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Fantasy Luxor Academy: Operation H.E.R.O. CS

Name: Trae Sentrale

Alias: Legend, GodFist Trae

Alignment: Chaotic leaning towards Lawful Good

Role: H.E.R.O Student

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Deva Demi-God (Shiva bloodline/ Fallen Celestial (Throne of Lust)

Shun Kantar.jpg
(Armor Form)

Just sit right here?...Oh, okay, no problem.....Talk about myself? You sure? I don't usually talk about my family and what not.....Pops and Mother both went here? Huh, how is this place still standing?......Oh, it regenerates, well let me just apologize on their behalf....Yeah I know, a lot of people wonder if they're really my parents, it's just that someone has to be nice in my family, anyway, you want me to start?....Alright, here goes:

So where to start? Oh yeah, my name's Trae and I want to attend Luxor Academy's H.E.R.O program to make a difference in the world, protect the weak and uphold justice. Now the reasons I want to do those things can all be explained by my last name: Sentrale. I keep seeing the people behind the camera making faces whenever I say that name and don't worry, I won't just explode and start beating people up or start blasting holes into the building and killing you closest loved ones, i'm a different kind of Sentrale. Surprising, I know, but something in me just wants to at least try to help people and change the world for the better, despite my heritage.

Speaking of my heritage, you guys have probably already guessed who I am. That's right, Ryo Sentrale is my father...what's with the looks of pity, I promise my childhood wasn't all bad. So for those wondering how my birth came about, well Pops decided to go dimension hopping after he graduated from Luxor and fight a bunch of cosmic, multiversal, and inter-dimensional gods, horrors, and beings for fun. Of course time moves differently in each dimension and universe so of course Pops didn't get mother pregnant when he was 17. It was almost decades after he started travelling when I was conceived. Pops had just got done establishing his gang, Behemoth, as the largest and most dangerous criminal organization across the multiverse when I popped out. It kinda took him for a surprise, but surprisingly, Pops was apparently happy about my birth. Of course, he got real disappointed when he found out I didn't inherit the Sentrale family's true bloodline. That's right, I wasn't born a Dracu'eri. I wasn't a Dragon Lord, I didn't get Shiva's power of Destruction, I didn't even inherit the massive reserves of energy. That made Pops real frustrated, but instead of abandoning me like Pop's dad would've done, he kept me and decided to raise me.

Not gonna lie, Ryo Sentrale is a shitty parent. Don't get me wrong, Pops has moments where you know that he loves you and wouldn't know what to do if he ever lost you, but the other 95% of the time, Pops is kicking your ass all over the place and calling it 'training'. I was at least blessed with some ungodly talent towards martial arts and worked myself to the bone to master the skills. I got so good that I was able to take on Phantasmal beasts with my bare hands and my skills alone, no massive energy tank, no draconic reality defying powers, just me and my skill alone. Pops was proud, yet I could tell he still wanted me to at least show some form of draconic power, but it wasn't meant to be. Pops eventually took me into the family business of organized crime. The Sentrale Clan was notorious for our cartel, heists, and assassinations. You name the crime, we were the best at it.

However, something inside me told me this wasn't right. It wasn't until I met my dad's right hand man that I finally knew what was wrong. I didn't want to be a legendary criminal, undefeated warrior, or be like my Pops. Brave taught me inner peace, the path of righteousness, and showed me what it meant to seek out my own answers. I knew when I stopped my dad's own destruction of a planet that owed him that I wasn't meant to be a part of Behemoth.

That day, I saw the infamous fury that had made my Pops a story to scare bad children and frighten armies. And just as I thought I was doomed, the anger disappeared. Pops only let out a sigh and gazed at me with pride. He was happy I had found a path to walk on, for no Sentrale was complete until they found their own path. He patted me on the back and sent me off to Luxor to train in the ways of the hero, saying that "You're too much of a dumbass to save people now you idiot. You can barely hold back when throwing a punch, how are you gonna save someone like that."

So here I am now, stepping foot into Luxor Academy, the place my Pops ran rampant, hoping to make a difference and disprove the claims attached to my family name. Not all Sentrale's are violent, reckless, and dark hearted warriors. Sometimes, we're actually pretty decent people.

How's that? Was that good enough?.....Oro? My mom?.......Setsuna's not my mom, she would kill me if I ever called her that!.....Well you shouldn't just assume stuff like that......Oh, that makes sense, cause Pops is actually super loyal to Setsuna, he just kinda has a weakness for my mother......I didn't tell you guys? My bad, my mom is Astaroth, the Throne of Lust.....Why are you guys making those faces? Wait! Why are you guys running so fast! Stop yelling like that!....Whaddya mean we're all doomed! My mom isn't that bad I swear!.......Well I think that interview went pretty well.

Contrary to both his parents, Trae is actually a pretty good guy. A rather nice man who would help an old lady across the street, ask you how your day is going, and always willing to offer a helping hand. Trae is the definition of positive and seems to always find the bright side of things. Of course he had to inherit something from his parents, so Trae is actually rather quick witted and while he won't initiate an insult, he always has a comeback waiting to be unleashed. Trae has the patience of a saint and it takes quite a lot to irk him and get under his skin. Trae is also kind of a dork and can freak out about things when he doesn't expect them.

