Lucerne, The City of Life ~RP~

"Sure, 8 PM sounds great for me. The bistro is usually calm and quiet around that time, not too many people in, the only sounds beong small murmurs and the lounge jazz band", Álvaro replied, an instant before the blackout. He finished his sentence engulfed in pitch black darkness, unaffected by the blackout, save for a small rising of his brows and a look towards the carriage ceiling. He heard a small gasp, apparently coming from Esther, noticing tints of quite some fear in her voice. He somewhat knew how she was positioned in her seat. He called out to her in a suprisingly calm voice, "Are you alright, Esther?". He found it a bit odd to call out her name, but if he hadn't included it, she would of had confused it with someone else and become uneasier.
Faith nodded, "as long as youre ok..." she helped him to sit, and then took a seat on the floor next to him. "as far as my mother not sure you should go yet, not if youre in this much pain. even if it only comes in in short spells." she said with concern in her voice. she looked over his legs, a distant sadness in her amber eyes.

the darkness engulfed them, and Esther felt lost. she couldnt reach out for fear of coming in contact with some stranger. she heard Alvaro, and tried to look in the direction of his voice. "I-I'm um..." she said nervously, "small dark areas make me uncomfortable" her voice shook slightly, and she grabbed her phone from her bag. she turned the screen so that the was a bit of light. her face was barely visible, yet still visibly pale. with the dim light of her phone available, she relaxed slightly, humming a quiet tune to occupy herself.
Álvaro held out his left hand blindly at her shaken voice, trying to calm her. Esther was now only dimly lit, white coloured because of the brightness and colour of the cellphone screen, making her look pale and stirred. His hand floated on until it was just a few centimeters from her, enough for the tip of his fingers to be a grim bluish gray. "Don't be afraid, everything's fine...I'm here with you.", he assured her, with his calm voice, holding his hand, waving it a bit, a comforting smile on his face. It was still dark, and the train slowed down somewhat, making a strange noise, screeching a bit. This was odd, considering the fact that the metro carriages ran on tyres, rather than steel wheels. This made him a bit uneasy.
Esther shivered a bit at the screeching sound. the more noise she heard the more nervous she got. as she saw a hand in the darkness accompanied by the voice of her new found friend Alvaro. she immediately reached out, groping awkwardly in the dark till her small, cold hand met his much larger one. she held on, still shaking slightly. She took in a deep breath, "Thank you..." she said softly.
The train kept on screeching, every time at a higher volume, slowing down progressively at an equally slow rate. The snow had really messed with the trains. That, or it was something really serious going on further down the line, or even the train itself. Álvaro held Esther's cold, small and fine hand in his own, a safe grip on it. She was shaking, a slight bit, making Álvaro somewhat worried. The train was crowded from all the boardings at last station and he kept balancing himself between other people's feet, nearly bending his knees at one time, a strong shove from the side from a corpulent, rough businessman and his briefcase, followed by a rather hostile grunt. "...Would you like to drop off at next station for a while?", he asked her, noticing her nervousness becoming larger and larger as the screeching went on. It was quite irritating, indeed.
he rubbed his legs slipping the prosthetics off as he did so and rubbed his stumps and where his legs once were and he saw her look at him and groaned. " If you keep that up for much longer i won't be able to put up with you for much longer." He leaned up against her and rested his head against her shoulder and lightly kissed her cheek and grinned roguishly at her and winked before slipping the prosthetics back on and standing up again. He held his hand out to her to help her up.
Esther squeezed his hand, feeling a small sense of comfort in the fact that unlike normal during her usual daily commute, she was not alone. "could we please? i need some air" she said when he mentioned stepping off the train for a bit. her trembling ceased, her hand warming a bit, as well as her face. she didnt even know this man, but he was kind to her, so she felt she could trust him.


