving his negative emotion's behind him he started to grant pleasant dreams. Now Four Years Later He may have scars after the battle and look angry and annoyed most of the time he will always stop and say hi to student give them encouraging words and even smile once in a while. He teaches the class with pride now and even had Kagami become his Assistant for combat class.
*Likes: Fear and Nightmare's and ice cream

*Dislikes: Courage of other's and green tea

Powers and weapons:

Nightmare's of All: Crow can create Nightmare's from people's fear they have a physical form for a few hours to days depending on how much of his Energy he infuses to them some can even take full life's of human's

Blindsight: Even if left blind he can still sense where someone is located.

Mind's Eye: After years of fighting people stronger than him or as strong of supernatural beings to demigods crow has developed mind's eye that after a few minutes of fighting he can read their next move.

Pleasant Dream's: He gives people dreams of encouragement that boosts their physical body and Mental state.

Link existence: he can connect to other versions of himself across the multiverses. To prevent his defeated or a catastrophic problem like the school being blown up by the three thrones or Hudun or worse him dropping his ice cream.

Weakness: After the Fight that nearly killed him he can't do much combat. He hides it from everyone around him but he noticed that he needs to find someone to pass his abilities to because he really will not reincarnate after he dies.

Strong Mind: He won't fall for illusion's and other mental attacks

Combat expert: after years of fighting he learned the dirtiest and best possible way to win a fight he just knows a few martial arts he copied from others but not a lot.

Other: Crow can't regenerate anymore and the scar's after the incident is all over his body.
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"I want to hit every ball that comes at me. I want to blow them all away!"

Name: Johnny B. Crash

summer boy.png
summer boy in costume 3.jpg

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Role: Operation H.E.R.O Student

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual.

Species: Human.




Born from a family with the mystical berserker blood running in their veins, Johnny grew up in a poor neighborhood in New York raised by a large, loving family who was always struggling to stay above poverty. Filled with frustration at his family's situation, Johnny fell into the role of schoolyard bully at a young age. Venting his pain through his fists on his classmates fragile, punchable faces, Johnny got in trouble on a regular basis. With nothing but spite for the teachers who punished him, Johnny probably spent half of his childhood in detention and the other half doing things to get sent to it. This all would change in middle school.

Johnny entered middle school planning on continuing as he always had, brawling with whoever to pass the time. But on his first day, things changed for Johnny. Running his mouth as he always did, Johnny raised the ire of some older bullies. Not appreciating his lip, they cornered him the hall. Johnny got in some good hits, but he was overpowered and slammed against the lockers. This commotion caught the eye of a passing janitor, idly mopping the floor. Moseying over, to Johnny's astonishment the janitor casually took his mop in a practiced grip and like a lightning bolt, cracked the mop over the bullies' heads. Bam, out cold. Gaping at the old guy, the janitor gave Johnny a wink and wryly raised a finger to his lips, whispering, "Shhhh." With that, the 40-something janitor went back to mopping.

Johnny would spend the first few weeks of middle school hanging out with the geezer, pestering him to tell him how he did that. Eventually the old guy cracked and told Johnny that his name was Thomas Eagle, formerly a hotshot rookie baseball player who had tragically suffered a knee injury, killing his promising career. Now he mopped floors and cleared trash. Johnny begged Thomas to teach him to swing like him. Seeing how Johnny was wasting away, his potential going down the drain, he agreed. But, on the condition that Johnny would become a baseball player. Johnny eagerly agreed and so became Thomas' apprentice. He took to baseball fast and developed a hell of a swing. Johnny would eventually join his school's baseball team and quickly made first string. Johnny developed a friendship with the rest of the team, especially the team's ace pitcher, Gustavo. The two became thick as thieves and, with Thomas help as coach, their team would take a trophy back home 3 years in a row.

Johnny would sadly have to leave the school he had come to love behind, graduating recently. Johnny was on track to replicate his minor stardom at his high school's baseball team. But on his way to his new high school, he overheard some punks trashing the name of his middle school's team. His family's blood was set on fire and Johnny took his bat from his backpack, and swung with all his rage. The punks lost teeth. Johnny was expelled. But, luckily for him, someone saw him clean the punks' clocks. Someone who could recognize magic. Johnny was offered a scholarship for Luxor Academy and he graciously accepted. Moving away from his home city, Johnny has come far from home to Luxor Academy. He just prays it has a baseball team...