And for being the kid of Ryo Sentrale (Who is loaded with innuendos) and Astaroth (Who is the THRONE OF LUST!!), Trae is pretty innocent. It takes a lot for him to notice anything sexual and gets embarrassed easily. Trae also gets confused rather easily and can be completely lost in the middle of a conversation.

When angered, Trae doesn't explode like his father, but instead remains calm, but his eyes exude a frightful coldness, as if in Trae's eyes, his opponent is already dead.

Long Walks (Gets lost during said walks and ends up on another planet)
Fighting (But won't admit it)
Needless Violence
Maps (I don't need directions!)
Jessica M. Starry (She keeps getting sparkles in my eyes!)
Johnny B. Crash (Stop yelling you idiot!)

Ryo Sentrale (Father)- "Me and Pops have a pretty good relationship...and sometimes a pretty bad relationship. We can go from cracking jokes, remembering precious father-son memories, and being the best dad and son ever to beating the shit out of each other, destroying countries, and blowing up planets in a matter of seconds. In the end, he's my Pops and I love him to death and I know he feels the same way about me, no matter how much of a bastard he is."

Astaroth (Mother)- "My mother is a little bit more complicated. I can't really get a read on how my mom feels about me. Being a demonic entity and a Throne, I don't think she cares too much about me, but in the end, she's my mom and she gave birth to me, so i'm at least thankful for that."

Setsuna: "Oh boy, Lady Setsuna was not too happy when she found out about me, especially when she learned who my mother was. For the first five years of my life, I thought she was my mother and that she only avoided me because she was so busy. That mistake was rectified the day I called her mom and she put me straight. However, she eventually cooled down and accepted me, taught me how to properly behave in public, what was acceptable, and even taught me the inner workings of politics and business. Lady Setsuna is the closest thing to a mom I got besides my actual mom, just won't call her mom again."

Seo Sentrale (Uncle)- "Pops says I have to hit Uncle Seo in the balls every time I see him and I actually will. The bastard kept getting me dangerous phantasmal beasts for my birthday and 'pranking' me by throwing me into black holes and stuff. Uncle Seo is the only person in the multiverse that i'll actively try to fight.

Brave Valefor (Master)- "Besides my Pops, Brave is the man I respect most in the world. He taught me the virtue of patience, the strength of keeping your own code, and finding inner peace. Brave is the one who set me on my path as a Hero and is the man that watches my father's back, which makes me appreciate him even more. I know one day i'll have to go head to head with him since he and my Pops are currently leading Behemoth and the Heroes want to deal with them, but until then, he is still my master.

Hundun (Gramps/Master)- "Gramps is right up there with Brave. If I can half the man that Gramps is, i'll be happy. He didn't really like me at first since I was proof that Pops cheated on his daughter, but he warmed up to me after seeing how willing I was to learn from him (Note: Annoyed the crap out of Hundun until he gave in). Gramps is so cool! He waves his hand and things get wrecked! Plus he has got to be the greatest swordsman ever! Gramps put me through some grueling training (Note: Torture) but I know he was just trying to make me strong! (Note: Was trying to get Trae to quit) When he started teaching me his style, I knew I had earned his respect! (Note: Hundun got fed up with Trae just tanking through all his violence and just caved in and taught him his style) My proudest moment was when Gramps looked at me with pride when I mastered his Swordmanship! (Note: Hundun was actually shocked that Trae hadn't died from learning his techniques, Trae is just an idiot.) Oh, and I call him Gramps cause I thought he was my grandpa until I was six, but I know he still thinks of me as a grandson! (Last Note: No matter how many times Hundun drowned, beat, set on fire, or blew up Trae, he kept calling him Gramps, so Hundun just gave up)

CJ Sentrale (Uncle/Annoyance)- "My uncle on my dad's side. He didn't inherit the Sentrale bloodline like me, but instead of training, he made a pact like a pansy. Pops says that's a great dishonor on the clan and usually I can tolerate people, but even I get annoyed by him from time to time.

Trae's sword.jpg
: The blade that was gifted to Trae from Hundun when he completed his training. A nodachi that hangs horizontally across Trae's lower back, the blade itself is imbued with Hundun's power of Chaos and can cut through even cosmic levels of power and durability. Trae rarely draws it, only when his opponent is powerful and needs to be killed or his opponent has gained his respect.