Faiths face flushed slightly at his comment and kiss, followed shortly after by a twinge of pain in her chest. she was beginning to feel like what she was doing was wrong. he was such a kind friend to her, but she was still wavering. she knew she needed to move on... but there was something holding her back. she needed a breaking point, something to shatter that wall full of doubts and hesitations. she gave Chiba a small smile, "perhaps we should...go have some sweets?" she asked, taking his hand but putting very little of her weight on him as she stood.
"Gladly so.", Álvaro replied, smiling at her, his smile just barely visible over the fading cellphone light which turned off moments later. It wasn't more than a minute until they reached the station, "Queens Park", the station logotype plastered on the wall of the station, over tiling art representing said park, not less than a few meters away from the underground staircase, leading to the surface. Gavin busked here, so he was familiar with the station. The station itself was dimly lit, but this time the reason was visible and reasonable, they were fixing the overhead lighting system, which had broken down a few days earlier, Álvaro got to see that, the glass broke down and crashed into the ground, over a group of commuters, who left unhurt, thankfully. There were many people dropping off and jumping on at this station. Had the train not lost electrical power, it'd be pretty full and álvaro would be rather uncomfortable, after all, this was a transfer station. "Shall we?", he told Esther, signaling for the sliding doors, now opening, revealing a large crowd gathering on the platform, they'd have to get off quick, that is, if they could maneuver through the crowd, unusually large. "Hold on tight...", he said, gesturing for her to stand up, as the sliding doors opened.
You know…there’s really something to be said about being alone. You know that feeling you get when someone walks into a room and doesn’t make a sound, but you still sense them even though you’re not looking in their direction? Like the very air seemed to bristle by their presence? Some people don’t know that feeling. Those people spend much of their time around others and so don’t notice it; students and people who work at places of large populace. But folks like me, loners and outsiders…we can tell when a person is approaching without even turning our heads. Like our own little world is being thrown out of order…I guess that makes us just that much more different doesn’t it?

The smooth, brass echo of the alto saxophone radiated through the small shop. It had just opened up, this new store. It had been an abandoned building, two stories high. The upstairs was now my apartment, and the downstairs my shop. Guitars lined one wall, electric, acoustic, and even a few that were both. I also had a twelve-string sitting in the back with a beautiful Brazilian Rosewood body, but it was pretty pricey. They told me I couldn’t put a price on perfection; pfft. In this economy I can put a price on the air you breathe in my store if I wanted to; I’m just not that cheap a guy.

On another wall were various posters of musical groups, shelves and shelves of cd’s and even a few racks where you could buy itunes and amazon music cards. A couple of drum sets were set in the back, and you could arm an entire orchestra with the collection of brass and string instruments I had set in a neat and ordered manner beyond the door near the southeast corner of the room. I’d received quite a modest sum from the bank to start up my business a year ago, and before I moved here I’d managed to pay them all of it back and still come away with a good chunk of profit. It was all about where you placed your store, y’know? Since this town didn’t have a music store, much like the last one I was in, I had no doubt I’d have good business.


A black cat with a single white spot on her back trotted across the carpet, no bigger than a toy truck. She was the runt of her litter and even though she was nearing a year old hadn’t grown an inch bigger. The veterinarian said it was going to be that way her whole life, and I enjoyed it. I could set her on my shoulder and take her out on the town if I wanted to…man I love cats. They’re just like me, y’know? Sure I like to be smiled at and pet every now and then. But in the grand scheme of things I’d rather just be given my bowl of food and water and be left to my own devices.

The notes of the saxophone rose as the cat played with the string connected to the shades, and by accident, rolled them up. Oh well, I suppose I could open for a little while tonight instead of straight off tomorrow morning. The late-afternoon light spilled into the room and illuminated me as I sat in my chair. A tight dark-gray tee hugged at a fit and athletic torso. Baggy black Avirex jeans hung low to partly cover the black Lugz I wore beneath them over white socks, jet black hair tinged with light brown at the end swaying as I made sweet love to Serana who rested in my hands. The whiskers of my goatee brushed against the mouth-piece as I took a sharp breath, continuing the smooth jazz with a graceful mastery.

