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Love Never Dies: Secrets Revealed (Melody and Taboo)

"I won't forget." Meg told him, packing all of Erik's work and some sheet music as well. "Don't worry, Erik. I can handle it." Meg walked around the area, packing everything that they would possibly need for their journey. "That's everything." Madame Giry thought about what to answer with. "Hmm, we can use this." She pulled from the closet the same device Erik used to get the organ down here in the first place.
Erik nodded, beginning to take the pipes off the front of the organ and packing them away before loading the instrument itself onto the device he used to bring it down here. As he turned around, he began to feel his emotions catching up to him because of the tragedy that had so recently happened in his home. "You two go ahead with the packed luggage. I will take this up in a minute. I must grab some things." He said as he went to his room.

On his bed, Erik saw the veil he had given Christine with the wedding dress he had given her. Feeling tears in his eyes he lifted it off the bed gently, trying to maybe feel her warmth from it. He found little comfort in holding it and decided to go back about his business after tearing a small piece of it off and tucking it into his pocket. Quickly, he found a chain to put the ring on so that he wouldn't lose it and grabbed a bundle of little notes that Christine had written him, all of which he had kept. The feelings that seeing these things had brought to him made him have to sit down on his bed and let his head fall into his hands as a tear fell down his cheek.
The women waited just outside the room with their luggage. Meg got that same sick feeling of dread, knowing what was holding the man back for so long. "Erik?" She returned to him. "Erik, please, let me help you through this pain." Completely out of character for what you would normally think of Meg, she sat on the bed next to him and placed a soft, loving, tender kiss on his lips. "Erik, I want to make it better." She whispered. "Please, just this once."
Erik practically jumped into a stand, his eyebrows pulled together. "Meg Giry!" He said loudly in surprise, looking angry for just a moment before taking a deep breath. "You are too young. . . you do not yet understand anything." He grumbled, turning away from her. "This agony will not go away until..." He trailed off shaking his head. "I can forgive your naivety. Soon you'll come to understand." He turned away from her, putting the letters and a couple of his drawings into a small bag. "You have yet to feel the burn and pain that only true love brings."
"I understand. I'm sorry." She got up as well, hands over her face and sprinted from the room, crying. Soon, she was back with her mother, helping her to ready everything for the journey. "Meg, dear, are you alright?" Her mother asked as they loaded the very few things they had in the shack. "I-I'm alright, Mother." Meg was still crying as she said this. "I'm alright."
Erik packed the rest of his personal belongings, quickly shaking off the ordeal with Meg as her youth and naivety. He stood for just a moment longer in his room, reminiscing about the past and Christine. He remembered putting her in his own bed to sleep after showing himself to her for the first time. Then came the less positive memory of her returning the ring and leaving for the last time. He touched the little monkey music box, playing the song one last time. "Masquerade... paper faces on parade. Masquerade... hide your face so the world will never find you..." He sang along quietly, before putting it back and letting a tear or two fall.

With a long sigh, Erik took his small trunk of belongings and went back up the long tunnel to the surface of the earth. He went into the shack, his face not betraying his emotions inside. "Are we about ready to leave?" He asked, looking around the shack absentmindedly. "I would like to be rid of this place and its memories
"Of course we can leave, Erik." His mother, for all intents and purposes, told him with a smile. Meanwhile, under the opera house, a man found a little note, telling him where to take the Persian monkey music box. It seemed to be a sort of will. "To Christine de Chagney, also Christine Daae." He picked it up gingerly and carried it outside to do as the note asked. "If you are ready, we can leave now." Madame Giry told him. "Follow me." Her voice was soft as she led him and her daughter away for the last time. "We'll be happy." Meg took Erik's hand too.
"Happy?" Erik laughed somewhat bitterly. "That is no longer an option for me." He said, grabbing the organ and his trunk as he followed them. He took one last glance at the Paris Opera House, knowing that soon, the tragedy of the Phantom of the Opera would soon be just a legend.
Soon, very soon, the family was on board the next ship to America. "Erik, I know you are hurting, but try to.understand that this is for the best." Meg helped him load what wasn't needed at the time into the cargo hold (the organ) . "Now, Meg, enough." Madame Giry's voice was soft. "Our friend needs time, that's all." "Yes, Mother." Meg left him, kissing his temple on the way out.
Erik sighed, pushing his hair back in exasperation. "Madame Giry, you must speak with Meg." He said after Meg had left the room. "She is mistaking infatuation for love and she will get hurt if she isn't warned." He pursed his lips, hoping Madame Giry would understand where he was coming from. "She is young, life has been kind to her. If she continues with this, it will only cause pain. Do not make me be the one to break her heart."
"But, you are the one that needs to talk to her." Madame Giry told him. "She is in love with you and is hurt that you can't get over Christine." She told him as she sat in an armchair. "She is not in love with me, therefore I don't need to talk to her." The older woman explained.
Erik sighed in exasperation and put a hand over his eyes. "She is not in love, she is infatuated." He grumbled, lifting his head to show a face of aggravation. "How am I supposed to just get over the only woman I will ever love?" He threw up his arms, still showing exasperation. "Christine was the only woman to listen, she gave me hope. Meg is a young girl who understands nothing yet." With another sigh, he turned around and ran a hand through his hair, beginning to relax. "Besides, she is your daughter and I am not here to teach her lessons."
"Very well. I will talk to her." Madame Giry left him alone to follow Meg into her room, but Meg wasn't there. The only thing that was there, was a suicide note. The note read as follows:

Dear Erik and Mother,

I am sorry for all the trouble I have caused you. All I was trying to do was help both of you transition as best I could. But, I can see that I am not Christine, and will therefore never be worthy of someone that I cared about dearly. I will always be grateful for the time that I got to spend with you and hope that Christine comes to her senses one day. You deserve each other.