Powers/ Technology:
  • Resistant- Trae's power is really more of an anti-power. He's what you might call a resistant - powers don't work normally on him. Attacks with an impact - let's say a fireball - will hit him but not burn him. He can see illusions but won't be affected by them. Healing magic doesn't work on him and he can't be sensed, but he can be teleported to other locations, and so on.
  • Deva Demi-God Physiology- Although lacking the Divine energy of his heritage, Trae still has the godly strength, speed, durability, and reflexes. Strong enough to crush mountains and split the sea, go beyond the speed of sound, react within milliseconds and tank through even massive explosions.
  • Absolute Combat
  • Valefor Style Martial Arts- Along with the teachings of Brahma taught to him by Brave, Trae also learned Brave's fighting style which makes use of inner energy, palm strikes, redirecting of force, and even sealing of energy points within the body. Primarily used to pacify an enemy, avoid their attacks, and counter aggressive fighting styles. Use your enemies on force against them, and takes the energy from attacks/powers used against the user as fuel for their own techniques. Primarily uses Cold Ki/Passive Ki/Enlightened Ki
  • Sentrale Style Martial Arts- Trae's first fighting style he ever learned, yet also the style he uses the least. Nothing but pure attack and force. The Sentrale style of Martial Arts is all about unrelenting destruction and burning your inner energy to its limits and exuding massive amounts of killing intent. Each attack is a killing strike aimed towards your vital areas, Extreme pressure seems to be pushing down on your opponent as if a weight is on their shoulders from the amount of energy the user is putting out, and when this style is used Trae's entire demeanor changes, as if the young man is suddenly replaced with an apex predator. Primarily uses Hot Ki/Aggressive Ki/Murderous Ki
  • Hundun Style Swordmanship- These techniques are a point of pride for Trae. He will only draw his sword and use this style when he recognizes his opponent as one to be respected with the utmost honor or when an enemy absolutely needs to be removed from this world. The techniques and arts of this style are unknown because Trae rarely draws his sword and when he does, there is none who has survived to tell about it. Was taught this style by Hundun, because in Hundun's words "The Bastard kept following me around and calling me Gramps and asking for stuff, so I caved in and tortur- I mean, trained the kid in my style. Not my fault he actually managed to learn it, I didn't know the runt could learn celestial levels of swordplay."
  • Divine Armor- Trae's Birthright and the ultimate stage of his abilities. Amplifies his abilities and unlocks his sealed energy, allowing him to utilize his Ki for blasts and energy attacks. In this state, Trae can use Divine Energy, Heal allies, and even access the energy of nature around him. The trade off for this ability is that Trae will be completely exhausted afterwards and will have no strength to support himself or his allies. It will be a challenge to even move his body after using it due to his body not being able to cope with the surge of energy for long periods of time. It will take a total of three days for Trae to recover and if he runs out of time in the midst of battle, he's pretty much a sitting duck. Although the armor is a symbol of his family, it's also his greatest weakness, a absolute last resort.
  • Demonic Physiology- Trae's abilities from his mother's side are all sealed. Not due to anything personal against his mother, it's just that Trae has no freaking clue how to utilize and use any of those abilities.

    *Others: Trae has the uncanny ability to get a bounty placed on his head no matter where he goes, even if he hasn't done anything. It's because he's a Sentrale. Trae is also a pacifist and won't fight unless it's to protect someone or there is absolutely no other choice.
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-To be updated-
Name: Julius Noctis

Alias: Chaos [Unknown to the public]

Alignment: Chaotic neutral- Currently bad

Role: Villain (GPD)

Rank: +S

Age: Old as Chaos itself (day of Lucifer's rebel)

Gender: Male

Species: Trickster God and The true god of Chaos

Sexuality: Bisexual

the_moonlight_brown_hair_purple_eyes_male-rkR_.jpgHe uses this form when he's working at the hospital. The fighting outfit above is used in his younger form as well
Bio: [Classified] Julius or Chaos broke into little pieces, forming various chaos and trickster gods. One day, Chaos was put back together again into his true form. Julius has memories of various trickster gods, allowing him to the knowledge of gods that he had meet in his previous lives. Julius accepted his fate as an god of chaos and embraces the madness he causes upon Earth. He believes that without chaos there is no fun or free will witin the universe. Julius finds that the fight between villians and heroes is intresting and is eager to see the outcome between good and evil.

Likes: Animals, muscled men, chaos, coffee shops, playing tricks, musicals, feisty women, and clowns.

Dislikes: His plans being ruined, boring stuff, people talking about his past, sad movies, the color green, unhealthy habits, other so called chaos gods, and being bested at his own games.

Weapons: Daggers and a scepter for magic.

Powers: Shapeshifting( including copying voices)

Cloning (aka clone Justu)

Illusion magic-

Dark Arts


Mind reading- Can be blocked by putting up mental shields

Mind control- weak minded people are the easiest to control

*Magic in general- He's basically an sorcerer god*

Strengths: Illusionary magic, agility, tricking people, finding people's weak, points and has very good accuracy

Weakness: Direct brute strength, close combat (He isn't super weak at it but it's one his lower abilities.)

*Others: Works as a doctor at Edenia’s main hospital.

His previous counterparts had children of their own, making him related to later chaos related gods.

Sometimes referred to as Loki since it's a well known trickster god. He kind of hate it due to his past Norse selves relationships.
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    • It was all me! Ciel just stood there and watched. Hmph.

      Name: Luciela 'Lu' Serona
      Alias: Double-Demon
      Role: HERO Student
      Age: 18
      Height: 4'7
      Weight: 78 lbs
      Race: Human
      Gender: Female
      Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
      Hair Color: White
      Eye Color: Blue

      Personality: Lu is a rather prideful person. Though in her case Lu is exceptionally so, viewing herself as one of the strongest human in existence. While it is true she is stronger than a lot, she isn't by far as strong as she makes herself out to be. If you try to call her out on it however she'll throw a tantrum like a child and attempt to prove it, followed by pouting afterwards, and usually losing. As far as she's concerned anything of significance that's done, either by an ally or Ciel himself, she was the one to do it or the person who contributed the most to the success at hand.

      She is also very childish, both in nature and in her actions, being shut off from the world most of her life. Now however she was able to experience and see everything for herself. Slowly she's growing a soft spot for the humans beyond her normal nice act to gain their trust, whether or not she fully realizes it.