The instrument was jet black, save for the ivory keys that had a polished shine in the orange glow of the setting sun. My variation of the Pink Panther was echoing through the shop, just barely audible to whomever may be passing by. The sign above the shop, a musical staff with the words ‘Solomon’s Sonata’ hanging from the lines, looked as though it would light up. It would too; if I turned it on. I just kept on playing my music, lost in a lonely and musical world that for all my years, I had called home.
Strolling down the streets , a car approached a new store that was sold out a few months ago. The jet black car stopped out in front of it's doors. Celebrity, rock star. The car had tinted windows but where cracked so some air could flow through. The front of the car had a flower on it, with petals opening up like a flower awakening from it's slumber. The rims of the wheels were silver and shined to perfection. Not a single dirt or grum located in the cracks of the tires. The sun happened to move over just an inch to have it's ray shine down on the pain of the cover. Like glass it shimmered with a hint of a sparkle in there. This car was magnificent ,and only the wealthy could afford. At least that's what everyone thought.

The car itself was nothing but scrap, until her brother fixed it up with some extra cash and good old hard work. You could hear the car go into park, and the lock of the door open from the inside. The first to get out was a tall male. His shaggy gray hair blew when the wind came by. His glasses slowly falling to the bridge of his nose. He was tall, a little muscular but not enough to say that he lifts weights. He wore a long black sweater , that stopped a little ways over his finger. His pants where like his hair. Gray and with two pockets that resided in the front. His phone hung out of the right pocket , a little chain that had a chibi girl on it. He was beautiful but not more beautiful than the girl he opened the door for.

His hand extend for her's as he bowed his head in respect. Her frail little fingers slid into the palm of her hands ,as she stepped out of the car. Her hair was tightly brought back into a high pony tail, with chopsticks crossed in between the tie. The clanking of her shoes when they hit the floor made the man's head rise as a signal that it was ok. She was hunched over for only a second to dust off of her yukata. She stood up as he moved his body to the side giving her free access to move on first. She stood up , her back in perfect posture as she smiled up at him. "You so kind." Her voice was low ,and soft. It was like that soft tune you hear in a song.

The driver got out as well as he gave the miss a comforting smile and opened the door to the shop. She walked in first looking around as her hand was by her side. The driver nodded his head toward the male and got back in the car. With a wave, he motioned him to drive off leaving the two. The female walked over toward the guitar section and looked up at them all. "Pretty." She ran her fingers across the strings, making a sound with each flick she gave them.
The saxophone continued to play, unhindered by the sound of the vehicle’s tires as they crunched the tar beneath them when sliding up to the curb. The music did not stop even when the pair of seemingly wealthy individuals walked into the shop, one looking rather serious while the other seemed free-spirited. I spared them both a brief glance through the jet black strands of my hair, before closing my eyes once again and returning to my music. In fact I would have kept going the entire time until I was addressed; were it not for my noticing she was running her fingers across the guitars that hung on the wall. The saxophone came to a gradual silence, and I raised my chin from the instrument.

“Ma’am? We abide by a don’t touch policy in my store; I apologize. I should have been clear on that matter. There are latex gloves at the counter should you wish to hold or test some of the instruments. But please, no skin contact unless you fully intend to purchase.”

As if the statement were as casual and irrelevant as telling her what time it was, I stood from my chair and made my way to the counter. I set Serana into her case atop the counter, and shut the latch. I dialed in the code on the center of the combination lock, and set the case behind the counter beneath a false shelf-top. They could rob me blind in this town if they wanted to; just don’t take Serana from me. I then grabbed two cloth rags. I dipped the corner of one into a small pale I had sitting below the counter, and threw the other over my shoulder. With that hand freed up, I removed four white latex gloves from the box on the counter and made my way to the two of them.

I lifted the gloves and draped them onto the sweater of the serious-looking man who’d entered the store, as he seemed like a predictably hygienic individual. You never know with the free-spirited and wealthy ones; they’re bound to get into trouble sooner or later. For now, however, I kept my precautionary judgements to myself and treated them as ordinary customers. I offered a soft ‘excuse me’ in my deep voice as I slipped past the young woman, and very gently dabbed the damp corner of the rag against the guitars where she had touched them. The sanitizing liquid did away with any potential threats to its cleanliness, and then I used the rag I had draped over my own shoulder to wipe the liquid away before any wet spots could form.

Once all was said and done, I gestured about lazily.

“Welcome to Solomon’s Sonata...I’m Solomon. Once you’ve put on your gloves, feel free to browse. Obviously you don’t need them for discs, cards or posters. I’m not a germophobe, nor do I judge those who are. I just take care of all these instruments myself and I’m very peculiar about how they’re treated. I don’t even let Babygirl touch anything.”

