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Fandom Love And War { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke looked at the people in the hallways and bit his lip. He noticed that Ravi was quiet and he had a feeling he knew why. Luke squeezed his hand gently and leaned over, kissing his head. "It's okay Ravi. It'll all be okay." He said as they entered the cafeteria and stood in line for food. "Hey Luke! Where's the rest of your family?" Wyatt called as he joined them in line. "I don't know, I didn't see them after they went for a walk. I wonder if they even came back from the walk." Luke replied as Wyatt tilted his head. He figured he could use the 'I don't know where they went' with most of them, and he'd speak to Jerry and Isaac with a little more detail. "Huh. I hope they didn't just leave, they were all so good at their jobs." Wyatt commented as they waited for their turn to grab breakfast.
Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

This line of questioning was not terrifying at all. They didn’t know. This was accurate. They did not know where any of the rest of the family was. That was not their fault. They did not go on the walk with them and therefore do not know what happened. They really did not know. Ravi stayed quiet during the conversation, because frankly it was terrifying and he was not prepared to have to answer any questions. Well, until they were grabbing their breakfasts and Laura was looking at him with that all-knowing smile of hers. “Where’s the rest of the clan? I haven’t seen them in a while.” Ravi nervously shook his head. “I…I don’t know.” Laura took this to mean that Ravi too was worried. “Should we do something? Like tell people? If they’re all missing, could that mean something happened? Do you think it was the scars? What if there’s some sort of infiltration-“ “No!” Ravi’s eyes grew wide as he burst. He sucked in a deep breath as he grabbed his food and tried to walk away. “I mean… we just don’t know. It’s… it’s probably… fine?” He then very quickly moved away.
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Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke looked at Ravi as Wyatt listened to his conversation with Laura. "I don't think they're missing." He said quietly, taking his food as he gently moved Ravi away. "It's fine." He whispered into his ear as he led the way to their table. The one that was quiet now that it was just the two of them. Okay, so he hadn't considered them asking if they were missing or possibly inquiring about sending a search party after them. He would need to spin a little story and if he told the right people, like the gossipers and Isaac. Everything would still be fine. "Ravi, breathe. You did good." He said softly, pressing his leg to Ravi's gently as he sat down with him at the table.
Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Ravi hoped more than anything that he really did do good. He was afraid that he was going to leave Laura with a feeling like they knew something, which they did, and then act on her suspicions. Even if she did not think that Ravi and Luke knew anything, and why would they not, she could still want to proceed with this investigation. When he sat at the table, he shoved his elbows onto the top and his hands against his cheeks and temples. He closed his eyes and breathed in and out as heavily as he could. “I’m breathing.” It was a pathetic attempt at sounding like he was not incredibly overwhelmed. “I- I- I am breathing.” The feeling of Luke’s leg helped.
Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke looked at Ravi as he saw him shove his elbows on the table top, and his hands were against his cheeks and temples. He shifted so the rest of his body was pressed against his partner. "I know. But I can also see you're getting overwhelmed." He said. Luke wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Ravi, look at me. Baby. Breathe with me, in.. and out.. Slowly. Even if they initiate some kind of search, they can't pin it on us. That's why we left separately remember? It'll all be okay.. I promise." Luke said softly, rubbing his shoulder gently with his hand. He knew this was overwhelming, but he was trying to make it easier on his partner.
Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Ravi felt bad for feeling bad. They knew this would happen. They knew that when a very influential family disappeared, the rest of that family was going to be under fire. They agreed to this. It was okay. He breathed as he was told and nodded. “I know it will. I know.” He did. He was extremely worried, but he also had a lot of faith in this family. He knew that they all did what they could to make this easier on the two of them who stayed instead of going with everyone else. He nodded again. “I’m okay. I’m just” awkwardly himself. “Me.” Always true in every situation. “I can do this. Thank you.”
Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke knew that Isaac would have questions about the disappearance of the Smith clan and how they were all gone except for him and Ravi. He heard his words and he nodded, gently squeezing his hand. "I know. And I also know that you can do it." He said, kissing the side of his head as he finished his own meal. "When you're ready, I'll walk you to the ammunitions area before l go talk to Isaac." Luke said, smiling at Ravi gently.
Ravi Akuna
WLF Member | 25 | Current location ;; Washington

Occasionally, the incredibly selfish part of himself would remember a time before he knew Luke, and he would think about how it would have been easier in this moment if he hadn’t. He never would have found a best friend who truly understood him for who he was and not just the weird guy who was better at machines than with people. He never would have found a family that accepted him into their folds without a second thought. He never would have found love that blossomed like the Sunshine and Rainbows that they were. And he never would have had this trouble eating at him. Occasionally, when he thought about this, he allowed himself to say that yes, it would have been easier, but it also would have been a much sadder and harder life. He would take this momentary pain for the rest of a good life with Luke. He smiled. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Luke Smith
WLF Member | 21 | Current location ;; Washington

Luke looked at Ravi and smiled softly as he stood up, taking their trays for his partner. "I'll drop these off and be right back." He said, kissing Ravi gently before he moved and took care of the trays before coming back to Ravi. He still remembered when he first met Ravi, back when he was tagging along with his uncle to check out the ammunitions guys. He came to his partner's side and took his hand, squeezing it gently. "Alright beautiful, lets get heading." He said, turning to lead them to the cafeteria doors and opened it for Ravi so they could head through.

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