      Luciela had a decently normal child-hood all things considered. Her parents lived alone, away from civilization. They kept to themselves, hunting, farming, and scavenging whatever they needed to survive save for trading goods into town here and there for funds when things got really tough. Often the elder members, her father and brother, would leave to scavenge nearby for supplies or go out to hunt. Her and her mother tended to the farm and her grandmother. Her grandmother could fend for herself well enough, but she was old and well into her long life so she did need help on occasion.

      Needless to say things were very peaceful and actually quite nice for the girl, being fourteen at the time. At times for the girl it was rather scary to think that a roving band of monsters could come and attack them, bandits, or any such things. Of course they were able to defend themselves for the most part, the rest of her family having decently powerful magic. Though that wouldn't exactly help them if they were attacked in their sleep. Though unfortunately for her what she was most paranoid about wouldn't be what would take her family from her, no something much worse and harder to bare would occur. One day her father and brother simply didn't return from their travels. The cause? They had been mauled in the dead of night by a pack of hungry wolves, not a single scrap of them remaining to be found other than a few pieces of bloody clothing. Of course Lu would never find that, simply believing they went missing or got lost.

      As for her mother and grandmother they were the unluckiest, the ones who suffered the most before their death. It was winter and without the help of the two men in the family life was much harder on the three of them, they were depending on them to hunt during winter and keep wood stocked. Lu was able to help with this, but not much, not really. Not enough to count. It wouldn't matter regardless, both females had been stricken with pneumonia and they had no way to cure it. No healers were nearby, they had no medicine...all that was left was for her mother and grandmother to suffer until they eventually died and for Luciela to watch.

      She tried everything she could but ultimately in the end it was in vain. They would pass before winter was over, leaving the girl all alone. While, essentially it was easier to sustain one person it was also harder due to it being one person in the dead of winter. Nonetheless life moved on for her, she buried her family and stayed in her home. It was the only home she'd ever been safe in and despite the sad memories the only place she felt she wished to stay. She did her best to provide for herself, being able to keep herself warm and at-least partly fed.

      About two months after the passing winter was finally coming to close, and upon rummaging around the old home she'd find the families Grimoire. An old dusty thing, but still of note and value nonetheless. Luciela didn't directly posses magic herself, though she could still make out the Grimoire. A certain page is what intrigued her, one speaking of forming a pact with a demon; an otherworldly and strong being. Loyal to her with this spell, a guardian...a friend. The ritual itself involved using her own blood both to draw a runic symbol and to bond the demon to her, but...what did she have to lose? She was alone in the world now, no one else to call friend nor family.

      Without hesitation she went forward with the spell. It was painful and hard, the act of summoning even more-so. She didn't stay conscious much after it, the details somewhat fuzzy...but she did see a man with white hair standing above her. She'd wake up the following day in her bed, a terrible headache but her wounds bandaged up. The second thing she'd notice..is she now had a spade tipped tail. Of course she freaked out a little at this, but Ciel soon appeared carrying a tray with a nice warm bowl of stew on it.

      She recognized him from the being she saw before passing out, so she sat there and calmly let him explain everything. He was now bound to her, and in turn the bond altered her. She had magic now, though he himself wasn't sure what it was. Her physical appearance and traits had also been altered, hence the tail and the likely newfound strength she felt within her. Above all what mattered to her was she had someone to speak to, talk to, and help her.

      The two would continue their peaceful life in her old home for quite some time, over the years Ciel teaching her about the outside world, things he knew, and helping her with her magic. She learned much, though still...it only made her want to learn more. It went against everything she had been taught and warned about, but she wished to leave her home. And so the girl set out with him at the age of 17 to roam and explore the land. She learned much, encountered many villages, though never stayed in any one place for longer than it took to get money to be on her way. She stayed out of the fighting as best as she could, she cared only for herself and Ciel. Nothing else mattered so long as they could live in relative peace.


      -Deserts, primarily tart
      -Anything sweet


      -Overly sour food
      -Spicy food
      -Most people in general
      -Dragons, no duh.

      Character Strengths:
      -She's a decent leader, and when she can be bothered, actually comes up with nice plans.
      -She's actually quite loyal to anyone she considers a friend.

      Character Flaws:
      -Luciela is not the most focused person, rather easily distracted. She is also quite childish.
      -She is prone to having tantrums if things are too hard or tend to not be going her way.
      -She is entirely reckless due to her pride, often leading to getting herself or those around her injured.
      -Incredibly lazy, thus is not really that dedicated to fighting most of the time.

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  • Aila~

    I'm a helicopter :D~!

    Name: Aila
    Age: Looks 22, Ageless.

    Alias: Helicopter
    Role: HERO Student

    Gender: Female
    Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
    Species: Immortal Human(Cannot age nor die from natural causes)
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral



    Aila is...well...Aila. There is truthfully no better term to describe Aila than Aila being her own special brand of random. She has an incredibly hard time focusing and quite often actually doesn't, or when she does you don't know she actually is. She's always doing something entirely and utterly random, singing, dancing, stalking people for no reason. She has no off switch for the most part, if there is one no one has managed to find it yet. She's always playing crazy and insane things and stunts to do, or the most asinine and impossible experiments that usually end up failing. She's actually a good deal smarter than she acts though it typically never shows amidst her quirky personality. To successfully fully describe Aila would be nearly impossible, as her mood and personality changes as often as the breeze. She's entirely inconsistent and thus probably isn't one to rely on most of the time, though she tends to always keep her promises and complete her tasks in her own special way.