Hearing her name the small cat came trotting over with one of her small mewls. The tiny feline hopped onto her back legs and clawed at my jeans, until I reached down and picked her up. I even kept great care of the cat. Her fur was firm and lustrous; not a single cat hair could be found lying around my shop.

“No I don’t, do I? No~…sweet lil’ girl.”

I scratched at her chin, clearly uncaring of how I might seem to these two strangers. I had lived my whole life that way…only living up to my own high standards and no one elses.
The female watched him slowly as he retrieved the tools to clean where she had touched. She felt bad about touching that she shouldn't have. She looked at her hand that she had put down when he said do not touch. She clenched her hand together as she brought it to the mid part of her chest and looked down a little. " apologies." She felt bad again , after messing up todays order when Aren wanted to deliver some rings to a customer. She had acceidently dropped them into the near by sewer, and he clearly was still upset about it.

She backed up just a little but was stopped by his hands. She looked up as Aren slowly put his hand on her shoulder ."It is not your fault, you just didn't know." Aren had looked up toward the guitars that were aligned in such perfect order. He looked back down toward her and smiled, taking off his glasses with his other hand. "How do you feel today." She looked up at him with a confused look. " I guess...worried." Aren nodded his head as he slid back on his glasses and walked to the counter and grabbed four sets of the gloves. She watched him in confusion as she looked up toward the silk black acoustic with a whit circle around the bottom.

Aren slipped on the gloves then gave a pair to her. She took them sliding them on as Aren passed by her and gently lifted it from its place. He spotted a chair in the corner and motioned for he to go take a seat. Seren nodded as she walked over and looked down at it. It reminded her of the seats she saw in the books. She turned herself around as she patted down her yukata then took a seat. Aren was already there, the tuning he did was for the big e and the little e. He walked behind her, making sure he was carefully on not hitting the other instruments behind him. He placed it in her lap, Seren taking hold of it like it was a child.

"I got it" Aren nodded his head as he pulled up another chair, more like a stool and sat in front of her. "Do you like the way it feels." Seren looked down, her hazel nut eyes scanning the guitar. "It's very pretty." Seren smiled as she allowed her hands to glide down the strings, her right hand on the bottom flicking the strings. Aren smiled as he nudged her along. "Sing for me" Seren blushed only a little to where she looked away. "Not in public." Aren chuckled as he looked toward her, trying to see her eyes. "Soon you'll have to so why not get some practice in." Seren looked at him slightly as she it her lip ,afraid to sing.

Aren nudged her along more as he gave her his famous puppy dog eyes. She nodded her head shyly as she strummed the low e cord. She hummed a little , low enough for herself to hear. She strummed it again, doing another hum. Aren tilted his head a little to hear, her. "Don't be afraid."
Esther gave a curt nod, her hand still in his. the metro came to a stop, and Esthers thoughts whirled around as she was lead off the train. there were so many people, she found herself sticking close to Alvaro as they flowed out the the doors along with the river of departing passengers. she tried to focus on one thing, but their was much noise and she was beginning to fell dizzy. she wasnt good with crowds. she had managed to adjust herself to taking the busy train system, however when things didnt go smoothly she often lost her sense of calm bit by bit. she squeezed her companions hand, hoping he would find a place with less people so that she could catch her breath.


Elri had finished work awhile ago, and had changed into a favorite winter coat of hers, an aqua blue pea coat. she wrapped a black scarf around her neck and whistled for her trusted canine friend. as her german shepherd came into the entryway, she heard the jingle of his collar and the click of his nails against the wood floor. "come on Jethro, lets go for a walk." she said, her sightless eyes staring at the door. they walked out,and headed towards town. she was thinking of going for coffee, but really anything would do. her younger siblings were all at school and she didnt have anything better to do. as she walked the streets of the city, Jethro gave her a nudge or two when she spaced out. he was a certified service dog, although he didnt appear to be. Elri kept him off a leash and had managed to teach herself the city and how it worked so that she wouldnt have to rely on him. he was her companion and best friend after all.