Johnny is someone who in one word could be described as inflammatory. He carries himself with a smug cockiness and his words are aimed to piss people off. When bored his default go to is to find someone to pick a fight with. Johnny almost has a six sense for what to say to get people pissed. Maybe it's his second power. But motivating all of that is a desire to constantly test himself and to always overcome it. Johnny has an insatiable lust for victory, for him fights are another way for him to prove himself. Which is why baseball clicked with him so well. Johnny genuinely loves baseball and is very passionate about it. As someone with a ravenous competitive spirit, a sport where he is constantly put to pressure was a match made in heaven.

Outside of fights and baseball, Johnny's rather mundane. If his passion is baseball, his hobby is calligraphy. Something born out of writing his own names hundreds if not thousands of times over and over while bored in class. He loves well done food, but personally finds pink meat disgusting. Might as well be eating a sponge to him. Bananas are his favorite snack food, he usually has a few on him. He has trouble focusing on things that bore him, leading to poor school grades and a tendency towards truancy.

  • Baseball.
  • Whack-a-mole.
  • Baseball.
  • Well done burgers.
  • Baseball.
  • Exercise.
  • Baseball.
  • Calligraphy.
  • Baseball.
  • Getting into fights.
  • Baseball.
  • Winning.
  • Baseball.
  • Bananas


  • Soccer.
  • Rare burgers.
  • Tennis.
  • Studying.
  • Being idle.
  • Chimpanzees.
  • Annoying people.

  • A well worn, but diligently maintained, metal bat.

Powers/ Technology:

Emotion Empowerment "IT'S CALLED HOT BLOOD!"

Johnny possesses a unique passive form of magic. His ability, which he coined Hot Blood is able to magically affect Johnny's physical capabilities. He's able to become magnitudes stronger, faster, more durable, and more agile. However, there is a slight weakness to it. Johnny has no conscious control over Hot Blood, instead it's activation is tied to Johnny's emotions. When Johnny feels intense feelings of enthusiasm and anger, his physical capabilities are enhanced. How much they're enhanced exactly is tied to how intense the emotion is.

  • Johnny's height is 5' 4". He's sensitive about it.
  • Johnny's blood type is AB.
  • Johnny's fluent in Portugese. A good friend taught him it.
  • Johnny favorite baseball team is the New York Yankees.
  • Johnny tried to get the New York Yankees logo tatooed on him, but his father stopped him.
  • Johnny has a dog named Ruth.
  • Johnny does not ever leave his bat at home.
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Name: Clair O'Reilly

Alias: RUN.EXE
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Role: Operation H.E.R.O Student

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Super Human

Bio: Clair was born into a middle-class family and for the most part was raised as any normal child would be. However, from a young age, she showed signs of being something more than just average. Every test she took was aced and every question she was called upon to answer she did so and more. It was mind baffling to those in her community and upon medical inspection, it was passed off as superhuman intelligence.

It wasn't until Clair was fourteen years of age that she was actually given a break down of her abilities and accurately that. With her powers came a lot of responsibility or so she was told. Turns out having the ability to hack almost anything and program just as efficiently could really be quite disastrous if used incorrectly. Clair, of course, was given a full mental evaluation to ensure she wasn't a threat to the country and government and well after that she was given a long list of things she could and couldn't do. You know like hacking military drones and the such.

It was a long list but the long a short was don't do something stupid and seriously don commit high treason. you know just the basics of 14-year-old stuff. Anyway, Clair went on to do some great things from that day, she created her own AI assistant. Like Siri but on steroids. She went on to do cybersecurity contracts for major companies and made quite a lot of money while doing so.

She completed her studies and while originally planning to avoid high school to pursue her career in cybersecurity well who could resist the offer Luxor Academy was providing?

Clair is lazy. She strives to achieve her goals with minimum effort and has always had a knack for finding shortcuts and loopholes to abuse. Idealistically she would like to spend her days sleeping, lazing around and realistically doing whatever peaks her interest at any given moment.

Clair is however well aware she cannot afford to do this if she wishes to be of some use to society. As such she often finds herself doing tasks she would much rather not, such as military cyber security contracts. All and all Clair has a rather dry personality. She's lazy, hates working, has a hard time socializing and despite her awkwardness has no problem flirting with older guys the second an opportunity opens up. Perhaps the only interesting part of her personality is the fact she blatantly hates attractive women. Which she has no reasoning behind, or so she says at least.