    Aila's story isn't really one that's too interesting. Sure, she's immortal and has in turn seen a lot of crazy things over her life and done a lot of crazy things. However beyond that? Not really very much to say. Her parents were immortal too, though sadly they were also both monster hunters and died in the line of duty. They were all from a small village that wasn't noteworthy in the slightest aside from its jam exports. After her parents died Aila took to adventuring in their place, taking her fathers' rings as her own. She's roamed the globe for quite some time now alone, having a decent amount of funds and having been to very many places. She's done quite well for herself however recently she decided it was time to get herself some friends and try something new, and thus she decided to join Luxor Academy.


    Explosive Cake
    Paper Airplanes
    Interesting People


    Creepy People
    Too much sunlight
    Lack of cake.

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Name:Sebastion Wraith

Alias: The Grey Man

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Role: Entry level student

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Appearance: around 6'1
He was born in Texas, a town known as Amarillo (which means yellow in spanish) honestly nothing for told of greatness in his life. He scraped by in school, left narry a mark on anyones life beyond his own, and his parents weren't around much. He wasn't rich nor poor, neither exceptionally athletic nor weak, heck the only thing that kept him from behind a 2 dimensional person was his strange sense of humor. That and the fact people had a pension for disappearing around him, he would lock onto people in those times, follow them around talk to them never missing an opportunity to make small talk then they would simply disappear. Like most odd things that he did it went unnoticed, simply another fact of life in a town with a human trafficking issue people disappeared.
Sebastian however always knew what he was cursed, he had always needed to rid the world of its excess people, trimming the excess fat off of humanity. He considers it good thing though he keeps it to him self since he fears retribution. He couldn't tell you where he got the knife or the powers. He doesn't know that he was born under the night of the new moon, he doesn't know that he is a born servant of the angel of death. All he knowns is its his natural duty and god given right to help cleanse humanity of its extras.
Applying for this school was fun, he had to go over the camra feed with the recruiter to show him the doors he had gone through to get there and show him the fact he had removed a bigger chunk of the door to enter the room.

Sebastion normally is a freindly young man with simple tastes, he enjoys the taste of cheap food and to idlely wondering around. Honestly if it weren't for his strange hair he probably wouldn't need his power to avoid sticking out in a crowd. He is however less then Trustworthy near things, he makes a rule not to steal anything that would go noticed rather sticking to small things like the couple of loose dollars in a rich mans wallet, or perhaps an unopened soda you left in your fridge. He thinks it's kind of funny when people complain half heartedly about small lost objects, though he keeps it to him self. He also may be considered a bit too social, he'll try and engage with people that he has no reason to talk to, make a point to introduce him self to others when he feels the time is right.
His petition for theft isn't the main issue though, Sebastian has a task and as long as he does live he will never be free of it. He must take the souls of those who's time is up, this does not mean he is a bad person or that he has to go and attend murders or something. No sebastian must arrange the death of those who shouldn't be alive, lucky births, miraculous survivor's, and men who cheated death fall under sebastian's scope, because someones gotta claim the mortals souls right? He doesn't like this, if he had his way he would let them live, but it's not his choice he simply must do it when he comes into contact with one. More over he must work toward exploring vast amounts of area so he can't just confine him self to one area. Both of these things are not active while he's receiving his education, the force he formally refers to as death that drives him out to do these things seems to want him to get schooling in. All of his life so far has lead up to a sort of bad sense of humor that could be called morbid, this accompanied with his own ever present grin makes most people glad they don't notice him.
Cheap foods, meats, books, social interaction, morbid jokes, The macabre
Steamed vegetables, church, any sort of religious depiction other than that of death
His favorite stiletto knife: measuring about 9" its much longer then your average blade of this type and could be considered a thin foldable bowie if you wanted to play with semantics. It's of unnatural orgin an make, its blade supernaturally sharp and never dulling along with it being unaffected by the ravages of time and physical damage. He has been known to cut through lots of things with it, almost any natural or human man artifical object comes apart easily under a little pressure from the blade. Its long steal blade comes to an end with a five five inch long wooden handle with a four inch long black metal extension coming out of the top of the handle to be able to let the blade slide in and out naturally. Despite it's general length it bares the same fun feature a him begin hard to keep track of, unless he flicked it out loudly and visably or poked you with it you wouldn't notice it. The blade is spring loaded making it actually illegal to carry for the most part but given his power its not hard to tell why he normally gets away with it.
Powers/ Technology:
Back ground: He is for lack of a better term unnoticable, well rather unremarkable to the point that even in an active crime scene unless he drew attention directly to him self you wouldn't notice him. This includes touching you, moving something your looking at, making a loud noise, purposfully trying to draw your attention to him in any way, and of course harming you. He also neglects to show up in any form of video recording and only cameras that print the photo directly after taking a picture of him can make him show up.
The stiletto: look at its description.
The Gallows: he can tell when someone escaped death and wasn't suppose to, the terms for his next victim can fall under any of the following. Extreme divine intervention (like an angel showing up and taking you off an island that was sinking into the ocean), true virgin birth, being cured of sickness that should have killed you though abnormal and unnatural means, or being born after ones own mothers death.
He is extremely observant, not abhumanly so just very aware of his environment.
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Kypher Hawthorne


Lawful Neutral


Unknown (500+ maybe?)