Chase made his way off the Lucerne University campus, his guitar over his shoulder. the town was bustling for the holidays that were soon to come. a 2 weeks till Christmas usually had the city in cheery holiday spirit, something Chase had the tendency to avoid. while most people would spend their holidays with friends, family and other loved ones, Chase, as he had every year, would spend the holidays alone in his small, tidy apartment. he would be playing melancholy tunes, singing from his heart, or what was left of it.

Chase trudged down the sidewalk, his worn, red Converse scuffing at the sidewalk as he went. a few flakes of snow fell, decorating the sidewalk and Chases jacket in white glitter. today Chase wasnt going straight home as he usually did, nor was he going to one of the lesser trekked parks to play his sorrows to the animals and trees. he had earlier snapped a guitar string and was headed to the music shop.

He came upon the shop he was looking for, Solomons Sonata. he entered quietly, finding his way over to the section with guitar strings. it had been some time since he had to buy strings, so he took the beat up, bulky case from his back and set it down, opening it up. inside rested an old, worn guitar. it looked as though it had seen better days, however it was in fact well cared for. any wear in the instrument was were it was meant to be, it was not abused, but loved to the point of age. in fact, Chases guitar had been a gift from a friend.

Back in middle school Chase had a friend who taught him about string instruments. his friend had played guitar since early elementary, and was nearly a prodigy. chase picked up a few things here and there, even asking why the guitar looked so old. the guitar had belonged to his firends dad since his own middle school days. tragedy struck when his friend was diagnosed with stage 4 luekemia. his friend had told him to take care of the guitar, and a short time later succumbed to his illness.

Chase had taken such care of the guitar. as he lifted it from its case he looked at the strings he could buy. he checked the strings on his guitar and the ones available until he found what he needed.

The small cat purred against my chest, pushing her face against my chin as I led her to the counter. I set her down onto the polished black surface, then made my way behind the counter. I watched as the male gingerly cared for the young female, helping her with the instrument and even gently pressuring her into singing. She had a nice voice even when speaking; I’m sure she was an excellent singer. The way she said ‘not in public’ alluded to the fact that she practiced in private, at least. I didn’t have insecurities like that…I never did. Being nervous under the watch of others would have to mean I was wary of their judgment; and I never have been.

In fact I was a bit of a singer myself, though the octave of my voice kept me strictly to blues. Still, it was a fitting genre for my personality. I sat down behind the counter and picked up a violin staff I had been stringing when the small bell above the door to the shop rang. I glanced over and noticed another young man walk inside. He had a worn guitar case on his back, and perused about until he located the strings. He selected his size, mediums as was the average with most acoustics, and brought them towards the counter. I set the staff down beneath the counter and pointed my index finger at Babygirl’s nose. The small cat licked her chops, and gingerly walked to the other end of the counter, knowing the gesture meant to give me room to work.

I pointed that same finger at the guitar case on the mans back.

“May I?”

I would wait until he complied, and lifted the case onto the counter to show me the guitar that rested within. I didn’t remove it from its case, as I felt that would be too much an imposition. I would certainly think so, anyway. Instead I pulled one of the latex gloves free of its box and pulled it onto my right hand, using it to gently touch at the scuffs and scratches on the body. For the first time since all three of them had entered the store, a ghost of a smile crossed my features before returning to my usual monotony.

“She’s had a full life, this one. They say the wear of a guitar speaks to the character of its owner. It’s good to see you haven’t tossed her aside. She’s a gem though, to be sure. They don’t even make this model anymore. Yamaha LW5. The LW series was pretty popular back in its day. In high-demand due to its original scalloped bracing configuration. Let’s see now….”

I gently tapped my finger against the body to hear the echo within it. Once…twice…three times.

“The anchor is starting to loosen up. If you’re not careful the whole neck could fall right off.”

I plucked each string individually, listening to the scrape of the steel against the nut at the base of the headstock. I pursed my lips

“The anchor I can tighten with an allen wrench, take about five minutes. But your saddle is on the same alignment as your nut, and that’ll wear the strings down a helluva lot quicker. Your bridge needs to be refitted, and I need to tighten your bridge pins too. That pick guard’s going to crack soon too, and that will mess up your transience. Tell you what…I’m not even supposed to be open tonight. I don’t have the register set up yet. So if you want to swing by tomorrow, I’m open from seven in the mornin’ til’ ten at night.