She isn't a badass, shes normally abnormal. Sorry to break it to you.

*Likes: Technology, Sleeping, coffee, video games, being alone, older guys, holidays, long walks at night

*Dislikes: old-fashioned busybodies, tea, study hall, work, alarm clocks, facebook, pretty girls, hot summer days

Powers/ Technology:
Cyberlinguism; Clair can communicate (either telepathically, by speaking verbally, or by touching physically) with all forms of technology, including machinery, computers and other electronics. Clair, therefore, can hack into offline cyber systems, restore information and break computer codes with almost effortless ease. Note: This ability is extremely useful for hacking offline systems or those not connected to the internet. The issue is Clair must be within four feet of the object to use her ability.

Hacking Intuition; Clair knows instinctively how to hack through difficult mainframes of information and bypass intensively difficult levels of online security. Clair can also (with quite a lot of effort and time) hack the systems of incredibly complex devices and weapons such as drones and satellites. NOTE: This ability is limited by how advanced of a computer Clair is using. She cannot hack a military drone from her Ipad obviously. For balance sake.

Computer-aided Mind; Clair's brain is connected to the internet and as such, she can access it at any moment and at any time. It's likely due to this fact she has perfect grades across the board. Google sure does know quite a lot!

*Others: Clair is Narcoleptic and as such is liable to fall asleep at random.

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Name: "Lux Lucis.".

Alias: "Umbra.".

Alignment: Neutral.

Role: An anti hero who serves, as a vigilante and prefers to do things "his way" rather then the ways of the law, of which he feels restricted by, he is a young man that refuses to be controlled by fate and to be lord over by others, he serves justice but knows that the world isn't just black and white and that there is grey also, no matter how much people may want to ignore the 3rd aspect/element, he is a believer in truth and will stop at nothing to stop villainous and evil forces, even if he himself is branded, as a villain.

Age: 19.

Gender: Male.

Sexuality: Straight.

Species: Human.


Bio: A both strange and mysterious young individual, ever since he was 9 years old, Lux before he went by the name of Umbra had the ability to manipulate black colored flames of which people signified, even his own family, as "the coming of the devil", hated by everyone, even his own mother and father, Lux was forced out of his village home and was chased on a witch hunt by his own fellows, determined to kill him, refusing to "let him summon Satan to their world", due to their narrow mindedness and strong religious beliefs, Lux developed a both Atheist and hateful attitude towards all religions and their believers, believing that the concept of God should not exist and that Humans should be the ones to decide their own fates in life, nevertheless, despite the tragedies he has suffered in his life from since when he was just a child, Lux did not steer down the dark path, at least not entirely, once when he was just about to be killed by the people of his village was he then saved by an unknown masked person, of whom claimed that Lux still had a lot of potential that he can do with his life and that it should not be ended so easily, this person took in Lux, as an apprentice and had taught him how to better wield his black pyrokinetic powers, for better or worse, because this person saved Lux's life, Lux went throughout his life not asking about this person's true identity nor what his/her face looks like under the mask, instead, Lux had decided to honor this person upon becoming older by taking on this person's masked alias, the name of "Umbra", ever since adopting the name of Umbra, Lux started to act, as a vigilante wherever he was and whenever he could, using his powers to protect people from dark forces and even corrupt heroes, he believes that society should and will one day change, be it by his hand or by others, either way, Lux opposes the current law and order of things and is determined to live life how he sees fit, unrestricted by the control of authority.

*Personality: Cool, Calm, Collected, Cold, Secretly Caring, Secretly Kind, Strange, Sarcastic, Mysterious, Manipulative, Wise, Laid-Back at times and has a Black Comedy Sense of Humor, Lux can be downright cruel towards his enemies but even so, he does give them at least one chance to reform their ways for the better, a trait instilled in him by his mentor who he took his alias after.

*Likes: Everything Japanese based and related, classical music, comic book inspired films, video games, pizza.

*Dislikes: Prejudice, Hate Crimes, Corrupt Politicians, Mushrooms.

*Weapons: Wields a black steel Katana through which he can empower his black flames into and increase his range of attack with them.

Powers/ Technology: Black Pyrokinesis, the ability to generate, control and manipulate black colored fire.