Dimensional Host






Thornewarp - The birthright sword of the prestigious Hawthorne family, only the eldest and most powerful son of the family may wield it. Aside from being unbreakable, it can harness an individual's energy and release it in various forms to attack. Kypher uses his dimensional energy to trap invisible cuts in the space he slashes, laying a sort of air-minefield. This blade can also resist/absorb some energy from offensive/defensive abilities and use that energy in its own attacks as well. Only a Hawthorne is capable of actually lifting this sword.

Powers/ Technology:
Spatial Manipulation - The ability to control space.
Hawthorne Host - The ability to act as a vessel for beings without breaking. Vessels cease to age and are unable to contract illnesses upon becoming a host to another being.
Hawthorne Physiology - Enhanced physical abilities, enhanced mental abilities, cannot age or contract an illness upon becoming a host, more compatible to act as a host for other beings.

The Hawthorne family's DNA affords them a special affinity for acting as hosts to various entities that require vessels. As such, the process is much smoother and has lower risks to the vessel as well as even allows the host to remain independent from the invasive being's control. As such, they can draw upon tremendous power depending on the being they are host to and can also serve as live prisons to trap beings within. For aeons the Hawthorne's have been used to seal away dangerous creatures and beings intent on causing trouble, locking them away and using their powers to fight other troublemakers.
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Samantha Cornelius



Undecided/Entry Level





Sam was born to a coven, not to a regular mom and dad. Her birth mother had made a deal with a local coven, the love of a man for the child that would be born between them. When the time came for the deal to be honored, the mother gave up her daughter without a second thought. Sam grew up being cared for by the coven, being taught spells after spells. Being taught how to protect herself and others. She never understood why the coven wanted her, as she was unaware of the fact that the coven had seen her birth and the potential inside of her. She is able to learn quickly and her powers are unmatched when it comes to spell casting. She is one of the few in her coven that can change her physical appearance without magic. When she is feeling strong emotions, like anger, she sprouts brown wings. She does her best to try to keep her temper in check for this reason. The coven applied for her to enter this school without explaining why, just simply dropped her off in the front when the time came.

- Quick Tempered
- Stubborn
- Friendly
- Kind
- Intelligent
- Observant

- Reading
- Watching movies
- Food
- Learning new spells

- Being talked down to
- Being protected
- Arrogance

- Her magic

Powers/ Technology:
- Ability to sprout wings
- Spell Casting
- Healing
- Teleportation
Name: Maven Le Fay

Alias: Black Magic

Alignment: Chaotic good

Role: Operation H.E.R.O. student

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Sorcerer

Maven has a lean body and is 6'2. He often wears long-sleeved shirts and pants, no matter the weather.


Bio: He grew up raised by his grandparents, as his parents died when he was young. He doesn't really remember his parents beyond their names. He began to study all kinds of monsters and spirits growing up and soon became fascinated by them. His grandparents taught him what they could about magic, but what they remembered was limited due to their age. Maven often had to study his craft on his own and care for his grandparents as he got older. He applied to Luxor Academy's H.E.R.O. Program because he wanted to help people and he was bored.

Powers/ Technology:
Maven specializes in hexes and curses, magic generally used to debilitate or hinder foes.
He is also proficient in summoning demons, spirits, and entities.
He is able to levitate but not higher than 2 feet above a surface.

Demon bab.jpg
Annis is one of the demons Maven summons the most. She is able to become invisible and change the color of her skin although, by default, it is white and pink. She is able to deliver a poison through her claws and the needles that extend from her wrists that renders most creatures unconscious in small doses.


Corin is a lion-like monster with great strength and agility and enhanced senses, although his eyesight is somewhat poor.
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Name: Eria Vanvleet

Alias: Permafrost

Alignment: Chaotic good


Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human

Bio:Canada isn't all its chalked up to be sometimes, within the far northern reaches of the administrative district known as the north slave district things become a little more unpleasent. The temperatures can be near or freezing all year and winter temperatures can freeze large amounts of water nigh instantly. She was born to one of the families that was willing to venture forth and mine the untouched gold veins that it holds, meer miles from the coast of the Artic ocean. Work went well at first, or atleast that's what her mother said, she was born after misfortune started striking regularly.

As previously stated things would freeze nigh instantly in the winter so while they mined they found somthing other then gold, wells of water within the mountain. These wells would weather away at their own bottoms as the tunnels they made would expose the once well buried wells to the cold. Given time they would weather out thier bottoms and they would collapse the tunnel, the water flowing out and freezing between the rocks. No one could get out when that sorta thing happened, it caused alot of deaths and warranted alot of investigations.

In the end the Canadian goverement said they could contiune mining if they gave out wavers. So when she became of age she signed one and spent the years between ten to sixteen deep within the mountain. She got over clostrifobia, and after one to many accidents she got over the death of many a freind. She even got over the freeze burns that dotted her body, they gradually faded into nothing but what looked like birth makes anyways. She could never get over what happened to her family though.

They died in a mining accident, she was sad not only because she lost her parents but because of the familiarity with the cave ins. She had become so comfortable with the idea of others dieing that she had in turn dehumanized them. Looking over her parents caskets she had reached a far better understanding of human life. At the age of fourteen her uncle moved up to live with them, he didn't stop mining mind you but he did change a bit of the system. He was an engineer by trade a knew a safer way, and though the team complained about it the support systems he had installed stopped the cave ins for the most part.