I’ll tighten it up, sand down the neck and buff out those scratches. Probably take a good staining, that’ll help preserve it too. I’ll refit your bridge, and your tuning pegs while I’m at it. Replace the pick guard…probably take me about two and a half hours tops. Normally it’s about two sixty but…since I gotta inconvenience you like this I’ll do it for a hundred fifty and I’ll throw in three sets of medium strings on the house. If you can’t pay all at once, I accept payments. Or you can just come back tomorrow to buy the strings and ride her out to the bitter end; it’s your call.”

I closed the guitar case and pushed it back over to the guy, setting the strings aside and removing two extra packs from beneath the counter. I removed a pen and paper, wrapping the paper around the strings and wrote down ‘Yamaha LW5.’ I set them aside next to the register, and then looked over to the pair of young siblings.

“Excuse me. I’m gonna have to close up shop here, folks. Sorry. Come by tomorrow and I’ll have that thing in a case and ready to go for you. Set it down against the wall and don’t hang it up, so I remember which one it is. Like I said before, I accept payments so you don’t have to pay all at once. You seem like a nice couple of people, and you apologized when I told you not to touch which is more than most people do. I appreciate the courtesy. If you really can’t pay for it…I might even be willing to part with it in exchange for a few singing demonstrations.”

I let that statement hover in the air for a moment. Her brother wanted her to learn how to sing in public, and they seemed to like the guitar. It would be a win-win for them. It was the kind of guy I was on the inside; now to get back to masquerading as who I pretended to be on the outside.

“Alright, get out, the lotta ya. I need to unpack and get settled in. Seven in the morning tomorrow I open up, come back then. Remember the gloves next time, too. Oh, and if you step on my cat while you’re in here, I’ll step on you. Go on now, get.”

I shoo’d the group of them out of the store, and shut the door behind them. I offered one more of my empty glances through the window before lowering the blinds and flooding the room in a gentle darkness once more. I just got into town and I’m already giving stuff away…oh well. Feels nice to be a good Samaritan every now and again. I clicked my tongue at my small companion, and she leaped from the counter to follow me through the back room and upstairs. I shut the last light off on my way up, and yawned as I made my way to bed.

They say new towns are new beginnings…we’ll see what this one has to offer.
It was a new day today and it was about time for Seren to wake up form her sleep. Ever since her debut she was told she needed to live in better living space. Sere found no need in moving and argued with all her might that if she did move , she would loose herself. Her manager didn't understand and had asked her to do further explain. She told him that when debut singers or band move they become different not their selves. She didn't want to do that so she stayed home. Aren agreed with her on her statement but told her to live with him, since there was no chaos going on. They only lived a few blocks away so she had no real problem with it so she moved in with him.

Her dreams were going like clock work. One ending and another beginning. One though made her turn on her side. Her smile crossing over her face as she giggled. She was in the music shop. playing the guitar and singing out loud. It was fun and the song she had went perfect with the music she was playing. The people in the shop would stare and she would just continue on. Her smile faded as she thought about singing out loud. She wasn't really afraid just a little scared maybe. She hate rejection , and the crowd giving her that would probably make her cry.

A hand was on he shoulder, which made her twitch her eyes a little before opening them. "You need to shower and come eat." Seren looked over at him, he was a mess more than her. His glasses were tilted sideways and his hair was messy like none other. She smiled a little as she slowly sat up, pushing the pillow to the side and the knitted blanket on to the floor. She turned toward him and pushed up his glasses and set them right. She pulled away to stretch up toward the sky, her small voice releasing a huge yawn as she smiled. "it's a good day Aren."

Aren stood back up as he touched the rim of his glasses. "You only say that because were going back to that place." Seren moved her head to the side as he looked out of the window. The newspaper came early today, and the sun was just stating to rise. It looked dull outside, the blue clouds hung over the area but soon you could tell that it would drift apart. She looked away again toward Aren as she slid from underneath the covers and on to her feet. She had on a long sweater since she wasn't comfortable with gowns and pajama sets. "Shower then right." Aren nodded as he stepped a side so she could make her way there.