*Others: Japanese Voice Actor is Takahiro Sakurai, English Voice Actor is Paul Stephen and Theme Song is Sion Barzahd from the Soundtrack of the Video Game-The Bouncer-<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
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Name: Coriander Brighton, He goes by Cori for short

Alias: The Blue Knight

Alignment: Good

Role: Hero Student

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Extra-Dimensional. A race of consciousnesses that exist in the places between dimensions, there duty to fix and maintain the walls between those realities

Appearance: Cori is Taller standing at about 6 foot 2 inchs. He has soft features with dark blue hair, piercing blue eyes, and a complexion so pale its almost white. He tends to dress well in wearing a suit most days but on hotter ones just a dress shirt and black slacks. When doing hero stuff he materializes a suit of form fitting blue armor. The armor has none of the properties of regular armor other than the appearance, allowing it to bend and move as normally as his clothing

Bio: Having lived a mostly normal life at the age of 15 his parents were murmured one night by a shadowy figure seemingly made of smoke so black that it seemed to absorb light. Before it killed him as well a stranger showed up and with a burst of light banished the thing. That man became Coriander master, he taught Cori about his powers and shared a little background on his origin. He explained that coriander wasent really human. That he had been sucked through by accident to this world along with a nefarious individual of the same race, who had come here seeking a physical form. Cori spent years with "master", the only name he gave cori to call him until he disappeared one day. After that Cori found his way to the academy

Personality: Thoughtful for the most part. He has a tendency towards kindness and often makes Freinds but he also tends to speak only when asking questions or answering them.

Likes: Scenery, Sunsets, dogs, and sherbet

Dislikes: Large crowds, Disrespectful people, Sharks

Weapons: Cori carries no weapons but has trained with a variety of weapons, and with the spear and sword extensivly. He prefers to arm himself with his creations.

Powers/ Technology:
Construct: The ability to use energy and shape it into useful things with your will. All creations spear as if made from semi translucent Blue energy with a crackle to it. The more expertly you can imagine the item, i.e. its shape, dimensions, weight, and other physical properties the more effective the item will be. All constructs can be moved or made to vanish with a thought.

Phase shift: For a short time, step out of reality and into an adjacent pocket dimension. While in this other dimension, you can not observe, hear, or interact with the base reality, the longer you stay in the phase shift the harder it is to return to the original dimension
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Name: Nizaki Hyuga

Alias: Inertia

Alignment: Lawful good

Role: entry-level student

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetrosexual

Species: Human


Bio: He was one of the most athletic guys in his middle school. After discovering his powers one day and saving two girls from getting mugged he decided that he wanted to be hero.

However at first he was never meant to come to this school as his abusive parents originally wouldn't let him. They thought if he learned to properly control his power that he would fight back. One day when his parents were on a date they were killed in a car crash when his father drove under the influence of Alcohal.

Nizaki's adoptive parents allowed to attend the school. To this day Nizaki is still not sad about his original parents' death.

*Personality: He is usually friendly and helpful though if he hasn't eaten for a while he grows irritable and short tempered.

Video Games

Being hungry
Sugar Coating

*Weapons: No weapons

Powers/ Technology: Kinetic Sponge/ Momentum build.
He can absorb Kinetic Impacts on Himself and bring it out when he needs it he can hold in kinetic energy as long as he can hold his breath.
He can exponentially increase his momentum as long as he keeps moving
If he uses both at the same time he becomes the perfect shock absorber but he can't hold it long because constant movement increases his heart rate shortening the time he can hold his breath.

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Name: Sister Theresa Angelica

Alias: Sister Tess

Alignment: Lawful Good

Role: School Nurse and Counselor

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Appearance: img_priscilla.png

Bio: Raised in and knowing nothing other than her convent in Remote Finland, Tess is a type of innocence characterized largely by naivety and guilelessness. Fortunately, that makes her healing gifts that much more powerful as her spiritual connection to the divine is strengthened by purity. While being too old to join as a student when her abilities took full-swing, she was sent to Luxor to learn to master her abilities and do the Lord's work through voluntary service. A mission trip of sorts, serving as the HERO program's nurse and counselor.

*Personality: Can be seen as airheaded at times, given her unworldliness. Sister Theresa is sweet, kind and generous with anyone she comes into contact with, often going well out of her way for others. She's prone to act selflessly and take pride in service and prayer. While she opposes paganism and herself rejects sin, heresy and blasphemies she doesn't judge those who commit them as in her eyes that is not her place. She's the sort of person to help friend or foe in their time of need.