She became acquainted with the idea of two things, extra work brought better quality of live to those close to you. The second was the idea of working ones way around a problem, she had previously just worked tell she hit a problem then delt with it, now she relised one could predict an issue if they were wary enough. Her powers actually didn't manifest tell around sixteen.

Her uncle had fallen victim to one of the now scarce water pocket cave ins. He had lost his legs and the warm blood (along with a bit of the whiskey that they all used including her in small amount to keep warm) ment he was bleeding out. She tried to to stop the bleeding the only way she knew how, she wrapped the nubs in as much cloth as possible and began squeezing like the world depeneded on it. When it didn't work she drug him all the way out, it was a summer month and the sun was visable that day.

When she first saw the light she thought of it only as illumination for her to watch her step father die. Fate however had diffrent plans as she yelled for the on site doctor and began to try and stop the bleeding again she felt the light course through her body, its heat pulsed through her veins and into his sealing the wound. She couldn't save his legs but she could save his life, and she figured out she was a "super hero".

She had lived through great trials despite her short life, and the cold of the northern slave district and made her a woman. She spent a little a little over a year and a half figuring out her powers better and through hear say the word of her being abnormal reached the academy. She accepted the invatation and got a plane ticket, after a brief and heart felt good bye with her "extended family" and her uncle she set off to meet her own destiny. The unlucky part was her flight was delayed a couple hours by a storm.
She isn't necessarily kind, but that isn't because she is mean or anything she just was raised abnormally. Kind to her is kicking someone in the ass to get them moving and helping them, then lying to everyone else to say you did it by your self for a tiny bit of compensation. So not unkind just business minded, she isn't no nonsense honestly without a bit of drinking she wouldn't have kept her sanity in the mines. She will not allow for a task of importance to go unfinished though, in fact she may be considered a little bit mental about the idea.

Importance to her is what is ether easily identified as such or is told to her to be so. A teacher says something, she won't stop tell told other wise, some random guy she doesn't know tells her to do something she'll stop if she has something more important to do. It's not that she doesn't like helping people it's that she considers time an important resource and won't waste it on random people that don't truly need her help. That and everyone even her have a break time, she is very protective of hers.

She may have a few aggresion issues, around the mine there was little to nothing to do. They built a town around the mine and despite having the basic needs covered the internet was crap and power outages were pretty common. Lots of nights for her were spent by fire light, and lots of time was spent ether hunting, reading, random arts and crafts(amazing how much of a little thing it seemed at the time) large scale fist fights for the sake of curbing boredom. So it is completely natural for her to get in the face, and natural for her to respond in kind. She views agression as some view talking, both something for casual fun and an utility to be used when ever.

Her views on justice reflect this, she feels capital punishment is the most direct solution to a recurring issue. She will kill men, she's preformed a couple mercy killings in her life even at an early age so killing someone won't haunt her too much. Normally though she has the basic edict to use it sparingly, recurring problems and true monsters only. Though like all heroes there is one particular way to piss her off, gold thieves. She takes it not only as a personal insult but an insult to her parents and all the men who died in the mines, it's hard to make her angry a hard life taught her how to avoid becoming pissed (it also made her kind of rude) but that in her eyes is a offence without redemption.
Sleeping, hunting, shooting, reading, working with her hands
Sloth, needless waste of life, blatantly oblivious people
Model 38 nosler rifle: A high preformance top of the line hunting rifle, and a girls best freind tooled to fire a 33 nosler round even without her powers the rifle packs a punch at a distance.
Bowie knife: nine inch blade with elk horn handle, nothing to complain about.
Powers/ Technology:
The hands that craft: turning a mountain to a mine and a rock to gold, her game is to bring about change. When she activates her power two things can happen, she can shape an object into something else or can argument an objects current properties. If she chooses to shape she alters an objects shape but not its compensation, it changes and can be shaped like clay but to a much more accurate extent. If she shaped something into a blade then rubbed her fingers across its edge it would form a razor like edge, if she touched a human she could reach in and shape their heart into a duck killing them. If she chooses to enhance something she preforms somthing akin to an enchantment apon it, tripling its effectiveness in one task of her choosing. These both take time unless shes just trying to rip a person limb from limb, the enchantmentd require long scrawling runes that come directly from her head, the clay craft does as well.(I'll ask an admin before I do something I find questionable and accept rulings of something being op just tell me)
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Name: Pugsley Von Fröhlich

Alias: Professor Pugsley

Alignment: EVIL!!!

Role: GPD Antagonist

Age: 52

Gender: male

Sexuality: Nonsexual

Species: Believed to be Human

Appearance: Titan Tech suit, Model Delta 3 Atlas


Real form


Bio: Born a genius, in a family plagued by their past. Pugsley was constantly teased as being descended from witches. The other children even went as far to toss rocks at him, and set his clothes on fire. Eventually Pugsley grew tired of their constant hijinks! So he went into his long deceased fathers study. That is where he found his father's hidden lab! It was amazing! He had never seen such wonders! Immediately his curiosity sparked! He went and found his father's notes, and spent much of his time studying. He had known his father had been a scientist. But never had he imagined he was such a technological Titan! So he decided to take up where his father left off. Luckily even at the age of nine he was a genius among men. So it took little time finding, and figuring out the inner workings of his father's work. Of course he also missed the note his father had left him before he died. Well it was a hologram, saying he left all his technology to Pugsley. Hoping he'd use it to make the world a better place...buuut! Pugsley never saw it! So he went down the path of EVIL!