"There's a towel and wash cloth in there for you to use." Seren waved him a thank you, as she entered the bathing area and closed the door. She was always amazed with his shower. It was big and had yellow and black curtains. The toilet seat was always up , and had a fresh roll of tissue every morning even when it didn't need it. The hooks that held each set of towels were changed out every night, leaving her to look at all the different designs. And he always had a fresh bar of soap in the shower and on the sink. " Perfect" She looked around. He always did things perfectly.

Aren was down the stairs , a little under her to where he could hear her start the shower. He sighed a little when he fixed the eggs, the bacon and some toast. He knew she didn't eat much and that was bad for her. Everyday he would try to add a little more than the last but by the team it would be a full meal she would have noticed by then. He put the plate down and leaned against the counter, eating a strip from the pan. "Music shop huh." Why was she so interested he thought. She coudld use his guitar anytime, why was that day so different.

His thoughts stopped when the shower did. He looked up toward the ceiling then down toward the ground. He slid himself from the counter to start moving toward the upstairs. Seren already dried off and was now on her first layer of her yukata. Aren coughed as he came up behind her with a towel, drying of her wet ends. "Why do you where those things." Seren looked back at him then thought for a moment. "Well you see, I think it goes great with my personality." She smiled as she put on the last layer then the ribbon. She shooed Aren's hand away so she could put her hair up like she always does.

Aren laughed as he slid on his shoes that were in the corner of the room. Seren was already walking downstairs when he was able to tie the last shoe. He sighed as he walked down stairs and saw her pick out her plate. "You should eat more." Seren only shrugged her shoulders as she smiled. "I am ok, I have been doing this since forever, you know it was hard to feed everyone so I got the little stuff." Her body had already accepted that to, so it would irritate her if she ate anymore.

Aren looked outside and saw the clouds parting. "The driver is off today." Seren put her plate away as she walked toward the door, grabbing his hand and walking out. "It's a good day to walk, and it's not to far away." She looked down ,watching her steps as she went, her hand still holding on to Aren's . Aren smiled when her cold hand touched his. He looked away after seeing her glance back. "Alright, whatever you say.
or perhaps we could just stay with each other for a little while since we haven't really had the chance to do that here lately i think it would be a nice thing to do. You seem to be waiting something before you can totally give yourself to me. It worries me what that might be but i know what i can do for you and that i would give it all to you with out any second thought. I won't ask what is holding you back but what ever it is i shall find it and erase any second thought doubt and fear from you so you can be mine and mine alone." He leaned forward slightly and playfully flicked her head and grinned at her.
(GoG please wait before skipping to the next day, its still mid afternoon and there are other characters who haven't even gotten to work yet)
(how does the time in this role play work , I was confused because when he went to sleep I thought the time would just elapse into the next day)
time won't change until star says it does, so when star goes to sleep and all other charas are asleep as well then it progresses to the next day if i am not mistaken))
(Behave now, if I recall you were in the SB last night when hollow mentioned his character sleeping at weirs times. And it fine, I just don't want anyone left behind. There are just some miscommunications. Now let's spread love and happiness, and have a good rp.)
Álvaro led her on through the massive crowds, mostly exiting the failing train, pushed away by the current of people, darting off the train into the platforms, some waiting for another, electrically well - functioning, carriage, others going towards the escalators leading to the surface - entrance staircases, conveniently placed in front of the park gates, open from six in the morning until midnight.

Álvaro glanced at Esther, feeling pulled away by the crowds, percieving how anxious she was actually feeling, punctuated by her squeezing his hand. After seconds which felt like sticky, slow minutes, he finally managed to get both himself and Esther out of the sliding door zone, into the less densely crowded platforms. A few sparks were falling from the ceiling because of the electrician's work in the lights. She looked shaken and dizzy, obviously in need to catch her breath. He led her to the platform benches, a now worried and serious look on his face. He obviously hadn't comprehended how serious her fears about the crowds and the dark were. He would of had led her outside to the park instead, but she looked too dizzy to even get to the escalators.

(Pardon my short post, busy somewhat.)
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and star to let you know i will be leaving for Europe Tuesday and i will not post often and when i am able i can't say that i will be on as often.))

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