*Weapons: N/A

Powers/Technology: Total restorative healing and energy transfer as well as the ability to bestow blessings.

*Others: Has a thick Finnish accent.
Name: N/A

Alias: Chort

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Role: Villain (S+)

Age: N/A

Gender: N/A, Masculine

Sexuality: N/A

Species: Infernal

Appearance: bc15df3f9424dd2b3541988b833ea219-d4o3gtl.jpg

Bio: Appeared just under 2 years after the world's were linked.
Chort can only be described as a being of pure malice. A deep hatred, or at the very least aggression towards everything and everyone, makes him a particularly difficult opponent to negotiate. He is entirely self serving; or so it would seem. Though consistently recorded kill without cause, he does on occasion make an appearance with a clear motive, and less occasionally teams up with another villain.
His base of operations, for lack of a better term, is known as The Black Fountain. Though, its location is mostly an enigma. We do know that it is part of a larger underground network called the Garden of Exiles. So far it seems Chort is it's sole inhabitant, or sole one of his kind. He often retreats underground or to water, backing up this notion. Being a creature of extremes, Chort has gained a literal cult following. Members of the "Followers of the Ram" openly and secretly worship chort as a deity, routinely offering themselves up for sacrifice or servitude. A few have supposedly be given admission to the Garden of Exiles, though none have returned from this journey.
Communication with him has been difficult, to say the least. Most of what we know is taken from his fan club, so how much of it is accurate or misinformation meant to throw us off is unknown. Brief communication with students and faculty have pegged him as remarkably intelligent, and phlegmatic despite his highly aggressive and violent nature. His means of communication are also a difficult hurdle to overcome. It seems he does so through telepathic communication and can occur in many ways such as; words, pictures, ideas, physical sensations, sounds, impressions, feelings, or just a sense of knowing. All of these can be employed with hostility. His range for communication is ballparked at around 5,000 meters. It's unclear whether he is able to mind read or simply project onto other's minds.

Powers/ Technology:
Volatile bodily fluids (gives napalm like attack, acid spit/vomit/blood, etc)
Fire breath (varying heat)
Charged fire attack (explosive)
Gas breath (flammable)
Self-Immolation (as a sort of extra defense)
Hypnotic eye contact
Nigh impenetrable shell, only real soft spot being his mouth, only killable through mass damage.
Doomsday regeneration, can't be killed or hurt with energy or magic the same way twice. Only consistently vulnerable to physical attack.
Upon death what's left of him will combust until disintegrated and he'll reemerge from his crux; The Black Fountain.
Can regenerate over time but can heal at an accelerated rate through consumption of life or energy.
Much like a reptile, if left unchecked, chort can grow indeterminately larger and more powerful through feeding.

Name: Asmodeus/Astaroth

Alias: A

Alignment: Neutral Evil

Role: Throne of Hell, Prince of Lust, Royal pain in Luxor’s keister/ Role in the school; TBA

Age: Old

Gender: Masculine androgynous (taken female form)

Sexuality: YES

Species: Fallen Celestial


Bio: Due to her pantheon’s involvement in the many incidents that have befallen the Academy in the past, aswell as their blatant inability to behave , A and they rest of her comrades (The six other Thrones and the Four Horsemen) were sealed away very much so in the manner of the Seven Seals. They struck out for the last time during the initial contact with the outside world when they used the newfound freedom to wreak havoc mostly unobstructed. However, thanks to Luxor and the Archangels Armageddon was avoided yet again. Using all the power they could muster the 11 were, one by one, locked away in scrolls, each tenuously secured with a wax seal. While the physical seal was weak the magical one was unimaginably strong, capable of keeping them all trapped indefinitely. The scrolls were placed in a secret room within Luxor’s office. They probably should have known better than to leave such fragile and dangerous objects somewhere so high traffic.

*Personality: Lecherous to fault, obviously. A is the poster girl for debauchery, partaking in just about anything sinful. Her disposition is characterized largely by her condition of throne of lust. Her incarnation largely a manifestation of laziness, makes the job of temptation easier, only really having to use magical charm on the other half of the population. Attitude wise, she’s got one and it’s pretty abrasive, characterized as; mordant, toxic, sarcastic, hostile, selfish, pessimistic, conceited, unorganized, impulsive, self-indulgent, cruel, deceitful, reckless, tactless and tempting to sin. Though, how much of what you see depends on her intent with you, A normally gives off an air of insouciance, seeming to often have better things to do. On the brighter side of her persona you'll find playfulness, immaturity, flippancy, mischievousness, and coquettish energy.

