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Love sick

"I bet you did." He says with a teasing laugh. This just didn't seem real but a part of him was screaming at him this was wrong while the part he chose to listen to was glad to have her back. Even if this was just for tonight he didn't care.
Alyssa knew there was a part in both of them telling them not to be doing this but Alyssa didn't care. "Oh I did. I love you Jayden Woods." Alyssa was exhausted out but she didn't want to go to sleep. She was afraid if she did, Jayden wouldn't be here in the morning and just that thought scared her.

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His hands found the way to her hair as he began to stroke it, his own eyes finding sleep. When she woke in the morning he was still there holding her against his chest as he watched her sleep peacefully. He had to get up soon though to pick the kids up from their friends houses.
Alyssa woke up a little after Jayden and smiled softly as she noticed he was still holding her close. She leaned up and kissed him softly as she let out a content sigh. "I love you." She whispered and then looked at the time. She sadly had work today and she knew Jayden had to go get the kids. "I have work in an hour. Hopefully we can have another night like this soon again Jay. I don't want to go back to being just friends." She admitted.

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"We'll talk about it later." Jayden says while he got up and went into his older dresser for the clothes he left. If was strange how a simple gesture brought back so many memories. Getting dressed he fathered his things.
Alyssa let out a content sigh as she watched Jayden get dressed. Everything trigger a memory to mind and they were all memories she missed. She heard her front door open and then heard Sadie. "So how was yalls night." She called out and Alyssa looked at Jayden with a laugh.

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Jayden held his finger to his lips as he walked out of the room. "It was rather boring actually, can I leave now?" He asked sounding irritated. After all Sadie and Alex put them through they deserved to think the two did anything but hit it off.
Sadie looked at Jayden and sighed as she saw Alyssa walk out and completely ignore Jayden but looked like she wanted to cry. "What the hell did you do. We tried to help you guys." Sadie said as she sighed. Her and Alex totally thought the couple would hit it off again.

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"Maybe you shouldn't open an old can of worms." Jayden says with crossed arms. Despite the fact this was all for show it was annoying that their friends got involved. Sighing dramatically Jayden looked over to Aly and back to Sadie. "I'm going, I have things to do." He says heading for the door but winked to Aly when Sadie wasn't looking.
Alyssa shook her head at Sadie when Sadie wasn't looking and when Jayden left, Sadie walked over to Alyssa and held her close. "I'm so sorry Aly." She whispered and Aly began to cry in her friends arms. "I have work Sadie. I need to get ready." She said then walked off to her room and when alone, she texted Jayden with a laugh. "You're so mean but I think we scared them pretty darn good. Tell the babies I said hi and that I'll be there for Arabella's game tonight." She then got dressed and went to work. Everyone looked at her with shock. Alyssa was glowing of happiness and they didn't know why.

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Jayden picked the kids ups and then took them for breakfast, seeing the text from their mother he laughed to himself. "I am not, they just needed to learn a lesson." When the kids finished breakfast Jayden told Bella what her mother had said and walked the kids to the car. On their way there he spotted a young woman on the ground as people began to crowd around her. Having a feeling something was wrong Jayden took the kids hands and quickly ran for her. In the mix of the chaos he managed to make his way to the front when he informed a bystander he was a doctor. Upon closer look it was obvious the woman had been shot. Letting go of the kids he moved them of to the side and turned his attention to the woman as someone called for help. First thing he needed to do was calm her down because she was frightened and losing blood fast. "You're going to be alright." He whispers. "My name is Jayden and I'm here to help. What's your name?" He asks as he worked. Ripping through her shirt he got to her wound and saw it was pretty bad. Placing his hand on it he applied pressure in hopes to low the bleeding down. There's wasn't much he could do in this situation.
Alyssa arrived at the field and when she saw what was happening, she ran over and felt her kids hug her. "Shhh it's okay. Daddys going to take care of it." She told them and hugged them as both seemed frightened from the crowd. Soon Sadie and Alex got here and the kids went straight to them as Alyssa immediately called for an ambulance. She saw the girl was beyond scared and now Alyssa wanted to know who exactly shot her. Alyssa couldn't help but want to take this case if there would be one.

