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Love Never Dies: Secrets Revealed (Melody and Taboo)

Raoul sighed, not understanding Christine's distress over a man who had tried to kill him so recently. He kissed her forehead gently, trying to comfort her. "Christine, tomorrow we'll be married and you can forget this tragedy. Although it is upsetting now, we are better off with him gone." He whispered to her, keeping his voice gentle despite the confusion he felt.

Turning to face Meg again, Raoul smiled apologetically to her, knowing her mother was close with Erik. "Send my condolences to your mother. I know she must be feeling a lot of pain." He said quietly to her, trying his best to hide his true feelings about Erik. "You and your mother are always welcome here." Feeling that Christine most likely needed alone time, he started to lead Meg towards the door.
"Raoul, thank you." Christine sobbed, falling to the ground in her despair as they left, squeezing her teacher's mask in her hand still. "God, this is my fault!" She screamed. Meg nodded toward Raoul and followed him out. "You're right, and, thank you. You may not have seen it, but he was a good man."
Once they were at the door, Raoul sighed quietly. "I do not mean to speak ill of the dead, but I can't see how." He shook his head, still confused on how people could see good in a man that had murdered plenty of people, one of them being Raoul. "He was hardly human last night... He tied me up and threatened to end my life if Christine didn't marry him." He tried to explain, before remembering that the Girys were close with him. "I apologize for speaking rudely, do not mind my words. It is just that I am still confused about this Phantom." He sighed as he opened the door for Meg. "Please do keep in touch. I know Christine would not be able to handle losing any more people." He said, kissing her hand gratefully. "Thank you for bringing us the news Miss Giry. Although it may hurt for Christine, it's a relief to know she's safe now."
Meg followed, listening to how cruel the Vicomte could be toward another human. "He's still a man. He deserves a peaceful rest. I just pray that you'll forgive him one day, as you expect me to forgive you, sir." As he kissed her hand, she curtsied to him. "It's a pleasure to see you, Vicomte de Chagney." She kissed his cheek and left.
When Meg was gone, Raoul went back to Christine, his mind still shocked that they didn't see what he saw in Erik that night. The monster was moments away from killing him! He might have had a change of heart at the last moment, but Raoul didn't think it was justified. He crouched down next to Christine, putting his arms around her. "Christine, you should try to get some rest before our happy hour comes. Try not to let this tragedy affect our happiness." He kissed her cheek, lifting her from the ground to take her to her room so she might have some rest.
Christine didn't even mind when she was lifted by Raoul. She wasn't going to move from that spot of her own accord. That much she knew, so, having Raoul handle her just made things easier. "My dearest friend is dead, Raoul. There is no happiness anymore." She sobbed, soaking his shirt again. "He was so close to me that it hurts that he's gone." She kept weeping. Still, she nodded to him. "I swear that this will not effect us in any way." She still clutched the mask.
Raoul carried Christine all the way to her room, quietly trying to console her as he put her in bed. "It's all going to be alright, I will take care of you Christine." He kissed her softly on the cheek and wiped the tears from her face. "Just rest my dear betrothed, we shall soon forget this sorrow. I promise to make you happy." He stroked her hair, holding her close as she cried before giving her one last kiss on the head and going towards the door. "I will be in the room just to the left of this one if you should need anything. Good night Little Lotte."