Powers/ Technology: Is a demon, so demonism.

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Name: Luxor Angelico Aurum

Alias: None

Alignment: Lawful Good

Role: Principal

Age: Unknown (Looks like in the mid 20s)

Gender: Male


Species: Archangel ' The Angel of Earth and Emotions'

Appearance: Uta.no☆prince-sama♪.full.1690469.jpg
Currently unavailable
He's about 5'10 feet. His skin is oddly pale. Luxor is not super muscular but slim. The archangel often wears tailored suits and may occasionly wear casual clothes on his off days.

Bio: Luxor was the very first archangel to be born through birth. He raised in Luxor, Egypt before becoming a wonderer when his mother left him all alone. Many centuries later, Luxor built a school for supernatural creatures can attend in a safe enviroment. He made one his previous enemies, Hundun, a teacher to keep a close eye on him.

After class 101 graduated, Luxor decided to create the H.E.R.O program. He got the idea after binge watching superhero movies with his son.

*Personality: Slightly sarcastic, observant, and serious for the most of time. Luxor is kind and relaxed when he is not tending to his work. [He may be a slight sadist]

*Likes: Sweets, red wine, books, quiet places, super hero movies, cheesy soap operas, gold, and respectful students

*Dislikes: Foul language, being bothered, others touching him, trouble makers, talking about the past, his space being intruded and paying for damages

*Weapons: He is gifted with a archangel sword that can turn into a bow. The sword can change it's elemental properties if user's manipulates it with magic. [WIP]

Powers/ Technology: Elemental Magic, flight, Angelic powers, and Angel’s kiss.

Strengths: Tactics, accuracy, swordsmanship, light & earth magic, ice manipulation, energy reservation, and speed. Luxor can hit critical hits with the amount of energy he reserves.

Weakness: Emotional energy can be exhausting to use. He becomes unfocused if he overuses it. Like any other angelic creature, demonic energy is their archnemises.

Others: Fam- His father is Michael while his mother is Samandriel. Samandriel is a lesser known archangel, often confused as devil figure due to her horns. Samandriel is the 'torturer' of those who enter hell. Currently, she works at Mei's bar as a waitress. Michael is currently in Hawaii, working as a farmer.

He currently takes care of his long lost son. Luxor never remebered wooing any demon girl, but Zack defintely has his genes. Luxor's relationship with his son is slightly rocky but at the most part good.

Don't get on his bad side if you don't want to hear a two hour lecture.
Name: Maria Nathan

Alias: (Laz) the Robo Girl

Alignment: Good

Role: Head of H.E.R.O Tech
Future CEO of Nathan Industries

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual ( Loves robots more than men)

Species: Enchanced Human

5'8 ft. She has purple- grayish eyes to compliment her teal hair. Maria wears a variation of the uniform seen in the picture.

Bio: Previously, she worked at a Marine base to develop high tech weapons that can be used on water. She was hired due to her being Luis Nathan's daughter, who owns one most famous tech industries. Maria was also a child priodgy. At the age of 5, she had an IQ matching of an 10th grader.

Maria's body enchacement came from an expirement her father was working on. She was 12 and swallowed a serum that supposed to increase her IQ. Instead, it gave her the ability to jump higher than a average human with a added vision of an owl.

Maria started working at H.E.R.O tech when Luxor offered her own laboratory and a plethora of funding for her own projects. Maria happily agreed.

Personality: She's always eager to show her work to others. She is also fascinated in the new people she meets, often wanting to take a closer look at them.

Likes: Robots, surfing, competition, any tech, lazers, techno music, the sound of the ocean

Dislikes: Not being able to finish her work, people messing with her robo suit, having setbacks, and Mondays

Weapons: S1 and S2 Gauntlets- Shoots high beam lazers up to 50 ft.
S2 rockets- Long range missiles hidden in the top part of the the suit's arm.
S2 sword- The sword is made of plasmid that instantly catararizes wounds it inflicts.

Powers/ Technology:
The color scheme is white and blue. The outlines are sku blue while the white covers most of the armor.
The skin parts seen in the picture are all covered in black.

Has the abiltiy to jump to high places with significantly less fall damage than a average human.

Others: She has a high pain tolerance.
Believes New York pizza is the true and only best pizza in the world.

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