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Jayden could see at this point what he was doing wasn't much help, she was fading fast. Calling out to Alyssa he took off his own shirt and had her take over what he had been doing while he started CPR until the ambulance arrived. He had no clue who this woman was since she was unable to answer his questions but he knew she probably has a family and this was no way to go. He needed to do everything he could to keep her stable to make it to the hospital,
Alyssa ran over when Jayden called for her. She did what she told him and when she felt the blood on her hands, she felt weak but didn't show it. She sighed and when the ambulance arrived, she told Jayden to go with her and she would take care of the kids. She heard a person calling out mommy and when she looked, she saw a three year old crying. Alyssa's heart broke. She knew it had to be the woman's son. "I'll take care of him. You go." She said and ran over to the boy and held him close. "Shh. Jaydens going to help your mom I promise." She said. He clung to her and it broke Alyssa's heart.

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Jayden nodded and went with, when they arrived they took the woman into emergency surgery and Jayden went to clean up from the ordeal. Remembering the sound of her son's pleasing was enough to wreck him, he would feel responsible if she didn't make it. Though Jayden knew Alyssa would watch over the little boy he wondered if she had anyone else, like a husband.
Alyssa told everyone to move on as she held the little boy close, Arabella and Landen staying close by their mother. Alyssa continued to clear the scene and when police arrived, told them what she knew. "If a case opens up will you take it Alyssa?" The chief asked her and she blinked. She hadn't had faith in herself for a major case. She hadn't had one in seven years but she agreed. Alyssa left the scene and went to the station with the chief as they worked on details of the women. Arabella and Landen were a huge help because they gave the little boy name Ryan comfort and distracted him from the event for now. Alyssa learned the woman's name and found out she was a single mom. No family lived near by and then she also noticed her son was the only thing she had. Alyssa had to call and tell Jayden what they knew about her. About Clarissa.

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When Jayden's phone range he answered it in a.n instant. When he learned what Alyssa found out he felt awful, Clarissa had to pull through, for her son. Jayden was still in the waiting room waiting for news.
"Call me and let me know about what you hear. I'm working with the chief. They're trying to find out who shot her." Alyssa explained as she let out a deep sigh. "Jayden, he asked if we can take care of Ryan for now. I will. I'll take him to my house. He refuses to go with anyone else." She told him then heard the chief call her. "I think they found a lead. I'll call you later." She said then hung up.

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Once they hung up Jayden continued to wait for Clarissa to make it out of the OR. Meanwhile Sadie brought him a new shirt since he didn't have one on. When Jayden saw the surgeon he stood up to hear the news.
(You can decide what happens. If she passes, j had an idea.)

Alyssa stayed at the station and when they were able to bring material back, they began to look into what all happened. Alyssa went to the room the kids were in and smiled at them playing with Ryan. When Ryan saw Alyssa, he smiled and asked, "Mommy?" Alyssa felt her stomach drop and she walked over. "She'll be okay." She whispered and hugged him close and her kids joined in the hug.

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(That they take him? Yeah me too [emoji23] But I think it's best for Jayden if she doesn't.)

When Jayden heard the news she pulled through he was relieved. As the doctors went back to check on her Jayden called Alyssa back to tell her the news. Walking into the room after he hung up the phone he approached Clarissa gently and explain who he and Alyssa were and that Alyssa was bringing Ryan shortly.

(Brb movie.)
(Love how we thought the same thing. [emoji23] but yeah for Jayden its best if he doesn't and okay.)

Clarissa smiled weakly at Jayden and nodded. "Thank you so much for the help." She told him and when she heard Ryan come in, she hugged him gently. "Hey baby boy." She whispered and Ryan clung to his mother tightly. Clarissa looked over at the family standing and smiled. "Thank you so much. You and Jayden make a great team." She told them with a laugh and Alyssa smiled. "I just wanted to let you know if you want to a case will open. I'm willing to take it and help you." Clarissa smiled softly and nodded. "Id appreciate that honestly." She whispered.

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Jayden smiled at Ryan reunited with his mom. Those were the moments that made his long hours and exhausting days worth all his effort. He was glad he was able to help.
Alyssa nodded and walked out of the room and smiled at Arabella and Landen. "Let's go get dinner mom." Arabella said as she smiled and Alyssa laughed. "Okay. Yall pick where." She told them then looked at Jayden with a smile.

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Jayden nodded at their request and followed them out to the car. When they were all seated he turned to Bella. "Sorry you didn't get to play today Princess." He says while he knew she would understand he still felt bad.

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