Meanwhile, in the shack, Erik was tossing and turning in his restless sleep. Each of his dreams were only Christine being just beyond his reach. He still felt the pain from what he had done, even if it meant that Christine would be happy and never feel this loneliness that he had always felt. In his feverish dreams, he would catch glimpses of Christine in the woods, dodging behind trees and slipping in and out from his sight, always just out of his reach. The hours that were supposed to be giving him a sense of rest and peace, only made him more exhausted.
Christine, or, as Raoul addressed her, Little Lotte, couldn't stop crying, even when she was placed in bed and her fiance wiped her tears. "Th-Thank you, R-Raoul." Christine choked on her own words. "G-Good n-night." She curled up under the covers and cried herself to sleep, thinking of her 'dead' friend. "Wait, Raoul!" She shot up in bed, wide awake. "Can you please sing with me, just one song. It will make me feel better." She felt her stomach.
Raoul went back to Christine's bedroom and sat on the bed next to her, taking on of her hands. "Anything for you Lotte." He said, kissing her on her cheek. "No more talk of darkness, forget these wide-eyed fears. I'm here, nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you. Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears. I'm here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you." He wrapped his arms around her as he sang to her his words of love, hoping they'd comfort her and make her forget Erik.
Christine laid her head on Raoul's shoulder, smiling as she took his hand and stroked it with her thumb. "Say you'll love me every waking moment, turn my head with talk of summer time." She now looked directly at him, as if he were performing the motions as she sang. "Say you need me with you now and always. Promise me that all you say is true." She kissed his hand. "That's all I ask of you."
Raoul grabbed both of Christine's hands as he began to sing, his hopeful eyes staring lovingly into hers. "Let me be your shelter, let me be your light." He gently stroked he cheek, a small smile on his face as he sang. "You're safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you." He hugged her close to his body, finally feeling that she was past her distress over Erik.
Christine laid back against Raoul, taking in his words, his song, even his smell. "All I want is freedom, a world with no more night," she took his hand and brought it to her cheek, smiling at him, "and you, always beside me, to hold me and to hide me." She kissed his cheek.
"Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Let me lead you from your solitude." Raoul rested his head on Christine's, still singing softly so it might not disturb the quiet of the night. "Say you need me with you here, beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too." He stroked her hair, gently moving it off her face. "Christine, that's all I ask of you."
Christine couldn't stop the wonderful feelings that came from Raoul simply being around her. "Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime. Say the word and I will follow you." She turned around to face him now. Clearly, she loved him more than Erik. When Raoul joined in, Christine's smile was broadened. "Share each day with me, each night, each morning. Say you love me." She hugged his neck.
As Christine sang, Raoul slowly began to lean in closer, only pulling back a little to reply. "You know I do." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her. "Love me, that's all I ask of you." He sang with her, one of his hands going behind her neck before he kissed her, just as passionately as that night on the rooftop.
Before Christine knew it, she was smashed into the most passionate kiss she's had since kissing Erik, not hours before. "Anywhere you go, let me go too! Love me, that's all I ask of you." Her voice got softer toward the end. "Raoul, I love you so much."
Raoul smiled, holding Christine close to him again. "I love you too, Christine." He replied before kissing her again. "Now you must get some rest. It's been a long, weary night and it's a big day tomorrow." He whispered, standing from the bed and giving her one last kiss on the forehead. "Good night Christine. Sleep well." He smiled, going to the door of her room.
"Good night, my love." She whispered as he put her to bed. "I cannot wait to meet you at the altar tomorrow evening." She was blushing now. "It will be such a romantic night." With those final words, she closed her eyes tight, similar to a little girl going to bed on Christmas Eve.
"Erik..." Madame Giry shook Erik's shoulder, trying to wake him. He groaned in response, not feeling at all rested and still not in a better mood. "Meg has returned from the Vicomte's home. She delivered your message to them." She tugged at his hand gently in an attempt to get him up. He eventually pulled himself up into a sitting position, keeping his head down until he had put on his mask.

"Tell me, what did they have to say?" Erik grumbled before shaking his head with a bitter smile. "I can assume they were pleased to hear this Angel of Death was no longer going to bother them." He chuckled, but his voice showed the true bitterness he felt about what he had done, but not as much as one would think. After all, Christine had made her choice. She never promised him anything, even after he promised everything.
Meg entered the shack, feeling quite ill, though that was more than likely from her own imaginings. She took on look at Erik and knew that what was done, she could not undo. Only Erik could, if he wished it, over time. "Erik, I..." she cast Madame Giry a pathetic glance before she continued. "You're dead, sir." She whispered with a smile. "There's nothing I can do to help you now." She sat in a chair near the bed. "I did as you asked me. Christine was feeling quite awful when she found out." She wiped her puffy face. "But, she is happy now. You did your best."
Erik only nodded, his face going back to the usual, unreadable way it looked, no longer showing any emotion. "Just as planned." He mumbled to himself before standing from the bed. "How soon can we leave this place?" He asked, going towards the window and looking out. His mind was still filled with the bittersweet thoughts of Christine. There were still feelings of shame from what he'd done after swearing his love, but knew she would be happier with Raoul. Raoul with his youth and beautiful face that seemed to Christine more beneficial than Erik's genius and undying love.
"We can leave as soon as you want, but our ship leaves at four o'clock tomorrow afternoon." Madame Giry held out the schedule for the local docks and three tickets aboard it. "That gives us time to take our things and go, in case you wished for me to go back and procure your instrument for you." She offered. "I know how much you need that, then, there's all the work that you still have left down below."
Erik put his hand in his pocket and leaning on the window sill with his other arm. "I suppose I should go down there. . . just to grab my instrument and some blank sheet music." He said, looking at the Opera House through the window, almost not wanting to return to the lower level because of what happened. He pressed his lips together before starting towards the door. "Are the two of you going to wait here or go back to the Opera?" He asked, not looking at them as he stood at the door, about to leave.
"I believe you'll need help, won't you?" Madame Giry asked him. "Your organ is quite heavy." She ushered Meg out with them, smiling at the idea of one last look at their home. "Come, Meg." She pushed her down the hill and onto the Opera Populair grounds. "I will make sure that everything is safe." Meg offered, moving through the tunnel and into Erik's home. The whole place looked sad, deserted. "I can't believe it." She gathered some clothes for all three of them and a few spare masks and dumped that all into an empty box while Madame Giry grabbed one end of the organ.
Erik followed them silently, his mind clearly being elsewhere. Once inside he glanced at Meg who was packing the trunk. "Don't forget blank sheet music. I'll grab my little bit of money before we go." He said, before grabbing the other end of the organ, "How are we going to carry this with us everywhere?" He asked, lifting it with only a little bit of difficulty. "It is going to be rather burdening, don't you think?"

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