Meg Giry.
Erik sat in the armchair that Madame Giry was sitting in before and rested his head in his hand that was propped up on the arm rest. "Perhaps I am overreacting. . . Meg does not know what she speaks of." He whispered to himself, knowing he might have overreacted just a little bit. He sat there for a few minutes before pulling himself up from the chair and slowly going towards Meg's door. Lurking by the door, he tried to listen in on Madame Giry's conversation with Meg and see if it was going well. He stood there for a minute or two, but didn't hear anything, making him worry just a little bit. Although he knew there might be something wrong, he couldn't bring himself to intrude into the room.
Madame Giry came back through, slamming the door open and screaming. "The gun is gone!" She was frantic as she said this. "The gun is gone and so is my daughter!" Her voice was high and shrill, panicky. "God! Meg, where are you!" She called over the heads of the people, finally spotting Meg standing on the ledge of the boat, ready to jump off.
Erik jumped back to avoid being hit by the door, and upon hearing Madame Giry's cries, he looked to where she was looking. "Meg . . . Meg!" He cried out before running through the large crowd of people. He got to Meg and stopped to look up at her. "Meg, do not jump! This is not the solution." He said, grabbing onto her arm to keep her back. "I know this hurts you now and you feel robbed of love, but this is not the solution. I understand you feel alone and you think without my love there is no point." His voice was soft and soothing as he tried to convince her to come down from the ledge. "I've felt like this my whole life and there are times when I almost ended it all. But you must understand there are still people who need you. Just ask yourself, can you leave me and your mother alone in this world? Are you capable of leaving your poor old mother to survive with me, alone in America, where we will have nothing?"
Meg struggled to jump off. "Let go of me!" She tried to pull away, but it was no use. She still had a back up plan and reached into her dress pocket for it. Pulling the gun out, she stuck it to her temple. "Let go or I'll shoot!" She warned. "Let go! You never thought of anyone but your previous little Christine! That's all! She left you and you never thanked us!" Meg trembled where she stood. "I'll gladly leave you behind."
Erik let go of Meg's arm and put his hands up for a moment before dropping them to his side. "Meg..." He began, keeping his eyes on her and the gun. "Christine is no longer in my life because of no one but myself. What I had done caused her to leave, she's not the terrible person you think she is." He said, taking a step closer to her. "If you want, when we get to America, I can disappear from your life and you can forget me. I am begging that you stay alive so your mother does not have to go through the suffering of her only child dying before she does" He reached a hand towards her, offering to help her down from the ledge. "Please, Meg. I know you're suffering now, but you must think of your mother."
That caused Meg to stop and think about this for a moment. "But, before you disappear, I want to do something with you." She stepped down. "Just once. That's all I ask." She took his hand and led him toward her room, locked it, and things got more intense from there.
Erik took Meg's hands, stopping them before she went to take off his clothes. "Meg, I need you to understand that I cannot do this." He said softly, looking over her head to avoid eye contact. "I care about you, but we are not the same." He sighed, walking away from her and grabbing the gun from a table by the door. "I am sorry to do this, but I have no choice." He stood by the door and picked up the key, about to leave.
Meg let him go, considering it was late, but went to bed screaming her head off because she wasn't loved by anyone. She never would be, and it was all that Christine's fault! Why couldn't Erik have met her first? Why couldn't he forget Christine and help Meg get through life. "What do you mean that we aren't the same? What do you mean, Erik?" She asked herself as she cried herself to sleep.
Erik sat back in the armchair and let his head fall into his hands. Surely it wasn't his fault that Meg was about to do such a terrible thing. He was only doing what was best for her. Despite this, he couldn't help but feel just a little bit guilty. But on the other hand, all she wanted from him was to have a night of pleasure with him, when she knew his heart could only belong to Christine.
Meg woke the next morning before her mother could and tiptoed from the room to the railing where she was about to jump off yesterday, but she wasn't going to try it again. Instead, she just sank to her knees and cried. Unbeknownst to Meg, she was being watched by people like Erik.
Erik caught sight of Meg by the railing again, and remembering her attempt at suicide yesterday, he went outside to see her. He saw that she was crying, and hesitated to speak to her, feeling that he might just upset her more. Shaking off this feeling, he silently approached her. "It's quite early to be awake, Meg." He said, looking over the railing into the vast body of water around the boat. "What is keeping you awake?"
Meg, startled by Erik, jerked her head up from her spot on the ground and sighed. "Oh, it's you." She remained on the ground still, her knees to her chest. "I-I'm just fine." Meg's curls fell down past her chest and now rested on her stomach. "I just wanted some air, that's all." She got up and started walking away. "It's nothing, really. Please, just go away."

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