Years passed, and Pugsley went from a small german boy being teased about his weight, and family. To a handsome, rich, MASTERMIND! He had formed the leading tech company in all the world! Titan corp was amassing him power of which he never thought he would possess. Of course he had also found his mothers study, which opened his way into the world of magic. So yeah, apparently his mother was a witch... kind of made Pugsley regret incinerating all those kids who teased him before... although not really. But after finding his mothers study. He quickly did the same as he'd done with his father. Although it was a bit trickier. Magic was a fluent, dangerous creature. The likes of which he'd never tangled with before. It also had a magical lock on it. His mother had sealed away Pugsley's magical abilities at birth. So that he'd be unable to use them until he had a proper education. So he went to the best mage/wizard/warlock/witch/sorcerer school in all of existence. Of course he quickly excelled, to the point where only upper class men, and teachers could give him a good challenge in a magic duel. So having obtained the power of both science, and magic. Pugsley was set! He had all the components to take over the world! So he set his plan in motion. He spent many years hunting down the strongest demon he could find! Meanwhile a robot version of himself was left in control of his company. After he found, and captured the demon. He took it to his body swap machine. Where he was take on its form, so that he would raise his power even more! The demon was trapped in the machine, everything was functioning perfectly! He even had his precious pet pug Schnitzel with him to witness his moment of triumph! But as he stepped into the machine, and it started up. A horrible thought struck him.”OH NOOO! I FORGOT TO LOCK ZEE DEMONS POD!” These were the last words he'd ever scream in his human body, as at that moment the demon had escaped, leaving the door open for poor little Schnitzel to wonder in. Thanks to this, Pugsley ended up in his pets body. He also discovered it was now impossible to go back to his old body. So now, disgraced by his stupid mistake. He searches for a way to switch back to his old body, while also plotting to take over the world. During his travels however, he found a Trickster god named Julius. Who he quickly teamed up with after seeing his capabilities. Now he's put his mission on hold in order to start a new plan for world domination. Which he refers to as Project G.PD. *Que evil laugh*

*Likes: Science




Shiny things

Chasing animals

*Dislikes: Animals

Vacuum cleaners


Fools who don't understand his genius

Fools who patronize him, or don't understand his genius




*Weapons: Mechanized powersuits, blasters, and rays of all sorts. Magical staffs, artifacts, and basically most weaponry

Powers/ Technology: Besides his massive IQ, he also knows magics varying from fireballs, to teleporting, and more. Of course he still has many forms of magic he has yet to obtain, but it's all a part of the mission.

*Others: Speaks with a German accent

No one aside from other members of the GPD know of his true appearance.
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    Name: Judith Gniewek

    Alias: Killer Rose

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Role: Hero Student

    Age: Looks 25-ish, but has been around for at least 140 years

    Gender: Female

    Sexuality: Pansexual

    Species: Rusalka

    Judith comes at first as a cheerful, slightly old-fashioned, dramatic person with a taste for theatric antics. She likes seeing the 'fireworks', making a big entrance and has a very peculiar input on the subject of love and courtship. She loves stirring up things, wreaking havoc just for the heck of it but prefers to keep it with a sense of organization, even if it's the most chaotic organization system in the universe. Judy can be more serious and reserved when needed, but the little teasings never really fade, just get toned down and more discreet.
    Get on her bad side and her personality drastically changes to a violent and bloody-thirsty individual with absolutely no regret or morality. Concerned over being booted from the hero program, Judy is forced to keep her temper --and sadistic tendencies-- bottled up near her fellow students. The enemy, however... she can't guarantee they'll have such luck. A lady's gotta unwind somehow!! Judith enjoys the thrilling surge that comes from saying just the right thing to enrage others, watching their reactions attentively, starving for the next psychological game... Or maybe just physical and gruesome. Both are very much welcome. Boredom is terrible and will make her unusually irritated and grumpy. She's always on the move, always looking for something interesting to do and the next person to 'punish'.

    Judy is someone who can get ticked off pretty easily and by seemingly silly details other people don't actually care about. A display of poor manners or recklessness is an instant blacklist and the more she's mad at someone the worse it's going to be once she has a chance to put that temper to work. Judy doesn't forgive or forget and her only loyalty is to Samson, thus, even someone that was once considered a friend will be abandoned and forgotten without a second thought the moment they stop being useful. Her reaction to a partner or ex-partner dying is more along the lines of 'oh, that happened' and quickly moving on with no grudges, except for perhaps disgruntlement over the interruption of an ongoing, promising 'play'.

    Near the Survival teacher, Judy's normally lacking emotions seem to spring up full-power. Everything comes about overwhelmingly, rendering her a confused, nervous mess of a person. The enamoured water spirit tries her best to remain calm and not give him too many hints of her true feelings, but on the inside, Judith is panicking like a high schooler, constantly filled with dilemmas on what her next phrase and action should be. Anything concerning the man instantly picks her interest and when talking about him she's able to go for hours and hours over how wonderful and special of an individual he is. Her second life has no meaning without his existence in it and the end of their interactions brings about an existential despair on her very core. Samson could ask her to jump from a bridge and she'd probably oblige. He's the sole reason she even accepted being signed up to something like this in the first place...

    Because really, a hero program? ... Her?!

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